Free Britain

Time to kick Islam out of Britain

It is time to kick Islam and all of its followers out of Britain. They serve no purpose other than to push Islam. They have no allegiance to Britain or its Code of Laws.

It has become clear to my mind that the kingdom of heaven has predestined that kafirs should be reduced to a state of humiliation and treated with utter contempt. – Shah Wali-Allah (d. 1762), The Legacy of Jihad, Andrew G. Bostom, MD.

I am sick and tired of dhimmi liberal traitors lying to the media and the public about the true nature of Islam. It is not a religion of peace, it is an ideology of death and enslavement. Its followers view all non-Muslims as inferior, their cultures disgusting and their non-Islamic nations as cancers where Sharia Law is the only cure.

I despise Islam. It is a disgusting, vile, primitive, fascist totalitarian ideology. I hate proponents of this cult of death, as they walk through these free lands I was born into, preaching their hate and contempt for all others while claiming their ignorant religion means peace. Britain needs it like a hole in the head.

What does Islam actually bring to Britain, apart from division, ghettos, drains on taxes and resources? Why would Britain need Islam? What positive things does it bring that British people do not already have?

What is happening in Britain now is similar to what their raping, murdering, child molesting, lying, selfish, fascist ‘prophet’ did at the beginning of this disgusting religion of hate. To gain followers, Muhammad wrote Surahs preaching the tolerance and acceptance of other people and religions.

When he acquired riches and power (through violence and lies) he then changed his tune. No longer was it the case of infidels or kafirs being tolerated, it was now an ultimatum of three options. (These are the three options Islam gives you).

1. Convert to Islam.
2. Submit as an inferior citizen (dhimmi) and pay the non-Muslim tax, the Jizya.
3. Be killed.

As The Opinionator points out in THE EU ABETTED ISLAMIZATION OF EUROPE ACCELERATES, the EU is forcing everyone within its dictatorship to accept Islam. This is also an extension of the Barcelona Declaration.

Anyone who has actually researched Islam and the Quran will know that the goal of Islam is to bring the world into the house of Allah. That includes Britain, and, while living in taxpayer funded accomodation and spending your taxes on themselves, they scheme and plot against this nation.

Today, while walking through a street in London, I came across a poster on a bus stop, calling for the conversion of Britain to an Islamic state. I was going to tear them off, but I thought it would be a more effective message if I defaced them. One already had the word ‘bollocks’ written over it which brought a smile to my face. Here it is from the location;

You can view a large version of this here. It originally appears on their Islam4uk website. View both sides (front and back) here. It will however post a quote from it as it sums up Islam.

One day the Islamic flag will fly over Downing Street! – Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed

As far as the ‘Islam condemns violence’ line is concerned, that regards violence against innocent people. But Islam views all non-Muslims as guilty of not being Islamic, as this BBC interview will highlight;

‘Only Muslims are Innocent’ says Muslim on BBC

Regarding the religion of peace lie, that is only applicable to Muslims. It is peaceful if you are an Islamic state. All non-Islamic states must be conquered. Regarding acts of violence in the name of their religion, read this;

One third of British Muslim students think it is acceptable to kill in name of Islam

Still, our unelected rulers will believe Islam should be forced upon democratic nations, whether their people like it or not. Britain must be nicer to Muslims, says UN ‘human rights’ chiefs. Maybe they should read the Quran. As far as I’m concerned, Islam should be legally positioned as a subversive ideology, easily proven to be in violation of British law and the very essence of individual freedom.

Britain will never become an Islamic dictatorship. The treasonous government, being completely controlled by the Communist EU is actively pushing for the suppression of all dissent and questioning of Islam under the guise of ‘Islamophobia’. It is time the British stopped being afraid of speaking the truth. If you continue to blindly comply with the state it will definitely result in the downfall of Britain.

Note that it is the goal of all Muslim males to try and live their lives in the image of their prophet, so if you are curious as to how he did things, read this;

The Truth about Islam’s Prophet

1,578 Comments so far
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i would have thought the israelis served no purpose. unless you count worshiping, and taking of earth for the return of an alien squid as a god. moses did not run from ra out of egypt. he saved him/her/it. wake up.

Comment by walkndude

You little appologist faggot,id like to kick your fucking head in soons i meet youx

Comment by jim low

Fuck off you Islamic fuck wit…your trouble and your a virus…fuck off…your koran is SHIT..LIKE YOU

Comment by BBBBBBBBB

i dont understand

jasa pembuatan website

Comment by citandui

Kill All WOGS

Comment by Keith Clarke-Gibson III

Your manure bags need emptied asap because you are talking shit!

Comment by Maboza Ritchie

walkndude, all U are is a fuckin’ Muslim asshole, bitch! The Muslims are the evil ones, not the Israelis. You and all other Muslims are the Devil’s cult!

Comment by yo mama

Ye they are the ANTI Christ. It comes to something when whites are being refused to be served by Rag heads.
In our country. We never needed them out more . If there was a war , you would not see the cock roaches . They would have their asses back to paki land.
I can not stand the corrupt basterds

Comment by bobby ashworth

Export every muslim shithead to syria,find he biggest hydrogen bomb currently available and drop it on these heathen creatures.

Comment by gerard

Israel is the trouble in the world, no doubt about it. USA and UK are ruled by the Zionist bankers elite. Israel is against Orthodox Judaism. It’s a radical and racist extremist government, as evil as the devil. You are totally ignorant. or maybe not. Jesus said: the devil knows he has only a short time (that’s why he’s hell bent on destruction, using the Zionist movement as pawns! For his evil NWO.

Comment by girlznguitarz

Walkndude… I know its now 2011 and your Jew Hatred comment were made in 2008….. but I would just like to say you are a vile piece of muslim shit.

Comment by filthy kafur

Why do us english just complain, Do something or are we gutless.. we fought two world wArs to be free and stop an invasion by nazi Germany. now the silent invasion by these filthy stinking muslims who are raping our country and our women for breeding scum. Maybe we should have let hitler in
not to kill jews but destroy islam. Now we must wage war on these bastards instead of killing each other here in the uk
If we do it now we can win, if we leave it we will suffer and be
slaves to these scum. Ron

Comment by ron yates

I think the turds are insulted being compared to shit muslims.

Comment by DislkesCockroaches

Does it not occur to you that if the germans were not defeated by the rest of the idiot world we would not now be having this vile muslim problem.

Comment by gerard

Rather than believing what media says you should read about Islam yourself first, do some research rather than showing what a true Britain is ( who only knows how to get laid and be drunk and insult other cultures and religions and live a life without any goal)

Comment by Fae

Islam stinks. Medieval and Barbaric.

Comment by Johnny

Who told you to fuck their country.Who give you the permission to enter in their country and dystroy every thing what they got. So my love,its time to pay back. and soon PATHANS will fuck you all with his same dicks. black muslims, still your white pussy girls always preffered black dicks in their mouth. love black muslim dicks. and you fuckers don,t have a guts to have a sex with your own white girls.

Comment by khusro Daniel mirza

The saying is it takes nine months for a black bitch to have a shit. I think you black bastards get the meaning

Comment by ron yates

Go read a Bible mate, that’s where Islam got their ideas from. Old Testament full of wars. People were stoned to death, women had to cover heads, lots of impossible rules and regulations. The Mosiac Lawcode, read the OT it’s all in there!!! The Bible says only Jesus followers will have life, the rest will burn in hell. And you say Islam is wicked! Stop hating. You sound like a bunch of thugs.

Comment by girlznguitarz

Same here

Comment by Geraldine

Yes but with education over 2K years we no longer do stuff like it whereas you cretins still do so education is the key you bunch of pricks

Comment by Gord

Fucking muslim bag of slime.The day is near when we kick your faggot,scumbag kind out of our country,you dirty sack of paki pigshit.

Comment by exfoliator

Im not a big fan of the jews but irealy do hope to fuck they bomb the muslim cunt to shreads.

Comment by Mike

I would concur but,would add that the fucking day has already arrived to kick this pig vomit out of our country and drop a large atomic bomb on their filthy disease infested countries.

Comment by gerard

Good man!

Comment by wiggy

Paki bullshit, so do you dickhead. britshit I am a black nigger muslim and still i am fucking your sister, girl friends, and even your own ones. understand. you can,t do any thing, we will stay and keep fucking your loveones.

Comment by khusro Daniel mirza


Comment by khusro Daniel mirza

I hate Muslims. Your quite right, they are bags of slime!

Comment by Jane Parker

You are scum. Fuck off out of our country back to the third world mooslime shithole you came from.

Comment by Stu

You get out of ‘our’ country. Where did your ancestors come from stupid? We are all immigrants to the UK, that’s how blinking thick you are. Racist and stupid. Go read some proper history, go see what Israel is doing to the people of Gaza.
You breed hatred. How many heads went under the Guillotine in England? thousands. Do you know. All because they would not become Protestant, garrotted, burnt, hung drawn quartered. Islam is violent???? They copied us you idiot.

Comment by girlznguitarz

I am certainly not deluded neither are other people who believe in God so I suggest you keep your deluded comments to yourself.

Comment by Aine O'Neill

People who believe in god,like the filthy catholic kiddy fiddlers,muslim murderers of women and children,jehovah twats who want their kids to die after ‘god’ gave us the brains to transfuse blood,yea your fakin deluded,religeon,the last hiding place of the simple minded,fakin retards,no wonder your lot are so easy for govts to control

Comment by david wyn-jones

The baboons in baltimore are reverting to type,arrest an ape and the whole troop go berserk,they fukd up detroit to bankruptcy,if the ape shit arent allowed to steal,pimp or sell drugs the think theyve got the right to riot,thats why the shit hole africa is fucked up,their apes that dont comprehend ‘civilisation’,and now the luvvy liberal white trash faggots and sluts want them coming to a town near you,as long as they arent living nxt door to the liberal appeasing white trash,put the shit in zoos,theyll get fed,contained and serve a purpose

Comment by david wyn-jones

Will anyone show me their left bumcheek?

Comment by Mohammed cuntlugs

Every Muslim death must be applauded, it is just vile pest eradication.
These pox ridden Muslim scum will never be anything other than evil, for as sure as Allah is Satan, Mohammed was a filthy pig and murdering child molester and the disgusting Quran is the anti-bible, a book for vampires,the disgusting Koran pages are not even useful as toilet wipes.
The only solution is the total destruction of Islam.
It will come to pass, these retarded backward filthy cockroaches will scream in agony for an eternity in Allahs shit filled house of hell.

Comment by Mohamed theislamicpig


Islam is promoted by Muslims, the deluded, the politically motivated and the uninformed as one of the great religions of the World – but scratch below the surface and a much darker side is revealed. Islam is NOT a religion, it is a heavily politicised cult founded in the medieval third World. It preys on and enslaves its victims using superstition, ignorance, intolerance, lack of education, greed, fear, jealousy and wealth envy. Islam is predominantly funded by theft, tax evasion and the wholesale distribution of heroin to the western World. The Modus Operandi of Islam has always been the same – infiltrate non Muslim areas and Countries, refuse to integrate or contribute, take everything possible from the naïve and unwitting host, produce as many children as possible and slowly and insidiously gain power and control. When control is absolute the non Muslims are given a simple choice – submit (convert) to Islam, give everything they have to Islam and any refusing to submit are raped, robbed, beaten, enslaved, sold like cattle at auction then when everything they have and are is gone they are murdered, humankind is a possession to Islam to exploit and abuse as Muslims see fit.

Islam does not tolerate, accept or understand democracy, human rights, civil rights, gender equality or the rule of law. In the UK seventy five per cent of Muslim Women are officially unemployed and over fifty per cent of Muslim Men are unemployed and all Muslims consider it their “god given” right to relentlessly claim every benefit they can and if they ever hear the word “no” they immediately claim racism and Islamophobia. Twenty five per cent of all UK Muslims are unable, and in many cases unwilling to read, write or speak English to an understandable standard but if an unemployed non Muslim is unable to read and write they are forced to learn or have their benefit payments sanctioned – why is this not applied to Muslims? Muslim Women produce twice as many children as non Muslim Women – do the maths and look one hundred Years into the future. Islam teaches, promotes, encourages and orders superstition, suspicion, intolerance, lack of education, enforced Sharia law, theft, misogyny, homophobia, violence towards Women, violence towards non Muslims, rape, paedophilia, kidnap, people trafficking, slavery and murder. There are Towns and now Cities in the UK where non Muslim Women are afraid to walk down the street in the middle of the day because of non stop abuse, threats of violence and threats of rape by Muslim “Men” – Luton being a classic example but it is pointless reporting these religiously motivated hate crimes as the Police have no remit to investigate and no will to investigate. The UK is being conquered by proxy and the spineless quisling cowards we have in charge seem to think appeasement is the answer – I do not recall this working against the Nazis and it will not work against the misanthropic and evil forces controlling Islam. Islam is the biggest threat to World peace humankind has ever endured or faced. A workable solution – require all UK Muslims to sign a legally binding declaration making Sharia “law” illegal in the UK and to agree to obey the law of the land. Further, to respect the cultures, traditions and way of life of the non Muslim British. Any non UK born Muslims refusing to sign will be deported to their Country of birth and barred from returning, any UK born Muslims refusing to sign will be treated as an enemy of the state and imprisoned until such a time as they agree to sign. Enough is enough – Islam regards kindness as weakness, we are being usurped and marginalised by stealth, there is quite simply no such thing as moderate Islam and we NEED to address this.

Comment by Vernon Fox

Far more eloquent than I could have put it Vernon. Do not forget though (as if I need to remind), national military service for our young men looks quite on the cards in the conceivable future.

Problems perhaps ????

Comment by pugwash

The “profit” muhammed a paedophile? A dreadful allegation he will rebut as soon as he has finished raping his nine Year old bride..

Comment by Vernon Fox

“By Jesus !” When are we stupid bastards in ‘The West’, going to react in a big fucking way to ISLAM ? 1)Burn a Mosque every f’in day !” 2) ID and kick the head of a f’kin MUSLIM Git EVERY Day ! 3) Spare all the time you can, to seek out where the s.o.b.’s live , and torch their homes …4) At every opportunity talk to them like :- “When the fuck are you going back to ARABIA ? You are NOT wanted here ….this is “our Patch…..not yours ! ”
Take yer Bombs and F U C K O F F ! B 4 it’s too late, and WE catch up with you , with our version of JI….fikken …HAD !.

Comment by Beedge

If there wasent any muslim shit in our country,there wouldnt be a problem,would there?,remember the white trash that let this cancer into our country,and when the time comes,hang the trash from the lamposts in westminster,set up a national socialist party,remove the cancer,completely

Comment by david wyn-jones

Take a look at the facts,what have blacks brought to our civilisation,drugs,crime and gangs of coons with knives,what have arab muslim scum brought,terrorism,drugs and exploitation of young women,wipe this scum out,just as nature intended,this is what you get when you ‘tolerate’ the inferior vermin of the human race,destroy the filth,before they destroy you and your families,and our civilisation

Comment by david wyn-jones

Can any of you actually believe the shit going on by these filthy fucking wogs in our country?,wipe the disgusting muslim vermin out,burn their shops and mosques,now

Comment by david wyn-jones

Have you noticed the ‘peaceful’ muslims,outraged,protesting on our streets?,no,me neither,they are all cells of the islamic cancer

Comment by david wyn-jones

Are you patrots?, what do you think of setting up a national socialionalist british party?,reply,or watch your country descend into mayhem,no,im not nick griffen,ive seen our country descend into chaos since the 1960s,there is a better way,no gassing,talk to me

Comment by david wyn-jones

I work with muslims – it is a difficult balancing act. Three of them used false names on their criminal records checks to cover up their records, one of which was for sex with a minor (sound familiar?). One was dismissed for theft, continual sexual harassment and threatening to rape a female manager. So far this year the muslims have demanded a larger prayer room, five extra breaks a day to pray, the removal of two flights of stairs because climbing them was “too tiring”, halal food only to be served in the staff restaurant and other ridiculous demands. Every day is a new aggressive demand and any refusal brings forward the time honoured response “that’s racist”. Why do people of Pakistani and Bangladeshi descent call themselves “Asians”? – they are NOT.
The apes I work with are the laziest b*stards I have ever met and had to be told not to wash their dirty stinking feet in the toilets and told to shower and use deodorant. I look forward to the day when these scum are removed to the medieval barbaric middle east third world where they came from – let’s see how far they get claiming to be “refugees” there.

Comment by Vernon Fox

join the knights Templars international,have a look online,its time the white race stopped feeling guilty for being white by liberal appeasing white left wing traitor filth and tolerating shit arabs and the rest of the inferior scum that should have been exterminated long ago just as nature intended.

Comment by david jones

Totally agree, their all pieces of fucking shit who need to fuck off with their muslim hats and bomb their own country fucking peasants asking for our money from the taxes we pay I’d rather be tortured than give them fuckheads my money

Comment by Ben

I completely concur with you. Islam is a scourge.

Comment by No Dhimmi


Comment by khusro Daniel mirza

Hello World

Comment by Vigilante

You retarded black cunt only way you get pussy is because of your religion useless cunt bet you’re from leyton stone fucking coone cunt

Comment by Billy

Chal chutiye , we will soon fuck pakistan and pisslam, just wait and watch your lallah will suck my cock and i will fuck you with your lallah, you bastard pig your lallah and you will pay to us, we don’t fuck your moms, wife’s, sisters and daughters because we are not like you but we will send them deep into the hell with you.

Comment by Rudra pratap singh

Deary me,well ur seeing the start of the rise of national socialism in germany and austria and u will c the problems that importing religeous imbecile terrorists into our countries will bring

Comment by david wyn-jones

When will blacks realise that when a police officer says ‘stop’,u stop?,we rescued em from grubin in the sand,try to educate em,feed em an let em exist,even though they’re an inferior type of human and now the evolutionary inferior parasites expect ‘human rights’?,the scientists say they cant find the missing link between us and the apes,have a look whats going on in america,thats the missing link,oh and by the way,do blacks understand bus fare?,3 blacks tried to get a free ride on my bus then said to a black driver, , ‘is it cos eyes black’?dur nigger,and on to the just above a nigger,muslims,just look at the scum vermin in europe,hitler was right he just got the wrong people,he would have exterminated the blacks and backward muslim wog shit,and what a wonderful world this would be,amen,and zieg heil

Comment by david wyn-jones

Can u believe the crap going on in austria,filthy sand nigger muslim arab dogshit like kids in a candy shop,molesting decent white women?,and the white whore merkel and the lefty faggot perverts saying we need to do more for the wog cockroach vermin?,wtf,wipe the filth of the planet,exterminate the parasite scum like god and nature intended,the white trash bastards who appease and suck up to the sub human niggers and arab shit should be strung up with cheese wire round the bastards necks,fuckin wog shit molesting white women?wtf?

Comment by david wyn-jones

Start by skinning mo ansar the muslim parasite mouthpiece pathetically trying to indicate the migrating cockroach hordes are being unfairly regarded?,fuck the muslims mother and see if he thinks thats ok,mind u,being an arab rat he would probably approve,wtf are these white trash politicians playing at?,send the filth back to the shit holes they swarm out of,un fucking believable,and watch it get worse,until we,not our wank so called governments,deal with it

Comment by david wyn-jones

Are the muslim vermin arab crap coming to europe due to war,poverty,victimisation?,no they’re coming to assault our women,steal,deal drugs,breed like rats,leech of our civilisation,cost us money,kill us,spread disease,soil our race,set up ghettos where they conspire against us and send our civilisation back to the dark ages,the ‘wars’ are made by wog against wog muslim imbeciles,yes,of course we want them?,exterminated

Comment by david wyn-jones

I see a ‘black man’ has again been put down by usa police,according to the police,shock horror,how unusual,he had a gun,however his bitch says he was reading a ‘book’,whilst driving?,yea bitch,have another go,when blacks,who we allow and tolerate in our societies learn to obey,they wont get put down,mindblowing

Comment by david wyn-jones

Islam – a medieval cult of barbarity.
Muslim – brainwashed inbred murderous halfwit.
Radical Muslim – wants to behead you.
Moderate Muslim – wants a radical Muslim to behead you.
The Koran – an abusers handbook written by Men for the benefit of Men.
Paedophilia – morally acceptable for cult followers.
Human rights – non existent.
Womens rights – do you want a beating you fucking stupid spunk vessel, I will break your jaw then go pray.
Toilet paper – unnecessary.
Bathing – unnecessary.
Theft and fraud – morally acceptable to commit against non Muslims.
Racism – the catchword for every Muslim who does not get their own way.
I slept with a Muslim Woman recently, she commented how novel it was to have consensual sex with a Man possessing a penis larger than three inches who she was not directly related to, and promised to buy that novel thing called “deodorant” for all eleven of her Brothers/Fathers of her children!

Comment by Vernon Fox

you cant even string a sentence together you retarded wog shit head dumb cunt

Comment by david jones

Yes they are misunderstood. they are the model of peacefullness. the muslim is a peace loving person who will gladly carve your head off for saying that they’re not.

Comment by advance2go

HAHAHAHA lol lol lol lmao
That was funny

Comment by Cindy


Comment by makeup artist surabaya

Saw a Muslim f*cking a baby sheep recently, reported it to the Police, got told “It’s ‘is lamb Sir, we can’t get involved”..

Comment by Vernon Fox

ur an idiot

Comment by dfD

This is funny and sad but True

Comment by Leon


Comment by gorilla

Give em ebola curry,get rid o them an d apes

Comment by david wyn-jones

Acceptable immigration policy – require every visitor to eat a pork pie & drink a pint of stella – any refusing get sent back to the paedo infested third World unwashed slum they spewed from! How interesting would it be if someone started planting bombs in mosques? (It would cut down on the benefit bill and child rapes at the very least!)
Hey – muslim – UK not to your liking? Then fuck off somewhere else, see how you do claiming benefits there!

Comment by Vernon Fox

Steady on boys,the appeasers will be monitoring this site and the men in black will pay you a visit and make you sing the quaran

Comment by david wyn-jones

Andrew G. Bostom is a college drop out an idiot and has to to be captured and hanged by the balls

Comment by obaid karki

Think you just proved everyones point OBAID KARKI. you Islamic cunt.

Comment by Graeme

Islam does not give permission to be head someone just for nothing. don,t listen to him. Do what ever you like. i am a muslim, i drink, i fuck, and i do what any religion says. And who ever says that islam is this or that. its all bullshit, believe me. i am a broad minded muslim. like you.

Comment by khusro Daniel mirza

Islam is one of the best religion don’t swring at islam if you do you’ll get diye within a month or a year remind one thing before you say any word about Islam before you takes birth from your mother who created you inside your mum stomach who created your hand your head your eyes you boy or girl who created that it’s only is Allah so before you takes birth from your mother you your self was a Muslim if you believe in those thing then you have to believe Islam….. Islam is first and last religion there is no any other religion I my self believe in Islam and I’m proud to be a Muslim I love Muslims all around the world may Allah bless them ameen

Comment by Shumon ali

This mussy retard can’t even spell duuuuuuuuur,go and murder your sister,its an honour thing,Ali baba

Comment by david wyn-jones

fuck the sand niggers they are here to do what Alli babba did open the gates to steal and control anything possible and we sit there listening to the shit them jews who will not settle for less than destruction to get a land that does not belong to them they are the devil incarnate
jews {{{{{{{{{{ world war the jews caused evey world war and will never stop

dont talk to them wake up britain you have got jews using sand nigger telling you what is acepteptable as a landsman of the isles what you can do in your capital {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ am I paranoid or these cunts they
are so much full of shjt they will kill there own kids to get what they want fuck me i am angry 10 .5 stone and will kill for my kids future and freedom from the false wall the jews put up RIP ME MR PARA,

Comment by paul

Peaceful muslems what a joke they will kill you in a second if you do not convert to there way of thinking and how can we be called narrow minding when they are the ones telling other people in there religion to kill gays and even there own people that would turn away from there own beliefs.
It seems to be there way or no way, more and more rubbish is said and done by muslems the ones in the background then the people in power deny it till there face is white and yet it happens over and over and they deny it once again.
How much do English people have to take till other people see the muslems faith is one of death and of VERY narrow minding people

Comment by Richard

Shove a scaffold tube up allah’s ass

Comment by gerard


Comment by Mike

Hahahaha Flew in the first Gulf war RAF and loved sending the wogs to allah fuck allah the bloody poof.

Comment by Keith Clarke-Gibson III

If you don’t convert to Christianity God will kill you. A total lot of ignorant people on here, it’s a joke. You sound like mass murderers compared to most Myslims. Full of hate and plunder. Stirring hatred, which; btw is a Revelation in the Bible. You are all just pawns in the pitting the Christians against Muslims. You are fulfilling Biblical prophesy, but it will not help you, because the real evil doers are the New World Order masters. Look it up and see for yourself. instead of this ignorant Muslim bashing.

Comment by girlznguitarz

Christians got more civilised and have stopped such cruelty such as stoneings and crusifictions a thousand years ago and more. We now know it was cruel. Muslims are at that stage now. They think it’s civilised to inflict excruciating pain on Humans.

Comment by Mohamednot

The merkel whore has shut down,in a ‘democracy’,a fuking burger bar?,erdogan burger,or is that ‘berka’ bar,if dumb whores and halfwits were so fast to shut down wog muslim arab vomit preaching on our streets,taking over our schools and now it seems our hard won civilisation,you would have some respect 4 the stupid,none aryan ginger freak slut,dont ya think?,pity donald trump isnt british,he would b prime minister of this piss hole wog infested island,meanwile, ,cameron cals niggers in nigeriea,and sand niga heroin farmers, , ‘corrupt’,?,get the fuck away really?,what a fucking eton faggot cunt,i.e,pussy,4 my friends in the usa

Comment by david wyn-jones

Cunt. By the way, why are you hiding behind a false name? (Wanted by the police for kissy fiddling?)

Comment by Vernon fox

We will carry on taking your scorn as this will fuel our uprising. Men like you used to scorn the prophets and warners no one listened to them. The unbelievers tried to kill Jesus (pbuh) but failed, you tried to enslave Moses’s (pbuh) people but failed, You tried to erradicate Muhammed’s (pbuh) message but failed. You plot but God is the best of plotters, in the end you will meet your fate..

You Have your way of life we have ours how many times to we attack you for not complying to our laws? Just because we beleive in the Creator and adhere to the divine laws does not make us inferior to your man made ideas and desires. Some of you are good people but its a shame you follow the media and have pride into thinking your better than a particular group of people we are all equal. Why not learn about Islam properly instead of researching using biased hate filled sources? You all have twisted views about Islam but the truth is if it was so twisted 2 thirds of the world wouldn’t follow it and it wouldn’t be the fastest growing religion in the world. Truth prevails, falsehood perishes..

religions are perishing Islam is growing, atheists are growing. It is prophesied during the end times there will be left two groups of people: the believers and the unbelievers which side do you want to be on?

Don’t be disillusioned Islam enjoins good and forbids evil. The masses want you to live a life of materialism but remember when death comes you have nothing. So don’t try and gather resources in this world, rather search for the answers and increase your spirituality because there is a purpose to life..

(sorry if I offended anyone. May peace and blessings be with you. love.)

Comment by muslim

Allah is the name of an arabian moon god-non existent wanker just like his pig followers!FUCK islam!

Comment by steve

f*** u!

Comment by sDFAd

Bluddd watch your tongue init? you think u guys know it all if you actually had respect trust man u wud ave shut ya mouf n gotten on with your own thing but clearly not, n ive gta question for you dick, which muslim has actually hurt you? u dutty cunt, may your mums fanny explode, in the exact way your bastad mouth runz, AMEN DIKFACE

Comment by None of Your Business Mate

Wrong you are again.My dear. their are more then 10000 names of GOD in every holy book, specially in bible. believe me. and by the way,their is no moon God in our religion.

Comment by khusro Daniel mirza

Ha ha ha believers and non beleivers, what else could there be, don’t need to be a prophet to know that

Comment by Andy

i have one thing to say…. the reason it is the fastest growing religion in the world is because you move to our country and breed like rats sucking the life from our society

Comment by peanut

agreed,they are like locusts,the plague and the best we can hope for is that thier inbreeding terminates the lot of them ,fucking rejects,retards,malformed savages.

Comment by gb

Exactly. They are the devil’s cult invading England with their evil, wicked religion.

Comment by yo mama

Muslims suck each others cocks to gain Satans power!

Comment by jim low

no!! They dont suck each others cocks, thats yummy!! They suck off Camels and Goats!

Comment by filthy kafur

people like you love to shag people in the family, now thats what i call a cock suckin cunt! wachu fink baby?
Your dads a cock sucker not islam, keep religion out of this ayt, religion is religion, it ent hurting you guys so shut the fuck up n sit bk down on your fat ass, n carry on doing your own thing, fukin prik

Comment by None of Your Business Mate

You dish out more shit than a pigs

Comment by Mike

Went down to the local mosque and saw the tossers today ….. Dirty scum, if they don’t like it here why don’t they go home we don’t want this!

Comment by wiggy

U mean jews christians and athiest do,,, and dont forget ur mothers do😀😀😀😀😀

Comment by Gas

Just to correct your mistaken statistic. In fact Christianity is the worlds largest religion accounting for 32% of the worlds population. Islam accounts for 21%

Islam is a regressive philosophy, it rejects modernity and basic human rights. It’s no coincidence that of all the Muslim nations in the world only turkey is successful. Why because it advocates a strict secular agenda. All other Muslim nations are in various states of appalling injustice and poverty which further fuels religious fundamentalism. It is a religion of ignorance and falsity. Why does Britain have so many Muslims? The answer is clear – because the Muslim system in place in their countries of origin has rendered them backward, uneducated, poor and violent. As an ideology it longs for the past with nostalgia but fails to realise that the way of life they take for granted in the uk wouldn’t exist if there system was in place. It too would be dirty, squalid, corrupt.
As an ideology it is masogenistic. It places women below men and it is widely known domestic abuse is a massive problem in muslim society. Women are seen as sexual objects not people. They are unclean and must be covered to stop mend lust. Thankfully, their hateful views won’t ever be mainstream in britain and we can tolerate their medieval ways (with clear boundaries nonetheless) much the same as the Amish are tolerated. Unlike a muslim state, Britain is a forward thinking progressive place where all beliefs can be allowed. The vast vast majority will always be in place and thank heavens for that!

Comment by Anonymous free thinker

Very well said indeed. I think you mean Misogynistic – hating women. Thankfully muslims are usually too thick to organise themselves so not likely to be able to take over anything much and I believe Iran will kick out the Ayatollahs soon and Russia will have more oil than Saudi in the next few years. So no one will take any notice of any of them.

Comment by Sally

Wanted to say, why are you people so against the religion?

has any of us actually hurt you phisically?
has we said you guys r wrong?
maybe some muslims r dicks, not all are, so why jugde?
clearly this is stereotypin dont u fink?
im a muslim, bluddy look like im white maybe thats why i dont get harrasses, but why harrass for? has someone actually came to you n said if u dont belve ima kill you?
NO exactly thats what i thought, so stop acting smart, and mind your own business, islam is nothing like that, its just a religion, we belve what we do, u belve what u do, so why get all angry about it? Clwarly you dont have respect cause if you did, u wudnt ave been judgemental, let me tell you something, im muslim, but i know your religion properly, i studied in a catholic school, did i ever fuss about it? Nope, Why? Because i have respect, im not a judgemental people everyone has a right of their own opinion so therefore thats why i cannot say anythng here, but one thing i can ask you is, Who has actually phisically or mentally hurt you as an individual? Cause u people seem to run your mouth like a running tap, without knwing how much shit your spilling out, so unless nobody turns the tap off, your wastig water aint you, this way i think your wastin your breath, so if i were you, id just do my own thing, cause personally i think your chatting shit, cause you clearly dont know what the actual islam is like! In life they say watch out from the pricks, so why dont you follow that scheme? maybe if you meet the right people you wudnt judge this bad! well hope u a good day, just think about what i said! n if my reply you dint like, please do let me know! u see i dont mind u get me! psht!

Comment by None of Your Business Mate

Congratulations, I enjoyed your post; I found it to be balanced and factual.
The only point I would add is, all religions are self-defeating, they all claim to be peace loving and tolerant but history shows us ALL that blood and death goes hand in hand with all the world’s religions, with their gods and prophets that inspire fanaticism and extremism in the pursuit of their holy teachings.
All religions are fun stories with good and bad points in each, but do we really need them in this age?

Comment by anon

ALL religion is merely an okd form of controlling idiots,they use lies,deciept and money now,welcome to the 21st century,if you agree,better still,understand,talk to me,whatever religious mind trap your in,i promise,now theres a rare statement,talk to me,whatever you think an see

Comment by david wyn-jones

Welcome to the world of lies,distortion,manipulation and cow like acceptance,are you a cow?,the rich and greedy are farming them to exploit,easy principle isnt it

Comment by david wyn-jones

For the sake of intelligence,fuk religeon,fuk so called democracy,come on you human cattle,heads down into the phone,and let me feed you shit information,thats why its called ‘browsing’,and what animals ‘browse’ ?,yes,thats it,cattle,are you a cattle?

Comment by david wyn-jones

Mysogny? So you hate Muslims if they are men right?
But you like Muslim women?
Because if you HATE Muslim women YOU are a Mysogynist by selection. That makes you RACIST as well. Oh, and if you cannot work that out you are not very intelligent!

Comment by girlznguitarz

You are deceiving yourself mate. I have pictures of allah, and it is just a stone man with a moon on his chest sitting on a chair.You are worshipping an idol…you are in the most hated religion on earth because the anti christ is to be soon shown amongst you..he will deceive you are all going to hell..I AM NOT an nnunbeliever, I just do not worship idols..I am a christian and believe one the one true god.The end times are here, and ISLAM is the beast

Comment by filthy kafur

Dont you DARE use the names of Jesus in your insanity…you have reduced the Lord Jesus to less than that insane raper and child abuser Mohammed.

Jesus is no less than God manifest in the flesh…how much more can Islam insult >

You vile, insane neandrathal.

Comment by filthy kafur

and yet one has only to affect a smile when the profit is mentioned to earn a death sentence from Islam!

Comment by Edward Rountree

Thousands of Catholic priest Paedofiles, 30,000 Jehovahs Witness Paedofiles, Parliament full of Paedofiles, including, Ted Heath…..The Talmud says: Jews can have sexual intercourse with a non Jew so long as the child us under 2 years old.
Look at the UKs dirty record on sex crime, murder, rape, domestic violence, abortion, wars started by the UK. UK was complicite in the killing of millions of people around the world, to steal oil, gas, diamonds, precious metals, roping up rain forests, and murdering it’s people’s. Go put in ‘Crimes of the U.K.’ into your search engine, and then ask, who are more disgusting a people and war like!!!’n

Comment by girlznguitarz

Read the Sword of Islam and learn the historic truth. Move forward from your darkness. The pulse of God has no time for primitive practices. He loved what he made and DOES NOT LOVE DESTROYERS OF BEAUTY. You live in this country because some past white, Christian and Jewish traitors with good intent, allowed you to reside here. You are able to say what you like uninhibited because of our freedoms faught for on the battlefields of the world in two world wars. Joshua di Nazarit, taught justice and compassion but he suffered no one to enter the temples of the pagans, heathen and idol worshipers. He said love (give justice) to your enemy—not kill or hate them. Mohammed according to historical research took the ideas that suited him from his Christian slave and then proceeded to rob the caravans with atrocities out of Medina. Move on my human relative and go to the true light of God not the deceipt that you and your kind have, that, for so long been fooled. Your islamic faith is only a half truth and does NOT belong in the United Kingdom. Tolleration does not mean acceptance or the liking of–it means only putting up with it. To ALL moslems, if you want sharia go live in a moslem country, we dont want, nor will we ever accept your ways here–only stupid unemployable MP’s that have ruined our nation for the sake of votes, play to your gallery. Go, get out, we dont want you , we never will, ever, so get over it now or go back to the desert where your false tesimonials were hatched.Then be happy enslavers of women and life.

Comment by capt

Capt Time for the New Crusades . and this time lets kill them all. lets nuke mecca. dumb wogs.

Comment by Keith Clarke-Gibson III

Your wrong we don’t have our way of life anymore having to put with you bastards did away with that but our turn will come again when you immoral pricks are gone.

Comment by david furzer

You use the name of God, but you do not worship God, you worship the Devil. Islam is exactly the opposite of all thats good.It is barbaric, you lie (Taquiyya), you steal and cheat, you execute people, you maim, you throw acid if womens faces.
How can you say you worship God???? God is a peaceful entity that offers peaceful salvation…but you have to “earn” salvation through good works, so youre always afraid youll go to hell. Even your paradise is a sexually charged cess God a brothel keeper also?
No…allah is Satan…not God… no doubt about it.
We are even told that in the last days there will be a false prophet arise (by Jesus)..he also said that they will say “I am here or there”..but beware for they are ravenous wolves in sheeps clothing”…… no….allah isnt God, he is Satan (ive put a small “a” on allah deliberately because I regard him ( or rather it) with no esteem…he is the demon himself…. and all these mad muslims have evil in their blood.

Comment by filthy kafur

Who are you trying to kid you scum alha bastard he also is a wanker you lot will be destroyed evntally its in the stars
you are preying to a thing that does not exist what is his name allha a pagon a shit head a war monger a devil
Get a life muslim and fucking die, as soon britain will wage
war on you bastards english will only take so much
like a rat that is cornered. Go and fuck your god piss on him scorn him shit on him. he is only a name nothing else.up yours
sign ron yates.

Comment by ron yates

In Arab language Allah means GOD in bible. God Means Allah. So the Quran And the Bible is the same. To complete the Quran we get the help of Holy Bible. So what is your point.

Comment by khusro Daniel mirza


Comment by BBBBBBBBB

I started out DEFENDING the Muslims Right to Belief as he/ she will according to their Quran………….i began studying the quran….i no longer defend the right of muslims, but call themwhat they are…barbaric animals who have zero tolerence for any other faith except their own….which may i add is a mish mash of other religions, making no scientific or logical sence, with repeated contradictions where mohammad repeatedly changes his mind to what god says…as to fullfill his own greed and desires at the time. Islam is about conquering. Its a religion of hate and suppression. That is what i learned in reading your so called holy book. A stamoed, approved quran used in mosques….YOUR BOOK SPEAKS VOLUMNS…EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ IT…STUDY IT, THE SURAS AND THE HADITHS AND BECOME ENLIGHTENED.

Comment by kate walker


Comment by Tom bird

Islam is manure

Comment by Jo bananas

Islam is a cult, what religion preaches to changes others to there own cause for there own benift only cults and halal is a load of non sence to kill in the name of god, god is in all living things so to kill in gods name is false u should all just think about ur religion and then think again no good can come out of force of lust n greed u entice ur followers by giving them false beliefs of x amount of Virgins when they reach heaven n treat ur women like inferrer to ur self,… So that there is a big WTF who has any right to give them self power over others… U may say that the white people do the same but do they enforce there laws on us?? Im a sikh man living in the uk me as a sikh would die for those in need but u as Muslims would die for ur own cause not to help others u chose too kill in the name of jihad u caused this so called jihad so how can u call this a holly war when ur trying to eliminate all other people who aint Muslim or change them to Muslim it don’t comprehend i belive Islam is a poison to the world and the whole world would live better lifes if it did not exist hiter tryed to wash the world of Jews cuz they have these similar views of Islam im not racist i just love humanity n for the sake of humanity Islam should be washed away like the sin of the world if they can not live in peace with the rest of world

Comment by British sikh

With you all the way.

Comment by Vigilante

I’m sure God wants the ones left on his side to love raping woman and hate anyone not of Islam. Of course he would also love the way you have sex with children. Bless Allah! He loves men and woman are to breed with.

Comment by taluson

I always put Alah (pbuh) and mohammad (pbuh) but in my book its piss be upon him.

Comment by Mike

Go lick a pigs ass,you piece of swine vomit.Take your filth and disease back to your stinking,filthy hovels in pakistan and india and take that dirty pair of cunting traitor’s,Tony Blair and David Cameron with you.NOW FUCK OFF.

Comment by exfoliator

For 14 billion years there was no Islam, no USA, no prophets. Only six hundred years ago Manichaeism was the second largest religion in the world. The Aztecs never dreamed their grand civilisation would fall. Their faith didn’t save them. America will crumble, so will Britain. So will Islam. New Empires will rise and fall and bring good and evil, new religions too. No matter how many people are slaughtered as the imperialists, oligarchs and religious fascists of all creeds wage their pointless wars, you cannot change this fact – you too will be erased by death. Cling to your faith in your flags and holy books, in your racial purity and your national borders. But don’t look up at the stars or learn any basic thermodynamics, or you’ll realise how ridiculous your delusions really are.

Comment by Kuro

Didnt even read it wog,cut your own throat u piece of wog shit,when the time comes muslim,i wil personaly cut ur throat and any trash ur tainted nigger monkey spunk has proqogated thats a promise wog,sub human shit

Comment by david wyn-jones

Av a nice bacon sandwich,turd

Comment by david wyn-jones

What kind o names that niga,is the name ur white master gave u,die nigger

Comment by david wyn-jones

You stupid, brain washed, moon god worshoping , pedo praising, suster fucking, cum eating wanker. alah (PBUH) is just Jesus bitch.
Your lot are 600 years behind us, THE CRUSADES ARE BACK, PREPARE TO DIE CUNT. we will all enjoy taking turns on your wife{S} mother and daughters, providing they are over 16. and we can shave ther moustashes off.

Comment by Mike

I’m not interested in your religious waffling. I know all about Islam’s definition of good and evil. Good is Islam and evil is everything else.

So piss off. Britain will not fall and it doesn’t matter how many fairy tales you believe.

Comment by fmwatkins

Comment by muslim September 10, 2008 @ 11:31 pm

yeh rite o please no one says you are not equal I do not care if you are or not it is the fact you religion hates anything thats is not Muslim and if you dont think it is WELL there are a lot of Muslims that would disagree with you.

And please do NOT for one second think this is the ravings of a single person with a narrow mind o NO there and millions of people that think just the same and more people are opening there eyes to the light and seeing the mistake that was made for letting Muslims into Britian, the hate they bring and yes you may get the odd one or 2 that are nice but in NO way does that make up for the others.

Britain has been over run by Muslims and is slowly losing more and more of its identity as one of the greatest countries in the world.

Dont get me wrong I dont care who you worship I am not religious myself BUT islam does in no way belong in Britain.

So please respond to this with you silly comments trying to justify how people like me are narrow minded and you are SO nice but in the end more people will see the Muslim faith you what it is hate and power.

Comment by Richard

I completely agree with you regarding Islam.But heres a thought.Why not rally a peoples army.Many of us are of the same opinion as you and have a very deep understanding and experience of the bullshit that is islam. Hindus,Sikhs Blacks and Jews never threaten or plot against or Bomb,maim and condone on this hard won soil that is Britain.We can be prosecuted for words,but done correctly we could form an army that drives the filthy muslim away from our shores.They have declared war on us and yet all we answer with is rhetoric and angry words in pubs and homes. Yet we all have our aversions and problems with this religion on our shores.Time for action. I promise you i will be first in line.Thnk about it.

Comment by Adam

Blacks? many blacks are muslims you doughnut, islam is not a race it is a religion you pussy english faggot. go wank with your tiny dick you pathetic bastard. we dont want to take over your country, its a shithole i have already booked a flight back to Ghana where i will never come back to this piece of fungus land ur so happy about. Fuck you and your people.

Comment by Rakim


Comment by ben stonehill

have a pleasant trip.

Comment by Krishna

Hey Doughnut :0)…. why did you come here in the first place if thats your opinion?
I think you justify all that people seem to believe on here with your little rant – seems a bit ironic that you speak so harshly as you leave – I bet it was a different story as you gained entrance eh?
what changed? visa ran out did it?

Comment by lila

Fuck yuou right back you Ghanisian Pervert…what the fuck were you doing here in a civilised country anyhow…did they stop yer benefits?did the English girls tell you to fuck off one to many times or did they stop yer free NHS Aids medication..thats right Fuck off&leave yer benefits book at the Air Port.

Comment by jim low

Rakim, you dont want to take over uk? WOW!! every other muslim I know (hundreds) says you ARE taking over the world because Islam is not allowed to live alongside another religion if it has more than 50%…when muslims get to 50@ the Koran tells you it is your sick duty to rule that host country. Apparemtly you dont even read your evil bok?

Comment by filthy kafur

if it is a shithole, its only the shit like you made it that way, and once your all gone, well get the pan cleaner out and sping clean!! Well have enough money for bleach then cos we wont have to pau crap like you benefits!

Comment by filthy kafur

If you go back to Ghana the English bastards will invade your homeland and bomb you. If you stay then you gotta put up with their racist bullshit.we Muslims will go wherever we want if anyone steps in our way then we shall step on them n drive en out.

Comment by IH8ZionistJews

Have just been reading about 16 yr old girl buried alive, her offence?….talking to boys..this is Islam. Also 19 yr old girl nose and ears sliced off for similar diabolical offence. What kind of vile despicable monsters would do this to any living being? Animals are nice, Muslims are viscious, repulsive, hate-filled, moronic, barbaric, primitive, neanderthal creatures, I agree it is time for action. We must not hand over a land filled with such evil wretches to our children. Our fathers and grandfathers gave up their lives to overcome facism and here it is again!! As the saying goes, it takes hundreds of years to gain freedom and a short while to lose it and then hundreds of years to re-gain it again. We must not let this swamp life encroach on our precious way of life and our respect for other human (this does not include Muslim) beings.

Comment by co

Hopefully you are taking your family too asshole

Comment by david furzer


Comment by exfoliator

Thank you for your comments, I am preparing a reply ASAP. The reason why it is taking a little bit of time is because I am formulating my thoughts in a way that provides the necessary passion in the British Lion to drive all of these manipulative, deceitful fascists from our shores. Islam is only a small part.

Watch this space. I WANT REVOLUTION!

Comment by fmwatkins

We dont need revolution we just need these bastards gone if by force so be it.Amen to you and all good caring British people.

Comment by david furzer


Comment by khusro Daniel mirza

Hi Daniel. It’s odd that a good muzqito like yourself has a Jewish name… are you a weak minded white convert to the religion of piss? After you’ve kissed your meccan meteorite idol, worshipped your minor moon god and made a few pagan blood sacrifices, you can be sure you will get your virgins and ‘boys like pearls’ in hades. When the time comes, all lamp-posts in the UK will be occupied by heathen pedophile closet homosexuals like yourself. Soon, my friend.

Comment by Vigilante

The main reason that a lot isnt done to rid Britain of muslins is the government and there so called rules that at a lot of times seem weak and NOT in the interests of Britain and its people.

Some people like me feel let down by the government, why is it that some people should have to worry and feel scared walking out there front door I agree Britain itself has its own problems with crime yes BUT terrorist bombing and hate crimes them selves theses things and much more could be solved if the so called peaceful realign that is Islam was not in Britain.

Now again dont take me wrong I am sure there are some Muslims that are not all bad and do not want to hurt people BUT let us face it once more Muslims are in Britain filling up the streets and taking all the houses and once they out number British people.

Which Muslims will be in charge the nice ones or the ones with the guns and bombs calling for blood that Britain has not been turned into a Islamic state or that our wives are wondering around with out there husband.

In a couple of years just around the corner would you have you daughter stoned because she looked at another man know there was nothing you can do because ITS THE NEW LAW.

Now some people blind people or Muslims are quick to say this is stupid and would never happen but as I see it and millions others do it slow but surely is.

Myself I just want Britain to stay the great country it is where every person can not have to worry about being attacked because they are not the same realign as another person and especially not have to worry about another or so many terrorist bombing.

I want to see Britain STRONG again and FREE

Comment by Richard

BNP is the only party to rid us of this ugly problem. ive been a tory too long and looked on the BNP site, i was surprised at what i read and am now converted. to BNP not islam!!! lol

Comment by joe

Richard, may I respectfully suggest looking up the rapidly expanding Libertarian Party UK?

Comment by fmwatkins

i love reading these comments, well, i believe there is lacking of bieng open minded and opening your hearts to when truth is bieng spoken. Islam is a cure in every way, it liberates all your woman from bieng seen as sex symbols. Islam does not kill people for not converting, thats just nonsense, the crusades carried this out all over the world, these actions happened right in your back garden, for the cross, millions of people where killed. Shariah is the law of the world and is the law juses will return to live in. thank you very much, i advice each one to look into islam with a open heart and gain the right information. there are a lot of sites that are run by non – muslims to give false information.

Comment by Abdul

Abdul, obviously, you know NOTHING about Islam……. Islam is butchering all over the world. is bedheading, hanging and stoning. You really must wake up…your asshole.

Comment by kafur

Muslims are over a BILLION strong. Muslims in Afghanistan are putting the sick Americans at a stop in their illuminati agenda.imagine what we can do if we all combined powers against the kafirs.our weapon is faith something which the stupid Jews n their dogs the christians lack.

Comment by IH8ZionistJews

to IH8ZionistJews

Hey…you prick. Can you tell me why you hate Jews?

Comment by filthy kafur

Peaceful co-existense is something that (most) followers of islam do not seem to understand, nor care for. The rest of us (infidels) have to accommodate you in our countries and have to bend over backwards in doing so; and you will always want more. You want to live under ‘Sharia’, go live in a country where it is followed. You want to (mis) treat women a certain way(like in the stone-ages), go live elsewhere where that is the norm. Follow whatever religion you want to but keep it to yourself, within the confines of your home. Leave the rest of us out of it. Separation of religion/state is something everyone else seems to understand; except you people. And, please, before you say things like ‘the vast majortiy of muslims are peace-loving etc. etc.’, just forget the thought – don’t even say it. I don’t see them nor hear them. Maybe they’re invisible? , scared, don’t care or condone all this nonsense – where are they …?? And no, it is not ‘racist’ to point these things out. We are all equal and all religions(even though i don’t consider myself religious) should have an equal standing in society; meaning, the same rules apply to all. But (most) muslims seem to believe(and i’m becoming increasingly convinced of this) that you and your religion have/should have, a ‘special’ place in society. People will not remain quite/politically-correct and accommodating forever. Politicians will say/do anything for an extra vote. But, once a critical mass of disgust/hatred/intolerance to what is happening in european society is achieved, there will be a strong backlash. You will get a dose of your own medicine. And the sad thing is, everyone will lose. And i can’t help but think, that a majority of your ‘hate-spewing’ clerics/mullahs know this and it is probably what they want; no wonder they seem to be more interested in the afterlife and the virgins that come with it and less concerned about what happens here in the ‘real world’. Freedom of speech/expression, liberty, dialogue, civil society are things you enjoy in free society. You should appreciate it more; instead (most) of you seem to think that it is ok to take advantage of it & push the envelope as much as you can. We are human beings with a brain in our head and have the ability to think! We don’t need to be brain-washed by an idiot cleric who only knows how to incite; we don’t need to interpret a religious book literally, in order to live a good life; we don’t need to devolve into 10th century barbarians. Here’s a hint – this is the 21st century and human beings ‘evolve’ and make progress and not the other way around. And, please, quit playing the ‘victim’ card. Look around you and ask yourselves why a lot of people dislike you and your religion. I consider myself a generally peaceful, patient kinda person – and this is how i feel. So you do the math as to what society in general feels. Enough said!

Comment by commonsensefirst

one bomb one solution!

Comment by taluson

Who’s gonna liberate us from your weasel,supremacist,peadophile worshiping,moustachioed wimin&weeny cocksucking muslim men/inadiquate perverts?…someone v soon dear heart,someone v soon…

Comment by jim low

We dont see our women as sex symbols, this is what muslims do! They are owned by a male..always..Islam DOES murder apostates you dumb ass.The crusades were to rescue the Jews from you..Muslim hordes were murdering them and slowly moving over Europe to take lands off people.
The man you think is Jesus, is NOT the REAL Christian Jesus, we have been warned about the false prophets to come.
Sharia is not the Worlds Rule…Islam is not the worlds religion either, Christianity takes those places.
I tell you Sbdul you must Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. There is no other name under heaven by which we are saved other than the man Christ Jesus.
You need to get on your knees and pray that he comes into your heart and forgives you your sins.
You need to develope a relationship with him, he is God manifest in human form.
He died in agony one the cross for us all, including muslims.He loves you and is calling to you, when he died he was thinking of you, he knows your name, and every hair is numbered on your head.

Comment by Filthy Kafur

Thats right if they look sexy you have the right to fuck them without their consent. As these women are sluts and made you do it.

Comment by taluson

Jihadist cunt!!!!!!

Comment by Tom bird

Giveusafeelofyourbumchumgiveusafeelofyourbum, sing this to the tune of the 1960s hit by Rolf Harris “Tie me kangaroo down sport”

Comment by Maboza Ritchie

Abdul i have an open honest heart. I did read you r quran with an open mind.I was sickened by what i read.Rushdies book was spot on about your vile repugnant religion.You have been indoctrinated Abdul.If you want Islam go to Saudi.If you want sharia find the taliban.We do not want you here.Mohammed was a paedophile Fact.It is clearly written in your book.Perhaps you lack the intelligence to see through your faith and its filth. I do not as i do truly have an open heart. I welcome anyone who wants to share and enjoy our freedoms.People are people in every walk of life free to be whoever or whatever they want to be.Not so in Islam.Leave Britain Abdul for our day will come,and we shall overcome you ignorant fool.

Comment by Adam

Adam- well said- I will work on being more articulate and well versed in Quran facts next time. People like you are the reason that Britain and the British shall prevail, just as the rest of Europe and Israel and any other freedom loving nation! Islam does not have a place here in any way shape or form. Thank you for iterating it so nicely.

Comment by Krishna

it liberates all your woman from being seen as sex symbols
o please tell me you are kidding and that was ment to be a joke even if it was a very bad one we take pride in what are women look like we dont want them covered up and are women would no way in hell let us cover them up they have there own minds and dont fear what we mite do to them if they disobey us.
And who is rite to say a non Muslim because as I see it the bad ones are eager to say your not and you the same about them. It seems you are all just as bad as one another im afraid

Comment by richard

ok thanks for the link fmwatkins have taken a look it looks intresting

Comment by richard

I agree with all this, i hate them all!

Comment by Mr. Blue

get the shower of shit out of this country, they’re all cowardist bastards. islam. my arse.

Comment by besty

wow, wow, it seems like we are starting to sound like Hitler. Holocaust was a result of a long and persistent demonization of Jews. Media portrayed them as these long-bearded, weird black wearing people, who were also enemies of the European states where they lived.. It took the tragedy of the Holocaust to realize that Jews are humans too. Is there a need for another Holocaust to accept that Muslims are human too?
When Britain needs cheap labor –“let the Muslims in”. But hey, let us hate them, dehumanize them and get angry when they say that they have rights to believe in God in their way. As a person studying the history of Holocaust, I am really appaled by how much current talks resemble pre-Holocaust discourse in Germany. And these have not been just talks globally, look at Iraq. Stop this, people. Anybody with heart. This is going REALLY wrong.

Comment by Sabina

wow, wow, it seems like we are starting to sound like Hitler.

Sabina…look at …here you will see that Muslims joined forces with Hitler to wipe out the jews..the Mufti of Jerusalem actually formed an “air arm” with the gestapo!! YES…Muslims CAN be compared to Hitlers mob!

Muslims are not just worshipping God their way…. they are still fighting the 1600 year war that Islam has fought to take over the entire earth.

Why dont you FUCK OFF with them and go to Saudi to live?

Comment by kafur

we didnt let you in. our traitor politicians let you in. we were not asked. you would do well to remember that! if asked we would have said obsolutely no fkn way! sorry to piss on your fire.

Comment by joe

p.s. cheap labour??? none of you work. you all claim benefits.

Comment by joe

we did not let muslims in for cheap labour you retard, most came here for human rights reasons, because you lot are killing each other in your islamic countries so you came here seeking asylum, if we knew you lot were going to behave like pigs we would not of let you in, and you came here for the free housing and benefits, now i can see why you lot dont like pigs cause it reminds you of them

Comment by alex

Well said Alex, these ignorant paedos need to be taught a short sharp lesson, all they do is plot against us while living in expensive homes paid for by the government, no run of the mill council houses for them, living here with their multiple wives and disgusting little kids, all on benefits. They think we will give into them and submit to sharia law yeh! I don’t think so , we’ll kill them first and make no mistake about it, the scummy bastards will die.

Comment by Aine

Oh please. Sabina. This is nothing like the Holocaust. We are rallying against a fascist ideology. When people believe a country should be taken over and become a totalitarian theocracy, I view them as enemies. The Quran views all non-Muslims as enemies and all non-Islamic cultures as inferior, which should be destroyed.

Cheap labour? That’s Eastern Europeans for that. It seems Muslims are too busy suing British businesses for not catering to Muslims enough, that’s when they are not making the most of the liberal socialist redistribution of wealth going on in this country. People have a right to believe whatever fairy tale they like but they don’t have a right to impose it on others.

I mean seriously, you expect people to just bend over and accept statements like these:

‘Have more babies and Muslims can take over the UK’ says Muslim, in the UK

Regents Park mosque found still preaching hate against Britain

The Truth about Islam’s Prophet

One third of British Muslim students think it is acceptable to kill in name of Islam

‘Only Muslims are Innocent’ says Muslim on BBC

Britain must be nicer to Muslims, says UN ‘human rights’ chiefs

Real British law is about individual freedoms and not violating the individual freedoms of others. Under Islam there is no freedom at all. The two structures are diametrically opposed, so don’t think you can bring Hitler into this and make out Muslims in the UK are victims. Of what? English people who refuse to bow down and worship a religion of death?


Comment by fmwatkins

Thumbs up for your reply!

Comment by taluson

O please Sabina that is such a ridiculous comment we do not care what god they believe but when it comes to hatred and murder which some Muslims are happy to carry out in there faith that is wrong.

Want them for cheap labour Sabina we dont want them PERIOD if they were not here there would be more jobs for English people true that isnt all there fault but a lot of it is. Sabina I feel sorry for you, you really need to open your eyes before taking action is to late.

You can tell us how it feels where in a couple of years you’ll be forced to cover your self with a veil and do as you man says you need to open your eyes ad take a good look of what is going on around you me and others from this site can see the problems that are being coursed and will probably happen if islam is not taken out of england

Comment by richard

By the way Sabina, speaking of Hitler, try looking up the connection between the Grand Mufti and Hitler, that is, Muslims being members of the SS and Hitler using Islam to indoctrinate troops with.

There is no defence from the truth….

Comment by fmwatkins

Just Google ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ to see what the agenda is in regards Islam. The qu’ran tells them to lie, so they cannot be trusted.
Avoid using taxi’s, takeaways, and ALL other muslim run businesses. If a Muslim mentions the crusades to you, remind him that it was a liberation of the bloodstained lands that the muslims invaded.

Fact: Down the cenuties, Islam in total has killed 230 MILLION people, thats more than any other ideology. Religion of peace my arse!

Never EVER befriend them, they cannot be trusted.

Islamophobia is a made up word: It IS rational to be afraid of islam. Islam is not a race, always point this out when dialoge -ing with a muslim.

EDUCATE yourself, specifically on the history of Islam and the methods of conversion that Mohammed used (i.e declaring peace with the original inhabitants of Mecca, and then invading 2 years later when the guard was down – same tactic used by Arafat in the 90’s), how Islam spread and murdered those that refused to convert.
Do a google search on the quality of life for women in saudi arabia – only last night, i read a story of an aid worker from australia (a woman) who HAD to veil up and be accopanied by a male in order to go out and her collegues, also from the west who commited suicide.

Write to yuour MP and make your feelings known on a regular basis, even if you get no reply it doesnt matter. Make them know of the growing concern of everyone you speak to.

If we all stick together, we can be rid of this foreign invasion, for that is what it is , an INVASION, we can get back to a normal way of life that doent include religious dogma.

Once again, EDUCATE yourself. The mainstream media wont touch this for fear of reprisals. Go to youtube or blogs on the internet and find out what people are saying.
Stop pandering to these 7th century BASTARDS grow some balls and SPEAK OUT. Political Correctness has been a useful tool to them for too long. Someone above mentioned speaking to other ethnic groups, that is a brilliant idea: Even the Eastern Europeans are against the islamification of Europe.

Sign this petition:
Spread this link around to EVERYONE in your contact list in your email account. Its been up 3 days and has already 1,900 signitures/

Finally, NEVER EVER tire of the fight. The Muslim Brotherhood thinks in terms of CENTURIES, i kid you not; they see the country of Spain as an islamic land because it was once in the ottoman empire in the f*cking 1500’s (again, study history.

Remember the petition, please sign:

Comment by John

Below is one of the emails i sent to my MP:

After 11 years of social engineering on a massive scale that has
reduced our society to a quivering mass of apologetic Dhimmis, I am
writing to you in regards to an incident that has happened on the

Outspoken Atheist, Pat Condell recently put up a video that was
critical of Islam, was well thought out and spoken, in a polite if
somewhat sarcastic style, about how the goverment of this country has
favoured policy of a foreign nation over indigenous english laws.
The video also contained a link for the petition against Sharia Law
courts operating on British soil (Currently carrying thousands of
signitures at the moment).[look up Pat Condell on Youtube, i promise you will laugh and cry at the same time]
Less than 24 hours later and with 40,000+ views, the video was pulled
because of ‘Hate speech’, yet Youtube and a vast amount of the internet
is littered with abominable religious teachings from ranting madmen,
and these never get censored.

This is but one example of how WRONG the policy of appeasement that the
Labour goverment has in force.
I fear that if the ideology of tolerance of intolerance continues, we
as a nation will lose its identity.

Lastly, I do realise that im probably wasting my time here because of
the subject matter (also the reason im withholding my address), is
extremely sensetive and this is going to take an MP of a calibre that
hasnt been seen since Churchill to address.

Im asking you, as a Labour Party member, to
give your party a chance of redeeming itself for the damage that has
been done to England, yes England in the last 11 years.

I at least would respectfully request an email confirmation of you
reading this, my email address is ******

I sent this 5 days ago, and so far havent received a reply.

If you want to email your MP there is a website here:

Please sign the petition and pass around to all your contacts:

Comment by John

Thanks for the info John. I wrote to my MP about the EU, I got a reply though, same old propaganda shit. The truth is they’re powerless and most of them are too busy on the taxpayer gravy train to give a fuck.

The entire state needs to be bled, from top to bottom.

Comment by fmwatkins

in the your perfect segregated world Muslims would leave but the fact is, you need us. Muslims are BORN HERE and some MUSLIMS are white. If you had your way Briton would be ruined, can you imagine how many tax payers would leave. My family pay around 15 thousand in tax a year, with this struggling economy mr brown ain’t asking us to leave, he needs our tax money, as most English people lay around and go the job center for there free money.

If you don’t like Muslims leave britan for a island where there is no culture, because Muslims are British as they were born here..
+ muslims contribute more to this country then you infidels do..we in general work harder and earn more money so pay more tax.

thats reality–we aint going no where-ha ha–keep dreaming. ALLAH HUACKBUR!!! there is only one god and the prophet Muhammad is the messenger of Allah

Comment by Muslims run the UK

Being born somewhere is an ‘accident of birth’. A British person is someone whose Fathers and Grandfathers fought to keep the land OUR ancestors built and where THEY are buried,free for THEIR descendants…not people of foreign origin who don’t even like us let alone want to integrate into our land and culture.
If the woman who lives next door happened to give birth in my house would that make her child part of my family? would I be responsible for that child forever simply because the mother happened to be in my home when she gave birth/ I think not. Time to take our land back and put our own people first…the people the two world wars were fought for by brave men ,many who died to keep us free from foreign invasions.

Comment by martha

Martha, great comments I left the UK for the US because of liberals and muslims but now the politicians here are assholes just like the ones we have the only one that had any balls was Enoch Powell and the others crucified him RULE BRITANNIA

Comment by david furzer

I pity you and your pathetic grasp of what islam is and what muslims are. Recently it was proven that muslims are a net loss to Britain due to the sponging, disgusting, workshy bastards. You only have to drive past any benefits centre and it will be overrun by burkha wearing mothers to 10 or 20 future terrorists.

Comment by Derek James

Yeah just like if a dogs born in a stable its a horse then eh! Get to fuck and understand this you dirty muzzas will NEVER be British and us good British people have had enough of your dirty muzza pig ways you will soon get the message and trust me WE are going nowhere we took on Hitler in WW2 and won and believe me we will beat you lot!

Comment by Proud Brit

you vile Muslim cunt…… The “Infidels” you talk of dont et “Free money”…we pay for these benefits all our lives and when we need them we can claim our money back…it is YOU BASTARDS that come here, having paid in nothing, and take take take. It is a known fact that Muslims are told NOT to work in uk, your Koran makes you think you have a right to take from others.
You vile muslim Twat…one day youll be gone from our shores.

Comment by kafur

Where in the Quran does it say that muslims have the right to take from others? I haven’t found it, please let me know.
I have only found the rule that all believing muslims must pay ‘zakaat’ which is a tax…a certain percentage out of their income that they must give to the poor. Ontop of this, they pay our normal Brittish taxes too.

Comment by Maria

I already been to other countries but you assholes have already fucked them up with your inbred ways.I even went to your shit country and took money from you bastards for a change it would be good if you would all fuck off back there

Comment by david furzer

We need you oh! please you’re a,comedian, your tax payment is a drop in the ocean,you work harder really what shit you speak, you’re basically lazy, filthy and workshy. A lot of Moslems were not born here but came here on some made up crap about being persecuted etc. and even if you’re born here you have no rights you’re not ethnically British and never will be, so get stuffed. Yes there is only one God and Mohammed was a perverted paedo and that’s a fact.

Comment by Aine

What you mean working in convenience stores?? Bomb making cunt

Comment by Tom bird

your like little boys given a toy. The Quran says your better. If you rape them it’s the womans fault. Bet most of you don’t even know much about God. Its kill the infidels we are better then you and fuck their woman. Allah fucking Huackbur….LOL.

We got a lot of ignorant fucks in the states would love that idea too.

Too bad your Godless savages. The truly religious Muslims abhor your what most Muslims do.

For the rest of us we don’t want any of you fucks here. Good or bad how can we tell?

All we know is the murders rapes and pedifiles you bring to our countries. Go back home! Or we will send you in body bags.

Comment by taluson

Firstly, read the title of the article. It doesn’t say kick out Muslims, it says kick out Islam. The tenets of Islam run contrary to the tenets of the Bill of Rights, Magna Carta and the Principle of Individual Libertarianism.

Get it? And talking about tax, considering the number of Muslims that don’t work (working for the infidel is a sin and taking taxpayers money in benefits is seen as a form of jihad against the economy), the total population of Muslims is tiny, and so is their tax contribution. People shouldn’t have to pay income tax anyway but that’s another story.

I hate this liberal fascist government as much as the next guy, but I recognise true Islam as the theocratic fascist ideology that it is.

I’ve got an exercise for readers of this blog. Find Muslim councils and groups in Britain via Google, so on their sites and download their policies and manifestos. You will see that they always put Islam before British law, in the event that they may conflict. The goal of all of these groups is not to promote individual liberty, but global Islam.

Anyone who has actually studied the actions of Muhammed and other Muslim groups throughout history already know their true attitudes to the Kaffir.

Fucking sheep creating havoc over fairy tale gods.

Comment by fmwatkins

Muslims wether you are born here or white makes no difference islam does not belong in are country and yeh you have to work more because you bring you entire dam family over ad cram them into one house.
And leave Britain HA you are the foreign invaders you have no rite to be here and eventually will be sent away as you should be.

“ALLAH HUACKBUR!!! there is only one god and the prophet Muhammad is the messenger of Allah “

oo please you moany little Muslim grow up no one wants you here in are country with your hate for other people and willingness and happiness to kill anyone that is not Muslim this country truly would be much better off without you here and become once again one of the greatest if not the greatest country in the world.

But dont you worry something will be done about the infestation of islam in Britain any the county till be great again and you can go terrorize another country

Comment by richard

Islam is NOT a religion! Islam is fake. It is a political doctrine that uses God as a pretext to dominate women and non-Muslims.

Comment by AllahuaWanker!

All muslims must open their eyes and realise that history confirms the truth about Islam, and know their actions are that of pure desperation created by a complete delusional ideation. All true followers of GOD, will be saved but im afraid followers of the Quran, are all doomed for eternity. Its no wonder they act the way they do.

Comment by The truth

Britain is founded on Christian principles. Muslims are not welcome in Britain. Leave or face future consequences.

Comment by Sean

we are very tolerent in what was once GREAT britain we have welcomed these filthy dogs for years but the tide is turning the great bulldog spirit is returning to rid britain of this plague of filth

Comment by neal

This talk is all very nice, but talk is cheap, as cheap as the lives of non muslims according to their ‘faith’. When do we act? When do we get together and boot these sons of whores out of our country? Take a look at the various videos available online of muslims beheading their victims if you need any inspiration. I’m so sick and tired of the ‘do-gooders’ in our society making the distinction between the ‘radical element’ of Islam, and the ‘peaceful element’ of Islam. What a load of shit. You let one form of Islam into the country, you let ALL forms of it in, including the radicals. Then, to finish the recipe for disaster, you allow those same radicals to preach their hatred at their mosques. Unbelievable!

In my opinion, it’ too late to do things like simply banning Al Jazeera, implanting MI6 operatives in their Mosques, working with ‘their’ youths at ground level, and calling for the ‘good muslims’ to denounce terror. It’s too late for all that. We must act, and we must act NOW.

The actions we take will not be liked by the liberal world community leadership bodies. They will be condemned by Europe, America, Australia (all in the grip of Islam), as well as all nations of Islam of course. But mark my words. When we do act, and the outcries from around the world subside, we will be followed. European nations will follow our lead, and eventually, so too will America, Australia, and other nations hitherto frightened of international sanctions if they acted in isolation. So what do we do?

Stay tuned.

Incidentally, I agree with the cried that Christendom is responsible for more deaths in the name of religion than all other religions combined, but we’re talking about ancient history. Modern Christianity is a totally peaceful religion, tolerant of all others. In fact, their organizations including the Papacy, will be amongst the first to cry out against what I am going to call for.

So what am I calling for? read the next message.

Comment by Matey

We need to end Islam in Britain, and petitions and talk-fests will not stop it’s spread. I don’t care if muslims were born here, feel a connection to Britain, or profess peace, the religion is subversive and all its followers must either denounce it, or be deported.

Top-down changes are required if we are to free Britain from Islam. The ‘ruling class’ is too liberal, too meek. They seek the sympathies of the world’s governing bodies to aid Britain’s interests abroad. In a global economy, this is not unpatriotic, but in the fight against Islam, it is suicide.

So I profess revolution. Revolution at a grass roots level. The government controls the armed forces, and set domestic and foreign policy. The only way to change direction is to change government in a fundamental way. We must elect someone who will take on the constitution and the structure of government. We need an internet based push to elect a political party that will constitutionally declare Islam as a subversive ideology that is illegal in the UK. It’s followers will be given six months to relocate themselves to another country, or be deported and have their assets seized.

All mosques will be torn down. The study and practice of Islam will be banned in the UK.

It’s the only way people. If you really want to live without their sickness slapping you in the face and making your cities and towns unsafe for you and your children, then short of anarchy and direct conflict (which would be quickly snuffed out by government forces) it’s the only way.

To return Britain to its original people, you have to change the way it is governed. You cannot change those who are currently governing it. You cannot do this noisily, else public opinion will be controlled by the liberal media, and the party you seek to elect will become a laughing stock and ineffective.

A grassroots movement must strike quickly and with such efficiency, that the media has no time to rally the sympathies of the sheep-like public. Instead, their opinion will already be formed by the time the media take the movement seriously.

Read on…

Comment by Matey

If that party already exists, then support it. Two-party politics such as we have in the UK and the USA is very difficult to break down. Infiltrating a current party that has even remotely similar ideologies and broad support is the most effective way of growing more rapidly. Starting a new party brings too much scrutiny and can jeopardize the ultimate goal by being branded as lunatics or fringe-dwellers such as the Get Britain Back Party or Legalize Cannabis Alliance. Votes and money count in politics, not necessarily in that order, and so if we can bring enough votes and money to a party, we get some air time and a say in policy formation. Provided we keep the goal as the forefront of our minds and do not get swept up in the glam world of politics, we continue to grow our power base until it is time to strike. We continue to build support for our ideology at a grassroots level.

The revolution will take some years to begin, but it is important that we are taken seriously.

Read on…

Comment by Matey

I don’t want to be viewed as another Hitler, whipping up anti-muslim sentiment for personal political gain. That’s what will be portrayed in the media, and by the many do-gooders in our society and in others. Hitler used the Jews and anti-Jewish sentiment to stir his followers. I am using anti-muslim sentiment to get rid of Islam from Britain – full stop. No other agenda, no drive for power, no violence proposed.

It’s not the same thing, so don’t bother with the Nazi garbage, I hate Fascism. I am very tolerant of others. Islam is not tolerant. Islam is not peaceful. Islam is Fascism.

In order to maintain credibility of the political movement, we must have a suite of domestic and foreign policies that are mainstream and viable. The ‘normal’ functioning of society must go on. Fiscal responsibility, business based on a capitalist free enterprise system must continue. Our party must not be viewed as radical, and other than getting rid of Islam, must not act radically, or be filled with radicals. Therefore, we need to be led by men and women of good intellect and moderate views and ideologies whose only ‘radical’ view is the termination of Islam.

This can be done. Talkfests like these internet messageboards are not the answer, although they are a terrific venting mechanism.

I invite your constructive input.

I do not invite input from muslims. Your time is up, and your input is no longer sought, your voice will count for naught.

Comment by Matey

YOu wjite and black bastards shag your mum

Comment by m.shahdab kyani

That sort of response just embraces yourself and shows your limited culture sophistication, education intellect and made up worthless religion.

Comment by g

[…] yes, there are efforts underway to try and turn Britain into an Islamic […]

Pingback by British govt outlaws free speech « End of Men

I Agree 100%.

Comment by Brutal

Totally agree.. If you don,t like this country and want your own beliefs… Piss off back from where you came and stop trying to change ours, because in your country we wouldn,t even get a voice, and neither would you.

Comment by ian

This was sent to me by an Australian friend. This is their policy for dealing with Muslims and immigrants. If only our government would adopt the same attitude, Britain may have a hope of a better future.

Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.

Separately, the prime minister angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation’s mosques. Quote: ‘IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.’

‘This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom’

‘We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society Learn the language!’

‘Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.’

‘We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.’

‘This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom,


‘If you aren’t happy here then LEAVE. We didn’t force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.’

Maybe if we circulate this amongst ourselves, British citizens will find the backbone to start speaking and voicing the same!

“A nation is not destroyed from without, but from within” – Winston Churchill.

Comment by Liz

Put the counts in concentration camps and let them fend for themselves

Comment by Michael Kennedy

Yes for now we talk we share what information and knowledge we have and how we all feel on the subject and for now talk is all we can do BUT let it be known people are opening there eyes to what is goin on around them in there every day lives and they can see the effects islam is having on Britian.
And when enough people become aware action will be taken these things will change people will mass and demand change happens before the cancer that is islam can spread and infect Britain all together, change is coming and we stand together side by side till Britain is free of islam, free of there hate for anything not islamic free of there effort to turn are once great county into an islamic state.

WHY should be bend over backward to make them feel welcome to the extent we have they will never feel welcome not till they have everything they want not till everything is islam. This is ARE county these are are homes are rules NOT theres they want to live with us they should except things the way they are here or LEAVE simple.

Comment by Richard

Winston Churchill would turn in his grave.We fought wars to stay British..This Labour government should stand trial for crimes against the British people.We are to frightened to speak out in fear of being branded”racist”,but true Brits are the real victims of racism.Things will get worse and worse and i fear for British children growing up in this country.

Comment by Ian Carvell

Muslims. Filthy masturbators of dogs. Penetrators of pigs’ anuses. I call upon Christian Europe for another Holy Crusade to destroy once and for all the abberation, the perversion, the insult to humanity tat is Islam.


Comment by Pope Benedict

i have never understood why us brits wanted a nuclear weapon, but its all making a lot of sence now, i can see cearly our nuclear weapons do indeed have a good use, mecca, the next time all them muslims have a get together
what a site, what a hole, what a crator.
till then i`ll be here in good old england,& when the time comes, i guess you 2.4 million muslims will be fighting us 60 million pissed off angry brits, there very well may be rivers of blood………..muslims blood.

Comment by human

Well said.

Comment by Aine

Good afternoon fellow patriots.
just want to drop few lines to let you know that i’m still around and to let you also know that you have hundreds of millions of allies and supporters the U.S. and threw out the freedom loving world and when the time comes we will deal with this problem and the political whores who protect them once and for all.

Comment by wes 59

I think that as well as Muslim activists, liberal english (who are actually far more damaging) should also be “held to count” for being so weak and pathetic. They believe they are so educated and yet learn nothing from history.

Comment by RT


Comment by khusro Daniel mirza

Hi Daniel. Judging by your name, you’re a half Jewish muzqito else a weak minded white convert to the religion of piss.

After you’ve kissed your pre-islamic meccan meteorite idol, worshipped your minor moon god, tried to read from your book of shadows (I’m SO sure you understand classical Arabic) and made a few pagan blood sacrifices at Eid, you can be sure you will get your virgins and ‘boys like pearls’ as you burn in Hades.

When the time comes, all lamp-posts in the UK will be occupied by heathen donkey rapists like yourself. Do come and visit for tea and scones.

Kabaa Kaboom, babycakes.

Comment by Vigilante

Mmm tea and scones,jam?,strawberry?

Comment by david wyn-jones

We should begin by making all agitators against our normally open culture feel as unwelcome as possible and totally disregard those that would sooner deny their own blood / heritage.

Comment by RT


Comment by RT

enough is enough time is running out

Comment by hooded crusader

We (Non muslims of all colours, faiths, beliefs) who are bound by one commonality – that of being blessed to be a British Citizen, MUST join forces to keep our country free. Look at Muslim countries and you see hypocracy, dictatorship, secrecy, non-tolerance and suffering. Of course, I would welcome any muslim who whole heartedly swears alegiance to Queen and Country into our little force for freedom (something which all Brit Cits are required to do – but I cant find one).

Comment by Naturalised Brit

I was reading about what christian comunity think about muslims I want to argue but what can

I say when Islam want to say “your heaven”greatness”Lye under the feet of your mother”but you donot want to respect her.
Islam say “woman is Responsibilty of Father, then brother then husban and then son, respectivly and a comon muslim woman enjoys more respect in Islam than British Princess in Britan”





Comment by tariq

muslim tosspot. What fucking planet ARE you on?????

Comment by kafur

“i have never understood why us brits wanted a nuclear weapon, but its all making a lot of sence now, i can see cearly our nuclear weapons do indeed have a good use, mecca, the next time all them muslims have a get together
what a site, what a hole, what a crator.
till then i`ll be here in good old england,& when the time comes, i guess you 2.4 million muslims will be fighting us 60 million pissed off angry brits, there very well may be rivers of blood………..muslims blood.”



Comment by tariq

the muslims come into our coutry and all the do is moan about how we live our lives etc such as binge drinking culture. if they dont like it then why not just go back to their own country where the laws are how they want it and then they would be happy and have nothing to moan about. they do nothing in britain ecept scrounge and moan they do not inergrate with british society and do not want to follow our laws. they should be sent back to their country. places such as aurstralia are not over crownded with them because their government does not allow them to get away with what they get away with in britain and as soon as anyone says anything they are branded a racist. i am not a racist just sick of the one sided views and actions taken by the muslims and government which always puts the english people 2nd! if a white lad fights with an asian lad its instantly a racist attack against the asian but if a group of asians attack a white lad then nothing happens or they say he was being racist and they get away with it its not fair. i could talk about this subject till my head exploded something needs to be done and said befre they get more power.

Comment by 100% brit!

What would the people who lost lives fighting for this country in two world wars think about the state the governments have left this country in,and continue to make worse by allwowing outsiders who will never follow our flag demonize the very people who live here and the boys who have given them their freedom.The muslims in Luton when our boys came home are scum who should thrown into prison or out of Great Britain all together.Praise to the Bacon throwing man who was one of two arrested for sticking up for our boys,we should have let them open fire on the scum.Its time our country woke up before there is civil war!

Comment by peter fenton

We dont need them they have ruined every country that they come across we dont want that for good old England.MAKE THE STAND NOW PEOPLE!!!Remember Churchill and the Bulldog Spirit.Keep the faith Victory is ours!!

Comment by peter fenton

People wonder why Muslims, seeking in the way of their Prophet (under Sharia Law) would intentionally move to a secular country governed by completely different laws, that is, by the Rule of Law (in theory) not a barbaric 7th century theocracy.

Why? Aren’t they betraying their religion you may wonder.

Actually, they are not. They are doing what all Muslims are commanded to do, ‘spread Islam to the whole world’.

In regards to Muslims coming into the West and immediately going onto welfare (a disproportionate number I might add). Isn’t taking money off of dirty, uncivilised infidels betraying Islam?

Again no. There is something called the Jizya in Islam. The ‘Infidel Tax’ which is required to be paid to the Islamic state (Muslims) by non-Muslims for the ‘protection’ (not being slaughtered for rejecting Islam).

They can justify it by claiming they are waging their own little finanical and cultural Jihad on the West. I don’t give a shit what any Muslim says, I know about Islam. You can’t be a Muslim and not (openly or secretly) be for the subjugation of the WORLD under Sharia. If they are not for it, they are are not ‘proper’ Muslims.

Islam is the only ‘religion’ which advocates a total, never ending war on the world, until we are all stoning women to death, shooting children and flogging women in public for being raped, oh and attacking Jews and Christians.

Fuck them. I prefer freedom thanks.

Comment by fmwatkins

If you leave islam and convert you are to be killed. yet it is a relgion of peace sarcastic humour. they are more barbaric and backward then the Nazis were and yes islam is a totalitarian ideology.

There is no law maker other than allah that is a big political statement, banks, goverment laws are all governed by Islam.

Muslims claim they are oppressed, well guess what their religion oppresses them.

Say anthing against there religion they will want to kill you, if you sopke out against the nazis in germany yous was either sent to jail or killed not quite as bad as islam but no better either.

If they dont like our culture or laws or our relgious symbols offend them, well our ports and airports are open they can leave the country go live in some islamic country.

keep drinking alchool guys cause it will offend them let them try and ban that and all hell will break out

Comment by Steve

English lad living over in Ireland at the moment and I tell you what people there is no way that the Irish would tolerate this shit that is getting preached to the British public.

I’m returning to the UK in October and I’m 100% determined to get involved in the politics of our once great country.

I’m not going to let these backwards bastards take what little freedom we have left (due to our weak and pathetic government).

I’ve travelled much of the world and have met some great people from all walks of life, so I’d like to think I’ve got some good experience with other cultures and religions.

I say we take Australia’s stance and tell them if you don’t adapt and respect our way of life (I’m not saying its perfect because we’ve got problems with our people – dole scroungers etc).
get out of the country.
Simple really…why come here in the first place?
Have these arseholes not read about how our culture is/has been??

Sick to my back teeth of certain people telling me I should live my life to a set of rules laid out by some script writer from centuries back.

A small quote that people should dwell on : –

I put no stock in religion. By the word religion I have seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the will of god. I have seen too much religion in the eyes of too many murderers. Holiness is in right action, and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves, and goodness. What god desires is here
[points to head]

Comment by Freedom For All

You’re right (Freedom For All – April 17, 2009)

I would suggest looking into a new political party, the Libertarian Party UK. Based on logic and common law, the principles of libertarianism.

Have a read through the site.

Comment by FM Watkins

To hell with islam/mohscummed/quaran, you muslims will never rule UK!u brainwashed freaks from hell,,,ISLAM IS SATANS WORD and everyone is wise to you filthy murdering scumbags now.

Comment by Dicky

If there is one thing Brits are good at and that is fighting for what is rite and most of all there country we maybe a small counrty but we have taken on enemys fare larger than us and won.

More peolpe are becoming aware of islam and the bad things it bring in Britain the problems and threat islam brings no matter what size will be fored out of Britain in the end, and the end maybe coming sooner than expected.

When the people in power grow the balls to act or when the people act, people bein the true power then the change will come and action will be made on islam and it will fored out of Britain the hate and the ridiculous ideas that is islam.

Britan will be free and pure once more

Comment by Richard

Indeed, Islam is a cancer that should have been seared from the face of the earth the moment it came into existence.

It isnt as though if the military situations of Muslim and non-Muslim countries were revered the Muslims would show any mercy. Thankfully the adoption of Islam virtually guarantees that a nation will remain a backward medieval shitocracy.

Comment by Oliver

I highly recamend looking at this site to see what Islam is about (sorry for my spelling, english is my secong language).

Comment by Masamune Date

I highly recamend looking at this site to see what Islam seems to be about(sorry for my spelling, english is my secong language).

Comment by Masamune Date

This Left Wing Government Has Ruined Britian Over The Last Ten Years,I Am 73 And Went To Get My Very First Passport and facial Recognition only to see interpreters for muslims,who cant speak english.
Time Ladies And Gentlemen to remember who you vote for in the next election.
my vote!not labour,not conservative,not liberal…now you guess.

Comment by Thomas

the govorment is ruining this great great country im 20 and love this country so much my grandad fought in ww2 my ancestors were leaders andsoldiers in 1776 in the british army in the americanwar of independance thats how far my family goes back, and it angers me how much britain has changed, we dnt want muslims and there fuzzy faced friends, we dnt want them we dnt need them, kick them out their religion and culture is something britain dsnt want, were at war with these people why do we want them here so they can destroy britain from the inside out, lets return the crown to what it should be, vote BNP, god save the queen

Comment by ben stonehill

REMOVED as per request of original commenter – FM Watkins

Comment by gary dodge

Pi55 off cu9ts

Comment by Btiopygc

with the current attitude towards muslims,can they wonder why ???

Comment by j

i saw a video of that omar bakri ugly lookin prick converting people in the street one was a TWELVE YEAR OLD CHILD!!!!!!!, the time has come my brothers, it came along time ago, but we didnt react, the time has come to do something and not just words or protests, but to vote the BNP into imediate power, the BNP must take control of this beutifull, wonderfull, magnifisant country to rid these muslims of britain, god save the queen

Comment by ben stonehill

Thank God there are people out there that realize how false islam is. Thier prophet was a pedophile and the only reason these people immigrate to other countries is to start off with thier small enclaves were they garner pity and suddenly grow and become the local government which starts shunning the laofplaces the land for sharia law. As they grow they become more powerful and suddenly have more power and the true people of the country are can no longer go into certain places without feeling out of place. Make no mistake islam is not a religion of peace. Coexistence is only acceptable to muslims until they have the upper hand. Peace only comes to them when the whole world is under the thumb of islam. Most people who convert to islam don’t even follow the rules of islam thier just a bunch of wannbes. A true muslim can read and speak the koran in Arabic. That is the rule of islam. Also to muslims God is prone to mistakes, while to Jews and Christains God is infalliable.

Comment by Thomas Mroczka

thomas mroczka is 110% right the islam/ muslim culture is NOT e peacfull loving community they ARE ppl who infest a country and breed, inflicting there rules on “infadels” as i have already said my ancestors fought for the british crown in 1776 if they were still alive, god rest there souls, they wouldnt stand for this why should we?, have a look on youtube and type in “demographical problem” (the 1 with the green flag), it is very disturbing, we all need patriotic friends so add me, god save the queen

Comment by ben stonehill

Muslims are a filthy evil disease upon this planet and the longer islam exists whe worse the world will become.

The British Govt has let it`s people down, frankly i do not know whats going to become of UK now, think its too late, as shariah courts are embedded!

Comment by Yohah Schwass

its never too late my friend, aslong as there is a patriotic british person alive, FUCK ISLAM FUCK ALLAH FUCK SHARIA LAW, its poison eating at the core of our great country, fellow patriots vote BNP and lets rid these vile people from great britain, god save the queen

Comment by ben stonehill

The “prophet Muhammad” is nothing other than a pedophile and Islam is a joke. We all have our own beliefs but for christ sakes, these people practically have a wank over theirs!
These people will eventually turn Britain into Africa, how much more time shall we be told what to do and bossed around in our own country?

Comment by martin howard

BNP is the only party that will stand up and say what we all truely think. Nick Griffin was right about Islam, it’s a vile and wicked faith. What sort of men treat women as 2nd class citizens? Infact, thats not all they do… Muslim men smack the shit out of their wives if they so much as blink. We should not allow these people to stay in Britain, I am not racist but I believe anyone who wants to live here, who isn’t British should come here and adapt to our ways of life, not bring their own. Thats what they are doing, GET THEM OUT.

Comment by martin howard

Got any Gleenogs?

Comment by Btiopygc

ur right martin, 110%, my brothers dnt let the “mainstream” [arties influence u, make no mistake about it britain is changing.. for the worse, because of islam, to all the muslims who might be reading this.. FUCK OF HOME U FUCKING MOOMOO’S, god save the queen

Comment by ben stonehill

Time will tell Radovan Karadzic was doing the world a favour, if muslims have their way there will be a bloodbath “ours”

Comment by Gary B

Yes Radovan was a hero not a monster, he rid his country of scum.

Comment by Aine

i heard on the radio yesterday that the govorment wants to BAN the word christmas, instead they want it renamed “winter festival” incase it offends other religions, guess which one?, britain STOP being so polite and stop accepting this, do something make ur voice heard, why is no1 acting

Comment by ben stonehill

ever thought praps God/Allah might NOT exist? now theres a thought…and you lot are wasting the one chance you have at living becuase after deathe there is NOTHING..and that’s a fact.

Comment by martha

I so wish we could have our beautiful England back the way it used to be in the 60s and 70s. This is OUR land, OUR childrens inheritance.

Comment by martha

Martha, your beautiful England is well and truly sunk, and it was a great place in the 50s and 60s, but since we have all these politically correct politicians and dogooders,they have ruined any hope of a good future for our Brit children.

Eventually we will see filthy dirty shariah law being the dominant core of Britain and muslims ruling us,, we have become soft and cannot defend ourselves against these savage violent muslims who are also out-breeding us!.

Stop ALL vessels from Calias (shut the port down) that would be a start, and stop ALL muslim immigration, and all muslims already here should be forced to give up filthy islam or LEAVE!

Comment by Gorky Park

“i heard on the radio yesterday that the govorment wants to BAN the word christmas”

Not Ever Going To Happen!!, maybe it`ll happen in UK!, aint no way gonna ban the word “CHRISTMAS” in USA or all the other Christian Nations.

To Hell with muslims and islam, mohammed was a dirty little paedophile just like all the muzzies are.

Comment by Bikini Babe

i heard that aswell, iv already posted that here, u heard it on radio jackie?, yea they want to rename it “winter festival” fuck that shit man, we will never let this happen, RULE BRITTANIA!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by ben stonehill

You have a choice try english defence league, join and stand all colours all races. Or give in.

Comment by Andy

get them out asap we all need to rally together before our beautifull country is over run an ruined by these people. we need to make this happen for our future generations sake they can not be allowed to enter our land go on benefits breed like rabbits and take our country for there own. we must end this now

Comment by Dan

finaly the british are starting to realise whats hapening to great britain, my brothers and sisters of our beutiful country every vote for the BNP counts, please do not forget to vote, RULE BRITANNIA

Comment by ben stonehill

i totaly agree vote for them!! i see banners up around my area stating vote mr kahn as your loacl MP! not a chance in hell thats there first step to islam rule. why cum hear fuck off back home an leave our country. to all the british public rally together an kick the bastards out. for all the people reading this would you like to see your daughters in a burkha! i think not but this will happen if they are allowed to live here any longer please please please realize this and help us all to get rid of this plague bvote BNP RULE BRITANNIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by Dan

I agree.
Just check the YNC abd Quran to see what kind of people we are dealing with.

Comment by Markus

Mr Brown please sir if you are reading this jus drop a big huge nuke ryt over all islam an muslim countrys an wipe them off the face of the earth go on sir plaease we wont mind and well all satnd behind u! 🙂 to be honest if u did tha ud probably get a knight hood this is our country and i hate seeing it ruined by scroungers, scum an muslims they need to be erradicated from this place asap

Comment by Dan

dan, hopefully nick griffin will do that for us, the govorment in control atm has there loyalties to islam, fucking traitors, any1 read the paper 2day? the govorment is gving themselfes a pay rise, suprise suprise, they giving them selfs £200 extra a day JUST TO SHOW UP TO WORK!!!!, my brithers and sisters of britain, vote BNP and for god sake get EVERY SINGLE person u know to to the same, us brits have had enough and we want our country back!, there is nothing racist about the BNP, look into it if u dnt believe me, RULE BRITANNIA!!

Comment by ben stonehill

I really hope so mate! i hope everyone understands when people say the BNP are not racist they will fight to gewt this country back to its name not britain GREAT BRITAIN and that can not happen unless everyone votes for them. the goverment that are in now are a disgrace if anything they are welcoming these vermin in with open arms and allowing them to take over we need a goverment who will stand by what they belive in and take necasary actions to fullfil this countrys needs no longer can we stand by and watch people flood are borders any longer it needs to stop otherwise we will be over run!!!! Please do something about this VOTE BNP RULE BRITANNIA !!!!!!!!!!

Comment by Dan

Happy CHRISTMAS to all muslims. Yes this is ENGLAND! You came here we didn’t ask you to. You must itegrate with the English not us with you. If you don’t like our culture then FUCK OFF. There are 25 British airports from where you can leave GREAT BRITAIN!!!

Comment by Philip

Great posting , You’ve really hit the
nail on the head, I just don’t think that people quite get what you’re saying.
I’m not for sure how many individuals I’ve talked to concerning this very
thing in the past few days, and they just don’t understand.

Never the less, Excellent post!

Comment by BrandonSchlichter

phillip you are 11% right, to my british brothers and sisters i say: may the BNP rule a 1000 generations, the queen live forever and the british live free, RULE BRITANNIA and to islam, muslims and that fucking pedophile- allah i say, ur worthless ppl who have NOTHING to offer the world but war, fuck of to ur caves were u belong, britain will surive

Comment by ben stonehill

fuck the sand niggers they are here to do what Alli babba did open the gates to steal and control anything possible and we sit there listening to the shit them jews who will not settle for less than destruction to get a land that does not belong to them they are the devil incarnate
jews {{{{{{{{{{ world war the jews caused evey world war and will never stop

dont talk to them wake up britain you have got jews using sand nigger telling you what is acepteptable as a landsman of the isles what you can do in your capital {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ am I paranoid or these cunts they
are so much full of shjt they will kill there own kids to get what they want fuck me i am angry 10 .5 stone and will kill for my kids future and freedom from the false wall the jews put up RIP ME MR PARA,

bang on kid kill the sand niggers for the
jews )))))) wake up dickhead

Comment by paul

oh shit, i didnt meant 11%, i meant 110% lol

Comment by ben stonehill

Phillip an stonehill its people like u that this country needs more of!! thank god that ppl r finally standing up and realisin tha islam and muslims r a fuking dirty plague. it must be stopped. its times like now we need to realise that its guna b 2 late if we dnt act jnow! kick these fukers bak were they belong. stop there bennefits close the borders and if u cnt find any1 to fuk them off bak home ill do it for FREE!!!! RULE BRITANNIA!!!!!! oh an HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE

Comment by Dan

thankyou dan i appreciate it, the fights not over yet, its jst began, merry christmas dan, hopefully this time in a year britain will have a christmas that isnt restrained by pollitical correctnes

Comment by ben stonehill

I live close to the largest community of Muslims in Britain. Most of them can’t even speak proper English. Howe the hell can you live in country without speaking it’s language? Complete contempt for our culture and heritage. I am sick to the back teeth of hearing about this muslim scourge proliferating across the globe. This is now not just a problem or a few boot boys to help fuel their hate. This is a problem for highly educated, high tax paying citizens of this community (like me) to say enough is enough. Any future government we have will not support any move to reduce the proliferation of islam for fear of appearing ‘racist’. Something has to give, otherwise Britain will be over-run by the rat infested islamic ideology. Rise up, rise up now against islam. We have had over 60 years of teaching about how Facism would have ruined our freedom. What is the difference? Think about it………….

Comment by Deano


Comment by peter fenton


Comment by BROWN


you are so bloody right you wouldnt mind if they kept themselves to themselves and and not so many swams of them !!!!!!
But until we start stick up for ourselves prperly like most europians do we we not goin to get anywere !!!!!

Comment by BROWN

this is not a problem just for britain, its a problem for europe and the rest of the world too, we are rising up, thats why we have the BNP, i hope every1 had a good christmas, hopefully this time next year, we can have a christmas thats not restrained by political correctness, remember, when you go to vote, put your cross next to nick griffin, rule britannia!!

Comment by ben stonehill

I need to know more I believe in what your saying but I need to have more information please. everyone is so angry I just would like someone to explain things inmore depth please.

Comment by freedom

what would u like to know freedom, the fact that politicians want to rename christmas”wintervern” or “winter festival” incase it offends musslims, the fact that a group called “islam4uk” is going to be doing a march to promote britain being turned in2 an islamic republic, or things like muslims coming here, taking BRITISH money, BRITISH housing and most important BRITISH heritage, there infesting not just great britain, but the world, they try to impose there beliefs on other religions, those filthy people are trying to wipe us out, and take over our country, and you got stupid fucking pricks like the UAF that are standing up FOR THE MUSLIMS, HALF OF THEM ARE WHITE BRITISH!!!

Comment by ben stonehill

if you still want to know more, watch “demographic problem” on youtube, when u go to vote, put ur tick next to nick griffin, rule britannia

Comment by ben stonehill

thank you for your comments, I am just a nan nan who teaches her grandchildren christianity, treat others as you would like to be treated yourself and to say thank you for what you have. But they were told at school that certain prayers were not allowed because it could cause conflict with other religions. This really got me mad as I thought we were a nation of acceptance but obviously its only certain religions that have acceptance. this is not right. I need to know more about Nick Griffin. Thank you for listening. Peace to you all.

Comment by freedom

That Islam calls for violence against all non-Muslims across the world, forever, is not in doubt.

If you want to understand Islam, make a pot of tea, grab some biscuits and watch this:

Islam: What The West Needs To Now

Comment by fmwatkins

Get the bloody muslims out of my country and stop them for coming back here whatever it go. Anyway, whose country is this? This is England for English peoples and only. By the way, have you recieve my email?

Thank you

Comment by jennifer

if ppl sign up to this site jennifer, then we all get ur email :), any1 heard about this “islam4uk” group marching through wooton bassett? all gordon brown had to say was “im disgusted” hes suposed to be the leader of britain, BAN THE MARCH, iv been a supporter of the BNP for 3 years now, and a member for 9 months, i can tell the tention of the british people is getting higher an higher as we move into election year, more and more people are opening there eyes, VOTE BNP, RULE BRITANNIA

Comment by ben stonehill

i think that the vile scum wanting to march on wooton basset must be shot on sight how dare they! wha gives them the ryt to have any sort of say how r country is run! there not fukin from here!! an jus a quick one could any1 tell me if im ryt in thinkin tha now tha less established countrys like romania an bosnia r welcomed into the EU and there immigration laws r awful could the muslim scum live there and get in easy and get a passport from that country an enter britain freely. oif tha is so we need to stop it! god it sikens me that vermin like these bastards can get ere n do the things they do we r a breeding ground for twats like the terrorist who failled t blow up a plane over xmas because tha fat wanker in office now wont do sod all about letn them in! vote BNP RULE BRITTANIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by Dan

dan, and the other supporters/ sympathisers/ members of the BNP and all the patriots, sign the petition to stop the march, we only have untill midnight tonight to get as many as we can, VOTE BNP, RULE BRITANNIA

Comment by ben stonehill


Comment by UK DEAN UK

sign the petition to stop the march through wooton bassett:

Comment by ben stonehill

hi friends i agree with all thats been said but feel that after seeing those muslims in Luton on the itv news and although found guilty the remarks shown on tv and the plaquards the carried they should have been either arressted or fucking shot and let me just say that if they are that worried about there people in thgere country then they should fucking go back there and leave Briton forever and that goes for them all

Comment by Ken


Comment by UK DEAN UK

Hi Dean Uk yes i agree with u its sickening to think that they are here and building temples and i think that everyone should either be closed down or betterstill burnt down as our christain schools ot churches would be if we built them in there country so i say lets make britian great again and deport all these extremist from our country and i say again that the muslims on the ITV news were by holding that plaque up were in my opion inciting racial violence against other law abiding muslims let me just say that if they think islam will rule the world let them try and then see the can of worms they open for themselves

Comment by Ken

I think Jo Cleary should be given the MBE or OBE for helping to stop the Muslim march in Wooton Bassett..Anjem Choudary states in todays Metro 13th Jan that young muslims will retaliate for the ban…Well just get on with and see what you will bring on! We have put up with to much from these idiots,dont they know our country survived 2 wars with proper soldiers..Gold Bless Britain..

Comment by EL CID

fuck it! lets give these muslim twats a little taster of what they want! get that twat Anjem Choudary and lets stone him to death! hes defying r laws so y not they would do it over ther and lets face it thats what they want so y not! i tell u y because we wont fukin stop stonin the wanker till hes nothin but dirt anfd then well move on to the next one who questrions r ways!!!!!i dare any rat(MUSLIM) to say they want islam law in this country cos they will suffer by there own ways! but hey lets face it this country will grow strong and muslim scum will di***** er……. MOVE before this happens! the dirty vile twats!!!!! let them all suffer and not succeed in this Blessed country RULE BRITANIA VOTE BNP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by Dan

fuck it! lets give these muslim twats a little taster of what they want! get that twat Anjem Choudary and lets stone him to death! hes defying r laws so y not they would do it over ther and lets face it thats what they want so y not! i tell u y because we wont fukin stop stonin the wanker till hes nothin but dirt anfd then well move on to the next one who questrions r ways!!!!!i dare any rat(MUSLIM) to say they want islam law in this country cos they will suffer by there own ways! but hey lets face it this country will grow strong and muslim scum will di***** er……. MOVE before this happens! the dirty vile twats!!!!! let them all suffer and not succeed in this Blessed country RULE BRITANIA VOTE BNP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by Dan

God save our gracious Queen
Long live our noble Queen
God save the Queen
Send her victorious
Happy and glorious
Long to reign over us
God save the Queen
O Lord our God arise
Scatter her enemies
And make them fall
Confound their politics
Frustrate their knavish tricks
On Thee our hopes we fix
God save us all
Thy choicest gifts in store
On her be pleased to pour
Long may she reign
May she defend our laws
And ever give us cause
To sing with heart and voice
God save the Queen
Not in this land alone
But be God’s mercies known
From shore to shore
Lord make the nations see
That men should brothers be
And form one family
The wide world over
From every latent foe
From the assassins blow
God save the Queen
O’er her thine arm extend
For Britain’s sake defend
Our mother, prince, and friend
God save the Queen
Lord grant that Marshal Wade
May by thy mighty aid
Victory bring
May he sedition hush
And like a torrent rush
Rebellious Scots to crush
God save the King

Comment by Dan


Comment by khusro Daniel mirza

amen! how true ! we will defend this country till the bitter end!

Comment by Dan


Comment by khusro Daniel mirza

What rubbish! Look at the state of play. Paranoid white people on the run because of a few beardie weirdies.

The solution is easy. No air time and no page space for their [read muslim protestors] antics.

This blog is more proof that the corporate-run media has had its way in keeping people focused on muslims and fears of prayer time schedules in pubs, instead of focusing on bankers, greedy gangster crooks and other liars who run our affairs.

This is no more of a grass roots movement of white rage than a few dead summertime bugs is entymological genocide.

And God save the [ahem] Queen because time won’t.

Comment by Toby

To your post, I say this… “Just you wyyyte, Enry Iggens, just you wyyte!” What you have written will come back and bite you in the posterior region. You’ll see. I have been to the ‘promised land’ and believe me, it is not a pretty sight. They multiply like rabbits and will soon overrun the populace in Israel. When that happens, just watch as a competent and world respected government (i.e. Knesset) begins to crumble and the rule of law disappears. By that time though, I will already be buying a stock of Uzis and learning how to shoot them. Forget the Queen! What about cultural and national survival and your way of life as you know it? Kiss it goodbye if the Muslims have their say. Best of luck buddy.

Comment by Cindy

I support the removal of this cancer and it’s carriers from the UK. I have been fortunate to work abroad and study with people from many backgrounds and nationalities, and enjoy these people and their culture. Now I am looking to move away to get myself and my family away from this evil that spreads through my city of Birmingham.

I find myself slowly agreeing with the religious foundations of Islam, as no decent god would allow this trash to exist, let alone spread it’s nasty murdering, wife-beating, raping, thieving ideology on lands built on years of fighting evil, and those who threatened her peace.

An avoidance of another holocaust must happen soon, and they must go back before one happens.

Comment by Scott


-Theres no problem with other religions – only with ISLAM
-It`s the religion that killed more people. More than any other.
– It`s a violent religion – As we have seen so many times on TV these people act like freaks or lunatics in the name of religion. Seems like there were some kind of brainwash in to their heads and they need some kind of psichyatric treatment.
– If you want to build a Catholic Church in Saudi Arabia or other muslims countries is very dificult , or at least impossible.
– They don`t tolerate catholics so why to be tolerant with these intolerant people?
– They don`t respect other people`s rights, ideas and diferent religions.
– They don`t respect Human Rights because the women are obligated to wear the veil and if she doesn`t to she will sufer the consequences. Western women in muslim countries (ex. reporters, jornalists) have to wear the veil to because if they do not wear it they will be beaten or ofenses may ocur.
-Muslims women in Europe or other western countries should be obligated to not wear the veil.
-They don`t tolerate animals (pets) and the possibility of having a dog for example it`s totally out of question.

Muslims are stucked in the midle age while the World moves forward due to the fact that politics and all other important aspects of life are regulated by the Quoran.

Western countries and auto makers must realise that the dependence of petrol must come to an end and put a limit to muslim imigration.

Development and evolution are always taken led by industrialized and western countries.

I LOVE FREEDOM I LOVE PEACE , THE RESPECT FOR OTHER PEOPLE but if it`s necessary to go to war I`ll go, as I`m tired of this muslims.

Miguel Fernandes – Lisbon , Portugal

Comment by Miguel Fernades

kill all muslims…..that is the ONLY solution.

Just nuke Makkah the next time they make their goddamn pilgrimage..

Comment by Yo

i agree, the ONLY thing that muslims/ allah/ mekkah/ islam what ever u want to call it offers the world, is war, famine, poverty and slums, GET THEM OUT OF GREAT BRITAIN!!!, vote BNP for a more sucessfull british future

Comment by ben stonehill

The facts of immigration.

We are accepting immigrants when we are already overpopulated and still in the grip of a financial crisis.
We are giving immigrants rights that exceed the natural citizens of our country, this undermines British authority and makes us an international laughing stock.
We are allowing the integration of religious laws that are not only now influencing legal matters but also change local architecture making our country a less recognisable place for those who were born here.
Most immigrants, especially muslims do not obey our dress code and walk around in sheets that cover their faces and bodies. This makes citizens uncomfortable and only increases racial hatred and the social downfall being witnessed in the multiculturally rich areas of Britain.
Most immigrants do not speak English and some of them very little which serves to confuse matters and possibly risk misunderstandings which may give rise to illegal and unsavoury behaviour.
Most immigrants have no skills that would be employable in an westernised environment or any skills that would serve to help our economy out in the short term or the longrun.

Why is this happening?

It’s because Britain is afraid of representing the EU in a racist light, yet, this is not racism. IT IS a simple matter of protecting our national identity and our citizens.

We are losing our rights to be British!

Comment by Steven Bell

Very well put, we need to take back what is ours and eradicate this scourge from our midst.

Comment by Aine

Bravo British Comrade- Couldn’t’ve said it better meself…. And I’m just a lousy wanker Yank from Los Angeles California. Jewish to boot! (the Muslims hate us more than anyone and all we ever did to them was exist!) I hate them more than words can say to my last dying day. Amen

Comment by Cindy

Cindy they’ll never eradicate the Jews, the mighty Zahal will crush them and Hashem will keep them safe.

Comment by Aine


Comment by khusro Daniel mirza

Listen you piece of Afghani shit your fucking lot have never been near the IDf who would fucking kill your liitle Pathan arses. An IDF girl would fucking break your bones as soon as you approached her and if you doubt that go to Israel and try. You are shit fighters always have been always will be, you fucking bunch of mamzerim you are nothing but stupid shtik dreks.

Comment by Aine O'Neill


Comment by khusro Daniel mirza

hey Im gay and I must say that Ive shagged loadsa muslim guys who are married and they cant get enough of it 🙂 then I come here and read that their religion preaches that ppl like me should be killed:(
Wots that all about?
I saw one of em I slept wiv on telly shounting off the same thing in Lancs where I live – He never mentions this when were in bed !!!!!
PS; you know who you are – DONT BOTHER CUMING BACK (any of ya)

Comment by lila

Well Lila, their religion does not say that you have to be killed, but the married ‘muslim’ men who slept with you are in for a big nasty surprise by Allah after they leave this earth. Atleast that is what their religion says. Someone who cheats on his wife isn’t innocent just because they were branded ‘muslim’ when they were born.

Comment by Sally

You are a bag of shite

Comment by Maboza Ritchie

And you’re a retarded inbred piece of filth !

Comment by Remploy1


Comment by rhys hamblett


Comment by khusro Daniel mirza

No decent white girl would touch a dirty stinking nigger and /or Moslem so dream on you are talking about some slags that’s all and if you think you can fuck Scotland and Ireland come and try because you will be going to your 72 virgin boy paradise.

Comment by Aine O'Neill

Your all deluded,there is no god as u think just a univesal consiousness all religeon is shit invented to control the dumb fuk massess by fear,islam is just the latest control of the dumb blacks,the ape missing link and the retarded arab ‘sand niggers’ as the americans term em,as for the hordes of sub human uncivilised crap trying to parasitise the civilised west from africa,torpedo the fukas,theyll come to europe ful of gratitude then wen their comfortable geting free evrything the filth wil start tryin to impose the same islamic shit so the dumb crap can be abused again,keep the shit of humanity where they belong,africa,and let ebola do its work,to fuk off apes as nature intended,backward species,extinction is their destiny

Comment by david wyn-jones

Typical comment from an ape ass,only white trash whores fuk monkeys,and niggers wil fuk anything white to try and evolve their genes,thats why the offspring come out whiter,sub human ape genes are inferior,additionally who wud fuk a nigger man bitch,butt ugly bastards,fuk off bak to aperica,i’ll pay ur air fare,b cheap,u can go in the hold wiv the rest of the animals

Comment by david wyn-jones

An guess who invented the phone this dumb fuk niggers using,wasent a fukin wog ape was it?,useles animals thats why ebolas tryin to fuk em off,baboon

Comment by david wyn-jones

If nobody’s yet to see this, I recommend it. It proves just how much our honourable hostility means to them:
A similar project was undertaken before Dispatches performed it; somewhere in the late 80s-early 90s, I’ve heard. From what I know, the government refued it, just as they have that video, and claim that it’s farce.
Personally, I want England back to its patriotic former self. Bring back England, Britain, the very country ours and many others’ ancestor’s blood was spilt for, before it’s too late.
I’m tired of seeing ‘Seasons Greetings’, not ‘Happy Christmas’. I’m tired of filling in forms as myself as British, not English. The very term ‘English’ has become ‘racist’ against the Muslim kind. Tell me, people, what right have they to come to this country and find fault in our pride of being English?
They follow a pedophelic excuse of a man and spit on every religion but their own. I’m not religious anymore (I used to be Christian, but prefer my own faith to any existing ones), but I find it appauling that a saying of theirs is ‘to kill 1 Jew is to kill 50 Christians’, like a game!
I say it’s about time they learn that the English public won’t stand for it for much longer…even if this messed up government will. We didn’t go through WWII just to see another race take us over! A revolt is what the English need at such a time. I sure hope one comes soon.

Comment by Stephen

But who changed it from Merry Christmas to Seasons Greetings? I didn’t know it was the muslims, I thought it was because none of us are Christian anymore, we are atheist or pagan.

Comment by Sally

love it… people going on about the war and trying to compare people wanting to stop the invasion of Britain back then to stop our rights and freedom being taken to stop people coming in and telling us what we can and can’t do, my grandparents fought against this fascism to stop our borders from being invaded! Women fought long and hard for many years to get there rights to vote to be independent to be seen as rightful equals in our great country. This however is being SLOWLY taken and eroded… Emphasis on the slowly part because it seems that if things happen slowly enough people seem to accept it!
Now our borders have been invaded not by force but the power of the pen! And by people preaching acceptance, how about preaching common sense! I couldn’t care who you prey to as long as it does not affect me or the people I care for and love, the home I live in and the country that many millions of people fought and died for! We have crime we have bad people like all countries but this is no argument for defending the millions of Muslims now in our country pushing to enforce their ideals or religion on to us!
I’m sorry but it should not be an excuse that you religion effects your job such as its Ramadan or like the ridiculous court appearance of the police officer who was told to remove his turban because he had to wear a riot helmet!
Lastly If I was to go to another country to live, work etc. I would abide by their rules, if I couldn’t or something offended me so much I wouldn’t go. So if something offends you, you disagree with women showing off the flesh or any other of the liberties we have in this country including the dwindling right to free speech then… “Jog on” don’t come here, you’re not welcome.
Oh and to the person who said in the above comments that we said to let them in to do jobs I don’t remember me or anyone I have ever spoken to saying this or wanting this in fact quite the opposite they want them gone so they can actually get a job and not have to take a massive pay cut because someone will come in and do their job for half the price! Anyone willing to challenge this is welcome I used to work for the DWP and seen things that would anger even the most laid back person!

Comment by micky

Australia has the right answer.

If you don,t like our country or our beliefs , dont come here with your own

Comment by ian

Try wearing a balaclava at an airport the wrong way round, and we would be arrested immediately.
I want to see people faces and their bodies and not be in fear every time we board planes

Comment by ian


Great video! Spread it & vote BNP!

Comment by YES

yep, kick all muslims (including white brithish converts) out of Uk and europe all together

Comment by jon

agreed jon, the white converts must also be evicted from britain, and all of europe, fucking traitors

Comment by ben stonehill

To all Muslims on here, one thing I will personally tell you. You don’t know a thing about what you are saying or thinking. FUCK YOU ALL AND GOD DAMN YOU TO HELL WHERE YOU BELONG! YOU BLOODY LEAVE OUR COUNTRY ALONE AND MANY THINGS. IF YOU DON’T FUCKING LIKE IT, GET FUCKING LOST.

Comment by jennifer

Another thing, if you want war, we will give you one and you wish you all never to be born or exist. Who the hell do you all, every single one of you, think you are! How dare you insult us and to this country. Yes, you are! Trying and willing take over this country.

Comment by jennifer

Also someone who thinking of insulting about being gays. You are the most weirdest person ever and don’t you dare insult me just because I personally hate gays because it isn’t natural and you shoud know better.

Comment by jennifer

Actually, there have been studies proving that all humans have a 95% of having homosexual traits. Homosexuality isn’t a choice; it is just 1 hormone ‘fault’ within the brain, technically meaning it’s as natural as being hetrosexual.
Instinctively, if you watch animals, they have homosexual traits because it’s an instinctive drive in order to pass on DNA under any circumstance, even if the chances are impossible; such as mating with a gender or species that you know aren’t compatible with breeding or cross-breeding.
Don’t go into homosexuality. This is a topic about removing muslims from England.

Comment by Stephen

To tell you something, male animals don’t mate each other, do they? Gays and others make natural-thinking peoples both man and woman a freaks. Look, I loved men, not women. What are you then?

Comment by jennifer

Amnother thing, what are you talking about cross-breeding. Well, that’s worst.

Comment by jennifer

Firstly, I’m hetrosexual. But I know homosexual people. Y’see…just because they don’t see the opposite gender as attractive, they do see the world the same way. I think you’ll find your naivety is quite astounding. You know nothing on a subject, and yet you dare challenge to question me on something I far excell you in understanding of? Pathetic.
And yes, when last comes to last, male animals will attempt to mate with one another if they are forced to through instinctive Nature of survival. Same would apply with females.
Here’s a hint for you; nobody cares about what you think when you visit a site purely against your views. If you want to make a speech about it all, go do it somewhere that you know would agree with you and stop wasting everyone’s time and patience on here.
And here’s another…see beyond your own eyes before you dare question the equality of another, of whom has no choice but to be who they are. Grow some maturity, and then return.

Comment by Stephen

Hey Jennifer darling go easy on the insults!!!! Im gay through and through honey and dont give a crap on your views of my sex life lol
Try learning to spell – it may help you calm down :0(

Comment by lila

You listen to me, Stephen. I don’t bloody care who or what you believe or what. I have my opinion and point of view, you have yours. So don’t tell me that, mate. I tell you something if I met by woman and try to make a move. I will hit her. So fucking what. And I have calm down and I don’t care if you or someone say about my craps. Because someone is crap! All right. So what I can’t spell right and don’t call me darling too. If you don’t like it, think over when you get somebody else’s point of views.

Comment by jennifer

Another thing, of course, nobody care, because they are thick and I do got sense and don’t you dare insult me.

Comment by jennifer

You don’t seem at all calm. And please don’t call me ‘mate’; you and myself are far from such a social position. Gays are equals and you are a mere blind person. Blinded by a book, how funny. Why hit her? Too pathetic to control your own emotions? Or too insecure that she has a mind more powerful than yours? Meh, either way. As I said: grow some maturity and then return. You clearly haven’t grown maturity before returning.
P.S. Please only post your views in one box. It clusters the site when we have numerous boxes with one person’s views. Invalid views all the same.

Comment by Stephen

To hell with you and it is wrong with you anyway. All that! Gays or what are freaks and that is that. That is my opinions and my views. You and everybody got theirs, so have I!

Thank you

Comment by jennifer

Oh, and btw, I’m talking to a homosexual about muslims and he defends them. It seems you’re clearly in the moral low ground.

Comment by Stephen

i dont know exactly what this argument is about, but if your both british then stop arguing and help us fight islam, vote BNP

Comment by ben stonehill

Stephen, whenever I call you a mate or not. Don’t you call me blind or pathetic about my emotions. You don’t seem to care about my emotions anyway. And I can whenever what I put on the box, everybody use it, I can use it. Another thing, I am happen to be both English and Welsh native person. Yes, I do vote for BNP, Ben and Stephen start that argument just because I don’t like gays, I do have the right to say what and so does he? I feel like that he is victimised me of my own point of views.

Comment by jennifer

You cannot be a victim of your own pattern of thoughts unless you already know they are invalid and/or prejudice. Do not get others to sympathise for you because of your prejudist views against something completely off-topic to the conversation at hand. Just because you hate homosexuals, you could have kept that to yourself in order to prevent such conflict, for it does not fit into the genre covered.

Comment by Stephen

What do you mean about maturity, I am happen to be a 24 years old young lady and have you grown into a full maturity, Stephen. If someome has a powerful mind, they are dangerous. You and me are different, that’s true. Maybe there is something we don’t understand but there are some that isn’t that much of the different. And if you feel about it, don’t talk to me then, you are the one went with a puff. Not me.

Comment by jennifer

yea i agree with jennnifer, she is compleatly entittled to her view, im not against gays totally, i am against the real feminine gays though, what u do behind ur door is ur buisiness, just aslong as you dnt bring it onto the streets

Comment by ben stonehill

And if you got any opinons, keep it and so what, does everyone listen to my views? Ben, the argument between me and Stephen is nothing and it best to drop before something would happen because I am thinking worst things next?

Comment by jennifer

Ben, I pleasure that, thank you. I feel that being gays or what it just isn’t natural and I do believe in man and woman. And what will happen to a child if same-sex couples has adopted children? Think about it, Ben.

Comment by jennifer

Jennifer, cease your prejudist views against homosexuals. We have stated our opinions on the topic, but I do not wish for you to come onto an anti-muslim post and mention that you dislike homosexuals. That is not why we are posting on this. End it.

Comment by Stephen

Also, Ben. I am normal and I go with men in life. Thank you

Comment by jennifer

you are welcome, and no its not natural, but at the same time, stephen is british, we have to fight islam and get britain back on its legs before we fight eachother

Comment by ben stonehill

I agree with you that we should not fight, as we are on here for the same reasons. And I care little for yours or Jennifer’s homosexuality views. That is not why I posted. I just hope you can appreciate that I do not wish to come onto a site that deals with the topic of anti-muslim Britain, and end up having to listen to people’s views on a completely different topic that could be offensive to not only myself, but others.

Comment by Stephen

sDFAd, did you or not tell me to “fuck u”

Comment by jennifer

dFD, did you or not call me a “idiot”

Comment by jennifer

Oh, blimy. I have thought you have drop it, Stephen. Please stop pessy me, will you? End it before I really start and yes, I hate Muslims. Happy now!

Comment by jennifer

Ben, I have told Stephen and I have drop it, but at first I didn’t recieve your messages. I began to feel threatened and I can be mean if everyone start something and I do suffer mental issues.

Comment by jennifer

All right, I drop it already. Now can we change the subject, but remembers this, I still don’t like it.

Comment by jennifer

good, now its droped, why dnt u2 strike up a nice convo lol

Comment by ben stonehill

LMFAOOOO is this Jennifer person for real??? How dare you spew your vile views against gay people!!! Im actually male honey and a drag artist who personally doesnt give a fiddlers fart about your small minded backward views!!! or anyone elses either -or is this anti islam thing just a smoke screen for anti -anything different- ideology. dont bother to respond !

Comment by lila

Iila, Are you going to leave me and my own views alone! Will you please stop bothering me just because what I personally don’t like and it not bloody got nothing to do with you and you can do well leave my fucking point of views alone. I have already got into a argument with someone and now I got you. I have calm down, then you start it. Will you please clear off!

Comment by jennifer

Another, Iila. I am real and you don’t do yourself a favour at all and you very well don’t respond too. So knock it off.

I am against Islam but someone drop that in, it not me, isn’t it.

Comment by jennifer

Hello people, although I’m all for free speech, please keep this on topic. The issue is the Islamisation of Britain. I don’t want to have to lock the comments.

Remember, the number one enemy of the British people are the government. Without individual liberty nothing else matters.

Comment by fmwatkins

I do apologises Fmwatkins and I am against Islam, truly I am. I am a proud Christain, Church of England.

Comment by jennifer

PS, Fmwatkins. Is the FreeBritain is a political party or what?

Comment by jennifer

Jennifer, this is just a blog by an individual. By the way, this is how Islam treats non-Muslims who refuse to convert in Pakistan.

Pakistani Christian dies after being burned alive by police for refusing to convert to Islam

Comment by fmwatkins

Just to correct a simple mistake. This is not how ISLAM treats non muslims, this is how the ignorant Pakistani police treats non muslims. Islam doesnt allow you to kill people just because they are not muslim, muslims are required by Islamic law to treat non muslims with respect. There is no religion out there that I know of that allows people to kill others of different faiths. So when people do it, it is because of their own ignorance, and they are violating their own laws.

Comment by Maria

I do agree with you and is this Pakistani Christian is English or Pakistani. To tell you the truth, I hate Pakistanis because they are just as bad as Muslims.

Comment by jennifer

you want to come to the UK and live in peace with whatever your religious belief is, not a problem, you want to come here and work hard and become a law abiding citizen, not a problem, you come over here and plant bombs and kill innocent people. now we have a problem, personally if it happens again and a muslim extremist group takes so called credit for it, u aint the only one who knows how to make explosives u archaic bastards. personally im gonna make mosques burn!!

Comment by Grendel

Yes, Islam & all muslims need to go! They come to the UK, and we nicely allow them too, but they think they can change it. We can’t let it happen. They are not British and actually they don’t even care about Britian. Most say they’re muslim first, British second. They don’t care about our culture or our language, they choose to follow their own. It angers me so much! GET THEM ALL!

Comment by Yes

LOL and when gay people stand up for Muslims. They believe it is a sin to be gay, so actually, they’re totally agaisnt you! ahaa

Comment by Yes

get rid of the dirty bastards i have had anough of these people lets put the great back into GREAT BRITAIN

Comment by george

Remember folks, WE (the british) have a vote on may the 6th. PLEASE use your vote, even if its just a protest vote. Protest against the cancer that is islam. Once we get our soveriegn rights back, then we can concentrate on other things. The NHS wont stop because labour get booted out. VOTE VOTE VOTE.

Comment by cornz

May 20 Everybody Draw muhammad Day

Enjoy. And remember, whomever you vote for, make sure it isn’t one of the Corporate Three.

Comment by fmwatkins

Fuck Islam and all muslims the barbaric bastards,they live in the dark ages.Come to our country,want all the freedom of living in a democratic society,yet want to impose their filth on all who don’t believe in it.We need to wake up and rid our lands of these peasents.

Comment by white knight

This is rather worrying, y’know.

I suggest it’s best the governments come together and act now, before they leave it up to the public to deport or even kill the muslims themselves.

Comment by Stephen

now is the time to act let the government do no more, kill all who mix on both sides, they are all deemed as threats. the reasons need no words in explanation, let us wait no longer and take power as we once did there, is only one winner and he is supreme. war is our stength and our solution, after it peace and less political problem

Comment by john

Islam is NOT peace, Islam is NOT tolerence for other faiths, Islam is NOT the victim of a minority of radicals. Islam is HATE,DOMINATION,EVIL.

Im sorry but i have no more time to even listen to anyone preaching the ways of islam at me. Why should i accept or respect Islamic ways when i do not and will never believe in Allah and mohammed. Islamic people should leave the UK and go practice their religion of war in an islamic country. I want the destruction of every mosque in the UK and the removal of islam by lethal force if neccessary. It is a cancer on all free people of the west and it needs to be erradicated or confined to its own lands NOW!

Comment by johny

Hi everyone, I am surprised at alot of the comments here. Us Brits are known to be cool headed people, yet when our freedom and lifestyle is under threat then a lot of us are getting boiling hot, passionate and angry. Some of us are forgetting our proud Brittish manners and are cursing horribly and saying that we should kick out and even kill all muslims in Britain.
In this case, we should totally understand the muslim terrorists. This is how terrorism started within the muslim communities. Do you remember how many innocent muslims were killed in Kosovo? Do you remember how many innocent muslims were killed in Bosnia? And then there is Palestine which was taken over by the Jews who were claiming their ‘holy land’. Palestinians are still being tortured and killed, children are being killed for no reason, women are being raped by Israeli soldiers. What have these innocent Palestinians done wrong to deserve this? Should they not fight back to defend their own people and land? But when they do fight back, then we all think they are the evil ones.
What about Iraq? Why was our lovely honest Britain even meddling in somebody else’s land? Yet, our Britain let themselves in to Iraq and killed many innocent muslims. And now Afghanistan. Afghanistan was a beautiful country before they were bombed by europeans, and then their beautiful country was taken over by the Taliban who claim to be muslim, but don’t seem to follow all the muslim laws. My point is, muslims have had their lives, freedoms and lands taken over by Europe and America, and as a result these countries have breeded a few angry individuals who have become terrorists…..because they see the West as enemies against them. Enemies who want to destroy their people and country, enemies who are taking over the world and want to have power over them and take away their freedom to live their lives. This is the same anger that alot of us Brits are feeling now that we think our country is under threat. It is funny how we become so patriotic and want to defend our culture. Yet, our country has taken over other countries. Throughout history Britain has been amongst the blood thirstiest nations of the World. We think we have the right to take over other countries and that they are all inferior. Remember how Britain took over India? We didn’t just move there and work in a corner shop or in a taxi…no, we moved over there and took over the whole country and treated the Indians like inferiors. So many Arab countries were taken over by the French.

So please, put yourselves in other peoples’ shoes first. If you hate terrorists, then don’t think like one yourself.

Thank you for reading.

Comment by Sally

I used to have primitive views of the Middle East and muslims thanks to the Brittish media bombarding us with images of bearded idiots with machine guns. I associated muslims with executions and stoning young women.
However, a thirst for adventure later on led me to accept a job in Saudi Arabia. I worked there for 8 years, and later worked in Bahrain and Turkey. I visited many other Arab countries while I was there. I have spent over half my life in the muslim world now, and I can clearly say that the Brittish view of the muslim world is wrong.
I was surprised to be treated by the muslims in a very warm manner. Their cultures are happy, caring, kind and generous. I was respected, fed until I was fat, and offered all sorts of help. They showed an interest in my culture and my beliefs and looked up to me.
Even in Saudi Arabia, I walked around without any veil or head covering, alone without a chaperone. However, I respect their culture and religion and never dressed undescend in public and wore a black abaya over my clothes in public, leaving my head and face open.
Saudi women spend all day shopping and dining with their friends (WITHOUT a chaperone, believe it or not). There is no pressure on them to go to work and leave their little kids and live a stressed life. They have freedom to do as they want, if they want to work then they can, and alot of them do, but they are not pressured into it. Yes, I was surprised that contrary to our primitive beliefs, Saudi women are NOT opressed just because they cover their bodies in public. At home they look like godesses and are beautiful!

I spent a lot of time studying Islam to understand them more, and made alot of muslim friends. I am still atheist but respect Islam so much. So whatever some uneducated muslims say is wrong, all muslims are not innocent.

Comment by Sally

Sally, I understand where you’re coming from, but England HAS been invaded before, remember. In fact, it’s been invaded 5 times before, so before you start, it knows the pain of what’s known as ‘defeat’. And even in medieval times, there are accounts of terrorist attacks through Persian muslim extremists. Muslims have committed genocide on the Jews before, so it wouldn’t surprise me that they fought back. Mohammad himself was known for killing thousands out of spite.
These aren’t just ‘a few angry individuals’. There have been 15,000 terrorist attacks since 9/11 worldwide. That’s 30,000+ terrorists still in existence, still breeding and teaching their kids that manner. That’s still 30,000+ still teaching their kids that the west are Kafir and should die.
We’re not talking about some minor group that’s come into our country, has swore a few times and then left it in peace. We’re talking about terrorist attacks within England, threats within England, disrespect towards the English’s hospitality, and even a very very VERY real threat of invasion. Even in their mosques (I posted a link ages back backing this up) in England, that we built for them in our graciousness, they teach the people attending that we are infidels that must be invaded, then humiliated, converted or killed. This isn’t a religion, it’s a cult. The KKK was a cult. Nazism was a cult. The only difference between Nazism and Islam is that Nazism didn’t blame it on some invisible god and have it set in stone that their ‘ideal man’ is a paedophelic, genicidal rapist with possible Scizophrenia. And that anyone who doesn’t kill in the name of Allah is a traitor and not a true muslim.
There are MANY accounts of Ex-muslims that have turned from Islam because they read the Qur’an in a common sense frame of mind and found it sickening. There are many that turned away from it and wrote books on the real Islam secrets.

All I’m saying is, yes, patriotism is truly a taboo subject; but when it comes down to not being able to raise our own flag in this country without being sneered upon, where we can’t even say we’re English in England because it’s known as ‘racist’, and when we can’t express free speech without death threats, then yeah….we’re dealing with something that doesn’t want us to have these things. We’re dealing with a cult that mearly wants to take over and then claim it for itself. They even have posters in London and heavily-muslim populated parts of England saying ‘England to be part of Islamic Empire’. Is that not enough for you to say it’s about time we fought, like our predecessors did and died for, so that we can restore free speech, free living and pride within this country? I hope you realise that by saying ‘no’, you’d be spitting on over millions of English warriors’ graves…
They fought to allow you to have the life you do now. To live without fear. Isn’t it about time you, and we all, did the same for the generations to come?

Comment by Stephen

Hi Stephen, yes, I’m aware that Britain has been invaded before. Our nation has suffered a lot, and has also caused a lot of suffering abroad and still is. And I do agree with you that I don’t want Shariah law to take over Britain, and I know what defeat is. But doesn’t that mean that we should understand and respect other nations who want to defend themselves in the same way???? So how can you say that the Israelis are fighting back by occupying and killing Palestine? Did Palestine not have the same right as we do? Atleast the Islam4UK organisation is not taking over Britain by force. But the Israelis took over Palestine by force and have reduced them to nothing. Why is that alright? Why do we deserve our land, but others don’t deserve theirs?

You may say that Palestine doesn’t deserve their country because muslims have caused genocides, as you said. But then again, so has Britain. And Britain has caused A LOT of genocides. So why do we deserve to fight back against foreign invasions, but the Palestinians don’t????

Also, I’m quite historically educated, but I never knew that muslims have committed genocide on the Jews before, and that this justifies what the Israelis are doing now. Please give me the time period and facts of when and where this happened, as I’m very interested.

The only genocide on the Jews that I know of was the holocaust, which was by the Nazis in Germany, NOT the Arabs.

You mentioned 15,000 terrorist attacks. Ok, but how did you get the sum of 30, 000 terrorists still in existence? HOw do you know that there are 30, 000 of them?

I also never read that Muhammad had raped anyone, or that he was a paedophile. Everything I have read shows he was a descent man who never cheated, and he never gained any riches from preaching.

Any freaks who preach that non muslims should be killed etc should be deported or put in prison. And they are not even following their religion properly because Islam doesn’t allow muslims to kill others just because they are non muslim. Islam also doesn’t say anywhere that anyone who doesn’t kill in the name of Allah is a traitor. Actually the opposite. It says that forgiving the one who hurt them is the best thing a muslim can possibly do.
So whatever these freaky extremists are doing is definitely a cult, and Islam in no way justifies their actions.
And yes, we CAN raise our flag and we CAN say we are English. We do it all the time and I see it around me all the time. The few people who criticises just need to be criticised back and reminded that they are in Britain after all.

And as for the posters you have seen, no worries, they won’t take over by force, we just have to say ‘no thank you, we won’t vote for you’.
After all, if this is a free country with free speech, people have the right to form any kind of a political party, and preach whatever they like…right? Otherwise we are not a free country at all.

Sweden has a lesbian political party. Does that mean that the Swedes get violent because the lesbians are taking over their traditional Christian Sweden which values families of the opposite sex? No, all they have to do is not vote for them and say no thanks.

Comment by Sally

I don’t believe anyone should be held back the right to defend their own country, and I don’t believe they should all be killed, imprisoned, etc. I myself am not a fanatic; I merely believe that they should be deported if they are not satisfied with the way England runs and the English beliefs. They should move to a country where they know their beliefs and ways of life will be accepted. Instead, many come over here, and America, and China, and Australia, etc… and protest against the way the country’s natives think. Even if it’s ‘peaceful’ protests (none of which I’ve seen – even the peaceful protests have the words ‘Kafir’ involved, which is a rather offensive word when used in this context), they should not protest at all. I’d certainly feel sickened by myself if I went to another country with a steady heritage of over 1,100 years, and then began protesting because they wouldn’t think MY way. That’s NOTHING above Natzism. And speaking of Nazis, there have been extracts in history of Nazis’ personal accounts saying that they and muslims secretly had hidden ideals in common, and some even go so far as to say it was possible there were organized co-operatives in some cases. Ever heard of Mohammad Amin Al-Husseini? He was a muslim with political power and high status, that worked closely with the Nazis and even made a muslim group of SS called the 13th Handscar Division consisting of 21,065 men. That’s not just one man, that’s 21,066 men, plus any other muslim followers that didn’t qualify for his SS. He and Hitler also held conversation about the externimation of the Jews, and any Kafir, and shortly after his arrival in Berlin once more, the holocaust on the Jews began. I like how you say muslims never performed genodice on Jews….genocide mearly means to erradicate a certain group or race in large numbers. Between the years 622 AD and 732 AD, there were many unprovoked invasions on Jewish communities from muslims. You could even check out Surah 33:25-27 for a little more detail on the subject of the Banu Qurayza externimation. All through the Qur’an there are hints or stories of war and suffering.
Now, here’s special little bit of evidence I found backing us all up who say England has changed because of this mass muslim immigration:
‘I was born in England, lived through the Blitz, was proud to tell people my parents and were all English from way back. Now I have an American passport, will not claim allegiance to UK. I am ashamed of what England has become – a cesspool of Islamic militancy, cowardly British police, craven politicians. All those who are left who fought the Nazis either in Europe or at home are distraught. The same can be seen in Europe behind the facade of main street: the growing numbers of Muslims who are the termites of civilizations moral and political structures. Send them back to their countries of origin. Put a ban on all mosques and minarets. Even the “peaceful” ones are as bad – they support the violent radical muslims’.
Ok, as for Mohammad….I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt with ‘marrying’ Aisha at 9, considering most people only lived to their 50s at most in those days. However, as for a rapist, that he was. After invading areas, he ‘married’ a woman once or twice. And ‘marriage’ in Islam translates to ‘rape’ everywhere else; I’m sure those women, of whom probs just had their husbands, sons’ and nephews’ slaughtered by the muslims, sure didn’t want to have sex with their murderer. You’ve clearly read little on the man, and if you have, you’ve done so on an absent mind.
Last time my sister went to fill in application forms, they said ‘say you’re British, because English is racist’. I myself have been told to do so on numerous occasions. As for the flags….just read about it.
‘Oh, I’m sorry, mr. muslim, I refuse your legal, political rule over England’. Yeah….like he’s gonna care. A possible leader of the second fastest growing religion in the world is gonna care about some Kafir saying ‘I do apologize, but we don’t want you to rule over us’. Please, get real if you think that’d work. We live in a small island, currently defenseless due to our army is abroad, with the UAF and current government backing them up, as well as much of the media, and the polive doing nothing about the Sharia law in England and the threats they say during protests. And yet we’re the ones ignored and held back when we say such things, branded as ‘racists’ (which is immensely invalid) and ‘Islamophobics’ (which, btw, doesn’t exist; it’s mearly a gathering of numerous realizations – like the opposite calling scizophrenic people prophets – we brand people with pathriotism and common sense as traitors and racists). We stand a GREAT chance in saying no when it goes too far, don’t we?
As for the maths….most terrorist attacks include more than just 1 person. They often include the realization of the whole family or an accomplace. 15,000 terrorists + 1 accomplace each = 30,000 terrorists. See where I’m coming from, or are you blinded from maths, too?

Comment by Stephen

I have read all of your messages and I am on or off with many things. But I do agree about many things. Yes, I do hate damned muslims and to tell you something me and my family have been deeply insulted by them into insulting our religion (we are christains) and my father have been badly treated at work where muslims and pakis worked. I couldn’t vote for BNP due to living in temporily and not been registered. Yes, I do vote for BNP and I really wanted many things must be done. Because one day, I am began to have my own party only for Britain. Britain is the oldest and the glorious powerful country, with royalty and a proud history. Do you all want it to disppear with these fucking muslims, pakis, blacks and so on to destory it. We don’t want it! What do you think of that? Look at them, they think they come here just because what we got and they want it.

Comment by jennifer

Another my grandparents have fought and protect Britain during the Second World War, same with others. And this how they are treated? The tragedy story of my grandmother’s brother, which he and others are held captive by the Japaneses and he was trated so bad and cruel (worse than the Germans) when he come home, my grandmother didn’t knew him, just a stranger, so badly close to the bones. My great uncle looked like a walking, living skeleton. A couple weeks or what, he died. Horrible and so scarred. Since then, we have hatred in our blood and deep anger when the Japaneses have forgotten when the war ended and we didn’t. How can we forget it! If everybody say “Forgive and forget” or what. They must be bloody fucking joking. My great uncle suffered and died by them (Japaneses)

Comment by jennifer

We are a peaceful religion, there are always extremists on both sides, you are an example.
We will hunt you down and see your balls on a pole while you still live infidel.
By 2020 we will be the major religion in the UK so live with it you have no choice

Comment by Abdul Ah Hussain

I’m afraid you have us wrong. Many of us are truly not extremists, improbus. You’d know of it by now if we were; we wouldn’t just be discussing it. Although much our comments may be that of harsh, they are only of response to past, present and future comments and actions dealt upon us with equal, if not more rash, composure. It is you of whom have struck the first strike with many of us. We are tired of it within our own country and although we cannot and will not kill you, torture or dismember you, simply because we have proven ourself to be a much more civilized culture, we will find a way to get you deported and show Islam for what it truly is. And I’m afraid your facts are wrong, it’s by 2024-’30, not ’20.
Many stand idol, blind of your faith due to your concielement of the truth, but we are those of whom see. And we are only a minor few who speak it; there are thousands who feel it, and will act upon it. By the St. George’s flag, even when our government betrays us, we shall over-rule it and deport your kind.
‘We are a peaceful religion’ – ‘We will hunt you down and see your balls on a pole while you still live infidel.’
I love how you improbus always must find a way to contradict many things you state.

Comment by Stephen

Do you both mind of what you are saying? Your sayings is sometimes bring out a dangerous thing and it can be your downfall. If you don’t like my views or what. You can personally well stop berating me. I don’t know what is you exactly saying and you both are bleeding dreaming. If you like Islam, go on ahead. I don’t like it and I don’t have to. You can bloody well keep it and don’t be so sure. Stephen, how dare you! I am English and I do wave the flag. And Abdul, you must be dreaming too, and I will put your balls up on the pole too, with your head up the sprout too. You leave me alone.

Comment by jennifer

Wait, what? ‘How dare I?’ What did I do to insult you? I never said anything related to you, and if anything, I was defending our views. I never once mentioned your grandparents or uncle O.O

Comment by Stephen

There is another things, don’t you dare insult my grandparents. They have fought well and hard so did my great uncle. So the others did. And you got a nerve to say this.

Everybody, these two have, in a way, insulted my grandparents and great uncle who fought long and hard in the WWII, my great uncle is badly tortured by the Japaneses, which they kill him after he came back home to Britain after he been rescued.

Comment by jennifer

All right, Stephen. If you didn’t, then who did? Somebody have, in a way, insulting me and my grandparents otherwise I wouldn’t send the message anyway. I thought you did and I got it all wrong. Someone did, you know. I do apologises.

Comment by jennifer

Well, if someone did, then I understand your outrage, but it was not I. I accept your apology.

Comment by Stephen

Thank you, Stephen.

Comment by jennifer

JIm Low. You bloody well fuck off, yourself. How fucking dare you! You, you dare to insult and with your liberates too. I will bloody fuck you in you right in your ugly face. Yeah, I do have benefits and what got to do with you? And don’t you bloody tell me to fuck off, who the earth you think you are? Yeah, of course, Muslims suck each other and gains something, straight to hell. And you are one big faggort as well, I will like to kick or smack your fucking, ugly head off too. If you come and give me this, well don’t and just piss off. Jim Low. I don’t know who you are or what you are. I don’t care and yeah, I am English and this is my country and what are you, anyway. Another thing, fuck you. Jim Low.

Comment by jennifer

JIm Low. You bloody well fuck off, yourself. How fucking dare you! You, don’t you dare to insult and with your liberates too. I will bloody fuck you in you right in your ugly face. Yeah, I do have benefits and what got to do with you? And don’t you bloody tell me to fuck off, who the earth you think you are? Yeah, of course, Muslims suck each other and gains something, straight to hell. And you are one big faggort as well, I will like to kick or smack your fucking, ugly head off too. If you come and give me this, well don’t and just piss off. Jim Low. I don’t know who you are or what you are. I don’t care and yeah, I am English and this is my country and what are you, anyway. Another thing, fuck you. Jim Low.

Comment by jennifer

British dont necessary hate people rather what they stand for the religion one bad apple in this case can spoil most the batch OR at least gives everyone else that image, problem being if they had it there way and there law here many people would prob be arrested or worse for things they say and do all in the name of there god.

Any god no matter what religian wouldnt want anyone hurt beaten or killed for anything and if he did then youve got the wrong god. It just comes across as a power stuggle.

British people are not happy with the way things are changing in the country and community starting with small groups moving in to thousands moving in even shops we dont mind more culture but to much can be bad as if ares was being pushed out to make way for theres. Also people NOT enjoyin having to make compromises just cus some things offend them like hanging england flags which really pisses me of comes down to you do things how they are here or get lost.

If things keeps getting worse there will be more problems and eventually sums goin to snap and take action.

Preserve the english way of life and what it means to be english are traditions and laws

Comment by Richard

Nicely said, Richard. Multi-culture is fine, as long as the English way of life is indeed preserved. But many muslims don’t understand such a concept, and they’re passing on their dislike for us and our laws to their offspring. Soon enough, the power struggle such as this will evolve into a full-out civil war. I, for one, do not want such a thing to occur.

Comment by Stephen

You all always have say this, don’t you. You may have your options about this and I am not bother at all. But what do you mean? About multi-culture and this and that. Multi-culture is indeed threatened other peoples/ way of life and that is us (the English peoples, the Scottish peoples, the Welsh and the Irish peoples) Are you going to tell them about this, I don’t think so and plus the fact here. Who country is this? Our or their. We, the peoples, have fought long and hard to protect this country, with our hands against invaders and foreign peoples too. We already have many things in the past like civil war and this and that. You must living in a dream world, I am not and so are the others. Thank you very much about this. And don’t have a go at me. I already have a enough for others.

Comment by jennifer

Another thing, who side are you on? I don’t like the way this country is changing and it is not right at all. You may think about the country is going, you bleeding well think twice about this.

Comment by jennifer

Jennifer, keep in mind that we’re here to express our thougts about Islam. We’re ‘Islamophobic’, not xenophobic.
Rememeber, it was also ‘foreigners’ that aided us in war, such as Sikhs and Russians, not just the English. I, like many of us here, already understand and are concerned about the issue with the mass immigration into this country, but multi-culturalism is not what we are here to discuss; the rise if Islam is.

Comment by Stephen

Come and join us as a christian in a moslem country and see what you will see about islam. Islam is a truly monster and a killer. Every body in here that saying islam is peace, good, bla..bla are no nothing about islam. Thanks God there is internet, save UK from islam “invasion” or it will be to late for you. I am indonesian christian. Gbu

Comment by Leondanny

this is the BNP take on this issue.
lets see if you have the balls to understand blunt truth.
there is no other god but hitler alla .
mien kemp =koran
sunny side up or down as you bow down to mecca= germania.
twin ideologes of eternal hate, for the non belevers.
the british goverment, three headed hydra, quisings that lick the shit from the islamist, nazis, arse.after all they have oil in their veins ,lockabee, while we have only blood of my blood in mine
O im a lumberjack and i work for the bnp all day?
on friday night i go to town and were womens clothing and put my jack boots away, BEWERE WENT THE BRITISH NATIONISTS MOCK YOU.

Comment by james

We used to have moderate muslims in this country until the labour party started letting in scumbags from pakistan, afghanistan, algeria, somilia et al.
Honour killings! since when has killing been an honour unless you come from one of these third well cess-pits. End immigration, student visas, from these countries until they prove themselves to be tolerant of others.

Comment by Mr Average UK resident

My ex boyfriend was a muslim and was caught out by an english woman convert to Islam at the mosque who marries muslim men new to the country which the mosque finds for her, then she immediately has a baby and dumps the man before doing this again – 4 times now and moving on to her 5th, she is given a council house and benefits and has all the time to pray and live the life she enjoys whilst condemning everyone who is not Islamic. no one is allowed to criticise this woman as she acts as though holier than thou whilst all the poor kids have to dress in stupid clothes and get brainwashed. It is a complete disgrace that this country allows this carry on.

Comment by Sally

The only way to eradicate islam is to practice it’s basic philosophy in return: offer muslims a choice: to convert to secular democracy and peace, or, to become our slaves, or, to die.

Comment by Anonymous

yes …well said…..its like an eye for an eye….kinda thing..those scumbags should be kicked out of our GREAT BRITON

Comment by john

Mohamid was a pig shagging asshole

Comment by Mike

I laughed with joy as I read your poorly researched articles because your anger consolidated that we muslims are really getting to you,its funny that you are sitting at home with no one to talk to and therefore are venting your frustrations out hoping other saddos like u will give you some encouragement. Well reality check pal were here to stay and we aint goin nowhere, infact other muslim teachers like me are educating your children, muslim doctors like my friends treat u and ure scummy friends every Friday night when ure hospitilised for knockin each other out when out on the piss, we are every where and i know that must hurt ure pride but lovey u need to get over it cause there isnt anyone thatsplanning on throwing us out and please if you really must do respond I wont be checking cause i imagine the response will be the same as always so i’ll do it for you….FUCK OFF lol (p.s. you are really original)

Comment by proudtobemuslim

I’m sorry, but have you got a mental issue?
‘I read your poorly researched articles’
– Well, first of all, if you read into some of the articles above, you’ll find that some of us have done our research to a level that gives optimum truth. Others have not, obviously, but perhaps you could have attempted to correct them, in order to inform them of the actual truth, instead of saying something so mindnumbingly pointless? You also have extremely little chance of knowing anything about anyone on this discussion board, so forming such an statement as ‘its funny that you are sitting at home with no one to talk to and therefore are venting your frustrations out hoping other saddos like u will give you some encouragement’ provides us with the information that you yourself are little above trolling; you have no concievable evidence of our social positions, our level of frustration and/or our reasoning for posting here. Each person here is individual, so your opinions may be such short of the truth that they could be laughable themselves.
You also stated that ‘I laughed with joy’ when referring to this topic. Per chance, are you sadistic? Is it personal gratification as to the lack of validity to your existence, or perhaps you get sexual pleasure from enjoying the misfortune of many? Perhaps you should look into this, as you yourself show signs of extended frustration of sorts.
‘your anger consolidated that we muslims are really getting to you,its funny that you are sitting at home with no one to talk to and therefore are venting your frustrations out hoping other saddos like u will give you some encouragement’
– So, in a simple sentence, only 2-3 lines down, you’ve proven yourself to be a mock of a human: you take your personal beliefs so lightly and jokingly that you use it as mere ammo to infuriate other humans of whom you have no connection with; you post a comment of such insufficiency that it makes ‘f**k you’ appear to be the work of a genius, mocking those who post comments on exactly the same site you’ve just posted on; you take pride in damaging a cultural system (Western society) that, without its benefits in science and its hospitality, there is a high chance you’d be much more unhealthy, if not dead by now, as well as being educated to a much lesser degree than you already are (though, referring to your use of grammar, spelling and debating skills, it is questionable).
‘Well reality check pal were here to stay and we aint goin nowhere, infact other muslim teachers like me are educating your children, muslim doctors like my friends treat u and ure scummy friends every Friday night when ure hospitilised for knockin each other out when out on the piss’
– Who do you think taught you and your ‘friends’? A Western society, perhaps? And even if not, even if it were an Eastern society, is not much of their scientific knowledge derived from Western discoverings? Or even that of Jews! Jews have won 802 Nobel Prizes to date, a quater of which were science-based! Muslims have 2 science-based: Ahmed Zewail in 1999 for chemistry and Abdus Salam in 1979 for physics. For a population that covers over 1 billion, your ‘faith’ has nothing to be proud of when it can’t even glance in the direction of a religion with less individuals without looking prehistoric in intelligence.
The Assyrian International News Agency: ‘The entire Muslim world constituting one-fifth of humanity, contributes barely 1,000 research articles out of 100,000 science books and 2,000,000 research articles published annually. While the West has an average of 3,000 science PhDs per million of its inhabitants, the number of IDB (Islamic Development Bank) member countries is so dismally small that not even the statistics are available….The 57 predominately Muslim countries have about 23 percent of the world’s population, but less than 1 percent of its scientists who generate less than 5 percent of its science and make barely 1 percent of the world’s original research discoveries each year.’
Also, when it comes down to jobs, don’t be such an insufferable fool. Millions of English natives and immigrants cannot find work or even claim certain needed benefits because of your kind immigrating, breeding in your masses and then leeching off of our country’s graciousness. And why are you even teaching if you have a dislike towards our country and/or its people? Isn’t that a contradiction within itself; you’re teaching our future how to become more intelligent…thus more aware and able for our society’s survival. You clearly are not mentally qualified for the position if you dislike the country and/or its people. Do not deny it – it’s fairly clear you dislike it’s people in the way you describe our lifestyles and our protection towards our country’s heritage.
‘i know that must hurt ure pride but lovey u need to get over it cause there isnt anyone thatsplanning on throwing us out’
– Have you never heard of the EDL? Amongst other smaller associations. Even some neo-Nazis have reportedly fought against your kind, and that’s saying something!
‘please if you really must do respond I wont be checking cause i imagine the response will be the same as always so i’ll do it for you….FUCK OFF lol (p.s. you are really original)’
– I’m sorry, but that’s possibly the most cowardly part of the post. ‘I won’t be checking’; no, because you’re afraid of being outsmarted by ‘kuffar’, right, improbus? Or perhaps you didn’t expect something beyond ‘FUCK OFF’ – well, if not, you’re not only massively undergraduated to be a teacher of any form, but you’re also not very aware to your fellow humans’ intellect, thus you’re naive.
Well done for proving yourself to be a failure of the human race in all aspects.

Comment by Stephen

fuck yer islam ya bunch of fucks bring it on ya bunch of nappy wearing fuckers !!

Comment by jamie m

we will see if you laugh when we nuke mecca merdina, and distroy the dome on the rock.

Comment by james

You filthy kafur and someone else, I don’t know you and I don’t want to know you. Why should I? I have see your crap talks and what are you talking about, you don’t know a bloody thing about everything it. You are all damned invaders and I can see it right on your face! Once you all gone from our country where you are bloody from, we get the pan and brush also breach to spring clean everywhere and how dare you libearte onto our benefits. You better keep your goddamned mouth shut. Piss off what you come from and another thing. What do you really know about Britain. You can bleedin’ well fuck off and shut your mouth too.

Comment by jennifer

Couldnt agree with you more. Im a homo! i would REALLY like to see ALL the muslims gone. Even if you straight guys want to kill me for being gay, kill the muslims first because they breed and i dont 🙂

Comment by CM

We will get you bit by bit, remember the crusades. your such a bunch of brainwashed pussys. Go fuck your mum before we do your sister.

Comment by Mike

Get rid of Islam, b4 i start up a extermination squad. I hate Islam and i want it out of my country NOW!!!!!!!

Comment by Dylan Klebold

Islam OUT !!!!!

Comment by Dylan Klebold

I have Muslim friends but after the riot against forces defending everyone’s individuality and rights I’d like to see the back of that group of scum off the face of the earth and all they’ve done for British Muslims is to fuel the hatred and grant people sitting on the fence an excuse to blame them all.

Comment by DFEAR

time to kick islam out of France,out of Britain,out of Europe.It’s the same problem in France,Belgium,Netherland,Germania etc.Union of European brothers versus islam.

Comment by chapon

You crusaders have lost many battles against us surely indeed you shall fail this u see the signs in Afghanistan?we are the hope against you sick invaders. We shall destroy your illuminati plan n your sick tainted judeo Christian religions tainted by evil.

Comment by IH8ZionistJews

learning english is quite easy, there arem any tutorials on the internet and some audiobooks too ..,

Comment by Hemorrhoid Treatment

ISLAM,nothing but an evil satan filled cult founded on a false profit who loved being a peadofile..i smile though you know why becuase in the bible it says in the end the wicked will perish-so dont fear this weak powerless teaching & book of lies of the koran,dont fear there threats of blowing up or killing christians & others-stay strong!! is islam GOD-NO so why fear a bunch of losers who are are just human-does not GOD say he will never leave you nor forsake you,,if u ever feel low just remember their false teacher muhumed is in hell for eternity as a demon in pig form eating bacon forever…such a waste of life,God could of used him to actually help others instead he chose to listen to satan.. trust me read the bible-love god jesus christ love life show kindness & generosity to others,feed the poor, the end love wins forever

Comment by DANNY

Sorry for off topic, but 2012 is close, is this really matter?

Comment by Nostradamus

If 32 % of Muslims would kill you then 100 % of Jews n Christians are already killing us Muslims.they invaded Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Pakistan. Now they want Yemen and Iran? Indeed we shall make our population great in numbers so we can take over the lands you sick Christan Jews destroyed.

Comment by IH8ZionistJews

Yet its the kafirs who are doing all the killing in the world n gays are sick fools it’s not Muslims killing gays it’s your own sick Christian Jews who do the is the Jews n christs people who become gay n sick. We Muslims want to fix you sick fucks.

Comment by IH8ZionistJews

Ill soon fix you if youll just place your head on his block….now..where did I put that axe ??? You Islamic scum bag.

Comment by filthy kafur

as your speaking of sick fucks honey I know loads of your kind who love cock sucking (Slurp) I know cos you suck mine quite often.
Its a muslim thing cos you cant fuck good you need practice on guys! but hey I dont mind babes xxx
Love from aunty

Comment by lila

Hitler made a great career mistake. He should have exterminated Muslims, not Jews.

The Muslim is sub-human, with little other than mass rape and murder for what passes for his culture, and I don’t see why one should bother one’s conscience killing them.

Comment by Keith Johnstone

Or done a two for one deal 🙂

Comment by Edward Rountree

I am gay, and have had sex with loads of muslims!! hehe and you all have very small willies.

Comment by filthy kafur

Me and the wife are swingers, she had one muslim and never again, small no energy and boaring too.

Comment by Mike

I found this page by accident and it most interesting. Jack Straw is in the news today about Pakis. The way I see the problem in the UK is simple.

Simply close the borders and kick out all the niggers, Pakis, Indians, Muslims the lot. Wht dont we do this?

Bring back Hitler he had the right idea, get rid of the dirty fucking coons and make England a green and pleasant land again!

Oh something factual: Out of every 100 in mates in UK prisons only 22% are white. What does that tell you? correct, nignogs, Pakis etc are common theiving, raping scum bags.

Lets start a civil action and take over the UK government and kick out all these filthy coons!

Be interesting wouldn’t it if somebody white decided to blow himself up outside a mosque lol, be like an explosion in a marmite factory!

Nignogs out!

Comment by Nignoghater

couldnt agree with u more nignoghater im sick and tired of these paki fuckers coming into our country and scrounging of our benefits system its rediculous they get away with everything and think the rules only apply to them, yet when when we go over to dubai we get jailed for showing the slightest bit of emotion (like kissing) yet they think its okay and legal to wear those stupid fuckin burkas bring back hitler hitler indeed!!!

Comment by scotland the brave

*,’ I am really thankful to this topic because it really gives great information :`:

Comment by Rain Jacket

How would you like to get your nose cut off ears sliced off or head removed. Would you perhaps prefer to be whipped or stoned to death. Ladies … we have some special deals on having your fingertips removed with a knife if you dare to wear nailvarnish. Young girls how do you fancy the idea of being buried alive at the sweet age of 16 for simply conversing with boys of a similar age?. If none of this appealswe do great deals on sexual perversion and animal cruelty. How lovely this all sounds. you can do any of this tomorrow by making one simple move. Join us and we will look after your welfare. No we are not nazis, we can do much better than them. We have specialised for centuries in barbaric, evil, repulsive torture and murder and we take great joy and pleasure in seeing others suffer. We are a bunch of moronic, male perverts who crave power. So come on, how about it. JOIN US IT WON’T COST YOU MUCH AND YOU KNOW YOU CAN TRUST US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Convert to Islam (Grislam) and live a worthwhile life caring for others! Excuse me I’m off to the privy to be horribly sick

Comment by co

If only there was a ‘Like’ button for that comment.

Comment by Stephen

if allah loves you so much,why did he make you the colour of shit,smell like shit,put you in a desert with women so ugly they have to wear a bag over their head…by law.then he sends,eartquakes,disease,starvation,floods typhoons,tribal wars..etc.then he bans you from drinking alcohol to drown your sorrows…and to top it off he gives you a big ugly nose….oh yes he really loves you…it’s actually jesus punishing you,for worshiping a false idol…

Comment by shaun the brummie

regardless to what anyone thinks, there are no gods no life after death or any of that shit…….. Muslims need to realise this and stop living a fake life . Britain will never comply with Muslim rules and will eventually rebel. this is a matter of time because we will not be brainwashed to there barbaric way of life. Britain will prevail and kick this scum out forever. rule britania

Comment by snarligraph


Comment by Anonymous

Not been changed???? another long standing muslim lie honey! go do some research and you will find that this is so not the case. and as for the so called beautiful way of life you speak of – open your eyes! watch the news! I suppose that 9/11 and 7/7 didn’t happen along with all the other muslim atrocities throughout the world. You ppl make me sick you all disgust me and I know that time is running out as the civilised world starts to wake up to the evil of your ideology!!!

Comment by lila


Comment by Anonymous

Well, if you really believe that all muslims are like that then well your just living in a dream world and need to wake up and see what people are really like. If someone is a true murderer or is life threatning to the society then they should be the ones chucked out of the country. An entire religion does not derserve to be treated as terrorists. You could look at me for example and think ‘Shes just an ordinary girl just like all the other girls, the only differance is that she is a muslim’

Also, being born here makes me BRITISH.
You want to free brtian?
Then think of getting rid of people that have committed terrible crimes, such as murder, theft, rape etc. They are the ones that need to go. Think about it, thats how Britian can be free from SHIT.

Comment by Nazuu

I personally don’t believe ALL Muslims are the same. I used to, but then I became a little more mature, and discovered something. It’s not Muslims I dislike, really. It’s Islam, and the Qu’ran. I just wrote a WHOLE massive argument, full of facts and statistics and a good, solid argument. But I’ll let you off, and instead ask you these questions. You’ll soon realise, hopefully, if you have a heart, as to why ex-Muslims risk their safety and lives of their families, friends and themselves to send the message across stating Islam is evil.
– Do you know ancient Arabic, the language of the original Qu’ran?
– Have you read the original Qu’ran (not the abridged, altered Western version that covers English)?
– Have you read my reply to proudtobemuslim on 15th Oct 2010, stating as to why the West has issues with Islam? It’s very basic, but it covers some issues.
– Finally, do you understand that the Qu’ran is not followed as the Bible is? You do realise that between any later verses that contradict earlier verses, the later, more violent verses are the valid ones, right? Especially read ‘Ishaq:463/Tabari VIII’ – it gives a good insight into your prophet’s ways as a role-model.
As for ‘An entire religion does not derserve to be treated as terrorists’, that’s true. But when you have 23+ worldwide terrorism attacks between 1983 – 2010 (minus the hundreds, if not thousands prevented by the CIA, FBI, anti-terrorism groups, etc.), killing literally thousands in their wake, it does strike caution against Islam into many Western people’s minds.

Comment by Stephen

get the fuck out of our country you muslim, degenerate, god-less scumbags! if you don’t like our country, go the fuck back to yours and get stoned like the shit-covered dogs you are! We don’t give a fuck about your little protests and we won’t change our country for a band of cunts like you! IF YOU DONT LIKE IT HERE, GET THE FUCK OUT! YOU ARE NOT WELCOME OR WANTED HERE! Go back to your shit hole country and get shot for voicing your opinions! Mongrel motherfuckers!

Comment by onetruereligionisNOTislamshitslam

just one question… when you so called ‘people’ have diarrhea, do you think you’re melting?! hahaha!!!

Comment by lmfao at shitslam! haha

after all the years of having political correctness shoved down my throat i moved to the USA,now 25 years later i am going through the same shit over here ,i have no use for these people and wish they would get the hell out of Britain so i can go home.

Comment by david furzer

Everything that this person says is true, Islam wants to take over the world. I do not understand why our governments do nothing about this. The hate speech law also are there to prevent any dissent. I mean how is it logical that the muslims can preach about jihad and killing everyone not like them but if a non muslim speaks out against them then that is hate speech. I sense a deep conspiracy amongst the European elites. They want to dilute our national identities to accumulate more power. The left also knows that more immigrants mean more votes which is why they use hate speech laws to silence dissent. I really do not understand why all European governments do not just deploy the Army and just throw out the whole bloody lot of them. Why more people in the UK do not vote for the BNP. If someone calls me racist then I could care less and ask them to make a logical case against me. They never can, they just get angry and do not want to further discuss the issue. Here is a question to pose to any of these do gooders, How has muslim immigration been beneficial to Europe? I can assure all of you that no one will want to answer this question if they think that it has been. How can anyone with half a brain think that public stoning for rape victims, female genital mutilation, forced marriage, persecution of minorities, and lack of free speech would be something that a country would want to import when that is the foundation of western civilization. If all cultures and religions are equal then why is there no immigration to muslim countries and mass immigration of muslims to non muslim countries?

Comment by winston smith

Funny how meddling Britain who’s responsible for the current Arab dictators being in power and suppressing the Arab people cannot deal with the so called Islamic colonisation of its’ own land… Karma is a Bitch!!!! stay away from the oil you thieves..jealous much??? you wish you had this much oil wealth hahaha!

Comment by Khan

Actually, because of some of the great minds of the modern first-world countries, oil will soon prove to be of little use; electricity can be produced through many ways, as can the running of machines, including compressed air, solar power and hydro-power. So in short, at the moment the naive politicians want the oil, but in the long run, it’ll become yet another source used up and forgotten, as will the countries that rely on the oil-purchasing as their main source of income.
It’s also the fault of those residents within the Arab world for not rebelling against their ever-more-powerful leaders and instead letting them lay down their pathetic dictating laws for a number of years. Don’t tell me that it’s all our fault; we can’t get involved with other countries’ political and social affairs unless given permission to do so, of which we’ve still not had. The western world is also attempting to undo as much potential damage to innocent people as they can via sending out our best aircrafts to protect the people of the Arab world, despite our own country being in severe debts and danger. Learn to think before you type.

Comment by Stephen

What can be done to get these people out of the west? I want them out. These people are like the Borg in STar Trek. They assimlate and destroy other people. Lying is a good thing in their religion.

Comment by andi

Where can I sign up? O.K Libertarian is a start, albeit a slow one. I want action now, I want this pestilent filthy plague out of once Great Britain. I tire of the arguments of “good muslims” good and muslim can not co-exist, anyone that follows the quran doesn’t share the moral values of the civilised western society. Any peoples that can stone children to death in the name of god ARE a less than human entity, and as such do not deserve the freedoms we fought for. In my day, not that long ago! I recall jehovahs witnesses being exempt from religious education in school, yet my daughter is now forced in the current curriculum to study muslim practises. We are not allowed a santas grotto in OUR Christian school, lest it offends these filthy raghead fuckers, if it offends you, be my guest and fuck off elsewhere. I can not and will not stand by and watch this country pander to the whims of the mentally impaired ( read islamists )
I want action now, I will do what little I can, I will never employ a raghead, nor even engage one in conversation, nor will I afford them any respect or even common decency, but this is too little. I am ready to fight for this country against the biggest threat it has ever seen. Someone out there must know of underground groups, legal groups, any means I can employ to eradicate these barbaric savages, I will.
Help me by informing me.
Islam must go or die, I’m easy!

Comment by FuckIslam

Islam is not a religion, it is a cult which does not have tolerance to others. We have been duped with Muslim’s lies and these liberals are busy to find all the excuses to forgive Muslim and helping them harbor terrorists. Any smart person buy a Koran and read oneself why there are Islamic terrorists everywhere. It is time to revolt against Islam or else our kids and grand kids does not have a choice to believe what they want. By the way, I am atheist and I am becoming anti Islamic, because I love my freedom!

Comment by ActFast

The muslim is not human. Therefore it is not a criminal act to kill him. The sooner muslim blood flows in the streets of Britain, the better.


Comment by David

i hate islam and muslims!!

we should unite together and fight against islam!!

Comment by Terex


Comment by David



Comment by David

Two jokes from a BNP member
Their a christain and jew walking though the desert they come Mecca they see two people fu–king two lambs, the first is hitler the second is mohamide, the jew says to the christain, this ist right and the christain agrees, this is against the 10 commandments, this is against the law of life, do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.With that the islamists proclaim there rights,with one voice these two holy men, have the right two f—k lambs, AFTER ALL it is —IS LAMB?

Comment by james

Another joke based on christ, freeing a man from devils.
Christ a jewish rabbi, comes upon a man ,in which devils exist with in, now he resites the holy, commandments, I call upon you unclean beings, to come out of this man in the name of the god of light, holy to JEWS AND CHISTAINS. with that the devils come out and desend into a HERD OFF PIGS.
Afterwards one of Christs ,followers with the name PETERS asks , why did you order the devils in to the pigs,CHRIST REPLYS, Because there are no islamist, yet on earth.

Comment by james

What ever you think, or dont think , about the BNP we know our enemys thoughts.

Comment by james

I caught my wife shagging my neighbour on the couch this morning. Right I thought I will show here. I am converting to islam this week and then hopefully we will be stoning the slag at the weekend lol 🙂

Kick all these dirty filthy Islamic cunts out of the UK simple! they bring nothing but flies! Whilst at it, kick out the coons, the Pakis and all the darkies. There are more than enough Welsh to drive the buses etc.

Why didn’t the CIA and US Military simply get the UK “CSA” to find Bin “Hiden” would have had him in a day!

Lastly: Clinton tried but failed, Bush tried but failed, Blair tried but failed, Just goes to show, if you want somebody dead hire a nigger (Obongo)

Comment by Bigyin

Currently, indians are spreading around the world like a cancer — they are everywhere. They think they are so good, but any white man can do any job an indian does 10 x better.

What the gent in the first comment was saying is that the behaviour of one man is indicative a much wider mentality, so F U ASHOLE – you are the ass hole! And today, it is not like the 70’s , the country will not collapse if you kick them out, it will be YOUR country again! Imagine a country full of your type, not burdened by indian fuckers.

to an indian you are a GURIA – a foreigner – scum. dont support them. Kick them out! Back to their slums in india where they can die. They send most of their cash back to india anyway so they do not pump it back into the local economy – just spend it in their own shops etc
Out of sight – out of mind. Indians Out Forever!

Also ISLAM IS A CANCER ON THIS WORLD AND MUST BE REMOVED – it comes directly from the devil, a pedo murderer called Mohamed (the faggot, shit be upon in his mouth)it goes against everything any moral person stands for, temporary, multiple fully covered wives with no human rights? Kill non believers? Cut off thieves hands for theft? Blaming Jews for all their problems when their religion is a rip off of Judaism, they even stole the names -Joseph changed to Yoosef, Abraham – Ibrahim, its a bullshit copy, tell me..

Why are there no muslims on star trek?
Cos its set in the future!

Comment by Simon Leigh

you are a very stupid person

Comment by jp

Whatever he is, Im with him. The muslim cult has to be stopped.

Comment by Normal Person

Jews do contribute and benefit everyone – google, fb, theory of relativity, they dont do crime and they dont convert people either, they are awesome, and dont have dirty brown skin, that is why muslims hate them and point the finger at them, they even blamed them for 911! they even think jesus, a jew, born 1500 years before islam was invented by a pedo murderer, was muslim! Its time for muslims to go back hell, imbred cunts!

Comment by Simon Leigh

Don’t look now, pal, but relativity just took a hit, make that two hits, this past week: particles going faster than light, and an infinitely expanding universe leave old Albert gasping in the void. Still, when it comes to relativizing our money, our Hebrew betters still have a thing or two to show us…

Comment by orthotox

Condemning Islamic Terrorism is almost like Holocaust Denial among some misled people. ‘Oh that’s a terrible attitude to have!’ No, my attitude is not bad, blowing up innocent people is bad attitude. Let them go point their arses in the air elsewhere!

Comment by Bill Lieper

All big words on here but what are you prepared to do about it…we need to wipe them out and fast…Finsbury park mosque is a haven for anti british terror yet you do nothing…blow it or reap the wind .

Comment by david grafter

“It is time to kick Islam and all of its followers out of Britain. They serve no purpose other than to push Islam”

I beg to differ on this point. I regularly visit a restaurant run by Muslims. The food is excellent, the service is second to none and I always leave feeling very happy. OK, so they dont have alcohol there, but if I wanted to get pissed Id go to a pub. None of them have ever ‘pushed Islam’ on me (or even mentioned it, come to think of it).

Peace 🙂

Comment by Pete

It’s their business – your a customer and they have to raise funds for the taliban! Get smart! Their motto – “Slowly, slowly catch a monkey – but breed fast, the dhimmis will pay for it”. Buy fish and chips if you can find a good old chipper.

There is still time, brother, but not much!

Comment by Stan

All this waffle no one ever does fuck all about it. To be honest i’m sick of the letterbox faced bastards. So i propose an open season for the fuckers. Lets make it 1st Jan to 31 December, both dates inclusive. Or failing that lets all vote BNP, like iv’e done.

Comment by Ted

oh dear. theres so much hate on this site, theres really no need. no one can make you feel inferior without your permission. stop letting the anger and hate from both sides get to you, after all, everyones a human. please, let he who is without sin, cast the first stone, this just makes sense. religious affiliation means little. let all the haters die out and lets strive for a peaceful world where race, gender, religion, age or sexuality just doesnt matter. i like this world and i believe we have the potential to be a truly great one. peace.

Comment by jp

its time to start burning them out of there shops and bussiness,time to get a machine gun,wipe them all out.
speak the day,fucking scum

Comment by Kill Em All

I agree

Comment by Normal Person

“Why would Britain need Islam?” Better ask, Why would Britain need cleaners and dishwashers and chambermaids etc. You’ll never kick Islam OUT until you first kick the yob OFF the dole.

Comment by orthotox

true tha are evil tha prophet was a sicko that had sex with a 9yo

Comment by reddragon

Oh! so it’s Moslems who do these jobs is it that you describe, what bollocks these jobs are done by Poles, Latinos etc. all Christians. Most Muslims don’t work they breed like rabbits and call for jihad whilst claiming benefits and are wanted in other countries for terrorism etc. Think of Bakri, Hamza etc.

Comment by Aine O'Neill (@AineONeill4)

we need to stand up to the filth that that sicko muhammad spreed even tha devil book tells them to lie.. Qur’an (66:2)- “Allah has already ordained for you,(O men), the dissolution of your oaths”

Bukhari (84:64-65)- Speaking from a position of power at the time, Ali confirms that lying is permissible in order to deceive an “enemy.” ….7:182-4. This [the Quran] is naught but fables of the men of old…….. ye who believe! Ask not questions about things which if made plain to you, may cause you trouble. Some people before you did ask such questions, and on that account lost their faith.” (Surah 5:101-102) and tha still think it is from good . soo thare are evil and brain washt

Comment by reddragon

what muslim stands for mentally unstable sexists limeted in mind

Comment by reddragon

I used to be suggested this web site via my cousin. I am now not certain whether this put up is written by him as no one else understand such distinctive approximately my problem. You are incredible! Thanks!

Comment by Fashion click here

Fuckin Muslim filth have ruined Great Britain. The cunts come over here to abuse the benefits system, shag our white women, and then try to get their stupid fucking sharia law introduced! CUNTS! Walk about in most parts of London now, and it’s a different fuckin country! Uncontrolled immigration had made our once beautiful country a shit hole! There will be rivers of blood, as old Enoch said!

Comment by Dougie

When will the Uk politicians wake up to the situation? When will they stop forcing us to live with the enemy?
Britain is no longer ours and the working class people of this land suffer in every way: housing,education,health care (especially midwifery), not least loss of identity and national pride! I dont recognise my own city! I dont understand how people who werent born here cant speak english and never have done a days work end up driving mercs and owning several properties ….actually i do lies lies and more lies fraud upon fraud and ripping of the state!!!!

Comment by r.chuwen

The native British people have never been asked for their permission to allow these millions of Muslims, Blacks, Latin Americans or Chinese and other Asians to overrun their country, nor have they ever given theri consent to it. The socialist politicians have let them in to swell the numbers who vote for them and the conservatives have let them in so as to have cheap factory and domestic labour – both parties are totally unrepresentative of the vast majority of us, the indigenous people. Most of our direct and distant ancestors arrived here at the end of the last ice age – about 15,000 years ago – (read S. Oppenheimer’s “The Origins of the British”). Slowly, over millenia, we have developéd our culture, traditions, culture, language and religion. The political class is now actively promoting the death of a civilisation 15,000 years in the making. Yet no one votes for any party that would do anything about this. In 1609 King Philip the Third of Spain decreed that all Muslims should be expelled from Spain – after over one hundred years of trying to get them to become assimilated into Spanish culture, religion and way of life. We could do the same quite peacefully and legally by passing a new retrospective nationality law, exactly like the present Swiss nationality law whereby the child of two foreign parents , or one foreign and one Swiss parent takes the nationality of the parent/s, never Swiss nationality. Furthermore such people are only allowed into Switzerland if they have a limited time work permit. In other words the Swiss can legally kick any foreigner out whenever they feel like it. Unless we join together and get a strong voice we will be overcome by these invaders – according to government statistics the average No. of children per Muslim family is 5, the No. per indigenous British families is 1. What do you think our country will look like in 20 years time if nothing is done NOW? We’ve really had enough of multicultural claptrap and MUST do something radical NOW!

Comment by John Streather.

As I said, all foreigners could be expelled simply through passing a new Swiss type of nationality law in parliament. As for the argument that we need foreigners to do jobs that our own people won’t do, this also could be easily answered by re-introducing two years’ national service whereby all school-leavers would be obliged to spend two years doing just this kind of work. If China, South Korea, Japan, Bhutan and Switzerland, (for example), all refuse to give any foreigners their nationality without anyone criticizing them, how is it that we can’t? Surely it is our right to be able to choose whom we wish to allow to live among us? Only the ridiculous softness and permissiveness of the English speaking nations – Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the States, and of the European nations, has opened the door to these hordes of undesirable foreigners. The actual citizens of these countries have never, for the most part, wanted to hand over their lands to people with whom they have no blood ties, no common religion, culture, laws, customs or traditions. We have all been mightily betrayed by totally unrepresentative governments.

Comment by John.

Sorry guys it’s too late – were fucked…… proper fucked !… the only hope now is mass uprising, and we all know that aint gonna happen….

Comment by Steve

Steve: While there’s life there’s hope. If the Spaniards managed to rid the whole of Spain of Muslims, surely we can do the same. Probably, as in Spain, the reconquest will start in the north and gradually go southwards – Scotland has so far remained relatively free of Muslims, Blacks, Latin Americans and Asians, who all use our ultra liberal laws to abuse, corrupt and dominate us, the native British. A tiny focus of resistance in the Picos de Europa in Cantabria, Asturias eventually resulted in the total expulsion of all Muslims from Christian Spain. The stupid Spaniards have now let them back in again and will soon have to fight the same battle once more. Hegel said that: “What we learn from history is that no one learns from history”, and Spain is a prime example of this. However, what we can learn from history is that aggressive and antagonistic invaders can be repelled and expelled. Who wants Black thieves armed with guns and knives here? Who wants Black prostitution rackets here? Who wants Muslims who, in accordance with the Koran, that they ALL have to accept, actively or passively support Muslim terrorism and conquest in our country? Who wants South or East Asians multiplying here and depriving the native British of jobs and leeching onto our welfare system? Some of us, indoctrinated at school and university by socialist teachers may want all this, but the indigenous British capable of independent thought, by and large, do not want these things and know that they have been mightily betrayed by politicians of all parties since the end of World War Two. From little acorns mighty oak trees grow: don’t forget it!

Comment by John.

It is a understatement but unfortunately as immoral as it sounds if Hitler and his Nazi army were around, non of these shit stains will be destroying the towns and cities of Great Brittain that our ancestors have fort so hard to keep. Thinking that an Islamic flag will be flying over downing street, ha. I’d like to see any filthy paki attempt it. It’s a shame that there are no non-islamics pushing a case for them! Just proves how the world laughs at that dirty rag head Mohammed and his paki cunt taxi driver deciples.
I on one hand will be out to the nearest mosque when war breaks out and slapping every jihad looking mother fucker with bacon. Hoo haa

Comment by Freethestreets

My wife has failed to produce dinner at 8pm for the last 4 nights. We will be stoning her at 1pm tomorrow lol

Comment by Muslim Whacker

I agree, send them back to where they belong, they do not belong in any Western Country, Britan, Usa, Ect. Stop the muslim cult, there sick demented assholes. Its just not right, LEAVE NOW.

Freedom will always win, especially against those fanatical demented sick people, I use the word people lightly.

Comment by Normal Person

I’ve been reading some of the remarks on this site and I have something to say. Ok, I’ll agree that extremists and literal-believers of the Muslim religion are disgusting in their ways. I don’t, and never will, condone any action of immorality that they perform. If you look at my earlier posts, you’ll see that I’ve done my research on the worst sides of Islam, and I hate all of it, still.
But please be civilized, people. Please understand that not all Muslims are bad people – just like any religion, there are believers and then there are extremists. However, it seems, in Islam, extremists almost outweigh the peaceful believers (on a worldwide scale). This isn’t the fault of the peaceful believers.
The problem is not the person themself; it’s the beliefs they grow up to accept and obey. In short: Islam is the problem. Not Muslims, per se.
Their founder believed that anyone who didn’t believe in Islam were sinners and disgusting. However, it was him that was disgusting, and anyone who follows in his twisted vision of the world. The West are, unfortunately, seen as ‘kufars’ to the extremists. ‘inferior’, we are deemed, even though their beliefs are the reasons they still dwell within the early centuries of this side of the year 0. In human rights and technology, we have proven in silence and peace that we are, in fact, superior, when compared to the extremists. There was no need for violence, no need for hate. Just the need to want to better ourselves.
And this is where my message comes in; I don’t believe we should kill or mass-deport Muslims. I personally don’t you all think we should, either. This is a knee-jerk reaction – the VERY thing that Islam was founded upon, the VERY beliefs that Mohammed had; if you cannot control it or brainwash it, then destroy it. We are better than this, people. Providing we do not allow for Islamic laws to be approved as legitimate laws (eg. rid of Shaia courts in the UK), and we keep the extremists under OUR laws (i.e. no bhurkas, no racism towards the British and arrest whoever are racist or racially harmful), then we have the control over any extremist. We will not become a country ruled over by them, and we will have our rights back as the natives of the country. Be peaceful, be calm and be ruthful in any and every anti-extremist law you uphold, and you will soon understand that not all Muslims are bad, and we will not stoop to the extremist Muslims’ ways of getting our way.
We are the West – the advanced, peaceful people of the world. Behave that way, and we will be respected, obeyed and we will ultimately grow a higher notch on the ladder to understanding the world.

Comment by Stephen

Stephen: Your letter is good natured and tolerant and you are to be commended for that. Unfortunately tolerating the intolerant means and end to tolerance! As you say the fault lies with the religion of Islam itself. But there is not a single Muslim on Earth who doesn’t accept every word of the Koran and the Hadith. Among other things this means that they are urged to dissemble and feign friendship with the “infidels”, to steal from them. to lie to them, to betray them, to defraud them and to kill them if these actions further the spread of Islam. They ALL have the duty to convert the “infidels” and do everything they can to establish world-wide rule of Islam. They are also told to murder apostates, adultresses and homosexuals – amongst others! They must not form friendships with “infidels” nor live in an “infidel”land unless it is for the purpose of overthrowing the government and imposing Islam on the population – which is why there are so many here in Britain and Europe. Lastly, having failed to conquer Europe by military force over the centuries, they are now taking the continent by stealth, by overwhelming us with numbers. The imams tell them to have as many children as possible. Why do you think that is?! The average Muslim family has five chldren and the average native British family has one child. The commonest name given to a boy in Britain now is Mohammed! What do you think the country will look like in 20 years’ time, when all these Muslim children have grown up? This is our country after all and we have the right to maintain it as ours – do you think any Muslim country would countenance for one minute the rapid proliferation of Christian caucasians in their country, or Christian agitation for special laws in accordance with their religion? Why, they don’t even allow Christian churches to exist in most Muslim countries! What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander!

Comment by John.

I admire the effort to research your reasonings to forward your understanding and thoughts, John; it makes a refreshing sight when compared to some of the remarks made by people expressing less intellectual thought on this post. I am glad that there are still people such as yourself taking notice to this blog.
I appreciate your effort to remind me of the situation at hand, of which I already understand – I do not underestimate the alarming rate in which this country is being populated by Muslims and their immoral religion. Or the inhumane acts that they perform, nor do I wish for anymore of this spread or events to occur. My problem is not that I have come to accept or tolerate Islam, it is more that I am becoming intolerant of the messages of this post. I am sorry if I gave any alternate impression over – I don’t mean to be misunderstood. This post is the very foundation of something that could change Britain back into something it once was; it is the food for free thought, free speech and the base for ideologies that could change the world for the better. However, what I find is that the people that are filling this post are merely insulting Muslims or making statements that, by all means, are unacceptable for the standards that we uphold as a once-honorable nation.
This blog could be used for upholding solutions to cap the stem of Islam within this country, or to rebel against our own government, if needs be. Whatever the solution, this blog can and should be used for intellectual debate, research and solution-making. Not for pitiful hatred, that ultimately only makes us appear racist and not-at-all learned, therefore forcing more naive people into liking Muslims and Islam more. We need to spread the truth, not spread mindless hatred.

Comment by Stephen

Stephen: Thank you for your positive comments. As I said on the 30th of December this whole question could be peacefully and legally solved by our adopting Swiss nationality and work permit law and making it retrospective back to say 1945. No British nationality for any children whose parents, or one of whose parents, are/is a foreigner and no entry to our country by foreigners unless with a time limited work permit to those who have jobs wating for them. In China, South Korea, Japan, Switzerland, Bhutan etc., no foreigners are ever given citzenship, nor are they allowed residence without time limited work permits for work that already awaits them. Not one nation in the world has complained about this way of safeguarding their culture, customs, laws, civilisation, traditions, history and, in some cases, religion. Yet there is an uproar if we try to do the same for our very ancient culture etc. Why are some nations allowed to do this and not others? Is this fair or just? The native British have never been asked by any political party whether they wanted to hand their land over to hordes of unwished for immigrants nor have they ever given their consent to this. We have been totally betrayed by all parties. We need a new, decent, fair equitable political party that really does represent the wishes of the majority of the indigenous British people. Some hope! We should leave the hopelessly compromised and corrupt UN immediately, leave the EU which is also corrupt and run by thos who favour the very people who threaten our country, and rescind unilaterally the Human Rights Act. Then perhaps we can start running our own affairs in the way we’d like to run them.

Comment by John.

To get a grasp of what an immediate and collosal threat Islam is to our country, I am listing some books that expose the aims and strategy of Muslims to conquer our country in the name of Islam- It is absurd to make a difference between “islamist” and “islamic” – all Muslim terrorism and Muslim agitation to introduce sharia law and prayer rooms in schools, universities and work places etc., is based directly upon what their so-called prophet said and what their Koran and Hadith say. It is intrinsic to the religion and every Muslim on this earth must accept it all. That is why the Muslims scarcely ever condemn bloody outrages committed by their co-religionists.

Robert Spencer: “A Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam”, “The Truth About Muhammad” and “The Koran”.

Pamela Geller: “Stop the Islamization of America”.

Bruce Bawer: “While Europe Slept”, and “Surrender – Appeasing Islam, Sacrificing Freedom”.

Ibn Warraq: “Why I Am Not A Muslim”.

Bat Ye’or: “The Decline of Eastern Christianity Under Islam”.

Melanie Phillips: “The World Upside Down”.

Orianna Fallaci: The Muslim Trilogy.

Mark Steyn.”America Alone” and “After America”

If you still sympathize with ANY Muslim after reading these extremely informative books then you must be a Muslim yourself! It’s every bit as fascist as were the Nazis and every bit as bent upon world conquest. Make no mistake about it!

Comment by John.

John, I fully agree with you that we new, fresh political party that resets the very reason we have one in the first place: to listen to and adhere to the wishes of the country it serves. And I completely agree with the Swiss laws that uphold their very culture; it’s not only fair, but reduces, even prevents the chances of being culturally and/or economically taken over. I would very much wish for that to occur within this country, and I only wish someone would make a nationwide poll to send to government over it.
I’m glad I was able to talk with you, John, as you have quite the intellect and reason behind you, and, unlike some people on here, you do your research before seeing the need for disgust. However, this is my last post on the matter, as I have other things I personally need to get on with.
But thanks for your time and information, John. I only hope others on this particular blog can take a leaf from your book, and do their research to find a way to prevent the Islamic spread, not just bitch about it and make racial remarks.

Comment by Stephen

Ron: There can hardly be a single native British person who doesn’t agree with you,( except for those on the far left for whom the Muslims can do no wrong). But there is also not one single person among all the millions of indigenous British who is actually prepared to do anything whatsoever to rid our land of these unlovely and unwanted wretches. Until someone actually stands up and gets counted nothing at all will be done. We are hamstrung by the race and religious abuse laws.

Comment by John.

Totally agree!!!! Kick out all these fucking Muslims out of this country!! They do nothing for us apart from taking beds in hospitals, taking places in schools etc etc. They turn our communities into shitholes that stink of islamic tosh! KICK THEM OUT!! US BRITS SHOULD STAND UP TO THEM AND BOOT THEM INTO THE SEA!!

Comment by David

The United Kingdom used to be a great and proud country, now we stand back and watch them muslim animals shout abuse at our war heros and there familys and say all sort of shit about us right to our faces in our own towns and citys, and do nothing?, people of the UK wakeup. DEMAND! the goverment deport these descusting allah loving trash home.. or the british people should stand up against them. like the riots in england, beat every muslim we see in the street back to there own country. lets take back what is ours./// long live the queen…

Comment by Muslims.GTFO!

Islam Stinks. Allah lives with Santa and the Good Fairy.

Comment by Johnny

My oppinion as if anyone cares about us ants, is that islam is fundementally incompatible with christianity, even on there pilgrimage the hajj they throw stones at three upright pillers and as a none orthodox but semi fundementalist christian i’d like to point out that in the book of isiah yahwey (jehova) takes isiah up to mount moriah (the temple mount) and shows him 7 sons of israel bowing to the east, east of his alter and says to isiah, “THIS IS OFFENSIVE IN MY SIGHT”, recent archeological study taken out in secret as the islamic authority of the dome of the rock would not allow it points to the temple of herod being west of the dome of the rock, and from a religeouse point of view seven sons means, seven twelths of the worlds population, also i am offended at muslim extremists being granted free speech while our soldiers are commited in a war, under active legislation to provide aid or succor to an enemy at time of war is a treasonable offense with a maximum death penalty as treason retains this punishment. as a british male descended from mainly anglo irish stock i feel the very ground under my feet is not soil but the sweat, blood and tears of my ancestors, when our lads in wars of the past laid down there lives for there nation it was that there children would keep the inheritance bestowed upon them by there sacrifice, not so that the children of there enemys could desecrate there churches and take over there cities and homes and aht are these politicians if not traitors for allowing this, one caveat, the BNP are descended from the BROWN SHIRTS whome were a fifth columne behind our lines during the second world war and responsible for passing intel that cost british lives, take the title british back from those evil men and give us back our honor, we can still win this without that kind of scum.

another point the average muslim misses the first crusades were called because christian pilgrims on the way to the holy land were being murdered by celjic turks,. They would cut the pilgrims stomaches open and nail there intestines to a tree then wip them so they ran around it until they died. Also they obviously havent read the book of revelation and how is a man a prophet who marries a child (rose of damascus).


In time a war will happen here, there has been a long concealed plot to break up social unity and shatter the fundemental basis upon which british progressive socialism was rooted by dividing our society, mass imigration was used as a part of this plan, it finally progressed to devolution and the final partitioning of our great nation, it serves those responsible well to keep us fighting these palty divisions, by keeping us divided and our media under there control, our minds in there hands, they will maintain there positon without anthying other than the odd internal feud amongst themselves, the last good politician we had who tried to save our nation was enoch powel, he would turn in his grave before he would allow the bnp but nevertheless as we are backed into a corner they will become more powerfull,. i’d rather go the edf route, we are a nation of families but remember it was said of british sailor a girl in every port, so remember you may have spanish, portugese or dutch relatives you don’t even know of.


Do the public know there so called prophet married a five or six year old child and according to there uncut koran knew her at the age of nine. he was in his fifty’s,. also remember in the book of revelation written in ad 89 nearly 600 years prior to him the second coming of christ says he will come with clouds and a great army of those BEHEADED for his name sake and those who beheaded them will know great terror. when iran attacks israel the israelis will retaliate with ther nuclear arsenal of two hundred and fifty nuclear bombs ranging from 5 to 50 killitons wiping the persian and arabian nations off the earth with themselves.


I’d like to distance myself from racism, and social intollerance it is because of islamic fundementalist views I think the basic structure of the religeon is evil, My sister married an Iranian called Javod and though he will go the pub for a few pint’s he was actually one of the revolutionary guard, in his possession he has a photograph of himself holding an Iraqi officers head with the knife in his still bloody hand and two of his Iranian army chums either side of him smiling like a family photo, when My mother found out what had been done as it was actually a councilor by the name of Mr whitaker whome introduced them and arranged there marriage, she whent berserk and whent to run him over with her car stopping only 6 inches short of him, My nephew from my sisters previouse relationship is blonde and blue eyed, at the age of 26 after having Javod as his step father for 25 years finally snapped with the abuse we had suspected but not proven and knocked javods teeth out after bashing around the house but his half brothers and sisters, my nephews and nieces are good kids and i care about them, I also have no animosity for seiks, hindus, jew, or even mormons (though one woman is enough, were the hell do they go once a month to escape),. it is only Islam and its corruption of religeon into a brainwashing cult I utterly detest. It is’nt so much immigration thats the problem it’s the sheer numbers and the fact our people are suffering, employers should be fined twice the national average wage for each illegal or none british employee, as for the governments policys on welfare, only british and you should have to work at least ten years full time to qualify and twenty years for full benefit, look after our own first, much of the problem with the benefit system goes back to thatcher whome abolished the index link on wages while leaving it in place on benefits meaning the relative value of your wage has dropped consecutively each year while the upper profit margins have increased, but weve now the red line, wages drive the aconomy, the average tory has always been the wealth man in the trehouse cutting the trunk from under him for firewood, historicaly weve had some great foreigners like benjamin disrealy who said the future of this nation rests upon the education of its children and introduced state education for the public, he loved us so much he converted from judaism to anglicanism. Tony blair betrayed us on education, imigration, privatisation ( without the gat world trade agreement cameron would never have been able to ruin the nhs ) and he allowed that plonker brown to run the exchequer like putting a fat kid in charge of the sweet shop.


Please remember true socialism is not communism it is enlightened self interest and very stable economically in fact though hitler was an evil man nazism was actually a form of twisted distorted national socialism, it was the likes of the rothschild (bauer being there true family name of baverian origin) and the organisation that they outwardly represent (red shield) that are a part of the extreme right upper echelon group of corrupt manipulating organisations responsible for the social trauma caused to british and western european societies in order to destabilise us and generate wealth and power for themselves they for a very long time were based in the USA and are trying to impose that system of corporate control on us by generating the same social divisions here under the original guise that they were preventing communism from spreading into europe, as divided we will fall, united we will stand, they are behind our weak governments and own our political partys outright which is why our good politicians are relegated to the back benches and only yes men get to the front, they run our class systems and promote immigration to prevent homogenouse social order.


Paul: You’re quite right. It should be added that Palestine had been Christian until the Muslims took it by force from the Byzantine Empire and that the Muslims had been busy since the 7th century raiding villages and towns all round the Christain Mediterranean burning and pillaging the houses desecrating the churches and carrying off the inhabitants to sell them in the Muslim slave markets. These are two facts that the Muslims somehow forget to mention when they carry on about the (perfectly justifiable) crusades.
Moreover Muslims are responsible for the end of free speech and a free press in the whole of Europe, our country included, as anyone who dares to voice even the mildest criticism of either their religion or their so-called prophet is instantly threatened with death – and quite often actually killed, like van Gogh and Fortyn in Holland – for instance – there are others. While they are allowed to level the most vile and slanderous insults at the Jews and the Christians no one is ever allowed to utter the slightest word against them. How level is that playing field?!

Comment by John.

It’s also worth mentioning that the Royal Navy was still actively combating slavery in the arabian sea as recently as the late 1960’s and it still goes on in the islamic world, in the 1970’s and 1980’s they would offer mainly phillipino though also other nationalitys domestic jobs but when they got there (arabia) they would take there passports off them and beat them but never pay them, now it is eastern predominantly eastern eauropean girls via turkey, the open borders are a real boon for them. They use the Koran as Justification as slavery is acceptable under sharia law also look at the young girl baught and held in a celler in Manchester on the news recently, even there own people.


My Last Comment for now, The Pakistani community are largely educated in Maddrassa religeouse schools, these were originaly founded after we toppled the muslims of there perch over the hindus of india and taught hatred of the british, during the indian mutiny they murdered predominantly indians but in one notable siege offered safe passage for the english woman and children from a garrison, as they sailed down the river thay slaughtered the woman and children, those they did not rape to death, why the hell are they allowed here, also the somali community hate everything about us as we toppled the mahdi empire which was cutting a bllody swaith through east africa, but they murdered general gordon whome was un armed and parraded around with his head on a spear, so kitchener was sent to avenge british honour, but were is our honour now, firstly we need a genuine charismatic leader, a base of operations, and funding,… if My mothers inheritance left by Elizabeth tattershall (aintree propertys) was ever retrieved i’d genuinely back it financially but we were defrauded by police solicitors and the government despite her trust being under a court of protection court order and being made so it could never be stolen by elizabeth tattershall, they even took tattershall bloodstocks over to ireland to cover up the fraud after the cheetah fraud in liverpool covered up and tied up loose ends.
My Sisters husband Javod was able to obtain two and a half million pounds of this money by using the Iranian charge de affair in manchester whome was his friend to lean on manchester police and he invested this stolen british money in Iran, thoughit was only hush money and a drop in the ocean compared to the billions of pounds (assets in field estate kensington london, 8 stanley road whitefield manchester, aintree racecourse, cambdon market london(the old cambden racecourse) derby square liverpool, the building used as two museums in liverpool on victoria street, 81 belmont road liverpool, all of under the trust number h1528) stolen from my mother. I would put this at the disposal of freeing Britain from our enemy.


A lot of time has passed and though we have no statute of limitations in the uk the above addresses Probably are sold and sold again so don’t link them but the trust fund is correct.


Another thing if My mother was not white British and physically disabled, she would undoubtedly have had no end of people there to offer her assistance in fighting for justice but unfortunately she is white british so even when we whent into the T.S.B in ORMSKIRK with the account number provided by the tax office the bank denied that the account existed and upon me pointing out to the manager that the letter we had was an official document he said and I quote “Wll that may be a portfolio type account there vertually untracable sorry I can’t help”, how is it the taxman traced it then, and when we showed the police they made the tax officer who helped retire early,. they also said to me its civil despite the fraud having been perpetrated by none relatives,. upon my mother meeting mirrabelle toppham in 1982, mirrabelle said it was’nt me i only gave Bill Davies your documents in 1970 for a million pound in a gladstone bag, im sorry. This being despite the fact the topphams had baught thost deeds for aintree race racecourse from lord sefton in 1947 whome did NOT own it. Even the former MP for west lancs Mr Ken Hind told my mother “it was aintree propertys you inherited and its just been taken, it’s that much money were this much money is concerned there is no gentleman above board, i’m afraid i can’t help you any longer and if you try and get anywere there is someone in every department whome will put a stop to it”, this was ten days before collin pickthall took over who has since been replaced by rosie cooper, both labour while ken hind was if you wonder why our country is in this state what type of MP’s for sale do we have. I mean even the jockey club simply responded to my mother by saying you’ll have to come to new market and prove who you are, not it’s not your’s.

if your interested my mothers maiden name is Alice hallworth fegan, Fegan being deedpoll and taken by her father whome was an instructor on the intelligence staff of the northern ireland territorial police after he saved an important personages life and the papers blew his cover.
she was born on the 28.1.1933 and all the books on the tattershalls in liverpool library were removed after my mother tried to get justice as part of the councills cover up.


how the fuck should Muslims women hide there face with that shitty mask they were that is just like me walking in to a shop with a balaclava on if i wanted to rob them they wouldn’t see my face so why should they were there shitty mask

Comment by anonymous

Hi there, I discovered your blog by the use of Google while looking for a comparable subject, your site got here up, it looks great. I’ve bookmarked to favourites|added to my bookmarks.

Comment by spanish school miami

Multi cultural society equals cultural divisions and eventually civil war, the government prepares with big brother approach but betrays its own indiginouse population, laws are created to make it a legal requirement to hire the ethic minority over the white british individual and are called Pro Discrimination, both tony blair and david cameron, amass assets outside the uk with the obviouse intention of retireing abroad having betrayed there own people, further obviouse indications of criminality within the government are overlooked or brushed under the mat, all indications of a country in terminal decline, what was it thatcher said I wish to restore the class system, we thaught that she meant victorian moral values but actually she meant edwardian master servant status and Eton has long been a nest of vipors but now we don’t even have a politician to represent the vested interest of the majority of the british public, let us make a pact, one day however long it takes we will find those responsible for the destruction of our nation, weather by corrupting the lodges of our fraternitys as the long have or by external financial means, werever they are we will find them and retake our honour , UNO DEI SANCTUS TRINTUS, UNO FRATERNITAS, BRITANIA FRATERNITAS.


Marcus aurelius roman emperor from 121 anno dominei to 180 anno dominei (he was actually a very tollerant pagan), once said “how much more grievouse are the consequences of anger than the causes of it”, i dread reading about some innocent lad or lass, whome has been killed becuase of intollerance, but it is the islamic community in our country whome has shown increasing intollerance and a refusal to accept our way of life, we accepted you with open arms, you came into our tent as a guest then proceeded to steal it from us,
I know that some of you see yourselves as british having been born her but unless you ancestors paid for our land as did ours with there very lives and blood you will never be truly british, we are an island and as such have many ethnic origins including north african, but until your vile false and blasphemouse religeon entered our shores we were tied by a shared culture and divided only by protestant, anglican and catholic divisions,. even the differences between the welsh english and scots were of nearly no concern to most people, on your hajj you touche the black stone on the caba, i encourage you to read the book of revolation and pay heed to the mark of the beast, even your hand of fatima is referance to an idol worshiping past, we don’t actually worship idols, our ICONS are a form of blessed heiroglyph not actually god or holy but representative and we once faught a war with our own over that matter called the iconoclasm and god decided who won that, as for allah it is a derivative of El whome was the high god of the pantheon of the cannanites and had Baal as a leutenant he was actually regarded as an enemy of YAHWEY and all the prophecys of his son YASHUA the MESHIACH or jesus christ in his westernised form, were fullfilled, he’s not going to appear in your mosque in syria he’ss come with clouds and all shall see him living and dead and his martyrs whome died for his name sake beheade for his name sake come with him, he is your judge so fear him.


NO sharia law in Britain NO surrender

Comment by Isabelle Maybe

In AD 59 the population of JUDEA which is the area around Jerusalem and had Jerusalem as it’s capital were murdered and enslaved by the roman empire for a temporary but successfull revolt they had against the Romans in AD 57, this led to what has been called the Expelling of the Jews were they lost there homeland, for the following 1900 years they suffered persecution, murder, rape, slavery and endless discrimination and were often used as the scape goat for the sorrows of the time, those whome headed east were almost all lost to history and either islamised or destroyed but elsewere despite losing they held onto there traditions and survived, many became christian,. In Britain and Ireland those called Taylor are often descended from Jewish ancestry though mostly they are Christians with no knowledge of there jewish heritage, In the Arabian penninsular those called suliman are also Descended from Jews as there name is Actually Soloman Aribisised, unlike the muslims they don’t push there religeon down peoples throats and though they tend to keep to there own community they have been beneficial financially to any country in which they are free, (except the odd corrupt solicitor AKA mr Makin Liverpool) the vast majority of them are not in israel but around the globe, why am I talking about Jewish history, because the Muslims claim the Same lies as hitler that it’s all a Zionist plot which is bullshit, HAve a look how many british war graves are jewish, far more than muslim despite there smaller community, and unless we stop the seemingly inexorable tide of muslims there history will be our future. do you want to see your children suffering as the jews have,… no, then stop islam dead.

Comment by PAUL

Well said Paul.

Comment by Aine O'Neill (@AineONeill4)

Once again I wish to distance myselfe from racism, though I am a nationalist ( A PATRIOT ) I am most certainly never going to vote BNP as I already said they are the political wing of the national front whome in turn are merely moselys brown shirts the british nazi party whome during the second world war fed information back to hitlers germany such as troop information, industrial targets and moral as they intended to overthrow the british government and be placed in power as puppets of hitler, I also hold no animosity for muslims merely there so called prophet and there evil religeon, but this is my country, my soil, my sweat and blood, the sacrifice of my ancestor’s and all british troops for our inheritance shall not be in vein, if islam trys to take my home I will fight and woe betide any whome betray us such as the shadow home office minister whome made it illegal to employ british national over an islamic if the qualifications are the same she called it Pro Discrimination but I’m pretty certain if it were challenged in the european court of human right’s it would be shown for the anti british racism that it is , she’s is of the same ilk as those whome are trying to empose secular laws allowing gay marriage in church ( I’m not opposed to gay marriage but not in church )meaning they think we can be walked over, it is time, it is our country, it is our right to be heard, NO MORE SUPPRESSION OF THE BRITISH PEOPLE OR OUR RIGHT’S.

Comment by PAUL

Just one more thing, in the 1970’s my mothers friend a woman by the name of Karine whome was born in germany and whose father was a german soldier killed in the war she had been adopted by an english soldier and raised here in liverpool, seeing herself as simply a scouser she took a ferry to germany to see her brother whome she had not seen since the war, though speaking german was a bit rusty as she’d not spoken it since the age of 5 she understood it perfectly a group of german men were sitting on deck and she overheard them saying how they hated the stupid english, how they’s take over our country by using buiseness and poison our water so we’d be thick and sterile, needless to say karine was not going to have any of that she knocked the loudessed mouthed of them out (she was a big woman) and spent the rest of the journey in the persers office, the germans refused to allow her to disembark and sent her back to england were she was passed to the police whome merely said we understand now take yourself home.

since margaret thatcher sold the water when was the last realy clean cup of water you drank from a tap.

Comment by PAUL

Muslims are bombers
they’re all a potential threat to the world
they’re all smelly,
Allah does not exist
Allah is a made up piece of crap
Mohammed raped 9 year olds, child abuse much
free britain, US and israel, australia, france germany, india, china, japan and kick islam out of every civilised country on planet earth

fucking pigs/dogs

Comment by Mohammed LOlAlStupidArabMuslim-rubbish

Obviously the only solution is to strip them all of British citizenship and then to deport the lot of them – the so-called “moderate” ones silently support the violent ones. They have to as the terrorists are only following the dictates of their religion and the moderate ones admire them as being better Muslims than they are. If they threaten to kill us for criticising them we should promise to kill ten of them for every one of us they kill. But this can be done peacefully – if they don’t threaten us.

Comment by John.

To grasp how far the press and the BBC are aiding and abetting our worst enemies I would beg anyone reading this to get Bruce Bawer’s “Surrender” from Amazon immediately and read it as soon as you have it in your hands, then lend it to as many people as you can. MPs, journalists and television reporters are all scared out of their wits by the Muslims and will do anything they possibly can to appease and placate them. We are being betrayed by these craven cowards and downright liars, daily.

Comment by John.

Am totally and. Implement with you. We should unite to rid our country and our European brothers from this horrendous disease. Can’t the Vatican help us out? I mean, it organized the crusades. We should have them reorganized to rid Europe of Muslims. I think we can be as successful as Spain was in ridding itself from those Muslims.

Comment by Paul

Yes, no one seems to realize that as oposed to other immigrants, who have just come here to take advantage of our welfare benefits and traffick drugs, commit knife and gun crimes, thieve and run prostitution rackets, the Muslims are here as an occupying army. This is a long pre-meditated invasion. No Muslim is allowed to live in an “infidel” country unless it is with the aim of conquering that country. This is their stated aim: they make no secret of it. We now have around 20 million passive or active soldiers of Islam spread throughout Europe. They are told to have as many children as possible so as to be able to overwhelm us as soon as possible and the average Muslim family in Britain has 5 children compared with the indigenous British family having an average of 1 child per family. All governments have maintained an open door policy for Muslim immigrants – completely against the wishes of the people they pretend to represent. When are we, the indigenous British and other Europeans going to do something about expelling ALL these unwanted and extremely dangerous foreigners?

Comment by John.

Look up the story of Um Kirfa a wise and good leader whome muhamed had murdered for being a woman and because she was testimony to his bigotry and evil, He did marry a 6 year old child Aiesha the rose of damascus and had sex with that child at 9 years of age if there account is correct, also Satan was cast from heaven, he was lucifer and the prince of heaven also using the name of Gabriel for his own end’s, the old testament prophets heard god’s voice not gabriels, but muhamed is supposed to have recieved his directions from gabriel on behalf of his god whome he called Allah, he even whiset converting mekha to his cause told them to ask there idols to intercede with allah, and we are allowing theses savage childe molesting beast worshiping devil spawned filth to overrun our country, they want a war and have secretly stockpiled ak47 and other weapons in our country, you know this is true. I invite any muslim to read the book of revelation and compare it to your religeon, the black stone on the Khaba = the mark of the beast, the false prophet whome satan works miracles for and give’s his power to = muhamed, the blind leading the blind = hadj, those with the mark of the beast will enter the lake of fire and burn in agony for ever this is decreed by jehova and that is you islamic who do not repent and convert, also jesus was asked about who a certain woman would be married to in the resurrection and unlike you r false prophet he said in the resurrection there is no difference between a woman and a man for you will ahve a new celestial body like the angels and neither be given or taken in marriage, your version of paradise is to spend eternity as sex crazed monkeys in a garden with 40 virgins = one a month absolute hell.

Comment by I am

If the Muslims have stockpiled AK47s in our country – and presumably throughout Europe – this is a very serious matter indeed and needs to be exposed by the press. What real evidence is there for this? As they are backed by Saudi Arabia and other immensely rich oil countries they obviously have no need to worry about the cost of buying as many weapons as they like. But, have they really done so? They are forbidden to live in “infidel” countries unless they aim to conquer them and as there are about 25 to 30 million of them now in Europe we ought to be far more worried about their presence here than our governments seem to be. Each of those Muslims is either a passive or an active soldier for Islam, make no mistake about it.

Comment by John.

I am not a British,but rather an Indian Hindu Bengali.All these fucked up retarded sons of Muhammad screwed us Hindus from 9th-0th century and now these parasites of earth are destroying Jewish and people from west.I think it’s high time for everyone to kick the arse of all these morons-the whole world will be a lot better place without these 2 billion barbaric hypocrites

Comment by Sambit

Sambit; The Buddhists didn’t do too well in India either. When the Muslims reached the Buddhist university of Nalanda, in Bengal, with 10.000 students and teachers, they beheaded or burned alive the defenceless and harmless teachers and as many of the unfortunate students as didn’t manage to escape. They then proceeded to burn all the books. It took them three months of burning them, night and day, to burn them all. Students used to come to Nalanda from as far away as Greece and China. It was the end of Buddhism in India. What are we doing welcoming these primitive savages, who hate us, into our countries in Europe and giving them every known welfare benfit?

Comment by John.

First,I must congratulate you for your decent knowledge about the classical age of India.Yes Buddhists were not always perfect during their regime in India but I don’t find much of dissimilarities between Hinduism ,Buddhism,Jainism etc.Nalanda university reached it’s pinnacle under the supervisory of Bengali Buddhist named Sil vadra.The golden age of India came under the Gupta Empire when it was basically a society run by Buddhist.Buddhism encouraged scientific research in India even before the golden age in Arab or Renaissance in Europe.There were many fruitful result came in Mathematics,Astronomy,Economics etc during that period.

But the obvious question here that what was the reason for downfall?

Well,the answer is foreign invasion and demise of Buddhism in India.Muslim arrived and started treachery,barbarism and basically destroyed the culture which India cherished for thousands of years.While Europe was going through new awakening of modern thoughts,India was going backward day by day under Muslim rulers.

This age continued till the mids of 18th century…i.e till 1757.Matter of fact when clive attacked Muslim nawab of Bengal many Hindu king actually supported Clive as they were oppressed by Muslim nawab.

Then came the 19th century Bengal renaissance-basically it was a upper caste Hindu renaissance started by Ram Mohan Roy.He was truly a visionary who first realized the only way the system can be revived is by making a cognitive inter connection of old ancient thoughts of Vedas and Upanisad and the modern rational thoughts of west.

Once modern education system was established it did not take much longer time to bring fruitful results.First it was started by young Bengal(one of it’s key member Radhanath Sikdar calculated the height of peak xv which was later named under George Everest) and later it transformed into broader societies.

Then one after one luminaries started to come in different fields including the likes of Sir JC Bose and Physicist like Satyendra Bose,world’s most sophisticated test tube baby designer Physician Subhas Mukhopadhya etc.By the way the first Nobel prize of the entire British empire came from Calcutta when Sir Ronald Ross won it for discovering the cause of malaria in 1902.What gives me satisfaction more that we did not have to go in abroad or outside Bengal to do all these work…But things are changing…recently a 16 year old Bengali boy Sourya Ray has solved two unique puzzles of Sir Issac Newton which gave a hard time to many Physicist for last 350 years…But he has done it in Dresden,Germany,4 years after migrating from kolkata.

So why only Bengal or more appropriately it’s capital Kolkata produce all intellectuals from India?

It’s because the system and ideology of people living here who had a strong head-set for modern education during the earlier half of 20th century…Why Muslim Bengali are lagging?It’s because no enlightenment had ever touched them who always worship that shit hole written by their great prophet…and it will continue.

Comment by Sambit

But Sambit, the question is what can we do in Europe to get rid of these monsters? Our own politicians, our so-called parliamentary representatives, do all in their power to appease them and even anticipate their next outrageous demands and we are forbidden even to criticise the muslims in any way whatsoever.

Comment by John.

Well,the situation is even worse India.Our worthless politicians are now arranging reservation for Muslims in jobs and education.And we can not do anything living in a democratic country like India.But you guys have Economic advantage using which you can demolish these monsters.

America finally got rid of Taliban after a bloody decade in Afghanistan.Similarly if you can get rid of the core Muslim areas ,i.e the rich middle East which provide all sorts of money to south Asian Muslim terrorist organizations,then we can get rid of Islam.

For shake of one good thing if people of all religion stand together against Islam ,then no monster like Laden can do anything.

You,I and anybody else certainly do not want to see a 3rd world war but to destroy the evil we have do destroy those seeds which are cause of all worry for us.

Comment by Sambit

Sambit: The West depends for its energy on its worst enemies, the oil rich countries of the Middle East of whom the richest are Saudi Arabia and Iran. Saudi Arabia has paid for the building of mosques and Muslim Centres all over Britain, the rest of Europe and the States. The type of Islam it propagates is the most intolerant and puritanical of all the Muslim sects: Wahabi. The mullahs and teachers in the mosques and centres are preparing their flocks to impose sharia law on all western countries and to take them over. This is how it spends the incalculable amounts of money that pours daily into its bank accounts from its customers, namely us. Iran will very soon have nuclear missiles, with which it first proposes to wipe Israel off the map. No country has done anything at all to prevent this. They use their oil revenue to pay for and foment terrorism throughout the Middle East, (especially in Afghanistan Iraq, and Lebanon), and the rest of the world – they are behind Hezbollah and Fatah. As we depend on these oil rich countries there’s not a chance of them being dealt with unless we move to alternative or home produced sources of energy. There is an immense oil field on the Arctic shore of Alaska and immense quantities of untapped natural gas beneath an area around Liverpool in England. The Green Party, which has been taken over by marxists, who are more concerned about stopping anyone making any noney than they are about the birds and the bees, has mad esuch a fuss about exploiting either of these life-saving sources of energy that no government dares to begin to use this untapped energy. So how do you propose that we rid ourselves of such countries? The trouble is that none of our so-called parliamentary representatives is prepared to stand up and stop all this. They know that they are instantly converted into candidates for murder if they do so. If only like-minded people could get together and state that for every one of them killed by a Muslim they promise to kill ten Muslims indiscriminately, men, women or children, then perhaps the Muslims would pause for thought before threatening or murdering any more people. Not one of us in this enormously long blog column has done a thing personally to stop the rapid advance of Islam in their country. Alone we cannot. There is no political party that will do anything either. If we could all get together then perhaps we could begin to take radical action. But on a blog site no one knows how to get in touch with anyone else. I give up!

Comment by John.

Basically the whole world depends on middle east for their rich oil source.But then why George W Bush attacked Iran during his regime?He certainly knew that America depends on middle East for oil.Europe and America together run more than 2/3 economy of the world and the middle east economy is just a foot note compared to this.But I know since 2008 global meltdown the condition is not so good in USA and Europe.In fact many people blamed Bush for his war strategy against Iraq but at the end of the day he was a winner-He fulfilled his goals as he fulfilled his goals in Afghanistan also.If Europe and America together attack middle East then it will not even take one year to conquer those land in one year.But that will certainly effect the whole world economy and other countries will be affected by misery of war.

Then what is the possible solution?

Simple answer-Follow the same strategy what France did few years ago.Even there were protest in Muslim world for banning the ‘burkha’ in France but strict rules and anti Muslim activities can be done in those Countries which will restrict themselves into their small domain-ban any public rally conducted by fundamentalist Muslim organizations,If the govt. does not take much initiatives then the youth of the country will have to take the responsibility.

Stop people from converting to Islam or stop people marrying a Muslim guy etc or take some stance which Hitlar did against Jewish(but this time it will be for shake of good) and control the numbers of Mosques…in India we can not do anything like this but it’s very much possible in Europe and America because the culture there tells to keep an eye on eye and fight till the end.

Comment by Sambit

Sambit: Saudi Arabia and the other Middle Eastern oil producing countries are very much more than a footnote to the economy of Western nations: they are central to such economies. The moment oil supplies dry up, the economies crash. A war against them is out of the question because the oil producing infrastructure would be destroyed, Iran would immediately put its nuclear missiles into the air and in any case we live in such exaggeratedly politically correct times that about 70 or 80% of the populations of the Western nations would protest violently, en masse, to prevent any war being declared. All the West has been subject to Palestinian and other Muslim propaganda and lies for at least 40 years. Children at schools and students in universities are drenched in these lies, propagated by p.c. left wing teachers and believe them. (See “BDS Campaign against Israel” under for example). So this option is clearly out of the question. People bend over backwards to placate the Muslims in all Western nations, so the bans you suggest would also be very widely opposed by the peoples of Western nations. Broadcasting the truth behind the strategies of Islam to overpower the West and impose their intolerant and fascist ideology-cum-religion and sharia law on all of us, and what this would mean in practical terms, would be a beginning. But immense amounts of money would be necessary to print and distribute leaflets and, of course, those responsible would become immediate murder candidates as well.

There is another way of looking at all this. Just to look at your own tradition for a start – Shankara, the conversation between Krishna and Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita, Rabindranath Tagore, Adyashanti, Ramesh Balsekar, (up till around the year 2000), Gangaji, Nisargatta Maharaj, H.W.L. Poonja, and Ram Dass, (not to mention the Sufis Hafiz, Rumi and Kabir, or the Zen Patriarchs, (especially the 3rd), Lao Tse, Wei Wu Wei, Tony Parsons, Francis Lucille, David Carse, (especially David Carse in “Perfect Brilliant Stillness”) and the Christian mystics, Meister Eckhart, Saint Teresa of Ávila and Saint John of the Cross – all proclaim that in liberation, enlightenment, awakening, understanding, illumination or whatever you like to call it, it becomes apparent that there are no such things as human beings at all! It is a mistaken identity. These apparent objects are simply expressions of the One, the only subject, the “I Am”, through whom It flows impersonally. But not even that because the whole apparent world and universe is being dreamt, or danced if you will. It is a film, a play, an illusion, so not to be taken seriously. In fact nothing matters, nor does anyhting have any meaning beyond being what it is. Further more they declare that nothing could be any different from what it actually is and that from the ultimate point of view, all is perfect! Only apparent objects that believe themselves to be autonomous persons wish to change the world for the better. In reality there are no rules, neither good nor bad, nothing matters, there is no meaning, no judgement is possible, no one is there – all those things matter only to “people” but not in reality! Moreover most sages never interfere with what the situation is – a few do, (e.g. Ghandi), but then they are just also being part of the inevitable unfolding of the Divine. The norm is for enlightened beings to do nothing at all to intervene. But you and I are still victims of samsara and the mistaken belief that we are egos with an agenda, a programme, which is why we get upset! Perhaps we should be more concerned in letting the illusion of the self fall away to reveal the real truth than in changing the world for the better. The world has never been better or worse – there is always an equlibrium, which is why action to change things is perhaps pointless!

Comment by John.

I have already told you that I am not in favor of any war or any such extreme activity.But just because of 30% people why rest of us will suffer?Historically it’s the Christians,Jewish,Hindu,Sikh had always been the victim of Islamic terrorism.I was just reading in today’s newspaper that 3 terrorist have already reached London who will target during games time in next 1 month.

You were talking about economy-well,by 2050 china and India together will run more than 40 percent of world Economy according to many economist.But India will certainly not take any action against them and China or rest of east Asia don’t have much problem with Muslim nations-So who can stop them?Gandhi tried to make peace with them but it has not produced any fruitful result but rather Pakistan has become the biggest enemy of India since independence.So words of peace is not gonna work with them but rather some intellectual strategic measures might work which France has already taken
during recent times.If you go in South America,there you will not find any strong Islamic presence and those countries I think right now are best place in the world who are enjoying their lives at best possible way-They are neither rich nor they are in fear of losing their economic prowess in future,but rather they have embraced the most feasible way of life-same goes for Countries like Japan or South Korea.So if presence of Islam is the cause of all worry then why should we tolerate them day after day!!!You know one Mughal emperor Aurangzeb once said “The world I see thousand years from today is one nation ,one culture,one religion…Islam,Islam and only Islam.”

Comment by Sambit

The very first acces into Britain for those mother fuckers,are those fucking british politicians whoneedarab capital tunning the british economy. So hard to rid off those camel smelling pranks. First taking out thpse interested money trackers then the rest will be soeasy…..

Comment by Trejo

There are members of the 1922 ‘club’ and members within all parties that say ‘ multiculturalism has contributed so much to Britain——when asked what contributions they are slightly stumped then they say—I like it very much. What I then said back to one in question was. No the only thing you like traitor is the vote they give you when you utter treason.
Blair is back-he got rid of the treason act—now you know why !!! The end to multiculturalism send it back to Stalin and we ALL know where that thing is eh !!!

Comment by Capt

Sambit: There is only one solution and that is expulsion of ALL Muslims from ALL Western countries. Ghandi’s tactics of non-violent passive resistance worked because there were very few British in India – the ICS, the armed services and the box wallahs – and also the Attlee government was even keener than the Indians to get the British out of India, (and withdrew far too early thus bringing about Partition and the massacre of collosal numbers of people). In Britain, and the other Western countries we are dealing with tens of millions of unwanted occupiers of our countries and our governments are strongly against expelling them – the exact opposite situation of Ghandi’s India. The Dalai Lama embraces the philosophy of Ghandi, peaceful passive resistance, but obviously he will never get anywhere against an overwhelmingly large occupying presence – there are more Chinese now in Tibet than there are Tibetans – and there are thousands of well-armed and well-trained Chinese soldiers in huge barracks outside every town and city in Tibet. So expulsion is the only answer. To bring this about, indigenous Western people will have to be informed about the threat that the Muslims present to the continued existence of their culture, civilization, religion, established law and polities. Information presenting the actual truth ought to concentrate people’s minds in such a way as to force politicians to wake up and take notice. I can think of no other way of getting rid of these murderous fanatics. Change from withinIslamis never likely to happen. You mention Aurangzeb – his father Akbar invented a composite religion to try to end religious conflict and was ousted by his own son the fanatical Aurangzeb. Muslims would never allow any kind of beneficial reform to their fascist ideology-cum-religion.

Comment by John.

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Comment by riot graves


I am replying little late because I was slightly busy with Olympic games and first congratulation to Britain for giving us a controversy free Olympic games after a long time although many people are in favor that China hosted a better games last time.

Since this discussion is about Islam then I should start talk with your double gold medal winner Mohammad Farah who is a Muslim.Do you wanna see him in Britain or not?What about Mohammad Ali or even Michael Jackson as the later showed some interest in that religion late in his life?Ever heard of any criminal from Muslim nations such as Egypt,Malaysia or Indonesia which are all predominantly Muslim nations?

It’s not the African or oriental Muslims who are creating problems but rather the middle east and south Asian Muslims are all source of problem(that does not mean that Hindus or Sikhs are perfect but many of them does not have minimum basic sense how to assimilate with different cultures when they migrate abroad.We Bengali’s are not good at that and that’s why Indian Bengali are very less in abroad except those who migrate for higher studies.But there are huge community from region of Punjab and Gujrat who contribute more than 60 percent from Indian community in UK and USA and most of them are associated with either business or industry or taxi driving who may be burden for those countries).

So you have to choose people according to their performance.I don’t think any African or white who has become Muslim can be burden for any country.But it’s the middle east group and few converted Hindus who are all source of problem.

I hope you will understand my many people may call me racist for doing such discrimination but sometimes intellectual racism is required for betterment of our society.

Good bye.

Comment by Sambit

Sambit, Thank you for the reply. Well the Black Muslims in Britain are up to all kinds of mischief – the Nigerians are up to their eyebrows in bank fraud, the Somalis and other Blacks are just as involved in female genital mutilation, “honour” killings, forced marriages, persecution of apostates and homosexuals and all the rest of it, as any other Muslims are. As all this ghastliness is prescribed by the Koran and the Hadith there is really no Muslim community uninvolved in it. The Muslim terrorist murders and attempted murders in the UK have all been committed by Pakistani descended Muslims. The Indonesians killed 202 Australians in Bali and badly wounded another 100. Muslims are killing Buddhists in southern Thailand and Christians in the southern parts of the Philippines and the northern islands of Indonesia. I believe Indonesian Muslims killed Theo van Gogh and Pim Fortuyn in Holland. In Britain most of the Muslims are either Blacks or Pakistanis or their progeny so naturally most Muslim crime is committed by those communities, but in France, where they are mostly from North Africa or from fromer French sub Saharan Africa, they are the ones who commit the crime and so on – each country has Muslims from different parts of the world – from Albania and Africa in Italy, from Turkey in Germany, from Indonesia in Holland, but they are equally prone to perform the most heinous crimes to further the cause of their wretched religion and indeed their prophet and their religious texts encourage them to do so. The root cause lies in the texts, not in the races – Islam is nothing to do with a race: it is a narrow, life-hating, intolerant, fascist ideology-cum-religion ideally suited to wild 7th century desert tribesmen.
Secondly, one doesn’t buy a herd of cattle for the sake of one or two good specimens in it. especially if the cow byres and pastures are already full! This is my reply to your citing of one or two good examples of Muslims in GB out of about 10 million far from good ones. Do you think they didn’t ALL dance with joy in the Muslim ghettos in GB, (and throughout Europe), when all those unfortunate people were burnt to death or jumped from immense heights to their deaths when the Twin Towers were destroyed by Muslim terrorists? They were delighted! So much for “moderate” Muslims”! There’s a good article if you can find it on the net on: – go to “news” then find “immigration” below one of the articles there, then go to an article by Mark Monmot called “immigration” for a good analysis of what Islam is really about. John.

Comment by John.

A Muslim, was not invented until Saton fucked a pig. It’s why a Muslim won’t eat pork. I live and work in a Muslim controlled country. We have just had Ramadan, every one ‘non muslims included’ must follow the rules of Ramadan here. Fuck Islam. Islam take my basic human rights away without any questions being asked. I have to follow the basic islamic rules here. Then muslims who live in the UK should follow the basic rules of Britian.

Comment by PFI

just make sure , those filthy mother fucker ain’t tracing your post.

Comment by John2find


Comment by BBBBBBBBB

i dont want my kids to grow up with this peaces of shit. let breivik come out and sort it

Comment by Mateusz

all muslims are a lower life form and should be treated the same as dog shit on the bottom of your shoe (with disgust) their religion is a farce. They are filthy, smellly cowardice bastards that will never acheive anything that is good.(evil cannot achieve good) they will never win in this world because they are a brainless, soul less minority and non acheivers,if by any accident that they could ever take over Britain,it would never last because they couldn,t organise a piss up in a brewery,never mind run a country .

Comment by Edward Raymond Marshal

Muslims should simply be wiped off the face of the Earth. “Rivers of Blood” we should have listened to Enoch!

Comment by Kick them & the Coons out

fI agree they are like just plague we have to get rid of them with some sort of anti muslim vaccine

Comment by ksmain

I’ll tell you what would be interesting. Start the development of a poll among all Brits on the lines of “are you in favour or not of serious measures to severely restrict the dissemination of islam-ic(ist?) propoganda”. Something stronger would be nice but unrealistic. If as many would suspect, the pros outnumbered the antis by say 80:20, this would at least give our leaders a serious headache. The poll would have to last quite a while to achieve the necessary numbers.

Comment by Cosmo Webster

I think uk young people can do it, but they have no much courage to kick islam out of britain.

Comment by salama

Kick Islam, not Muslims.

Comment by John2find

if you do not want this country to be an islamic state which i do not.
its the only way things will change.

Comment by s will

I have contacted my local MP – and the PM, and several journalists and other influential people. All I have received in reply is a resounding silence. From every single one of them! So where do we go from here?

Comment by John.

I have done this and got no response – My MP, John Stevenson is too busy glad handing and opening events to be aware of the coming storm. Rose of England thou shalt not fade nor die!

Comment by perchancetodream

In a hundred years’ time people will be astounded that, with all the most urgent warning signs on the wall, not one native British person in authority did a single thing to avert the catastrophe.

Comment by John.

It is time to send these muslims back to theiir country of origin. In any muslim or islamic country non muslims have no rights. Take Saudi Arabia they want mosques everywhere yet in their own country churches, temples, gurdwaras and other places of worship are not allowed. So why should be mosques be allowed in U.K and other western countries. In muslim states there is no such thing as human rights but these idiots are here they want all rights like Abu Hamza and the likes of him. It is time to act and get rid of these bastards marrying their sisters and so on.

Comment by ksmain

Our Father who art in heaven,
your kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven,
give us this day, our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, including Mulisms, for yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory FOREVER AND EVER, amen

Trust in God to banish evil from this earth forever.

Comment by wendy kay stevens

I was suggested this website by way of my cousin. I’m now not certain whether or not this publish is written by him as nobody else recognize such distinct approximately my trouble. You’re amazing! Thanks!

Comment by fiestas barcelona gratis

Islam is destroying britain.It must be eliminated by whatever means necessary.It will probably take a violent and bloody civil war,but britons will have to muster the courage to defeat these savage muslim freaks.Britain will not survive if it is not restored to a peaceful orderly white country again.

Comment by Neeva

White country what a racist comment about white supremecy ur as bad as a muslim wanting just ur race to take over sorry canrt happen us black people are here to stay just look at the tottenham riots u kill a black man from now and were fuck up ur shops and ur livelyhood

Comment by anthony


Check this link out. It is to GOLDEN DAWN in Greece which is trying to get a World movement going against Islam. They are not fascist but only concerned with preserving their national identity against Islam. It is starting to take off in Germany. Australia is in on it and the UK is moving in. We need USA ! Come and join the party!
Long Live America The Land Of The Free!
Rose Of England Thou Shalt Not Fade Nor Die!

Comment by stan dobson

How can u have a white country when u white women from england love the black dick u don’t see white men with black women that’s a rarity its u. White women that l get the blame. Ur breeding mixed raced kids for fun

Comment by anthony

Neeva; Everyone says this but no one does anything – including me! The fact is that we all know what happens to anyone who openly opposes this mad fascist ideology. Perhaps promising to eliminate ten of them for every one of us they bump off would do the trick. We have everything against us – all the newspapers and the BBC back the Muslims to the hilt – look at the way they portray Israel. After 6 years of being attacked by Irani rockets from Gaza – round about 6000 of them – when Israel finally begins to defend itself, the media talk about Israeli aggression and indiscriminate killing! The Israelis take every possible precaution against killing civilians but as Hamas deliberately puts its terrorists and its arms in civilian areas, some civilian deaths are inevitable. Not one reporter mentions the fact that Israel has been under rocket fire for all these years and has a perfect right to defend itself – it is always the Muslims who are innocent and the wicked Israelis who are to blame. When every Muslim act of intimidation or aggression is excused and even praised by the media how can we even begin to tell the truth and build up some resistance?

Comment by John

Well said John.

Comment by Aine O'Neill (@AineONeill4)

your all fucked you stupid weak english arseholes , islam now rules the uk

Comment by mussi allal

pmsl thats what you think donkey lol….. or did u not notice? the West now sees you for what you are – thick, dumb and finished. Be wary we’re coming for you…………

Comment by lila

Wishful thinking I fear Mussi. Unfortunately for you and your ilk the native British are, at last, beginning to wake up. We are lazy, tolerant and slow to anger but, when we do begin to get angry, look out!

Comment by John.

Black man rule the uk u dumbass just look at the tottenham riots kill a black bruddah and all ur mosques and shops will go few muslims died in it already need I say more. We go in

Comment by anthony

I’m white and I have no fear of you Bi-pets, as your collective IQ will be your own downfall – You proof your own stupidity by destroying instead of creating . . . But then again you cannot help that as its inbred in the gene-pool you crawled out.
Africa is too rich for the blacks to maintain, so they just sit and starve on top of all those minerals, too dumb to utilise the riches and wait for the White handouts
What a waste of life.
And the islamic sand-Niggers are none better.
I have a warning for you lot . . . The White man is waking up – for the rest go figure, history will give you a clue [that’s if you can read]

Comment by Buck

Go to Scotland or the north of Ireland and tell them that you rule the Uk, you don’t dare you’ll get your shit heads kicked in, you fucking paedo cowards.

Comment by Aine O'Neill (@AineONeill4)

Howdy! This post could not be written much better!

Going through this article reminds me of my previous roommate!
He constantly kept talking about this. I most certainly will send this post to him.
Pretty sure he will have a good read. Thanks for sharing!

Comment by

I will right away seize your rss feed as I can not to find your email subscription link or e-newsletter service. Do you have any? Please allow me understand so that I may just subscribe. Thanks.

Comment by Big Brother Albania

Couldn’t agree more Britain needs to ship them all back there trying to rule us, we should take a leap out of Australia and only let people come here if they will serve a purpose and bid not send them straight back bye bye it’s our country they can go back to theirs and pratice their religion

Comment by Hayley sherwood

I m half black and half white mixed raced and sometimes get racially abused from white men thinking I’m muslim this happen 1 week ago some guy said go bk to my country yet I’m born here from a white woman so I told him blame ur own people for bringing me into this world and then I knocked him clean out don’t even like muslims but who’s says the white man any better I’ve never had racial treatment from black people my point is muslims and white are so racist and no one gives a fuck on ur views white supremacy was more of a worry than muslim supremacy can’t everybody just get along and live ur short life

Comment by jerome

I agree jerome britain is 1 racist country I also mixed race and get abuse from people thinking I muslim now cause I like to grow my beard. 1 thing I do no is muslims don’t like white people they recruit loads of black people and will never ask a white person to join a white person would hv to ask to join or marry into it yet I believe this same muslim hate is from the same sort of. White people that don’t like any colour that aint they own the debate was once let’s kick out blacks and now its kick out muslims but ill tell u 1 thing white people will need the black man if a muslims riot over britain 1 day because we don’t take no shit just look at my areas riot in tottenham we go hard and ready to go harder at any time. Pharoah is my god

Comment by anthony

Is your point that only ‘whites’ are racist?

Comment by Edward Rountree

well fuck you anthony you dont like us for being raist go home or do you come here to get tax pairs money because this countrys easy on you we will get you and you will be hundg by the neck

Comment by thomas

A bit late on commenting, but for what it’s worth . . .
The only problem is, as Islamic countries become more backward and even less productive, they will demand more aid – jizya, in fact – from Western nations, and our deluded “leaders” will pay it

We should really rename the Middle East ‘The Twilight Zone’
Its like stepping into a worm-hole in the fabric of the space time continuum.
Like a parallel universe where left is right, right is wrong, black is white, and up is down.

Clearly Islam is the religion of the insane . . . nothing about Islam is either sane or normal — or decent.

Comment by Buck

Couldn’t have put it better myself, Buck.

Comment by fmwatkins

When will Britain wake the fuk up and stop the disgusting smelly horrible racist piggy muslim scum out of this country..We dont want them here and HATE the scum

Comment by Edward

Edward, I fully agree – but how are we going to do this? Not one British M.P. will do anything to achieve these ends and how can it be done without parliamentary action?

Comment by John.

We have no one to blame but ourselves, If we were not a bunch of spineless citizens then we would not have let any of the cunts in in the first place…

Multiculturalism has indeed divided and conquered us because we no longer understand the mindset or values/morals of our fellow citizens, especially when most of them just come here for our benefits, healthcare and homes that our hard-working parents/grandparents fought hard to establish and protect.

Other less polluted countries are of course facing there own problems, but they are still a majority and often take to the streets when they disagree with their state/government…. what do we do? we just bend over and say With Vaseline Please…!!

Of course I would like to see change happen, but I do feel it is too late…..Ana Kennington SE11.

Comment by Ana

Muslims flood into Wester cities with the purpose of bringing down western or non-islamic culture. This is a FACT. What is up with all of you soft cock ideologists that you want to deny this. Some of us, our families and forebears for generations have worked hard to build a society in which we can live relatively safe and liberal lives, where we are able to express ideas and work toward ideals that encompass the greater good and yet there are so many of you who think it progressive or christian or whatever to allow such a corrosive and regressive order like Islam in and then bury your heads in denial at the truth of what happens as a result!
Islam is Christianity almost five hundred years ago. We moved past the inquisition and personally I do not want it back!

Comment by Edward Rountree

Ana: We didn’t let them in. Our unrepresentative M.P.’s let them in so as to gain votes and have cheap domestic and industrial labour. None of us ever asked them here, needed them here or wanted them here and many of us have been beseeching our M.P.’s to stop them coming in for anything up to 68 years or so, all to no avail. Do you think the Chinese, the Japanese, the Koreans, the Swiss, the Austrians, the African countries, India or Pakistan would ever allow millions of people of different race, religion, laws, customs and traditions into their countries? Of course not. Yet what is fine for them is somehoiw wrong for us. And we are forbidden to complain about it by law. That is why no one does anything about it.

Comment by John.

the people
the black,the muslims come to the glorious land of britian and thay fuck it thay complane about there youth clubs shutting down so muslims cant meet there friends and blacks complain about are weather jobs are going becouse are them and every one of them blame us thay litter are streets and bring crime to are nation we were once called the work shop of the world look at us now i feel are country has been raped so stand with me and make every one of those bitches feel like hell for them stand for your children your family and your country

god save the Queen

Comment by ryan

they come the blacks build there churches build there fucking shops are great land we have to get them for what thay did we have to send them back home.

Comment by thomas

Actually I visited this blog long time ago and i have mentioned this blog in several others internet forum.

Now watch these you tube videos-fuck Muhammad and Islam

Bare naked Islam

Good job,Britain must kick all Muslim cow fucking sand nigger out of their land.

Comment by child molester Muhammad

fuck islam fuck the taliban and all their fucking followers. anyone who supports this shit are lower than dog vomit !these wank stains have not seen the true horrors this evil portrays. we are a free nation and these maggots are crawling in everywhere. we need someone to lead us in the fight befor it is to late. for god and country . god save the queen let us save England. Denwar.

Comment by Denis Waring

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Comment by Doris

you are a big liar. Muhammad is not as described.Muslims do not hate the Christ. Muslims like the Christ as much as Muhammed. The prophet Muhammed a child women rapist. It is actually part of your character and daily behaviour. We as Muslims don’t hate Jesus.

Comment by Osamah Ali

you are a big liar. Muhammad is not as described.Muslims do not hate the Christ. Muslims like the Christ as much as Muhammed. The prophet Muhammed is not a child women rapist, you are. It is actually part of your character and daily behaviour. We as Muslims don’t hate Jesus.

Comment by Osamah Ali

I agree most moslem’s I have met have an overt or disquised contempt of the west. They do not intergrate . They segregrate Go to hydrogen fuel and kick their ass’es back to Saharan desert Draw the psychic sword economic was political war strip the veil of their religious hypocrisy Mohammed ate camel shit for his unholy revelation. His fat pig of fat of a wife pussy whipped and dominated his sick ass as well Walk free westerners purge our homelands from the pestinence that is Islam Frank.Barlo

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Comment by salute products steel targets

fucking sick scum,life draining,evil parasites openly bragging on camera covered in blood after killing one of our heroes in his own country,
the time for talk has ended!
stop ya bullshit and come together to get these fucking parasites killing our country, our men, out of OUR FUCKING COUNTRY.



the time for change is now.

Comment by jaymee

A big majority of muslim people living in the uk are true law abiding citizens, some are pillars of their community and true to their religeon. Its the fanatical muslims that are trying to dismantle OUR way of life, overthrow OUR government, destroy OUR monarchy. They are hoping to justify their actions by claiming our service men/women are killing muslims in iraq and afghanistan. But its fine for the extremists to kidnap and murder their own.?
After 9/11, our forces were given a job to do. We beat saddam, gaddaffi and the main man osama. Then the mission was to HELP those countries build a new infrastructure, education and bring peace to uncivilised societies. We were there to HELP.
They dont want our help.!
If truth be told, the real threat to britain comes from pakistan.
Now the tide seems to be turning. Our boys are being attacked and beheaded by muslim men in britain TODAY.
Makes me wonder what next before our government act. It was them that let these borders be breached to an uncontrollable and dangerous extent. So its upto them to get us the fuck out of it. But they haven’t a clue how. So it seems if nothing is done NOW, then its going to be left to our children and grandchildren, if they haven’t been beheaded by then, to fight on their streets side by side. Lets not wait for government to help us, they cant and wont.
So i agree, the time for change is NOW. Its time to rise up people of britain, before its too late.
Jihad will hit every shore in every nation, thats certain, and i’ll be waiting.

Comment by fed up

Get them all away back over the sea’s. Stupid letting them in here in the first place, send them all back to kill each other not us ! Say Goodbye to Muslims.

Comment by Dan Watt

Rag heads out!! Burn them devil cunts!

Comment by EDL

They come into the country, get on the benefit system within a week, get a lovely council house for them and their 15 kids. The government gives them a lovely pat on the bum and a load of cash. Welcome to England! Now go bomb something! 😀 -_-

They get a lot of things for nothing, and all they do in return is:
1. Murder innocent people because they don’t believe in their shitty cult.
2. Kidnap women and sell them to their disgusting Arab community.
3. Bomb places.
4. Boo our soldiers and burn our poppies. Without those brave people who fought in WW2, you stinking Islamic pricks wouldn’t have a fucking place to live!!!!!

I have got to where my Mrs works because an Arab wouldn’t leave her alone, everyday he kept coming in and asking her to cheat on me with him. She told me about all of that the first day it happened, after a couple of days of him going into her work and asking her, I went up there as well, and waited for him. Did he shit himself when my Mrs said that her husband was there? Oh yes. Before he even finished saying ‘Sorry’, I smacked him one so hard on the temple that his eye actually dislodged. And I didn’t stop there. He hasn’t been back since, and this was a year ago. I bet you any money, as 25 year olds, he would of tried to kidnap my Mrs and sell her.

They’re hypocrites and arrogant pricks. You want to make a church in their country, oh no no no can’t ever happen. They make a place of ‘worship’ in England, and the answer is yes. PLUS they get given speakers and a microphone so they can blast their fucking annoying chanting through the rest of the neighborhood for everybody else to hear. GRRRR it’s annoying. Makes me sick.

Just go back to your own country, leave us alone. Because if when war does break out, you wouldn’t have the economy or firepower to win.

They piss me off so much. -_-

Comment by Just An Angry Guy.

Muslims want control of other countries, but they don’t understand that the reason white western countries are great is because white people made them great. ruled by them western countries we be shit like the east.

Comment by rio

hydrogen bombs would do the trick !

Comment by stan

Somehow I never felt threatened by a Hindu or a Chinese bloke.

But when I see that bearded man and the woman draped in death black I kinda feel alarmed.

Not really sure why but there it is.

Comment by Barry

Barry you must have read this blog_Indian/Chinese IQ puzzle where one Bengali from West Bengal mentioned about this blog.

Comment by child molester Muhammad

I’ve had enough of these scum bags something needs to be done. If the gouverment won’t do any thing then the people will have to. I am born born and bred in this country just like my father and father before him and so on. I want my children to live in a country were they are safe. I will not take my kids any where near London incase some idiot decides to blow something up or knife me because I’m white with a short hair cut. I worked I Northern Ireland and I felt safer there

Comment by Nigel

As a former muslim, I support your cause. Islam is completely parasitic in Europe , and has no place in the western world. If anybody, I think Europeans should import non Muslims from Islamic countries like myself, who could actually be contributing members of society.

Comment by J

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Comment by natural nail fungus cures

I think most of the comments are coming from People who have read the blog _Indian/Chinese IQ puzzle where one Hindu from Kolkata,India mentioned about it and thankfully people around the world are waking up against these retarded son/daughter of Prostitute Allah.

Comment by child molester Muhammad

The sad thing is, you’re pretty much right. It seems to be that the only political systems that provide for any personal freedoms are plural secular democracies. So surely they provide for the freedom to follow Islam?
The only freedoms they cannot sustain are those of people fundamentally opposed to the freedoms themselves, and Islam falls squarely into this category, as indeed do fundamentalist Christians. It is a cancer, and we are fools not to excise it. These people consistently make their own countries ( where they shoot little girls for reading books) little better than hell on earth. Send them home and let them enjoy the fruits of following their paedophile prophet.

Comment by Mark Hancock

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Comment by Kami

I am 100% British and I think that instead of come here, why don’t they go and sort out their own countries, but no, we have to do all of the dirty work for them.

Comment by Tyler Kidby

People like Indian’s in my opinion should be allowed into Britain as they did help us in our times of war. Like World War One.

Comment by Tyler

The civilized west is based on how people treat each other that is based on a certain theology or philosophy. Specifically christianity, which believes in respect for life, freedom to pursue the right things without hurting the other. Dignity, respect for life and Christianity also believes that life is intrinsically good and people as dignified adopted sons/daughters of a heavenly and holy father. Islam is evil. Dark, twisted and out of touch with creation and nature and humanity. It is a sickness. But it has the aim of not co existing, rather transforming and spreading and destruction. It does not matter that it is a shit religion. It is also a religion that wants to change others.. Unfortunately, UK and Europe needs a spiritual resurgence in Christianity before Islam comes and pushed itself in. Therefore allowing islam unrestrained will destroy any civilization because it promotes oppression, violence, forcefulness, falseness and always has underlying political motives and wants to spread in any place like a virus. And Islam is not open to any other kind of thinking, person or way of life. They destroy the country they are from and then run to a happier place only to turn the happy place into like their country…go figure.

Comment by anonymous

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Comment by site

I came across this website upon my growing fatigue of Islam. I’m sick of having to eat Halal meat in nearly every restaurant I go. I’m sick of seeing their mosques littered around my entire area, did you know that in the Redbridge and Dagenham Borough’s (which don’t cover too much space) there are 19 mosques? But there are only 7 churches. Why is this? This country is bending over and allowing muslims to fuck us with a smile on their faces. Make a stand people, don’t eat Halal meat but don’t just passively not eat it, if a restaurant doesn’t serve anything but Halal (if it isn’t a muslim one) make a fuss, kick off about it and make a scene. They should be accomodating us, we shouldn’t be making all our food Halal for them! What country is this? England, our great nation which won two world cups and two world wars? The nation of Lion’s? The home of the Holy Templars cleansing the world from Muslim filth? Or is this one of their third world slums? Right now I can’t say I live in England because this isn’t England. England isn’t afraid to roar so it’s voice is heard, England isn’t afraid to fight against what it hates! ENGLAND ISN’T A NATION WHICH ACCOMODATES SCUM WHICH HATE US! If you want our country back then you have to fight for it I’m afraid and that means fighting back and showing our pride, our determination and our hope for a better country! We should all start in our homelands and work to help each other to drive them back to their own slums and then and ONLY THEN can we sit proudly and say that we are truly English. While these invaders are bleeding our country dry, NONE OF US can say that we are English because as it stands we are disgusting cowards afraid to speak out against this vile plague which is destroying our beautiful land. Don’t you dare tell me that you are proud to be English because you aren’t, not while these ugly, opressive and basically Neo-Nazi fucks run our country. They are preparing England and other nations like they prepare their meat, hanging it upside down and slitting it’s throat, allowing the blood to run dry while we all dangle twitching violently. FIGHT BACK AND TAKE OUR FUCKING NATION FROM THE HANDS OF THESE FILTHY, DIRTY AND SCUMMY MUSLIMS.

Comment by The Crusader

I agree with you completely I hate them with a passion they’re nothing but paedophiles and are truly scum and should all be kicked out without exception, however l take exception to your remark that England won two world wars not on your own you didn’t, Learn history about Scotland’s contribution in the two world wars especially in France where the sacrifice of the Scots soldiers was exceptional and as Rommel said ” it’s not the allies I fear but the men from hell in skirts”. The SAS was founded by a Scot and the Scots are known worldwide for being great soldiers.

Comment by Aine O'Neill

Thereis an e petition going around with over 10’000 positives as a cover the uk in pork scratchings dust. Its on March 15th, sugest all involved leave the empty packet / packets with a polite note (and in a tidy place) dont litter, thats foolish and dirty and dirty and foolish things are found in mosques.
Recon this is going to work, more direct than burning a quran! Hope you will sign the petition and promote this great plan. Im no 1274 on the list and will be out in southampton doing my bit.

Comment by Mike
Follow this link – Once more unto the breach, Dear Friends!
Hiroshima saved millions of lives, nuking Mecca will do the same!

Comment by lookintothefuture

Well said, let’s nuke these Moslem bastards asap men, women and children there are no exceptions, the only good Mossie is a dead Mossie.

Comment by Aine O'Neill

Muslims are parasites they reproduce like a fungus where ever they go!.they kill everyone else in the name of their imaginary god and the prophet with pig phobia!they plot to kill all other races and religions in their ugly mosques and brainwash their kids in madras, they kill In the name of the dog or god and believe in the shot book of history ‘s greatest paedophile. they do all the horrid things but they still say that their Allah is good. and they all act innocent.

for all those who believe in Allah I say may he strike me with lightening now…………… oh nothing happened, let’s wait a little longer (maybe he or it is old)………………. wait wait waiting……..nothing. your bastard god is useless he is a loser and he doesn’t exist you dum fools. if you have a brain Muslims try for your selves and see the results….-

say Allah is a loser and Mohammed is a pervert

Comment by rise against pigslam

Well said very well written.

Comment by Aine O'Neill

i would wipe my ass with the koran if i never thought that the pedo mohammad might try rape me, islam will die im MY country thats right my country not yours, let us rise up and show these muslim pig fuckers whos the boss of the uk

Comment by i named my pig mohammad

Well said.

Comment by Aine O'Neill

i’m a true brit kick all the arseholes out especially the islamic BASTARDS

Comment by BORIS

Again well said, in fact let us exterminate them, kill them wherever we find them and don’t stop until we have annihilated them all.

Comment by Aine O'Neill

please save British culture and entire Europe please save freedom…please kick this very dangerous cult out of Europe and if possible out of this planet.

Comment by John

I started out DEFENDING the Muslims Right to Belief as he/ she will according to their Quran………….i began studying the quran….i no longer defend the right of muslims, but call themwhat they are…barbaric animals who have zero tolerence for any other faith except their own….which may i add is a mish mash of other religions, making no scientific or logical sence, with repeated contradictions where mohammad repeatedly changes his mind to what god says…as to fullfill his own greed and desires at the time. Islam is about conquering. Its a religion of hate and suppression. That is what i learned in reading your so called holy book. A stamoed, approved quran used in mosques….YOUR BOOK SPEAKS VOLUMNS…EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ IT…STUDY IT, THE SURAS AND THE HADITHS AND BECOME ENLIGHTENED.

Comment by kate walker

You cannot defend the indefensible Islam is a hateful paedophile religion and must be exterminated and eradicated like the cancer it is.

Comment by Aine O Neill

islam,allah,mohamass,you can suck the sweat off my balls……islam a religion thats sweeping the ocean floor just like moes gay boyfriend osama big douchebag… they are both together covered in whale shit drinking each others urine… go fuck yourself… muzzie pig dick suckers


we need to get a petition to sprinkle the whole of england with ground up pork scratchings from light aircraft

Comment by Mike

Let’s not stop there I don’t want them in Scotland or Ireland ( and that includes all of the 32 counties) nor I am sure the Welsh want them either. As my bro has a house in Greece we don’t want them there either. Filthy paedo loving shits Mohammed the paedo and his whore child bride Aisha how the f””” can you subscribe to such a sick shit so called religion.

Comment by Aine O'Neill

For sure, but dont know how to get a petition up and running, I fly a C42 microlite and am doing my bit around Hampshire and wiltshire. Done Portsmouth, Salisbury, part of Southampton and all (i think) of ringwood and Basingstoke and Reading.

Comment by Mike

fuck islam and fuck muslim countrys, after seeing them for first hand as a soilder and a tourist they should never be aloud to force their pathetic religon upon us. we were once a great powerfull country but now i only see a weak goverment that is now giving our british colonys away that our for fathers fought and died for before us. we are no longer a great nation and i hang my head in shame as i walk the streets of the united kingdom i am a proud british welshman a true celt through and through. we should rise against immogration and bring back the fear to the countrys that try to raise against us and show people why we are called GREAT BRITAN
S/SGT Morris

Comment by S/Sgt Morris

well said morris, they are the pests… the world from them save the freedom….Religions is very very harmful

Comment by John

Very proud of you and the rest of HM forces. Rest asured this summer we will start getting our country back.
Watch this space.

Comment by Mike



Blame eh? Islam’s definition means peace. It isn’t since Islam that people hate to think about God, that lead their own life without discipline. God purely tries to prevent all these social issues portrayed. A belief of peace is a belief that is good. Can’t lose on that, so learn the truth before making racial comments.

Comment by Chaz.

They done it with Iran. My beautiful country stolen by godforsaken Arabs.

Comment by Daniel Mosaddeghi

Reblogged this on Web Design NOW Group and commented:
Sickening, just sickening. No surrender!

Comment by Web Designers NOW Group

David Cameron said this is a Christian country yet he pushes and allows through Muslim fuckers. They are on a massive salary and it just makes their jobs and lives easier to allow it. When will these twats learn?? Next thing there will be an Islamic pm.

Comment by Tom bird

Vote UKIP and then we can push to get the Muslim pig fuckers out of our white christian country , no place for dirty, heathen cunts.

Comment by Mike

They shoot girls in Pakistan and Afghanistan now the scum are kidnapping girls in Nigeria don’t want them educated they want them yo be as thick and stupid as they are sooner we get rid the better and their trying to take over schools here

Comment by Albert

i hope the UK government can kick this fucking rubbish Muslims from the great country in the word god save the queen

Comment by Mike

Kick them all out, they will take over England and has already started by changing subway meat to halal meat!!! ect…

Comment by Ethan

What are you thoughts about non Muslims who are not white (I.e Black’s and south Asians who are Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and atheists)? Do you hate them as much and are they as bad as the Muslims ?

Comment by atheist

What will happen when there are more muslim than true Brits living here, they will then be able to vote their own kind in and then rule the country .we are already living by their rules.why can’t we all be honest and say we don’t want them here but we can’t even though we are suppose to have freedom of speech it only them who can say what they want as we are being racist. We can’t even have are nativity plays because it may upset them no one cared about the johovas but if we let the muslim off for the day when we had our nativity play then there wouldn’t be anyone at school. Look how they run there own country always civil wars is that what it will be like here when we are the minority . Get rid now and stop letting anymore in . The ones here will breed enough. Stop them having there own moss , would we be allowed to have a Church of England or Catholic Church in there country.we abide by there rules in there country so they should try to fit in or leave now

Comment by Pamela peterkin


Comment by Mike

This is our island not their’s and I for one will say what I please, my grandfather did not go through the horrors of WW1, my dad and three uncles went through WW2 and one of these uncle’s whilst on active service in Italy trod on a German mine and lost his arm and leg, he died three weeks later from his injuries he was 21 years old, he’s buried in a war grave there. These paedo, shit scum will never rule me, we need to start fighting fire with fire, if they kill one of us we should kill five of them and I’ m not joking.

Comment by Aine O'Neill

Alhamdulillah… by reading this article…
I know,,, many people of britain convert to Islam

Comment by Alhamdulillah

rot in hell you evil pedo pig following , moon god worsiping piece of stinking shit.

Comment by Mike

FUCK ISLAM ! Rot in hell with Satan (allah)

Comment by

The crusades will be back in 2015, together with the EDL and Bnp and all you stinking , sister fucking pieces of dog shit colourd muslim pussy pig heads will be running back to your shit hole of a country. We spit and piss on your faulse pedo profit moo ham mad and shit in the book of allah the arab cunt.

Comment by Mike

Unfortunately, we are led by educated idiots, who cant see no further than end of there noses what is happening to there own indigenous people. Enoch Powell was right, but some
politicians and people don’t want to admit he was. Sometimes
clever people are not so clever as they think they are.! Politicians and all educated people need to wake up and seriously take note of what is happening ,instead of leaving it to the next generation to sought out.

Comment by Les Beaumont

Indeed…but by stander apathy is rife in the about being dummbed down fkn hell its crazy fkn zionists

Comment by jillh10

Reblogged this on Im awake and commented:

Comment by jillh10


Comment by jillh10

Prepare for the Crusades of the 21 centry.

Comment by Mike

lets hope so Mike im sick to death of those scum bags rag heads hanging dogs and cats and raping and killing ffs what the hell will it take to get them out? its like having a plague of ants

Comment by jillh10

Send all muslims back home & out of england

Comment by andy timsn

Dont want them in Scotland either fucking trash

Comment by jillh10

Muslims all over the world are trying to follow the Quran word by word. They are trying to follow whatever was his lifestyle then. In fact, Osama Bin Laden once said girls must not go out to school because the Quran mentions no school for women, Osama also forbid radio and TV for Muslims because these were not mentioned in the Quran. So it must surely follow that all Muslims who faithfully wear their Arabic Muslim costumes in respect of the Quranic verses get out of Britain and other non-Arabic countries and go back to their homeland? Dear Indian, Chinese and European Muslims, please follow Quran! Do not use cars or planes. Ride on camels and eat dates, for that was the way Prophet Muhammad lived. Please go back to the deserts and ride camels as soon as possible. Muslim guys, be prepared to work as slaves, as that was the way it was during Prophet Muhammad’s time. Allah allows slavery as stated in the Quran. If you have mothers, sisters, wives or daughters, ask them to be submissive and work as slaves to the kings and queens of Islamic country. For that is how prophet Muhammad’s group lived. Please follow Quran. Otherwise you cannot be good Muslims. Ya Allah!!

Comment by Muhammad Rafi

UK created Porkistan (the most dangerous terrorist nuclear) state in the world to spread regional terror. UK works hand and glove with Porkistan.

UK gives unending financial aid to PAKIstan.

Punjab PAKIstanis blow up tubes and busses but UK media make connection with Afghanistan and Arabs Lol.

UK is responsible for creating that Porkistan terrorist state (which muslims in central asia and middle east openly hate) .

UK loves Porkistan you both facially look similar. When a truck nuke goes off in every major UK city (Porkistan has 500 Nukes) UK government will blame another muslim country that needs plundering or blame antartica. lol.

You whites, hindus, chinese and blacks need to target PAKIstanis. They groom your girls, they fiddle the system they impose their sh*t culture and they can”t live in peace. They’re hated regionally but you blame muslims when 90% of terror, grooming and system fiddling is done by Porkistan.

But carry on killing Afghans and Arabs.

I really hope the day when every UK city has Porkistanis at 70% ratio forcing you to accept their Porkistan culture by force.

UK created an evil brown state responsible for incalculable deaths of Russians, Afghans, Chinese etc..etc… now reap what you sow.P

Comment by seekeroftruths

wtf? you one of those annoying ragheads are you? Its not all whites, its not all jews and its not the little people, its these fucking extreme bastards and they will leave in a bag…I dont want Afghans or Indians killed just as I dont want other good people killed but when someone makes me feel unsafe in my own country…thats when its time to kick the fucks out by force if it comes to it..but first the fucktards in power have to go and that includes the phony queen of england and whoever else runs this shit hole

Comment by jillh10

WELL SAID, We do not them here at all.

Comment by zebity2013

I told u al,now that isis scum are losiing in syria,the scum wil start in europe,burn al ther shops an mosques,giv them terror as soon as they step outside,i havent seen any ‘good’ muslims marchin against their terror,have u?,burn em al and ther terrorist trainin schools our tax is payin for,ther here for only one reason,to hate an kill us,get busy burnin em

Comment by david wyn-jones

WTF old man can you not see my picture and my name is Jill NO I am not a raghead how fucking dare you!!!! I dont want these bastards here either but it is not all Muslims and the ones I do know here are okay, they accept me for what I am and they are disgusted by what is going on and due to the awkwardness of this site I cannot find what I said to make you have a rant at me…I am willing to do whatever it takes to get these fuckers out of the UK….
zebity2013 your name sounds jewish or are you off the magic round a bout boing time for bed….I know its not every Muslim, every jew and the common person always gets it in the head so why are you having a go at me..I am Welsh you tosser

Comment by jillh10

allah (with a small a as its not a real thing
) sucks pigs cocks.
Let the games begin, forget the EDL and BNP the crusaders are coming for you.

Comment by Mike

we need to all meet spray back packs fill up with pork fat and spray the twats…however, a better idea would be to march on government because they work for us..they sold us out to islam…it is our own government that needs changing so we can get these fucked up twats out of UK

Comment by jillh10

get these dirty stinking fuckers out!! its gone on long enough!! Islamic terrorists, protesters and any kind of extremist who oppose the UK laws should be publicly tortured or hanged.

– IF they want to live like animals then they can be treated like animals.

– – – ANTI ISLAM – – –

Comment by

Amen, stinking cunts.

Comment by Mike

NOOO animals get priority over stinking muslim cunts animals are nice, gentle and peaceful Muslims are stinky fucktards that are taking up air that good people can breathe

Comment by jillh10

I don’t think you will be able to kick Muslims out of the country. There are a hell of a lot here .Most are law abiding. Its the
extremist ones that need to be dealt with. I think politicians
and the police and judicial system need to do more than what they are doing at present .They seem to be scared to impose any tough justice on any one let alone Muslim Exstremist

Comment by Les Beaumont

Cant we have a official muslim bashing day just to show them what they are in for. oerhaps the ones we knock out we can cover in bacon and VERY hot bacon fat or feed it to them.
They say Islan is a religeon I say your a bunch of brainwashed cunts. The gays, Jews and women are far far far supirior to any Muslim “man”.
Comments from English, Welsh, Irish or Scotish are welcolm. comments from Muslims will not be read unless you supply your name and address.

Comment by Mike

That is a great idea ooo bacon lmao yummmy freshly fried muslim in batter sounds great to me fucking cunts lets start off with a huge rally and then go muzzie bashing

Comment by jillh10

Well said Mike as I’m Scots Irish let them try their shit in Glasgow my home town these fuckwits will get what is coming to them. How in God’s name can you subscribe to a so called religion which advocates paedophilia, rape, having sex with animals as recently witnessed in Turkey, honour killings, the subjugation of women and homosexuality which they deny but we all know it has always been practised in Islam. They must be stopped in England with this absurd notion of their’s that certain parts of England which have a high Muslim percentage is a Moslem area particularly outside their toilets (mosques ). You can’t walk especially passed their toilets smoking or carrying alcohol, these retards don’t own the pavements they want sharia law let them go back to Pakistan and their Arab countries. In fact they should all be deported back with their bastard scummy kids and prostitute wives.

Comment by Aine O'Neill

MUSLIM = Maniac Under Some Lunatic Ideology Management

Comment by jillh10

Also this is to those ill educated people who have no other words but swears thats due to frustration but u don’t know how to get ur point across i understand where ur coming from but the reason nothing happens about this problem we all share is because of this we are then shown to look like the thugs or aggravators stay untied and embrace all we are people not animals but yet they try n hunt us like wolfs

Comment by British sikh

Either make them go home or change their beliefs. If not kill them. This is not a religion it is an ideology of world conquest by ignorant savages that is taken as literal truth by these ignorant people.

Comment by taluson

group them together give them the last meal, and nuke them once and for all.

Comment by Nadarajan

The only problehen will be who would push the button , Im on the list.

Comment by Mike

People who give the jews a free pass and save all their anger for the muslims are totally mislead. It was the jews in the western countries that lobbied for liberalized immigration laws that allowed the muslims in the first place. The muslims are the symptom, jews are the disease.

Comment by Horace Grimaldi

Your an ignorant wack job.. time to go take your meds.

Comment by taluson

Cant we be united and sort out an official “we hate Muslims day” free speach in England is ok for them cunts to spread the evil word of alah then we have more right.

Comment by Mike

I am with you Mike well said

Comment by jillh10

Horace Grimaldi: I think you’ll find that the (totally unrepresentative) political parties are to blame. The Labour party has been pandering to, and appeasing, the muslims for many years and let them come here with no difficulty because they wished to impose a “multicultural” society upon the native British – who most definitely did NOT want any such thing – and they also wanted to import millions of Labour voters into the country. The Conservatives wanted cheap domestic and industrial labour and so made immigration easy as well. The Jews had little or nothing to do with it.

Comment by John.

What a load of horse shit , the Jews are the only nation who stand up to these murdering ,treacherous , insidious ,neanderthals , long live the state of Israel for should it fall the west will fall with it.

Comment by DC MORTIMER

I hate ISLAM with a vengeance.
I hate every single Muslim on this planet.
How on earth can they even say their religion is peacefull.
They are all brainwashed infidels.
WellYou got to be pretty thick to be worshipping a murdering pedo.
The government of United Kingdom are to blame.
For letting these pigs into the country.
When they start killing more people for allah it will be to late to say WE GOT IT WRONG.
Stop letting these infidels in.
The more you let in,the more radicals you are letting in.
I work for hillingdon council.
Muslim refugees are coming in by the boat load.
They have no paper work.
And are housed by British taxpayers.

Last year a Muslim who lived here got arrested.
I found out he was apart of a terrorist network.

And the more you let in will destroy the great out of Great Britain.

Stop letting these infidel pigs into the uk before it’s to late.

Uk government is blind & stupid.
And don’t really care about British people at all.
And all these halal incest in breeds just keep flooding the uk.

Comment by Sikh soldier

Well said Sikh soldier these filthy, paedo loving sewer rats are pure vermin and must be exterminated, they are like a cancer that’s spreading and spreading. the bastard Blair opened the floodgates to allow the filth in, I hate them also with a passion I would rather see Hindus and Sikhs being allowed in as they fought bravely especially the Sikhs in the Second World war against the German bastards.

Comment by Aine O'Neill

There was a case recently in Ireland where an Algerian smashed open his polish wife’s head with a kettle bell and left her for dead on the kitchen floor then he fled to Germany , she survived by a miracle , he was captured and sent back for trial , he tried to kill her because he was a devout Muslim and she had been living an “unislamic” life , what would that constitute ? , this looser lost his job she had to work to support his sorry ass and when she went to night school to better her education that was the final straw so he bashed her head in and took their child away , that’s what a devout Muslim does .

Comment by DC MORTIMER

I feed my pet Muslim Bacon and alcohol on a regular baces

Comment by rosey cheeks


Comment by mathew

time to forcefully sterilize muslim men in non muslim countries as soon as they produce 2 kids …they are a burden to the n ation and for the muslim women…

Comment by mathew

Mathew – or BEFORE they produce two kids!

Comment by John

British citizens should protest ( with the same rage muslim assholes do ) to limit hijab and scarf to their filthy homes…anti a FMN rules should be passed.No taxes should be given for them..( the last ones to give free money is muslims..the fisrt thing they would do is to plot an attack with that money) Act fast…those bearded ones are no better than a mad dog..u can see that in their eyes..those back stabbers should be wiped off. Dont be too tolerant…thats a bad example to the rest of the world

Comment by mathew

Allah still loves you. Join him, do not hate him.

Comment by Avery

Oh, yes, and if Muslims truly did decapitate people who were not of the religion, shouldn’t there have been a lot more dead people in the world? Me, for example, my father was a Christian. Did my mother carve his head off? No, because he’s still alive today. Another example, take Mehdi Hasan, an Oxford professor. He had to debate people who hated him and his religion. Did he murder everyone in the room? No. Plus you have no qualifications in the Sciences of Hadith, or Islam, you haven’t read the full Quran, you’ve only cherrypicked quotes from it without any meaning or interpretation. You don’t even know Arabic! Oh, yes, and if you live in a country full of followers of “this ideology of death and enslavement”, shouldn’t you be dead? No! You know why? Because they didn’t chop your head off, and they never will! Why? BECAUSE ISLAM IS A PEACEFUL RELIGION.

Comment by Avery

Fuck you, and fuck your pedo “murdering profit” PBUH (piss be upon him)

Comment by Mike

The problem isn’t the people.. Most who are not truly Muslim except in religion. Most are persians or where christians before their families were forced to convert after persia and the Byzantine empire had a huge war then the black plague killed 2 out of 3 people. Muhammad marched in and killed or forced people to convert unless they could pay a tax. So its not the people. Its whats written in the Qur’an and muhammad’s disciples other books that tell Islam to kill people. Problem is how do we know your children might not join up with some jihadist group. Things need to change or Islam needs to be kicked back out of the western world. We have enough problems without yours.

Comment by taluson

We have tv’s and we can read. fix your religion to be peaceful and tolerant or we will do it for you. Every convict and gang member that likes to think they are better then woman would love your religion. Its the womans fault if we rape them.. Well hell I would be for that.. I can kill people that aren’t of my religion? where do I sign up… Of course you have idiots doing all of this.. you nice muslims signed the papers that said they could.

Comment by taluson

very intelligent people… this won’t let me edit. I also have nothing against the good people that belong to this religion. The problems are not fixable though at this time and we want everyone out to save our loved ones.

Comment by taluson

only the fairy intelligent are peaceful, yet they still hold to an ideology and ethical code that lessons woman and. Look at all the countries in the west. If all the criminal element believed in Islam they would destroy all countries. You cannot fix this. We know about your religion and more are learning every day. words have no meaning when we see the actions of your fellow muslims. Stop lying to us.

Comment by taluson

Avery – a few indvidual instances prove nothing. Read a bit of history if you’re really interested in the horrific truth about the enslavement of millions of Europeans over the centuries by the Muslims and the murder of countless people – not only Europeans by these monsters.

Comment by John

The Crusades are going to fuck you up AGAIN. Long live England, God bless the Queen and fuck alah the pig shit colourd one and moohammad the one who brain washed you bunch of pussys. Take your fucking shit religion back to the shithole country where you came from before we sort you out and fuck your wifes ( after we shave there moustashes off ).

Comment by Mike

The Truth about Islam
The existing threat in the UK and a warning of the conflcit to come
Muslim leaders and preachers proclaim the evil and fanatical ideology of Islam which forms the central tenet and core belief of muslim identity. They revile and preach hatred of Christians and non believers who are called ‘Kaffirs’. Islam is an extremely dangerous, violent, mysogynist ideology. Muslims reject and disdain western values of freedom and democracy, but cunningly use all the powers of democratic legitimacy and the benefits conferred on them in western secular society to demand the construction of more mosques, the subjugation and veiling of women (Life for most muslim women is a dystopian nightmare from which they cannot escape), the widespread cruel, abhorrent, horrific, bestial practice of female genital mutilation, (punishable by up to 14 years in prison under English Law, but few cases are brought before the courts), polygamy, forced marriages and forced marriages of children and minors, the prohibition of alcohol, the cruel and barbaric halal slaughter of farm animals. Muslims hold beliefs advocating criminal justice that sanctions cruel and horrific punishments perpetrating medieval savagery, including public beheading, hanging, amputation,stoning to death, flogging, muslims who convert to Christianity are sentenced to death. The Archbishop of Canterbury has warned that Christians are being deliberately attacked because of their faith in parts of the muslim world and even martyred for their faith in large numbers.
Millions of muslims live in Britain and many of them are being radicalised to prepare and carry out acts of terrorism on mainland Britain. While most of them do not carry out acts of terrorism, many of them neither condone nor condemn bloody terrorist mass murder and atrocities committed by their activists who call themselves ‘soldiers of allah’. Let nobody be under any illusion spread by their preachers and propagandists that islam is a peaceful religion, because anyone who dares to speak out against muslims risks being killed and butchered by their activists. British Soldiers are frequently subjected to death threats. Wednesday 22 May 2013, a day that will be remembered in infamy, the full force of islamic malice and savagery found its target and willing perpetrators, two ‘soldiers of allah’ committed the brutal bloody murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby.
There are currently 12,000 islamic fanatics in UK prisons at an annual cost of over £500 million, most if not all of them will eventually be released, 100 of them are classified extremely dangerous. Due to the lax and lenient Criminal Justice System driven by the need to reduce costs, many of them could be released early, free to carry out terrorist attacks to murder and maim potentially thousands of people. The British Government will have failed in its primary duty to maintain and protect the security of its citizens.
Islamic idealogy is fundamentally opposed to the collective conscience of the majority of British people and sets muslims in direct conflict with the values of Western Civilization. Higher muslim birth rates will produce a majority muslim population in large parts of Britain by the year 2035. England is on course to become a muslim country before the end of the century. The supreme symbol of muslim dominance will be the conversion of Canterbury Cathedral into a mosque destroying over one thousand four hundred years of Christian Civilization and History. Muslim leaders will be exultant to repeat the precedent of 1453, when the leader of the Ottoman Turks, Sultan Memhed II ordered the Hagia Sophia, the main church of Orthodox Christianity to be converted into a mosque, symbolizing his conquest of Constantinople. Christian worshippers inside the church were slaughtered without mercy and the building was desecrated and looted.
In future years internecine warfare will break out as increasing acts of muslim terrorism spread throughout the land. Their avowed objective of imposing a muslim caliphate in Britain by terrorising the non muslim population into submission to this vicious evil creed will cause civil strife on an unprecedented scale. The battle for the defence of Christian Civilization against muslim barbarism and savagery will continue a conflict which has lasted for centuries, except the battles to come will be fought on mainland Britain.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”
Edmund Burke, 18th century statesman, author and philosopher.

Comment by Christian Land

Well written piece.

Comment by Aine O'Neill

i am doing my bit to drive the cunts out

Comment by Mike

So am I Mike but I think we need to take to the streets and kill the fuckers every last stinking one of them.

Comment by Aine O'Neill

Muslim extremists give a bad name to genuine Muslims. I have a friend who is Muslim and though her family are not particularly accepting of any other religion, she is. She sees Islam as a belief like other religions, not as how it MUST be like the other Muslims. However, I completely agree that it is time to kick the fuckers out; they serve no real purpose here; they take our jobs, our homes, our food, our streets and have the cheek to state that everyone else is wrong. It’s completely revolting and it makes my blood boil. No matter how nice some of them are, the majority of them are disgusting. Islam to me, and probably to most Brits, is not a religion; it’s a fucking filthy disease and needs eradicating from this country. For good.

Comment by Theo

Kick all the pakies & muslims out of england & tell them to go back home,& there is not a britsh muslm is a muslum bomb maker living in england

Comment by andy timson

A few years ago one or two books appeared, (“The Origins of the British” for instance), that proved, as a result of genetic analysis throughout the British Isles, that all of the native British and the Southern Irish, have 70% of the same genes and that these genes were brought here by our far distant ancestors between around 15,000 and 10,000 years ago, from the Basque country, when our islands were still part of the continent. Since then there has been very little change. It is true that we went to the four corners of the Earth to build an empire – mainly so as to have secure bases for trade. However when the inhabitants of the countries comprising the old empire screamed for us to leave, we left and we left them with established infrastructures of road and rail networks, ports, hospitals, schools, universities, irrigated land and so on – for which we have received little thanks. What I would like to say is that if the few British who administered the empire left it when asked to do so, why can we not get our millions of, not only Muslims, but all Black, Asian, Latin American and Southern and Eastern European colonists to leave our country? We didn’t ask them to come here, we didn’t need them here and we certainly don’t want them here. Our treacherous and unrepresentative governments have done this to us. What benefits have these colonists brought? A new strain of Incurable tuberculosis and other diseases unknown here before their arrival, a tremendous drain on the welfare system – the National Health system is breaking under the strain of having to treat so many of these colonists and their progeny free, the schools are packed with children receiving free education, who know no English and who bully our own children, they take our jobs from us, they are bleeding the welfare system dry with housing, unemployment, maternity and other benefits – which they are encouraged to claim by forms ,available everywhere, written in dozens of outlandish languages and scripts. What we want is our own country back. What is so wrong with that? Isn’t it exactly the same as these colonists asked of us when we were administering their countries? The Muslims are of course the greatest threat to pur continued existence as a nation of native British people with the same Christian culture, and the same traditions, history and blood. On the average they have five children per family to our one child per family and their mullahs encourage them to breed as fast as possible so as to be able to take our country over, which they are doing very successfully. If they do, it will be our own fault for not having expelled them when we had the chance. There seems to be no political party that is willing to bite the bullet, state all this and do something radical and immediate about it. If correspondents of this column agreed to meet together in some place acceptable to all and wore some token by which they could recognize each other then perhaps we could begin a movement to free our unfortunate country of all these unwanted, greedy and insolent parasites. I leave it to readers to arrange this themselves. We don’t wish to harm these people – we are not Nazis – we just don’t want them here any more.

Comment by John.

Lets look at the appeasing chamberlain liberal lefty shit weve got as politicians,no muslim peasant human detritus living next door to the cretins,lets look at so called “integration”,try small heath in birmingham,and play spot the white man,or spot the white kid at their poison pagan proven breeding grounds for indoctrinating their offspring in so called schools.if this cancer in civilised western society isnt ruthlessly removed its just a matter of time until its spread.hitler was right,he just picked on the wrong people,i hope the isrealis wipe that crap off the planet in for so described “british muslims”,i echo bernard manning,”if a dog is born in a stable,it isnt a horse’ pity the germans didnt win the war,these disgusting scum of humanity would have been exterminated and it would be a better planet.

Comment by David jones

fuck off mugs

Comment by terence

With a name like terence u gota b a faggot or a pussy,probably a hybrid of both,pity u werent shot on the beaches of normandy,what a wanker,or do u prefer fakir,twat

Comment by David jones

National socialism is a political doctrine that would have the balls to fuck off the wanky E.U and fuck all parasites from islamic shit holes and africa back to the disease infested backward crap holes they eminate from,to many liberal wankers like clegg and gutless appeasing,own agenda lip service cretins like millifart,the muslims are ghettoed in preperation,breeding extremests slyly building up to attack this society,like any disease it must be fully and ruthlesly eradicated,the civilised world,given to us by the deaths of good men is being held to ransom by muslim retard human excreta,annhialate the crap off the planet,that muslim scum coward shit that murdered the journalist should have its family of rats rounded up and their heads hacked off,the scum wouldnt be so brave then,national socialism is the answer with a leader who can deal with the shit parasites,african retards taking the jobs driving wages down while tory parasites rub their hands in glee,and labour nasal twat arent going to do fuck all for the people of this once proud nation,get them all out and keep them in the shit hole countries the crap come from

Comment by David jones

I would welcome a caliphate,very good idea,when all the muslim shit gathers there like turds in a toilet pan,nuke the filth off the planet,nature dictates survival of the fittest,i.e us,wipe em out,and god assist isreal in wiping the backward scum out of palestine

Comment by david wyn-jones

I wipe my ass with the Koran everyday. Mohammad he fucking loser. All Muslims will die!!!!!

Comment by Jack Allen

Government keep ranting on about multi culture Britain!
Fucking corrupt pricks…
Why the hell did those poor people GIVE up there lives during world WARS! To fight for Britain… You can’t blame the Muslims etc..

We need to stand up for what we believe is right, and what British soldier’s died for..
We need to pull together and run these filthy pigs out of our country..
The people running our country are far worse then the Muslims etc..
Remember these pricks are killing our country,
And are kids futures, to line there pockets..

Vote to remove the vermon filth

Comment by True brit

If we wish to rid ourselves of all these Muslims – an ideological group – and all the Blacks, Asians, (Pakistanis, Indians, Indonasians, Philipinos, Chinese and South-East Asians, Latin Americans, Eastern and Southern Europeans – and their descendants, then we’re going to have to do it ourselves, because no British political party is even going to dream about doing it. (Most Muslims in our country are Blacks and Asians). We need to leave the European Union and the United Nations, both of which are heavily on the side of uncontrolled immigration, from 3rd world coutries, into all European countries. But, first of all, we need to join together and form a new radical action party devoted to the expulsion of all these parasitic colonists who are wrecking the National Health Service, the schools and the universities and bleeding the Welfare System dry, not to mention taking jobs from us all. Between 15% and 25% of all Muslims are actively supporting or taking part in terrorism world-wide – hundreds of millions of them – the rest are passive fellow travellers. As we have seen from the murders of the fuselier in Woolwich and the journalist in Iraq, they are ruthless, merciless, cruel beyond imagination and absolutely intolerant. Are these the kind of people we want to hand our coutry over to? We would be mad to hand it over to anyone, let alone these cowardly murderers. As they breed an average of five children per family and we have only one child per family, on the average, we’d better expel these wretched people pretty quickly or we’re done for. All readers and writers of and to this column need to meet together by arranging a meeting place and agreeing on some kind of sign – a button-hole for instance – so as to be able to recognise each other. Then we can join together to form an action group and decide on what we’re going to do to save our country. Writing these messages changes nothing. We must take action NOW!

Comment by John.

John you are so right its scary but what is even scarier is the fact that the police seem to come down like a ton of bricks upon us and leave them bastards go free, no one sticks together here its fkn crazy I for one will do what it takes but I cant do it on my own

Comment by jillh10

The EU is a huge pile of SHITE run by total CU9TS!!

Comment by Octavius Flapsucker

Allah sucks dicks

Comment by Muslim's are Evil Pigs

It’s all well and good that we cry about them on the internet, but the English lions need to be awoken. For too long our elected leaders have betrayed us and allowed the floods of immigrants to pour in and attempt to colonise our lands. What do we all do? We sit on the internet and cry about it to each other, claiming that we are so oppressed. What have our great countrymen done in the past? We have slaughtered them like the dogs they are. Wake up now for tomorrow is too late. If you allow this to continue it will be too late to do anything. If fear grips your heart, remember that if you die in battle on the same night you will awaken on the road to valhalla, chosen to feast in the hall of heroes with the other great white heroes. We need a leader, a warrior who will combat this scourge from our lands in its entirety. I am sick of seeing seas of Brown people claiming parts of our great nation are ‘muslim areas’ your ancestors were maimed and tortured protecting this land and this is what you do? You just let them shit on your ancestors names? Deface your own names because you don’t bring pride to our race and nation by sitting at your computer complaining, you will only make the gods smile by pushing them from our lands and defeating this menace. This is WAR, it’s espionage for fucks sake! Why can’t anybody see this? They are infiltrating our country and our ranks of power (pakistani and other muslim variants are now in highly regarded positions) they are claiming tax payer money which they SHOULD NOT BE ENTITLED TO but our SPINELESS LEADER says it’s FINE when it FUCKING ISN’T. First the Muslims must be destroyed enough so they wish to recoil from our great nation, then our ‘leaders’ must be destroyed for treason. For too long now they claim to have the British natives best interests at heart but once they get into power they fall back on their words and allow the immigrant scum to get better foot holding than the natives and I am sick of it! We don’t need huge groups like the EDL who cry and do nothing but march around in streets and look like thugs, no. We need freedom fighters, we need people who aren’t afraid to fight back. Remember this, if there was an army of us, it will take an army to stop us and I know for sure that the police won’t be able to arrest 10,000 people and by the time they have finished arresting us, our mission should be completed. Don’t think I will just preach to you and do nothing myself, for I will be attacking the mosque they plan to build in my area and hopefully there will be some muslims inside for me to burn to death in the name of England, the once great nation which is now under the boot of Islam begging for it’s life. Do you want to live at the mercy of the Islamic state? David Cameron does, that’s why he isn’t doing anything to stop them when we could simply rush through our streets and theirs, killing all that we see! Let’s begin the slaughter brothers and sisters and remember, once it’s started, they can’t stop us! Hail victory and Hail Britain!

Comment by Time-to-fight-back-ENGLAND

national socialism is the answer,the fops weve got as politicians are so up the arse of forigners they stand by while muslim scum rape white girls wholesale,revolution and public disobedience as a start.

Comment by david jones

I will do whatever it takes but I cannot do this alone and even though I have tried to rally support no one takes a blind bit of notice…

Comment by jillh10

Yes kick these bastards out ASAP,

Comment by Octavius Flapsucker

Muslim extremists=TOTAL CU9TS!!

Comment by Octavius Flapsucker

Wipe Isis off the face of the earth with nuclear if necessary!

Comment by Egghead

I want to join a group to sort this out.!!
These Muslims make me sick!!

Comment by JAY PAYNE

There a Muslim in our neighbourhood who is a real fanatic when the London bombings happened at this time I met him outside his house while he was cleaning his shitty Mondeo mini cab! his name is ahmed by the way! anyway I said to him I was really upset about the people who died and he said exact word ” Shame more did not die” I was in so much shock all I could do is walk away. I never talk to him since then. If any wants his address let me know.

Comment by Jack P

There is no established authority whatsoever that is about to stick up for us native British – the police are ALWAYS on the side of the Muslims and ALL other immigrants, so are those who run the welfare services: the hospitals, the schools the universities, the benefits system, and ALL the political parties are also heavily on the side of our greatest enemies. The army is not about to help us either as it always obeys the government and does whatever the government tells it to do – (like kill us for instance!) It’s political correctness gone mad. Huge numbers of Black African Muslims are illegally entering the country daily from Calais and not one is ever expelled. The number of illegal immigrants deported is negligible – naturally, as all those in authority bend over backwards to appease and mollycoddle them. Has no one writing here got any idea where we could meet together and begin to decide how to set about getting ALL these parasitic colonists out of the country once and for all?

Comment by John.

Just vote BNP and it will happen one day!

Comment by Jack P

I’m thinking of moving to Russia. At least Putin doesn’t put up with the shit.

Comment by taluson

I don’t think we need to move anywhere its our country! They can fuck out of here and go back to their shit smelling country. I hate them Muslim ugly smelly peodo cunts. Hope Russia or America wipe them out one day! The sooner the better!! 🙂

Comment by Jack P

I live in Glasgow John so if it takes walking through Glasgow naked so that every Muslim man that looks upon me goes and kills itself so be it…flanked by our men, naked as the day I were born holding a six pack of beer to get rid of this load of craphead bastards is fine by me we all have to meet up im on google+ Ive tried time after time to get a meeting going but no fucking chance but count me in!

Comment by jillh10

I should also mention that the greatest damage is done by authorities that are not officially established – the media. All the television channels, (the most Muslim loving being the BBC), accept unquestioningly and uncritically the Muslim side of any news that they ever receive concerning Muslims, especially so concerning Israel which is daily slandered in the most scandalous fashion. The same goes for all the radio programmes and all the newspapers, though both The Times and the Telegraph do occasionally print something resembling the truth about these intolerant, ruthless, merciless, sadistic Muslim thugs and other exploitative immigrants – (are there any who aren’t here to cash in on what it has taken us around two thousand years to achieve?)

For a start we could try to organise the printing and distribution of leaflets telling the bare truth of what immigration and immigrants have done to this country, the treachery of all political parties in inviting these wretches here and in appeasing them in every possible way now they’re here in their millions and the massive bias of all authorities in favour of these contemptible people. But we must get together. I’ve suggested doing this twice but no one seems interested in actually doing something about it!

Comment by John.

Some good old national socialism,this time deal with the real disease on mankind,and not the jews,this country is swelling with african crap parasites and the muslim imbecile fantasy religeon seperatists,fuck em out or its just a matter of time,these shit excuse for politicians,appeasing liberal shit should be tried for treason and hung on lamposts outside the houses of parliament,its ok for these faggots they dont have to live with the filth of mankind,it will be ebola next,what a fucked up shit hole this country is,pity the germans didnt win,they would have fucked em off the planet as nature intended.

Comment by david wyn-jones

How about setting up a new form of modern national socialist party,savages like this crap holding the civilised world to ransom while the muslim shit breed terrorists in the country?wtf ! Kind of country is this?,time for change,time for radical,time for the muslim to live in fear as its the only language the dumb shit understand,usin the schools to breed the bastards in birmingham,stamp on the filth and fuck em back to the shit holes they originate from

Comment by david wyn-jones

Peaceful muslims?,no,theres 3 types of terrorist islamic shit,low,medium and high,and there living amongst us.

Comment by david wyn-jones

Oh no,there has been an increase of far right attacks on the poor muslims in the u.k,what do the goons expect when baboons from bongo wongo land attack our people and chop heads off?,come on now this out of character for our wonderful tolerent,dumb fuck,apqeasing,pacisfist multi cultural shit hole of country,dear me.WHO GIVES A FUCK,

Comment by david wyn-jones

Pity they dont chop the bunch of tart arse liberal shit in westminster heads off,islam arse licking traitor scum,and whos paying for mi5 to watch the muslim shit? Thats right,we are.what a fuck hole of country full of sheep,i know lets make them a cup of tea.

Comment by david wyn-jones

I know,lets go and live in the u.k,get educated,get paid,set up muslim ghettos,breed terrorists,then go on holiday to the shit holes we really come from,and murder u.k citizens who are dumb enough to try and help muslims,fucking hilarious

Comment by david wyn-jones

Up the Jews. Death to Muslims. KILL the Lot.

Comment by Robert Johnson

The ONLY mistake hitler made was persucuting the jews,how i wish it had been the apes in africa,hail ebola,and the sand wogs,i.e arab crap,wud b nice for a new,focused national socialist movement to deal with the crap detrius of what constitutes the dregs of humanity,there wil b no human progress until this shit is wiped off the planet

Comment by david wyn-jones

I have been told that if a muslim man (for want of a better word) looks upon the naked body of a non Muslim that he has to take his own life…in this case..we women should march naked through the streets carrying a six pack of beer flanked by our men for protection…they that cast an eye upon us shall then have to go kill themselves…im not the prettiest tool in the box but Id be willing to do this to get shot of the filthy bastards…any views on this?

Comment by jillh10

non muslim woman that is sorry about that error

Comment by jillh10

I’ve Just Spent a Fucking Hour Writing a long letter on here. And when I got to the End to Send It, It asked to log in and I forgot my Password so went through all the Fucking Procedure Only To Find That My Long Letter could not be Sent Because having to come out of the Letter just to get Another Fucking Password. At least my letter was to the Fucking Point Of Eradicating those Fucking ISIS. But I’m Fucking Sure I’m Not Going To Re-Write it AGAIN!

Comment by leonvongut

Get rid of Muslims in our country as they are treating us like shit our children can not even have there own traditions in school . Go home or else we will start beheading you as our people are treated like this in your country

Comment by Kate v

There are many demos with Moslems protesting about so called Palestine which by the way doesn’t exist and it has never existed. They assault Jews and the police stand by and do nothing every decent minded person has to support the Jews by attending their demos and attending the so called Palestine ones and let the scum know that we won’t let them take to our streets demonstrating their nonsense, we will use violence if that is what it takes. The Jews have a small defence league in London but it is not enough it is only a handful of them. We also must make Moslem free zones and actively man these areas if a Moslem man, woman or child walks into it we should batter them We must congregate around their mosques and let them know that they don’t own the streets around it we do and we will do what we please anywhere on this island.

Comment by Aine O'Neill

Well Said. The Thing is that the Muslims come on Television and express there sadness of Mr Henning Being Decapitated. So why don’t all the Muslims go over there to fight the ISIS. Rather Than send in British or American Troops on the Ground to get Killed. Iv’e Explained a lot of my thoughts on my facebook Page Leon Guthrie-Artist to my nephew Sam Guthrie. Read what I think will be the Outcome of this ISIS idealology. They will never be stopped other than what I have said on Facebook.

Comment by leonvongut

It’s time we did something, my grandad fought in ww2 and his dad in ww1. They’d be turning in their graves at the state of this country.

Time to send them all back

Comment by Neil

Neil: You’re too right, but has one single person writing to this site actually done one single thing about all this? No! It’s pointless writing over and over again about the same desperate state our country’s in if no one ever does anything at all about it! And one person can do nothing we need an army of brave, determined peple to deal with this. But how are we going to organise the recruiting of such an army? Our traitors of politicians, of university and school teachers, of media employees, of welfare benefit emloyees etc. – must ALL be chased out of office and ALL immigrants AND their descendants, without exception, must be chased out of the country. They won’t say yes and go quietly obviously, so persuasive force will need to be applied. This site has been open for years now and no contributor has come up with a plan of how to gather together a large and determined army of British people to begin to deal with this urgent emergency. So – any suggestions?

Comment by John.

Come up with a plan and I am with you.

Comment by Mike

G.Day Mike. There is a Program to be shown on Sky Television Cannel (105 Channel 5) On this Wednesday Evening. I think around 9pm. I’ve set mine to record it. the Program is about Getting rid off the Immigrants in Manchester. Yet there is no mention as far as I know about the amount in London/Birmingham/ Bristol and all the other city’s in This Country. Yes I totally agree with you that it is pointless writing about it on Facebook and Yahoo I’ve said the same things to them that view my Comments. that there is no Point in venting off stream when the Government do not have the Balls to do anything constructive about the Problem. In fact my Mussus say’s that Hitlers Ideals where not so wrong! Just went away about it the Wrong Way. Perhaps she is Right. However there are Many That Give the Thumbs Down on my Comments. But that in Itself Displays that it is Hitting a Nerve. The main Problem is Stupid Religions.. there are 4,200 Different Religions in the Entire World and not one of them can Prove the Existence of there Deity. Yet the ISIS are Trying to Convert the Syrians to turn to there Faith.

Comment by leonvongut

The answer is simple,a modern form of national socialism,the tits in labour and tory parties are gutless self serving parasites,time for something more focused,the economy,education and the usual crap they peddle is far less important to the this country than a islamic cancer growing every day,NATIONAL SOCIALISM and remove,by any methods those who mean us harm.

Comment by david wyn-jones

There is someone with balls who can lead a national party – Paul Weston of Liberty GB. Contact that movement to get leaflets to distribute in your area.

Comment by Stan

I have tried emailing mp’s writing to mp’s attending meetings at MP’s meeting but I get kicked out or disregarded every time in fact i get no response at all most of the time and when i do its just vague bollox I even carry pig fat with me to spray the bastards with when I see them but there are so many muzzies in our government im wondering how the hell we can stop them

Comment by jillh10

Ive been trying to report a dirty bent copper for over 11 months so your chances of getting those traitor scum left wing islam lovvies to listen are virtually zero,and now weve got the bongo squadron about to expose us to babola costing us millions to bail the uncivilised dumb shit out in africa,those millions are your pay rises,fuck hole of a country that this is and cameron the eton twat trying to do a u turn because ukip make him an miliband look like the imbeciles they are,my advice?,emigrate to the south pole or fucking mars.

Comment by david wyn-jones

its getting rarer to find full brithish person in britain piss off muslim the extremist that is

Comment by steven

It’s just a matter of time before the Muslim Epidemic goes over the threshold, People will form gangs and kill if necessary on the Streets more severe that the Brixton Riots. This we cannot tolerate when the Muslims are Out Growing the True British People. Like Hilter. Round them up and Deport the Lot of them irrespective if they were Born In Britain. It does not give them the Right. They are only Visitors in our Country. Since their Country is a Shit Hole. They are jealous of Western Technology and to thick and lazy to Make there own Country in the Middle east The Same. So they come here and the Stupid Politicians let them Breed. To do very low paid jobs without any quam. But we Protest over Minimum Wages. But they do Not. So that is the Governments STRATEGY. However Now you will see that the NHS since its always on top of the Agenda in the news that It will Go into Private Establishments. As the Government is in Arrears of some 30 Billion with the Current NHS. Now he spends billions on a war that cannot be won by Dropping a few wee Bombs on the ISIS which is a futile war.

Comment by leonvongut

What dya rekon to a country that allows thousands of foriegners in to live in ghettos,promote a perverse idiot religion,twist the minds of their offspring to hate the indigenous population,plan to murder them,get educated,fed and watered,and go on holiday to kill those from the host country,wtf?,sounds absurd dosent it?,welcome to liberal britain where we are all happy and live in harmony,unbelievable.

Comment by david wyn-jones

It is Human Nature to Build and Destroy. Greed and Power Seekers,then there is the People with Good Intentions but also they are deluded such as the Death Penalty. If you have a shit you get rid if it. Same should go for Murderers. But again there is that percentage of Do-Gooders that are against it only because of there Religion. What is wrong is that there is Different Laws and Punishments in all different countries, there is no Unity in Having All Laws the Same Everywhere. One judge in one court in Britain for example will give a feeble sentence to a criminal yet in another courtroom the judge there will give a different sentence for someone that has done the same Crime? Then if one gets say 8 Years then they will be out in Four or even less. Do you know that all the prisons in Britain Contain more Foreigners than British People,

Comment by leonvongut

Another point I wood like go make is that don’t believe all what is said in the news. You know very well how corrupt the TV News and newspapers were during the Scottish Referendum. So they say that it is estimated that there is about 200 Illegal Immigrants entering Britain EVERY DAY ?? How on earth can anyone put that 200 Figure?? If that was the case then perhaps it’s More or Less (How the Hell Do they Know) ?? They sneak in by many methods. So dose Anyone? Really Know How many arrive every Day, NO! The Government Should Kick the Lot out of Britain, All non Brits. But that is not going to happen either is it. As it’s Not POLITICALLY CORRECT!

Comment by leonvongut

According to tory govts. own figures ther are at least,at least 200,000 illegal scum in this country,probably a secret islamic occupation ‘sleeper’ force waiting to rise when the opportunity presents itself,these are the UK GOVERMENTS OWN FIGURES,NOT MINE!,just a matter of time.

Comment by david wyn-jones

Well it’s not going to happen with the Government for sure. It was they who made Britain into a Multi Culture Society in Britain. Not only Muslims (Which are The Main Problem) but we have Polish/German/Chinese You name it! Here in Britain. If Germany Won the War Then you will come to realise how Different Britain would be Today. The Only Way to clean up this Country is Behead the Muslims, But First Behead the Politicians for there Stupidity. No Point In saying More on this Site. Many are Full of Anger and despair Like I am but there is not much one can do as the Damage to Britain is Irreversible, But anyone can see that World War 3 is Brewing! Perhaps that would be a Good thing to Clean Up the Mess it’s already in. But there again There is the EBOLA that may Clean up the Mess once it gets more established. Logic Dictates that it will when you get People Like Cameron or even the French bringing in Contaminated Virus Carriers. So we are not only Threatened by the Majority of Muslims but by the Governments Decisions they Make. Have a Nice Day All. No point in Spouting Off here anymore. Take Good Care of Your Family That’s the Main Thing.

Comment by leonvongut

Hes right,unfortunately,the only answer now is to vote in a radical right wing to deal with the islam cancer,i wouldnt condemn some so readlily though,for example the indian people who are integrated,peaceful and fought with us in two wars,i have no problem with poles,germans et al,there are two menaces to us and mankind,the ebola carrying african backward species and the arab backward medieval crap,removal of both these human like cancers would make this planet fit for habitation,the labour and tory lying,useless scum have,and will continue to betray their race for personal gain,there is big trouble coming,lets remember who allowed when the time comes,i would personally execute the traitor scum myself,vermin parasites and faggot liberal filth,to echo history, zieg hiel.

Comment by david wyn-jones

Well said David. Remember Tomorrow on Sky TV there is a Program titled (No Foreigners Here-100% British. it is On Chanel 5 (105) at 12.15pm. Take Good Care 😉 Leon

Comment by leonvongut

Hi David It is weird how I write a comment on here and it Rejects it by saying that it has already been posted. More Crap! However Remember there is a Program on Tomorrow Channel 5 at 12:15pm

Comment by leonvongut

The way to deal with radical islam is to meet it with radical nation socialism

Comment by david wyn-jones

My father and others fought and died to stop germany,what the fuk for?,we should have joined with them and wiped the inferior sub human crap off this planet,such is the way of nature,the strong destroy the weak,its called natural selection,survival of the fittest,and now take a look at this shit,backward sub human crap dictating civilisation to a superior species,us.these gutless turd lovy,liberal so called politicians,allowed to exist by us complicit with this idiocy,mindblowing treason.

Comment by david wyn-jones

A modern right wing national socialist party,like labour,but with teeth and some balls,look at the choice weve got at present,torys who want shit in this country workin for peanuts so they remain rich and get richer,labour,a bunch of wooly headed prats who love any fuka,and the liberals who represent fuk knows what,at least ukip are a step in the right direction.

Comment by david wyn-jones

Think twice before you do.

Oakley Dispatch II Sunglasses

Comment by Oakley Dispatch II Sunglasses

It’s really true. If you have got a different religion with them, they will surely persuade you all to be a fucking muslim. This is what I have experienced so far

Comment by Hyerim

If you want the real lowdown on Islam look at all the Pat Condell videos on Also read the article on persecution of Christians available on that site – though not the comments!

Comment by John.

Oakley Dispatch: Just look at the Pat Condell videos and think twice yourself! John.

Comment by John.

We need to start action about this NOW. One thing that can be done is to spread information about what’s going on – leaving leaflets in houses belonging to native British people. Another thing is to join Weston’s group. athird thing would be for readers and writers of and to this site to get together and take unified action themselves.

Comment by John.

About time something was done to remove the scum, corrupt and mind washing bastards from our country!

Comment by David smith

i would gladly take up arms against muslims in england every fuckin man woman and child

Comment by wayne finney

me too

Comment by jillh10jillh10

You can cou 2 sons (1 x marine and 1 cage fiter)

Comment by Mike

musslims think if they kill an infadell thats us english they will be rewarded with 20 virgins when they assend to there heaven what a load of bollocks look on gaydar a gay site see how many are on there looking for cock lol thats also against there religion they say we as musslim never kill a living thing even a spider lol they eat meat lol it was already dead what a pack of fuckin cloth head bastards

Comment by wayne finney

why do musslim women cover there face BECAUSE THERE FUCkIN UGLY CUNTS

Comment by wayne finney

camrons a fuckin muslim if you ask me why the fuck dont he get our army on the streets and shoot a few thousand of them maybe then they wont wanna come over here

Comment by wayne finney

muslims burning poppies LETS HAVE A MUSLIM BURNING SUNDAY

Comment by wayne finney

Hasn’t anyone on this site got any idea of how all of us who contribute to it can get together and begin doing something about getting rid of all these African, Pakistani, Arab, Indonesian and other Muslims once and for all? Writing is one thing, acting is quite another thing – and the only thing that will work.

Comment by John

Could start a protest party,thats about it,the tory turd eaton snob shit parasites and the wet,wooly liberal foriegner lover labour tossas have an antiquated stranglehold on politics in this once proud now shit hole of a country,like minded people need to get together with regular meetings and structure,like the edl but with brains,in the meantime sit back,do as your told by the white trash in govt.and watch your countries end.

Comment by david wyn-jones

Im not condoning it but thru history violent uprising has been the only tool for change,like hitler and the national socialist party,and bloodly revolution in france and russia,if it continues as its been going in this haven for foriegn parasites,it will reach a stage where underground insurgency will begin,mosque burning etc.If the scum pouring out of africa,pakistan,afghanistan and the crap ass east euro countries would stop in their shit hole countries and fight like our ancestors had to,their shit hole countries would improve,but no,lets swarm to the uk where silly white bastards give us it all for free,countries fuked up,i know,im 57 and have watched it deterorate,these bastards like cameron an milliband dont give a fuck as long as they arent required to live next to a troop of african half human noisy thick parasite shit.

Comment by david wyn-jones

I know,wait till all the shit from ebola bongo land has moved here to suck the place dry,then go and live in their countries.

Comment by david wyn-jones

I agree David, but how are we going to get together? No one on this site has the means of communicating directly with any other person on the site. A time, day and place need to be agreed upon so that everyone interested can meet together and begin to decide on what to do for a start.

Comment by John

Good shout, berhaps best to just get a location for everyone then pick a place mid way.
I am Southampton.

Comment by Mike

if only but would be classed as an illegal meeting by the government

Comment by wayne finney

Fuck this so called ‘government’,just mass dumming down

Comment by david wyn-jones

As for a meeting place, it seems to me it should be as central as possible without being in a place that would attract a lot of attention. How about somewhere near Birmingham – say Lichfield or Tamworth? As for being illegal – who cares? As it stands, all the laws concerning our freedom of speech and freedom of action are against us, the native British, and in favour of people we never invited here, needed here or wanted here. We are being oppressed, not them, and these very laws should be made illegal. Things have reached such a state that all we have to lose now are our chains.

Comment by John

as me old dad used to say theres nowt wrong with muslims EVERY HOUSEHOLD SHOULD HAVE ONE

Comment by wayne finney

The white muslims, ,labour aras bad

Comment by david wyn-jones

enoch powel would have sorted them out

Comment by wayne finney

The waffen s s would certainly dealt with the problem

Comment by david wyn-jones

it not a very lively site

Comment by wayne finney

lets supply the isralies with all they need they wont stop till all mussies are dead

Comment by wayne finney

give muslims ebola they want everything else on earth

Comment by wayne finney

There is nothing wrong with muslims—so long as they are DEAD

Comment by kapan77


Comment by MARTIN

I think the west has been screwed by lefties. If there could be any way you could destroy a civilisation than to flood it from within by an evil ideology, hell-bent on destroying it; you couldn’t have planned it better.

Comment by billy9999

I was going to work one day and happend to come across a mobile phone so I called a number in the phone with a view to return it to its rightfull owner ;

I called and a white young lady answered I gave her my name and my number to call me later in case the lost mobile battery went flat.
I explained that when I had finished work we could meet up and give her the phone back so she could return it to her boyfriend.
The young lady was very pleased saying that she was pregnant and needed to stay in contact with her boyfriend.

And so I thought the matter was sorted and I was about to do my good deed for the day!

Until the phone rang and the owner an asian man shouted down the phone demanding to know who I was in a very aggressive manner. “WHOS THIS”
Needless to say I was taken aback and was shocked by this questioning………
So I asked who he was saying whos this back …….

With no prompting from me the asian man went on to say that he had the desire to rape my mother.

The asian man carried on with insults and derogatory remarks

Obviously this questioning, negative attitude and threat of sexual violence towards my family began to annoy me and I believe it would annoy any decent human from any walk of life from any part of the world.

Please bear in mind I was actually trying to do the man a favour by returning his lost phone.

So needless to say he didn’t receive his phone back and was still ranting on the phone as it was smashed by me into smaller and smaller pieces.

Hopefully when people are asking why we dont like asians its because you are sexually deviant, overly aggressive and have no respect towards us.

Me I’m a white man born in Bradford England so yes I have seen it all my life…

For more proof…… When the asians started moving in to Bradford the asian adults used to stand on the walls of the back yards of the terrace houses and masturbate over the young children playing below ……..

Answer this you asians what had these children done to you……………

Comment by MadMarts

if these people integrated thereselves with our culture and beliefs i wouln’t have a problem but they are hellbent in changing our traditions and that is a thing i cant tolerate if we are so bad then why the hell are they here.this is england but i am afraid the way it is going we wont be recognised in the not too distant future and that is a terrible thought.

Comment by neil

Only thing their good at is breeding more of them. This is a creeping death for the west, I’d rather be taken out in a nuclear war than this having to be a 2nd-class citizen in my own country.

Comment by billy9999


Comment by jillh10

We need to take our Government out, that would be the first step because it is our own leaders allowing this

Comment by jillh10

Islam must make war with all their enemies, which includes all nonbelievers of their religion, nor can they accept a free society, for it clashes with sharia law, and in accordance to their ideology they cannot assimilate with infidels (non-believers), which why France has 150 no go Islamic zones.If the American and European governments do not kick Islamic follower out of their countries, then in do time will Islam grow to the point that they will begin to take over these government through political means and set up sharia law, or perhaps they will attempt take over through civil wars. If our governments do expel them, then will our descendants suffer greatly and needlessly for their ignorance, arrogance and appeasement.

Comment by Michael

I will shit my creamy worm tainted shit turds on allahs dirty stinking cunt face and then piss on his filthy countenance.I will then fuck his paki box with a broom handle wrapped with razor wire and let him feel the force and elation of 10 white pooftas.

Comment by horace the herbert

That’s a good rant and shows how many people feel, however it won’t change the reality that genocide of northern europeans is actively and aggressively being pursued by all the elected leaders. What we need to understand is why would they do this.

Comment by billy9999

Don’t say it DO IT, everyone is on the Internet to vent their anger against these obvious evil people when our own goverment and media support them. Start with the goverment and get these people out ASAP, start something and all join forces COMON !!!

Comment by John

We first need candidates to replace the traitors we have in parliament, in schools and running the media at the moment. Where are they?
Secondly, all this wickedness stems from the words of the Koran – there is absolutely no difference between “islamist” and “islamic”. Islam itself is the root cause of all this horror. One of the things said in that book is that any lie, dissimulation, treachery, deceit or murder is justified provided it serves to spread the dominion of Islam – Muslims can pretend not to be Muslims and falsely feign conversion to another religion if it serves this purpose. So, how are we going to know who is a Muslim and who isn’t? A huge proportion of them are here illegally but can probably easily get false identity papers. So having passports and national insurance registration doesn’t necessarily mean that they are who they say they are or that they are here legally. Most of the Muslims here are either Blacks or Pakistanis though there are Indonesians, Turks and Arabs around too. To be sure that we have rid ourselves of all of them we will need to expel all people with black or brown skins simply because many of these who will claim not to be Muslim will actually be lying and really be Muslim. This sounds like racism but is, in reality the only way of totally eradicating a fascist ideology from our land and re-establishing our ancient freedoms.. It just happens that the vast majority of those embracing this new form of fascism belong to races other than our own. There are times when discrimination is right and commendable.

Comment by John.

Most of the asylum seekers coming over are young African Muslim males. The government is following a policy of dispersal all over the UK and putting them up in hotels to make them less visible to the public. These people are also free to roam and come and go as they please (after all its not Cameron’s daughter that’s going to bump into them and get gang raped). Its a deliberate policy to hoodwink the public.

At least in France and Germany their precense is obvious as they are camped in shanty towns on the edges of the cities. But over here?……. its absolutely disgusting!

And appeasers like ken Clark, clegg etc say we’re being hysterical by pointing it out. Traitors!

Comment by billy9999

Yep,i concur,it was africans who decapitated our soldier,the likes of clegg,whos a manifestation of the meaning of ‘pussy’,camerons poodle,and ken clarke ar utter wankers,like u say they wont have this shit living anywhere near em,its just a matter of time until theres a muslim atrocity here like france,u will see.the answer?,right wing government,or more of the same

Comment by david wyn-jones

They’re in all the premier inns now as well

Comment by billy9999

They are slowly invading europe,we let them in and accomodate em,then they try to instal wats been kilin em,islam,there wil b big trouble,and then bastard traitors like tory and labour scum wil,hopefully hung from the lamposts in westminster

Comment by david wyn-jones

Hi fellow Brit, be aware every email or phone call is being monitored by various G/agencies in this country and the US. I myself am being attacked day and night 24 hours with electro magnetic/ waves. All these race problems are what they want to happen. You better believe it. So be very careful .I don’t know whether you are aware, they have the technology to read what your thinking even when your on the bog. They can see me typing this out this very moment. The authorities are using any method to have something on us all.


We need each other I’m calling every English man to get rid of this threat before my kids grow up

Comment by my England

The only way is to vote the threat out

Comment by david wyn-jones

Agree, the west is sick and old. Tired by centuries of warfare, and weakened by a sheer drop-off in child births. This has left a vacuum which is being filled by aggressive migration from the East, fuelled by massive fertility, with their women who, don’t work, stay at home and breed… all funded by our taxes. We are being replaced!

OK fair enough I hear you say. But for those of us who DO have children it is very worrying how they will fare as second class citizens in their own country. This is happening now. The answer, if there is one is by voting and peaceful mass demonstration. I am doubtful if it will have any effect at this late stage. The seeds were down by Tony Blair in the 90s and things have accelerated under successive governments.

Comment by billy9999

When my English ancestors disagreed with the British government they kicked the British army out of our colonies. The same Bolsheviks are in America now as in Europe. Americans aren’t stocking up on black rifles because they’re pretty. If you say you’re getting ready in case you have to shoot at the government in a joking tone people get it.

Comment by Joe

London – the unofficial capital of the Muslim world, hub for international terrorism and a filthy multicultural cess-pit.

Comment by billy9999

I live in a Muslim country,i am not muslim most muslims are OK but you do get the tossers but they are mainly the village idiots that listen to the idiot Imam you probably had parents who were idiots & the cycle of stupid misunderstanding of the Al Koran goes forward to explain a book written based on the bible…work that out

Comment by don

The white bastards never learn.

Comment by ksg

Pink bastards if u dont mind,wog

Comment by david wyn-jones


Comment by wenceslao ciuro

Well now asshole,u mean the country that started the industrial revolution so dumb wankas like u can post ur dum fuk comments?,by the way twat brain,we also invented the internet,thick little brainless,plastic dum fuk

Comment by david wyn-jones

Let’s not argue and bicker guys.

Comment by billy9999

I’ll argue with any dum fuk who talks shit,i.e the labour and tory shits and half wits like this jerk who have no brain,do you ‘gree’? Dur

Comment by david wyn-jones

I blame the leftie apologist BBC in part. American channels show it much more impartially.

Comment by billy9999

Its all part of social engineering,giv em a phone and a load of disinformation,feed em on shit,its even called ‘browsing’,just like cows browse grass,im a different generation,unbrainwashed

Comment by david wyn-jones

The muslim shit of mankind are at it in denmark now,just a mata of time until it happens here,do wat the yanks did wiv the japanese in ww2,put em al in camps til the islamic shit stops the terrorism,then deport every muslim bak to the uncivilised sand shit holes the eminate from

Comment by david wyn-jones

Did you all see the ‘peaceful’ muslims marching in all the major uk cities protesting against islamist terrorism?, , no,me neither

Comment by david wyn-jones

We also invented a language thats more widely used than any other, , you ‘gree’ thich cunt,its ‘agree’ fakin wog

Comment by david wyn-jones

I’m not muslim but I have never seen like this article, its to a fault bias..sad but true

Comment by Onur Alp

Onur Alp: Your message is somewhat incoherent but what you see as bias is, unfortunately, just the truth.

Comment by John

all muslims are cunts

Comment by paul

I beg to differ,’cunts’ are useful to mankind

Comment by david wyn-jones

Paul: If only they were!

Comment by John

It’s time we started to burn the vile filth out. A cup or two of burning gasoline through a muslim’s letterbox is guaranteed to exterminate between 10 and 20 of the shitskin niggers.

Comment by Exterminate muslims now.

Dihya Al – Jumeily (top google) is involved in a British school linked to Middle East radicalizing young pupils sponsors travel between Middle East and UK, using his ‘status’ and rents from flats for fares and passports, also tax evasion, laundering rent monies opening and dissolving ‘letting’ companies in Liverpool. He runs dodgy unsafe flats, and reports white British tenants for eviction orders if they are onto his scams. He has been making his own Muslim brothers and cousins from Iraq into UK based ‘company directors’ and then dissolving the ‘company’ names. Address : 5 Bertram Road Liverpool. L178UE. 07736902360.

Comment by Kev

Off topic, but has anyone noticed recent different tv advertisements featuring a couple – she’s white, he’s a negro, two children are half-breeds. One never sees a negress with a white man.. Creeping ‘diversity’ or what?

Comment by stuff multicultis

Kev., This is the kind of thing that these uninvited, un-needed and unwanted invaders are up to all the time. Two of my cousins have done long complicated jobs for Muslims who then refused to pay them, once they’d finished, and told them to go to law if they wished. Of course the law is only for the rich and they know that. I don’t think even UKIP will be able to expel all these negroes and asians. I wish I knew who would and I’d vote for them immediately. I don’t think it is at all abnormal to want to live in one’s own country surrounded by poeple of one’s own blood, customs, language, religion, laws and traditions, yet all the politicians I know of try to force us to live in the exact opposite kind of country and forbid us by law to complain about it!

Comment by John

Sharia law allows the muslim to lie and cheat in any dealings with the kuffar. The sooner muslims are exterminated, the better.

Comment by muslimkiller

Sick to see how the UK media are falling over themselves to locate and help the three shitskin muslim teenage whores, who left Britain to join muslim murderers in Syria. I fervently pray they get raped to death.

Comment by muslimkiller

muslimkiller: Anyone, of whatever age, who leaves this country to fight for these sadistic and murderous enemies should, at the very least, be banned from ever returning to this country, but, even better, simply eliminated. This is a very good example of how extremely biased British school teachers, university teachers, newspapers, radio and television are, in favour of our greatest enemies. These are just as great an enemy as the Muslim brutes we are up against. Downright traitors.

Comment by John

To Kev: I share your sentiments entirely. Better still, Britain urgently needs a race war to rid the country of this vermin. Sky News this morning reports that 285,000 permanent-stay’ immigrants entered Britain up to September last year. This figure is up from 210,000 from 2013. Britain’s immigration floodgates, opened by the war-criminal and convicted homosexual Tony Blair, and the paedophile Gordon Brown, remain firmly open to all and sundry. Regards.

Comment by muslimkiller

It is confirmed that the executioner cutting innocent people’s heads off in Iraq is a so-called “Englishman” of Arabic origin, coming from an educated, (free by us), and well to do family in west London. It is written in the Koran that any act of treachery, dissembling, lie, deceit or murder is justifiable so long as it is committed against an “infidel” in the cause of furthering the spread of Islam. This means that not one Muslim in our country can be trusted as they ALL feel that to betray us or to cheat us is entirely justifiable according to their religion. Yet ALL our authorites do everything in their power to appease them and give in to their demands. Is there not one single native Briton in this whole kingdom who will stand up publicly, say all this and start a movement to expel every last one of these murderous and untrustworthy people from our country?

Comment by John

Mohammed Emwazi is his name. His family have abandoned their home in West London. Anyone know where they’ve gone? Britain is packed full of violent, retarded, Paki muslim filth, just waiting for an opportunity to wage jihad. We need to bring the Crusades to their doorsteps.

Comment by muslimkiller

Amen. The islamization of Britain needs reversing

Comment by billy9999

Fuck off and go back 2 the 3rd world

Send me hope they get
Don’t give a fuck about Queens want Muslims out of my country

Comment by fuck offf

Youve seen nothing yet,in germany there are 25,000 muslim cancer cells joining the arab dog shit mafia,as ive said,there will be big,big trouble due to the merkel slut,cameron and the lefty vomit who have let this disease on civilisation enter the body of europe,pity we dont have a man like trump who can see what the backward crap really are

Comment by david wyn-jones

no there isnt,thats whats wrong with this once proud shit hole,why my father,and millions of others fought the germans is still a complete mystery,probably to keep that old fart queen and parasite piss heads like churchill alive,hitler was right the only thing was he picked on the wrong people.

Comment by david jones

muslimkiller: A quarter of a million of them here illegally – probably many more than that – and not about to be expelled any time soon. What the hell is wrong with us?

Comment by John

The problem is that we’ve been misled by career politicians who do not see themselves as British. They are on the EU gravy train and don’t see any connection between the future of the UK and their future.

Comment by billy9999

Marxist teachers are largely responsible for our passiveness; My 13yo nephew comes home from school looking for and finding ‘racism’ everywhere. White people are evil, non-white good. Heterosexuals are perverts, faggots are not. True Marxist inversion. Meanwhile, no action from ‘Diversity Dave’ and his government. Civil War now, say I.

Comment by muslimkiller

Successful Pegida rally in Newcastle. Kick the retarded Muslim out of Britain. If he refuses to go, burn him out.

Comment by niggersout

Sky News today: Lib Dems oppose control of freedom of speech of hate-spouting Muslim racists at UK universities, but want to ban EDL, BNP, UKIP.

Comment by muslimkiller

Clegg is a little,pointless prick poodle for cameron who wud shag his mother to get into govt,just what do the lib dems stand for?,milibands a twat with an appropriately named shadow chancelor, ,balls,labour shit created the crap this country is in,torys look after their paymasters,the rich,that leaves ukip,so you all know who to vote for,lets make plans for nigel.he wil stop this ‘kiss the arse of everyone from east european shit holes and worst of all africa,the home of ebola and total lack of any form of civilisation,look at what happened in south africa when they opened the zoo gates,as for asian people,especially indian people,i have all the time in the world for them as they were with us in the wars and have peacefuly contributed to the prosperity of this nation,as for muslims,i dont mind,as long as they dont want to kill me,as for jewish people,refer to einstien,max plank,schrodinger,oppenheim,feynman an just about every other scientist whos forwarded mankind,me?,im welsh,and i would remind the ‘english’ that they are immigrants,bet that upsets some tatood twat french,danish,roman mongrel ‘englishman’ lol,oh forgot his equaly dumb an ugly dog.

Comment by david wyn-jones

Ugly Lesbian whore Christine Blower of the National Union of Teachers has promised to ‘destroy islamophobia and homophobia in British schools.’ No doubt she’ll replace them with Muslim and nigger rape gangs.

Comment by niggersout

London po-lice are hunting (LOL) for three niggers who knifed to death a 15 yo boy, and stole his bike.

Comment by niggersout

Muslims love sniffing each others shit. See them in their mosques kneeling behind each other, bowing down, and sniffing the butt of the muslim in front. They are inbred retards, just like their dog’s-butt fucking prophet mudhammud (Piss Be Upon Him).

Comment by whiteandproud

muslimkiller: That should lose them many votes. niggersout: a phobia is an unreasonble fear of something harmless, so islamophobia is a contradiction in terms. Hatred, (not fear), of fascist Islam is totally justified and justifiable, and needs to be promoted and spread everywhere, not only in schools.

Comment by John

What’s the country coming to? Appeal court judge gives permission to amuslim terrorist to sue UK government for ‘torture’. We need to start a programme of mass extermination of the inbred, retarded shitskin filth.

Comment by muslimkiller

why. don’t you horrible dirty child rapists. Fuck off to the shithole country were you crawled from we don’t want you here we want you all to die

Comment by tony whiteT


Comment by macktheknife

Thats right,remember,its labour,i.e the new tories,who caused all the shit we are in,both financially and letting africans and terrorists in to the country.VOTE UKIP,nothing to lose

Comment by david wyn-jones

Whenever I see a mongrel shitting in the street, I immediately think of the stinking Muslim praying in his shithouse mosque. Association is a curious thing.

The inbred shitskin muslim Anjem Choudary is preaching hatred again. Does anyone know his address? I seem to recall that the paedophile Gordon Brown gave the brown nigger police protection. Then again, we all know where Labour stands on muslim vermin.

If something isn’t done fast (i.e. start exterminating them), Britain will be finished.

Comment by muslimkiller


Comment by adolf hitler

Shakil Ahmed, the inbred, racially-inferior, shitskin muslim Labour councillor for Rochdale encouraged his filthy half-nigger son to travel to Syria to wage jihad.. Ahmed, a buddy of the homosexual-loving EdMilliband, denies the accusation. Don’t expect th po-lice to do anything. KILL HIM.

Comment by combo

Here are the inbred shitskin nigger Ahmed’s mobile and email details: 07812 23815.

Comment by combo

RT News today: Melbourne, Australia: Violent ‘anti-fascist filth attack peaceful anti-islamification demo. Spokeswoman for anti-fascist terrorists says ‘white population racist, and should be tolerant of muslims’ right to free speech, to practise their religion as they see fit.’

Perhaps it’s the ‘anti-fascist’ filth we should be exterminating?

Comment by Muslimkiller

Well said, these anti-fa bastards are doing the same in Ireland , when Anti-Islam did a demo outside a mosque in Dublin one girl was physically attacked by one of the scum and a lot of them are not even Irish. a lot of Eastern Europeans are there sticking up for the Moslem scum plus the ones who are ethnically English but whose family came over long time ago. A piece of Eastern European scum has been seen in England at anti- Moslem demos and we know a lot of them are paid right wing agitators who turn up against the water charged in Ireland, Occupy The Streets, etc. Demi’s in England all scrounging off the welfare state in England and Ireland and receiving money for simply being Nazi scum and not allowing free speech. They treat it as a job instead of getting off their arses and finding proper work, it is about time they were photographed and the photographs sent to the police and the local benefit offices to see who is getting benefits as some of them no doubt are also claiming to be unfit for work and no doubt getting incapacity benefit and/or DLA and Ireland’s equivalent.

Comment by Aine O'Neill

UK Green Party want unlimited immigration rights for Syrian refugees. And, BBC and Sky refusing to broadcast any news nigger and muslim refugees attempting to wage jihad in Syria.


Comment by Muslimkiller

THE BITTER TRUTH – I realised after 80 years
ISLAM : Take a look for yourself. Any place anywhere in the world where there is unrest or any kind of terrorism it has to be Muslims involved – Why? And then the bulllhit that Islam is a peaceful religion!!!
GAY : So it is right to take Bum (homo) but wrong to take a child’s Bum – WTF. Mark my words soon this will become legal too once GAYs are accepted in the society and then comes Humans to Animals – Not far away friends. And when the lobby group cannot get the upper hand – the last resort : O it’s a medical condition. What a load of CRAP.

Comment by Richard John Sinclair Laws

Yes, Richard. You just wait until Labour win the election. Britain will be turned into a third-world slum populated by niggers, muslim shitskins, homosexuals, paedophiles,

Harriet Harman is eager to get a bill through parliament legalizing sex with children as young as five.

Comment by muslimkiller

Muslims deliberately defecating on graves in Bradford graveyards. Just heard this from pal who lives up there.

Comment by David Kelly

Muslims defecating on christian graves,wel why ar u surprised,the liberal inteligencia that purports to govern this once proud country dont giv a shit,as long as they arent reqd to live in alum rock,bradford,dudley et al,i can just imagine germany in 1940 wiv muslims threatning the country from within,they let em in here and its just a mata of time until civil war,then we shud round up evry white trash bastard politician and behead them an leave their heads rotin on evry lampost in westminster,islam is a human disease,ignorant arabs,turtles holdin up the world?,as bad as anotha social disease,catholics,al relegion is fuking nonesense,id exterminate the fukas,any fuka found prayin wud av their head removed,religion was invented to control the dumb masses,now they use money an football,fukin thik shit are easy to control an manipulate

Comment by david wyn-jones

Come on David, You’re free to dislike religion, and to dislike Roman Catholics in particular, but is ANY religion except Islam threatening to take over our country, oblige us to accept their religion, their political and social ideology and their law, (or put bullets in our heads, if we refuse conversion), except Islam? Are the followers of any religion except Islam urged to swamp us with their followers by breeding as fast as possible and immigrating into our country in the greatest numbers possible? Are the followers of any religion except Islam born with the absolute duty to extend their religion until every human being on Earth has been converted to it and obliged to accept their law and all their religious tenets? What religion apart from Islam encourages its adherents to lie, steal, dissemble, act treacherously and fraudulently and to murder, provided these acts are committed against “infidels” in the cause of furthering the spread of their religion cum ideology? The Buddhists spread peace and goodness and the other religions have had their teeth drawn long since. Let us concentrate on the real threat – Islam, which will never assimilate itself to our society, nor will it ever give up its primary aim which is to subjugate all “infidels” and impose its law and religion on all people everywhere on Earth. ALL Muslims, regardless of race, need to be recognized for what they are: enemies of the Sate and of the people. ALL citizenship granted to ALL Muslims needs to be annulled, regardless of whether they have British passports, National Insurance registration, or whether they happen to have been born here. Why nurture vipers in our breast? As they can even pretend not to be Muslims if it furthers the cause of the extension of the domination of Islam, it is almost impossible to know which of the black and brown aliens in our midst are Muslim. This means that all putative Muslims will have to be expelled even if some innocents are sent to places like Somalia, after having refused to leave the country and go to some other place.

Comment by John

Comment noted john,howeva,if the catholics had their dumb fuk way,the sun wud b going round the earth and old ladies wiv cats wud b burnt at the stake,they infest the world wiv retards breedin like rats due to the ‘evilness’ of condoms,fuk children,like saville an co. and infest govt,local and national,and of course not forgeting the cosa nostra,the criminal wing of the vatican,the bigest nest of pervert peadophiles on earth,not bad for such pious cunts?,i liken them to ‘white muslims’,ask leanardo da vinci

Comment by david wyn-jones

John,because the muslim dog shit are thick,dumb an useless,they,like the catholics b4 them are trying to reduce the world to a state of thickness,my old man was in the palestine police afta ww2,he told me this,on one side of the road were jews,lovely,wel managed orange groves and lush green grass,on the otha side of the road,arab shit,a woman struglin er ass off wiv a donkey tryin to plough a field of sand,and in the corna of the field a dirty stinking arab bastard sitin on is arse watchin er wile sukin on a hubly bubly,my old man?,wacked the piece o shit wiv his rifle butt,bless is soul,they are wat shud,along wiv the negro,even more useles to mankind,that,that shud av been wiped out as of no value to nature or mankind,and now look at it,wogs breedin more dumb fuk wogs,take a look at detroit,the wogs,the civilised ‘people’,i.e indian,chineese etc got d fuk out due to nigas crime,and now,just the nigas,and detroit?,a bankrupt city? Wtf?,the bigest danger to the sentient,made that way by evolution is nigas and arabs,wipe em out as nature intended and the planet wil b a beta place,we keep feeding dumb fuk nigas in africa,why?,fuk em off,ebola,natures way of getin rid of the trash,an then? White liberal trash curin d crap against nature,like it or not,nature fuks the weak off,workin against nature and evolution is fukin up this world,yes im a ‘white supremacist,no,nature and evolution says im supreme,not me,i’ll tolerate em as a sub species to do the simple things,but any liberal whore whos getin dick of em cos d fat white slag cant get a white cock,who tries to say their like me shud have her cunt sewn up,believe me,im talkin from xperience,thers loadsa fat,ugly white trash whores who go for niga cock cos no decent white man wud fuk the dogs,look at south africa,wat a success story

Comment by david wyn-jones

Come on now i need ur help,why,if nigas ar the same as us,as per nature,is it wen a white,chinese,japanese,eskimo or even north american indian fuks a negro,the ofspring comes out ‘whiter’?,do ya thanyk its sumat to do wiv the superior genes?,no wanka scientist as got the balls to tel the ‘uncomfortable truth’,why dont they come out black?,eitha way,man fuk wog,wog fuk white whore,the result is the same, ,whiter,nature,natural selection,negro inferior,oh my god u cant say that !!!,yea i can,just echoing mother nature

Comment by david wyn-jones

A brief history lesson,around a milion yrs ago ther were 2 species of homo erectus,no not cocks,those that stood uprite,ther were neandathal man,and cro magnion man,neandathal man,the negros,were as dumb as fuk an got driven out of wat is europe by the far more inteligent cro magnion man,to wher?,africa,in africa it was warm an lots of food,meanwile in europe,it was cold,so the magnions were forced,by nature to b more resorcful to survive,the seeds of future inteligence were sown,adapt,think or perish,meanwile,bak in africa,no such threat,nigas sunbathin an doing basicaly,fuk al,fast forward, ,nothing much has changed, ,has it?,name me a blak who has contributed to anything to progress mankind?, , , come on,im waiting

Comment by david wyn-jones

You may think,reading my rantings,im ful of hate,no,im ful of truth and reason,wrong planet,next

Comment by david wyn-jones

David, I’m not an R:C: but it should be said that most of the horrors you mention were perpetrated in the fairly distant past and most R.C.’s are now using condoms regardless of what the Pope says. The Mafia does what it does not because it began in a Catholic country but because it began in the very impoverished south of Italy and Sicily and then, proving to be a successful way of making a lot of money with little effort, it spread! As for paedophilia, unfortunately it’s far from being a practice confined to Catholics, though, obviously, lonely priests being forbidden to enjoy loving women, sometimes get tempted to turn to loving children and young people. My main point is that they’re not a deathly threat like the very determined Muslims are. Their days of doing wicked things are long over, but the Muslims are extremely eager to do much worse things to us and nobody is prepared to do a thing about it. We need strong determined leaders who are prepared to stand up and tell the truth and face our enemies head on. But where are they? Part of the trouble is that most children leaving school or university in our country nowadays have been subjected to many years of indoctrination, brain-washing, conditioning and programming by left-wing teachers who have taught them that our peoople had nop right to have an Empire and that we treated the people in our Empire very badly and those people have every right to exploit us in theri turn. All this absolute rubbish – if we hadn’t ruled those places someone far less enlightened would have done so and we brought untold benefits to wherever it may have been that we went – hospitals, schools, universities, roads, railways, ports, telephones, telegraph, irrigation systems, the rule of law etc. People have comeup to me in India saying, “Thank God you were here”. Doctrinaire socialism that is preached in schools is responsible for our lack of action to defend ourselves and chase these insolent parasites out of our country.

Comment by John

John,the catholics model of control of the feeble minded was the precursor of wat we have now,the tolerance of incence waving twats in ornamental dresage to feed the thik wiv celestial bulshit is adapted now by the wogs to justify their own stupidity,wen d muslims are gone,they wil b replaced by yet anotha bunch of freaks promoting yet anotha doctrine that feeds the thick,such is augmented by referral to history wile the rest of mankind is ever so slowly intoxicated wiv the next sily germanium based silicon xtracted distraction from reality,i.e the computer,i wil giv u the next phase of control, ,virtual reality,ignore me an c for urself.the removal from reality is just around the corner,the next phase?,religeon,money,virtual reality,wat an opium for the masses,tim worthers-lee,the anti christ lol,unknowingly,the path to hell is paved wiv wat?,we ar pathing the way to our own destruction,ask mr hawking,the next evolution? We are the breast feeders of the machines,bye bye humans,accelarated evolution,natures very clever,use us to move things along rapidly,hail the age of machines,pure logic,no sentimentaliy,feelings,sympathy,empathy,just progress,dont ya just love nature?,d dinasaurs were here 165 milion yrs?,then nature fukd em off,took em to the limit of ther evo,no comet impact,just fukd em of,do u get the feelin this planet is an xperiment?,not al ufos ar bulshit,ava utube this, , ‘turkish ufo’,a hoax?,wait til the end,is the dog barking at ita colabarator?,chek it out

Comment by david wyn-jones

Google kurmburgaz ufo,we are an amusing zoo

Comment by david wyn-jones

Well David, the Muslims have been waging violent war against the West, virtually non-stop since the 7th century, so their ugly and murderous behaviour is nothing new – they haven’t changed one bit. Whereas we, in the West have had the Renaissance and the Reformation which ultimately seem to have rendered us moe amenable to reason and more humane, the Muslims have remained barbarous savages without any saving graces.. The Muslims were chased from the walls of Vienna in 1683 by King Jan Sobievski and that was the last time they tried to take Europe by force. Now they’re doing it by stealth, by massive immigration and fast multiplication of numbers by breeding fast. Sharia law already rules in their ghettos throughout Europe. This has all been consciously planned and worked out in detail in a certain meeting their leaders had some time ago in North Africa. It’s hard to wake up people who have been conditoned to believe so-called multi-culturism is the best thing since vanilla ice cream. We’re all terrified of appearing to be racist as a result of brain-washing at school. How do you propose to tackle this? No one realizes that discrimination and racism can actually be very good, even essential, things under certain circumstances.

Comment by John. whos letting them in here wholesale?,liberal luvvies who are traitors.its a pity hitler was a nut,i have no issue against the jews,he got the wrong lot

Comment by david wyn-jones

I agree with you David. In our country our own people join with their true enemies in persecuting the Jews – Jewish children are attacked outside theie schools, Jewish speakers are shouted down and silenced in universities, Jewish cemeteries are desecrated and no one does a thing. How would it be were these things to happen to Muslims?! Native British children and students have all been indoctrinated and brain-washed by socialist teachers and lecturers at school and universtiy and now support their true enemies and attack those who would save them. The situation looks hopeless to me. It would be helpful to print and circulate booklets to our own people telling them in brief exactly what Islam is about and what its intentions are concerning us and our country, but this costs money and who’s going to foot the bill?

Comment by John

John, I agree with everything you write.. However, while we argue and bicker the muslim continues to wage a secret war against us. It’s obvious that the Tories – despite the rhetoric – are not prepared to stop all muslim immigration. Cameron has his nose too far up Merkel’s anus. Labour filth actually want to increase immigration to destroy white Christian culture. What’s the answer? I know. We have to start exterminating the muslim. It’s a simple truth. Visit a maternity wing of any hospital and you’ll find it’s packed with sndnigger women giving birth to as many little shitskins as they are able. Within a decade or two, the muslim will have outbred the native population. The muslim knows he cannot win by violence; he’s using demographic change instead. Burn the filth out I say. They’re not even human.

Comment by Muslim Killer

David, were we to do that we would be put in prison for life instantly!, so we must find another strategy – there’s not much we can do from prison! You hardly see native British people in our big cities any longer and our people are leaving their own country in droves because no politician is about to drive all these black and brown invaders out. Our people need informing about the truth first of all, then, probably, M.P.’s who would be prepared to legislate and annull all citizenship for anyone not having eight native British great-grandparents, (and thus also annull all welfare benefits, free education and health service for such people too), could be elected. It seems to me that this is the only way, acceptable internationally, to rid ourselves of all these parasites, whom we didn’t invite here, whom we didn’t need here and whom we definitely don’t want here. So, first of all the immense damage done by socialist teachers and lecturers has to be undone by a lot of serious re-education.

Comment by John

Theres anotha million baboons waitin to flood into europe from north africa,and u can bet ya bottom dollar theyre headin this way to benefit wonderland,this countrys fukd,when the germans bombed us in the war,we didnt fuk off to america,the wogs shud b made to stay in their shit holes and fight,not parisitise europe,id sink every boat heading to europe,theyd soon stop trying,meanwhile the white trash wants to save em so that they can come here,al apreciative,then try an islamise the place,like i said,countries fukd

Comment by david wyn-jones

David, shitskin migrants from Africa arrivIng at Sicilian ports want one thing only: To be given travel documents to reach Calais, and then – by any means possible – to Britain, where they know that once there they cannot be removed. There’s alway plenty of Labour-supporting liberal lawyers (Bliar’s Catholic-whore wife, Cherie, for starters) who are happy spending hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayers money fighting to keep them in Britain.

Yes, the country is a mess and ready for civil war. Bring it on, I say.

Comment by Muslim Killer

Enoch powell,bles im,said the black man,which includes paki muslims,wud get the whip hand here an the streets wud run with blood,u can blame the catholic labour mafia for this shit,vote ukip its the best option in the absense of a national socialist candidate,labour luvvy kiddy fiddling scum,keep that twat milliband out or the wanka wil build a bridge across the channel so that the wogs can drive over,in stolen french cars,we spend hundreds of milions feedin the dumb fuk baboons so they can come here and fuk al the fat ugly white trash slags,theyll fuk anything white to try an improve their genes,id sew the whores pussies up.

Comment by david wyn-jones

David, I’m sorry I credited you with the message I last replied to and realized the mistake too late. Can’t people like us get together and form a plan of action? A group can discuss what to start doing better than a few isolated individuals. Annoyingly enough I’m working abroad otherwise I’d be there like a shot. the only way to meet would be to arrange a place, a time and a means of recognising each other. This can be done here, though undoubtedly several Muslim supporters would turn up too. They would need to be weeded out from the very start.. To get our own people to realize how they have been royally duped by teachers and the political authorities, they need to have it explained to them in words of two syllables.. Once we have our own people on our side, the rest should be fairly easy.

Comment by John

Of course Enoch Powell was right and look what happened to him – dropped like a hot potato the minute he told the unpopular truth. It just shows that in this so-called democracy no one in power is ever going to do a thing about saving our people or our country. Most people are like the people in that film “The Matrix” where they were even prepared to fight their would be liberators in order to maintain their comfortable and illusory status quo. The only difference is that our status quo is not at all a comfortable one.

Comment by John

Britain is long overdue for a civil and race war, John.

Comment by Muslim Killer

Muslim Killer:: I agree, but how many of our own people are going to side with the enemy? A very large proportion I would say. And where are our arms and our trainers in military tactics? No money, no arms and no military training. To embark upon a civil war without arms or training would be a sure recipe for pointless suicide. Our own soldiers and police would mow us down without a qualm. As a result of Blair’s legislation hardly any native Briton holds arms any longer. We need long careful preparation and training. The Muslims have access to as many arms as they want, paid for by oil rich Muslim nations – but we don’t. You see how we are hamstrung at every turn by our own politicians?

Comment by John

John, yes, the police are pro-Labour, pro-muslim, and generally pro-immigration. I’m not so sure the Armed Forces can be relied on to protect UK’s sandnigger population. Most rememember Blair and Brown’s legacy. Brown especially is hated by the Army. Recall he refused to provide them with sufficient ammunition in Afghanistan – they had to beg it off the Americans. And remember the appalling treatment of wounded servicemen and veterans by Labour-run local authorities. That itself merits execution of the socialist jobsworths.

Effective eapons may always be improvised, and there are still lots of shotguns in circulation. Naturally, traitors like Cameron and his clique of EU-loving goons need to be dealt with at the ballot box. Election of the pro-paedo, pro-‘diversity’ Milliband should signal a general uprising.

I’m sorry, John, if I sound very violent. I’m not. But I’ve seen our country dragged down by some of the vilest inbred muslim filth ever to disgrace the face of the earth, and they’re supported and protected by white traitors.

The shitskin sandnigger wouldn’t hesitate to kill us if he had the opportunity. We should start killing him before he gets the chance,



Comment by muslimkiller

muslimkiller: I agree with you and I sympathise with you. You realize of course that thousands of hysterical screaming native Britons will rampage about in support of the alien black and brown invaders of our islands? That is why it seems to me that a great effort must be made to win most of our people round to becoming aware of the threat that is facing them all and helping to save their own lives and property from those set on killing them and taking over their country.

A move to drive these millions of insolent interlopers back to the ruined wastelands from which they emerged, requires very careful preparation beforehand, both of the ground and of a sufficient amount of arms and training. Don’t forget that they have the unconditional support of limitless funding and supplies of arms from some of the richest countries in the world.

As a boy I never saw one single immigrant, now, when I go to any big city in Britain, all I see is immigrants and hardly any of my own people! The catastrophe is there before our eyes yet not one native Briton seems capable of taking it all in and feeling a sense of outrage. We’re lying on our backs waiting to have our throats cut.

Comment by John

It’s a bit daft half the world against one small island daft fuckers ain’t gotta clue.

Comment by kate middleton

Do you think of the fact that a small Island does not have the capacity or capabilities to destroy half the world’s population. Idiots an even if you tried to make a go of it. It would just speed up the inevitable. Spreading of the most popular games on the planet earth. Game of thrones. Hatton Garden. Off with there head’s one might say lol. You meanies.

Comment by haters

Yes, John. I remember that time, too. The problem is that ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’ are now protected by law, and any criticism is a criminal offence. The inbred muslim knows and exploits that, aided by a vast army of ‘activists’ and Marxist schoolteachers, who tell impressionable white kids that they, their culture, and their religion is evil.

Successive governments have bullied and threatened the indigenous population to say nothing about the vast numbers of sub-human muslim filth swamping the country. If you tried to warn them, they wouldn’t listen and you’d get arrested for ‘hate crimes.’ Islam is a cancer, and the muslim is the carrier. Destroy the carrier and you kill the cancer.

Comment by muslimkiller

muslimkiller: Obviously we need a radical revolution to get rid of ALL these aliens, but how and when? You are quite right to say “destroy the carrier and you’ll kill the cancer”, but do you see the smallest sign of anyone about to do that? Clearly an individual cannot do it. It requires a huge well-trained army or a well-trained group of civilians to drive these impertinent hordes out of the country. To lament what is going on is one thing but to actually begin to do something about it is quite another. There are many of us who would start action today if we knew what to do, where to go to do it, how to do it, when to do it and who would give us the answers to all these questions.. But the questions remain unanswered. Until they’re answered no one, however keen to act, will take any action at all. Meanwhile we all just sit there and witness the ruin of our country and our people. Everyone who should be helping us is against us – BBC, and other, radio and television, the press, school and university teachers, the police, virtually all politicians of all parties, the judges and even a large section of the church. Can you see ANY hope of anyone doing anything at all, ever? I certainly can’t. The nation is wilfully blind.

Comment by John

These mossy bastards have wrecked their own country’s, don’t let them wreck ours. why on earth have we allowed them into our country and our lives. they are evil personified. Don’t let your grandchildren be subjected to and having to wear a penguin suit AND GO THROUGH THE ACTIONS OF WASHING THEIR FACES, MOST OF THEM NEVER WASH FROM ONE YEAR TO THE NEXT ! Arseholes all of them !

Comment by Indiginous FED UP


Comment by Indiginous FED UP

Vote UKIP we can live with the rubbish that’s already been deposited here, we just don’t want any more.

Comment by billy9999

repent , before its too late .

Comment by jonny angel.

Hey… I’m bengali and I was born and brought up in the UK, but not a muslim. I don’t practice shit like veiled bitches do. I just live my life like a normal 20 year old with no strings attached. But I heard UKIP wanted to kick out Bengali’s not Muslims. There are shit load of somalians who are very religious (muslims) in this country and everywhere I go I see them acting all freshy with their horrid phones and long scarfs giving me the dirts for no fucking reason. And UKIP wants to kick out Bengali’s? Tut tut. That’s the straight racism. I want Muslim faith to just be forbidden in the UK, that’s all.

Comment by Anonymous

islam is a load of shit ,no other religion tells to kill others who dont agree with them except the muslim religion ,the so called profit was nothing but a man who screwed a lot of women and took them for wives or more so their money,the story of him being given the so called koran in a cave was by a voice that told him to write it down was a load of fuckin shit (a fucking wee green man from mars) or zog .the muslims are in for a shock one day like the rest of the world religions about the human race about our origins .the rest of us are taught to respect people and religious beliefs ,muslims think they are better than any one else . well their not half of the muslims live in shit of their own making and the other half dont give a shit .so in full i want muslims out britain cunts that they are and your false profit cunt dug up so that he was a sand nigger with bad taste in words,so in other words all christians,jews,hindu,,seikh,buddihst,brothers and sisters may ur faith be strong against these scum muslims who are a cancer of human misery

Comment by mad dave the jock

Liebour’s retarded Chukka Nigga no longer standing for leader. Probably doesn’t want shitskin Pakis living next door.

Comment by kickoutpakifilth

What has happened to this column? All the replies and comments are now buried deep within the middle of the column and almost inaccessible to those who log in . Does no one edit the column?

Comment by John.

With thousands of muslim nigger immigrants arriving at our shores and demanding asylum, is it not time WE take action to stop them, as neither the government nor the filth (aka police) are doing anything? The easiest way to deter them is to catch and give them a beating they’ll never forget. Word will soon spread back to Paki or Bongo-Bongo land.

As for the inbred and retarded Muslim filth already in Britain, a pint of petrol poured through their letterboxes will soon exterminate vast numbers of them. They live in ghettos – up to 20 in a house – they’re not even human. KILL THEM.

Comment by winston

National Crime Agency today reports they have identified more than 300 additional muslim shitskin pedophiles in Rotherham. My confidential source reveals several police, Labour Party councillors, and social services staff involved in sexual abuse of vulnerable children.

I agree with Winston (above). It’s time we started burning the muslim filth alive.

Comment by David

Yep,and u can bet ur bottom dollar all the filthy scum white trash are catholics,a.k.a,white muslims,just as bad and more dangerous to britain,the popes the head of the worlds biggest peadophile ring,the catholic church,anotha bunch of filthy retards who proffes piety,id execute the lot and do mankinds future a favour

Comment by david wyn-jones

The German whore Merkel and British Labour Party demanding Cameron lets in thousands of filthy nigger ragheads presently at Calais. Truck drivers complaining that the ragheads are now carrying knives and threatening them with violence unless they take them to across the channel. Sky News asked one Somalian raghead why he is so desperate to come to Britain. ‘Plenty benefits and no deportation’ was his reply.

There is some evidence emerging that white ‘anti-racist activists’ are assisting illegal immigrant vermin. I agree with previous posters. The loyal white community must take action themselves to stop the destruction of our still beautiful country by inbred, retarded, violent muslim filth. KILL THEM.

Comment by Adolf

Oh come on,b reasonable,weve only had half a million up to now,wtf?.national socialism would put an immediate stop to this crap,why the fuk shud we take any of the parasites?,fuk em bak to where they come from,fucking parasites here to steal your birth rights and freedoms men died fighting for while the fathers of this shit were scratchin about in the sand,countries fucked and set to get worse,more ghettos and no go areas, , , in your fucking country?

Comment by david wyn-jones

The ‘peaceful’ muslim pigshit at it again in france,what does it take b4 wankers full of appeasing crap wake up to this cancer on the civilised world,repatriate them to where the scum originate and ban any muslim shit entering europe,if the shit start any crap,wipe em out,we are at war with cowardly,useless medieval scum,so lets have a new crusade,this time finish it

Comment by david wyn-jones

Arent you just exhausted with all the innocent blacks being unfairly shot in the usa by nasty white police for theft,drugs,prostitution and being dumb animals?,awful,and all the peaceful muslims unfairly hated and villified for being human vermin?,lets all roll over and let em do what they want,thats the british way.

Comment by david wyn-jones

And lets not 4get the wogs whine, ,slavery,if we hadnt come across blacks in africa and tried to introduce em to civilisation the shit mouthing off would be in their natural habitat,starving,choping each other up,burning witches and,hopefully being wiped out by nature as useless by ebola.the truth is rarely palatable.

Comment by david wyn-jones

And when the time comes,which it will,lets not forget which white trash,traitor,lefty scum let the muslin crap into britain and then licked their arses,yes thats them,labour catholic shit,sucking up to the filth to get votes.

Comment by david wyn-jones

National socialism,hitler was right,he just targeted the wrong people,its costing us hundreds of millions to watch this paki muslin filth in our own country?,wtf?

Comment by david wyn-jones

In extreme times,its time to be extreme,muslim scum,cheap labour imported from the shit holes of europe taking jobs and lowering income,lets not forget these bastard white trash who facilitated this mess,labour catholic filth,id hang the white shit by their throats on street lamps,all this shit has been caused by white traitor scum

Comment by david wyn-jones

Enough is more than enough !!!!!!! Take every, and i do mean every islamic muslim bastard,drag em through pig shit , put them all on the rustiest ships/ boats we can find, drag them out to the middle of the Atlantic and sink em, every fucking one of them befor its too late!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every western leader is burying thier head in the sand just hoping this will all just go away, but it wont. It will only get worse.We the British/ english people are becoming the ethnic minority in our own country and the day will come when we will all have to stand up and be counted and drive this islamist scum into the sea!!!!!! and who`s fault will it be? the fucking no bolllocks, no guts idiots that think they run this country.
The day will come and we had better be ready.
LONG LIVE THE QUEEN, ENGLAND AND ST` GEORGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by den waring

Yep,thats the real issue,the labour wog loving catholic shit suckin up to this shit as its dumb shit like muslims and afro boons that vote for labour trash,oh lets have a baboon and a lefty whore in the cabinet,thick as pig shit but it looks good,wankers and whores,i.e the labour party,in bham the scum allowed muslim pig vomit to set up a school for suicide wogs,called park hill,do not forget who caused all this and the now the tide of the filth of humanity wants to leave the wog holes they infest and parasitise what good people gave their lives for,cameron tryin to look tough cos he knows there will be the mother of all backlashes coming and the white traitor trash that allowed this bollocks will be brought to justice,the peoples justice,not the justice that protects the likes of that turd closet catholic blair and the rest of the labourite scum appeasing wog loving white whores and ponce shit who,unlike you,dont have to live next door to wogs and various other human detritus,we need some home grown white action to take terror to the wog shit,but of course we are all talk,arent we?,with a history of being pissed on,unbelievable,great britain?,yea,right

Comment by david wyn-jones

Your a fucking hero exactly the way I feel too

Comment by White crusader

No disrespect to any Nationalist intended but…..Britain has gone totally soft. All people seem to do is talk talk talk when instead we should be out on the streets identifying and targetting shitskins and niggers who want to destroy us. Burning them out is the easiest way. Start with the mosques, then the raghead preachers who spread hatred. Our nigger and muslim loving police do nothing only protect the filth.

Next, target Labour ‘antiracists’ – white traitors all. Brown, Blair, Harman, Straw must all be killed for turning our country into a stinking third-world cesspit. Then it’s the turn of the EU. Kill Merkel and Juncker. It’s easier rthan you think.

Meanwhile, Labour pedophile Harriet whoreperson is demanding Britain opens it’s borders to hundreds of thousands of nigger shitskins from Somalia and Eritrea.

Either start now, or we’re finished.

Comment by Adolf

I blew the whistle on bent pigs and a black to that turd dromey,he ignored it along with anotha catholic turd sims and jamieson,all of em catholic shit coverin up other cath scum in bham council

Comment by david wyn-jones

Cameron at it again,’we must stop these young minds being radicalised,what a complete ‘cunt’, he means the muslim dog shit offspring,or ‘british muslims’,which is the wog scums way of saying,im a muslim pig,in britain,why arent they at it here?,simple,this dumb fuk country is their base,thats why,hi time our welcome matt was fucked off along with the muslim pig pewke,id love to gas the lot

Comment by david wyn-jones

Mosque nacht seems a good idea,its fucking mindblowing,build mosque?,here?,no paki shit,you take ur family back to paki shit stan an build it there,these bastard labour shit white trash are the cause of all of this,i do hope the muslim scum start here,thats if we need a reason,all muslim shops and businesses should be boycotted,that would fuk em

Comment by david wyn-jones

absolut fuckin A, fuck the lot of them.Spread the word and do it !!!!!!!!!!! A boycotte of anything muslim would be great start………………………….

Comment by den

Peaceful protest so the white trash wank we’ve got professing to govern can’t do fuck all,,,Boycott all Muslim shops etc.hit em where it hurts,,in their pockets,that’ll reduce the money they are sending to they’re terrorist mates,start a web campaign,,money is their fuel,let’s piss on their camp fire,and what can the mussy lovers do about it ?,,,,JACK SHIT

Comment by david wyn-jones

If they can’t make money here,they’ll fuck off to be parasites elsewhere,,where?,,who gives a fuck as long as not here

Comment by david wyn-jones

We don’t anything Muslim. Not their crappy takeaways, not their fake Indian restaurants, not their unlicensed rapemobile taxi’s, nothing. Spread the word.

Comment by billy9999

Its up to the younger white generation,I’m 57 so you can appreciate how I’ve watched this country swirl down the shit pan since 1960,in regard to Jews,Indians(non Muslims),or even Eskimos,I’ve no problem with them,they hate the Muslim shit as much as us and live in peace,also fighting with us in ww2,the young need to start the fight back

Comment by david wyn-jones

As always,in all places MONEY is their life blood,fuk Mohammed the pig shagger,without money they would be utterly fucked,easy solution,non violent but totally effective

Comment by david wyn-jones

Best be careful or Cameron’s home pigs be arresting me for telling the truth,,,,,,cut off their money,that I guarantee will fuck them off,not racism,choice

Comment by david wyn-jones

Just saw another one of their breeding machines… triple buggy, two kids walking and another bun in the oven… all paid for on benefits paid for by you and me

Comment by billy9999

Yep u got it,I wander how much free money they’d get in piggystan,fuck all,that’s why they’re here,they don’t give a fuck about,or have any allegiance to this country,leeching fuk Muslims in other peoples countries,parasites

Comment by david wyn-jones

I can just imagine this country in 20 years,I may not be here then but god help the young,there will be civil war,they’re a disease along with the other 2 threats to mankind,African semi humans and the cause of over population,poverty and misery,the vermin catholic kiddy fiddlas,answer?,extermination,what a wonderful world it would be

Comment by david wyn-jones

Some last minute very cheap holidays in Tunisia,with complementary am 47s thrown in,why anybody wud risk going to any Muslim shit hole is a mystery to me,spend ur money elswhere

Comment by david wyn-jones

Money ,,,now you know why Calais is full of the scum eager to get here like their brothers,refugees,yea,right,parasites,welcomed in,then pissing up our backs,disgusting filth

Comment by david wyn-jones

Cameron the twat,,,,we must strive to combat radicalism,then,,,we know there are wogs who condone what’s going on living amongst us,I.e all pigshit muslims,,,,?,durrrrr,er,make UR mind up prick

Comment by david wyn-jones

The labour catholic shit thought they’d flood the UK with dumb Muslim filth and lick their arses to increase their votes,and now poor old Cameron doesn’t know his arse from his elbow,he’s scared to call the Muslim pigs exactly what they are so we have to say what they are,pussy country,labour whores and imbeciles responsib

Comment by david wyn-jones

What the fuck is all this other bollocks of not checking the lorries etc just because of a backlog, told to only check passports!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are they fucking mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just how many pig shit scum bag gay islamic twats got in???????????? Dont know dont care , if cameron did care he`d have done something about it . If anyone else is interested I`ll help do for free what these no bollocks no guts shitheads in charge wont do, and help check all the ones they cant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have a plastic police force , so why not a plastic customs. We have got to protect our borders, these fuckers are not going to go away. Everyday they get stronger while we all sit by and hope it dosnt happen to us . FUCKIN WAKE UP PEOPLE, ITS HAPPENING NOW,and dont expect this no bollocks gutless cabinet to save you , you are going to have to save yourselves. If these lefty labour twats think that we can all live in peace with these scum bastards WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I for one wish we could, but its not going to happen, its just a fairytale. Mohamad is up his mountain and he`s shitting on all of us from a great fuckin height . The people have got to get it through to this gutless gov that we have had enough and you ,the gov have got to get on the side of your people. and NUKE the fucking mountain !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by den

Cameron still whinging on about peace and tolerance whilst HMS bulwarkk is out mopping-up every scummbag it can. All of them on the way here. Don’t blame me, I voted UKIP

Comment by billy9999

Time for a more ‘radical’ form of govt,in 20 years this country will be an Islamic shit hole off the coast of France.why is it happening?,two reasons,labour,lefty,lovvies importing the filth parasites for votes and sucking up to the Muslim vermin and the Tories want em because they bring wages down so that Cameron’s rich buddies can make money by employing them on peanut wages,every job a non British gets is a job a true British citizen won’t get,after good men and women fought wars,

Suffered with poverty and fought bastards like Tories for a decent std of life,a new politics is reqd and if these white trash traitor scum continue to import wogs and the scum of humanity there will be very serious trouble here,hopefully

Comment by david wyn-jones

Tides of filth that won’t stop coming. We all think the same but our government is weak and is only worried about repercussions from their supporters already here. There are troubled times ahead.

Comment by billy9999

The younger generation have been systematically brainwashed into believing that the negro and the Arab are ‘the same as you’,by the Labourite scum,they are the bottom of the human species and should have been wiped out as cromagnion man wiped out the Neanderthal man,that’s natural selection,and the result of ‘tolerating’ them ?, you are seeing the result of the lefty lovvy white trash whores who mate with them and wank Pratt’s that the labour scum party is constructed from.we are stronger,civilised and able to rid the planet,instead they crawl and suck up to the inferior scum and in doing so they are guilty of treason not only against this country but mankind.meanwhile,with this knowledge,Cameron pussy foots around Muslim filth infesting OUR country.

Comment by david wyn-jones

You are right, Den. Thanks to Labour indoctrination in our schools Britain has become totally pacifistic. Cunts like Bliar, Brown, and Harman (the pedophile-lover) did their best to destroy our 1000-years plus Christian civilization, and replaced it with the vilest, inbred, retarded Muslim vermin they could find. And now, thanks to to the kraut prostitute Merkel and her fourth Reich EU, we can’t get rid of them. I say, start killing them, and their supporters in Labour, the BBC, and the police.

Incidentally, I was told by a journalist friend that Paki filth are leaving Britain via Northern Ireland to settle in the Republic, because of increased security services surveillance.

Anyhow, I’m just waiting for the next shitskin outrage in Britain, and the liberal-leftie silence which always follows.


Comment by derek

And why aren’t the Muslim pig vomit killing in the UK?,because its their European base to commit terrorism in Europe,a nice softy lefty place where this turd Arab shit of humanity can get away with any shit,and noe some cunt of an appeal judge is upholding the ‘rights’ of this shit so that they can stay here to plan more terrorism along with the so called ‘refugees’ who are merely more Muslim dog shit terrorists masquerading as goof wogs,utter bullshit,boycott Muslim shops and businesses,cut off their money,cut off their head,these scum are human parasites,they don’t mind taking christian money do they?,that is the answer,buy fuck all of them and they’ll fuck off to leech on another country,as long as it isn’t ours,that’s the answer,BOYCOTT TH

Comment by david wyn-jones

You are wanker and ignorance and insecure you need to go back school you are racist using relig, nationalism as scapgoat, get alife you are failure and loser no good in modern life we respect all the religions every nations have extermists you fool s most ofyou resemble satan and vile poisons

Comment by I hate racist ppl

Who’s the retard wog who’s telling people to go back to school,would that be park hill paki bomb school?,dumb fuck,your inability to spell or construct a legible sentence indicates a retard,Muslim,or just an imbecile?

Comment by david wyn-jones

Looks like babooneese language,ava banana

Comment by david wyn-jones

Awwww! Poor retarded shitskin. What’s the matter, muslim pigshit? I know, your imam forgot to fuck your butt for Ramadam. LOL.

Comment by Tom

Did anyone watch Al-Beeb this morning? They had a shitskin retard from some muslim hate organization telling viewers how Islam is slandered and maligned, and that white Britons should be more accommodating to Muslim demands. Of course, there was a couple of white liberal-left useful idiots to back him up.

Al-Beeb is stuffed to the gills with white, hand-wringing, self-loathing, Labour-supporting, liberal-leftie shitskin and nigger lovers, pedophiles, lesbians, faggots, and all manner of Britain-hating Marxist scum.

Comment by derek

Agreed, BBC has become so PC it makes me want to throw up. More brown people reading the news than white, WTF?!!

Comment by Pete

Yep that’s the answer,more whores and half wits appeasing the Muslim shit,its these labour lovvys who are responsible for attracting the maggots here,anyone noticed how the ‘peaceful’ Muslims have expressed their outrage against their terrorist associates???,,,,no,me neither,their silence is the evidence that they condone terriorism and are funding it,hi time this country woke up

Comment by david wyn-jones

If these self-rightious pricks want us `White Britons` to be more accommodating then try doing Briton and the free world a favour and route out this fuckin vermin scum that live amongst them. Ok ,if we have to lets have a muslim police force funded by their own communities to sort the scum out. this shithead scum are here, and there here in vast numbers and I bet that there is not a one that has been handed over for deportation. Come on then you bunch of fuckin ragheads, prove us wrong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. ……………. You are the ones harbouring them within your own walls. fucking Gobshites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by den

den, don’t expect either the inbred shitskin to denounce his fellow terrorist, Al-Beeb to report the truth, or Dozy Dave’s government to throw out illegal immigrants and raghead trouble makers.

Comment by derek

you muslims and niggers think allah/god loves you…
he made you the colour of shit..
he made you smell like shit..
he dropped you in the deserts..he gave you women so ugly they have to wear a bag over their heads…by law..
he wont let you drink alcohol to drown your sorrows..
said women are so ugly you prefer to fuck goats..camels and little boys..(a tight little arse hole will make your dick seem bigger)..
the jews always kick your teeth in..
and finally he gave the jews bigger noses…so they get more free air…
and you think allah/god loves you..
thick bastards.

Comment by shaunthebrummie

I wonder what the Muslim reaction would be if Christians pulled up in boat whilst they were on a beach in their Burka’s and machine gunned them down. A bit worse than a cartoon isn’t it! They sicken me, I wish they would get lost out of my country!

Comment by billy9999

Make no mistake,ignore the political bullshit,we are at war,our way of life is alien to Muslims,but they don’t mind taking our money,we are storing up trouble and its just a matter of time until they start their performances here,this is our country,when in Rome do as the romans do,where ever you look in the world where there are Muslims,there’s always trouble,they cannot,due to their perverted sick religion,live and co exist in any civilisation,and these sand niggers as the yanks call em represent barbarism,as nature favours the fittest we should eradicate them,exterminate the males and civilise the females,we’ve had this b4 by the catholics(white Muslim pedophiles),the sun goes round the earth,etc,in this country the Tudors fucked off that figurehead of perversion,the pope,this Muslim problem is just the latest bunch of retarded human shit trying to dictate to the superior,just look at the sandy shit holes they inhabit,starving,killing each other,sh’ite,sounds about right(shit),and sunne delights,orange flavour Muslims.backward human scum attempting to plummet the world into a new dark age,we have a duty to humanity,never mind this country,to exterminate the filth,we should unite with the Israelis and wipe the shit up and flush it down the toilet of history.we are stronger,as nature shows,so we should abide by nature and fuck them off wherever they are found kissing the carpet,and the catholic,kiddy fiddling labour lovvies like Blair,the closet catholic,let this human version of cancer into our country,boycott their shops and businesses and see if Allah will provide for them,when the parasites can’t leech money from us fakirs,they’ll soon fuck off back to the sand.

Comment by david wyn-jones

Sky News report that police are extremely concerned for the welfare of a family of twelve Muslim shitskins, who went missing (presumably fucked off to join ISIL in Syria) after returning from a vist to Bangladesh.

Contrast this concern with the complete failure to take action against inbred Muslim porkhead pedophiles and retarded niggers in Rotherham, who systematically raped vulnerable girls with the tacit approval of liberal lefties in Social Services departments.

Comment by derek

Derek you are spot on with your words, couldn’t agree note!

Comment by billy9999

paki scum make me sick. Hate preaching bastards. of course you like or women, THEY ACTUALLY LOOK LIKE WOMEN.
The only reason you smelly Bastards have virgins waiting for you is cos they were too fucking ugly to get laid when they were alive. smelly, hairy, letterbox bitches couldn’t even get fucked in a religion that encourages rape. probably cos theyre

Comment by ava bitta britain

The pedophile shitskin lover George |Galloway calling for a Muslim takeover of Britain and Ireland. Isn’t it time someone killed this piece of filth?

Comment by derek

Muslim filth threatening to commit mass-murder in UK. Wake people, Start killing them before they kill you. Don’t feel bad about wiping out Muslims. They are not human.

Comment by derek

Just a matter of time,the more the pacifists appease this disease the worst it will get,they’re literally dying to get in here,along with a load of I.s scum hiding amongst em,we will see what “strong action” our pathetic govt takes when the terrorism starts here,in the meantime its costing us millions to watch the scum,”British Muslims”

Comment by david wyn-jones

The most decent discussion in this forum were between my friend Sambit & John in July,2012.Sambit even posted this forum at Indian/Chinese IQ puzzle.

Also read the forum Bare naked Islam.Both of us(Sambit & I) are Bengali Brahmin and both of us despise Islam.

Comment by Sampan Chakraborty

Well said! Good lads!

Comment by billy9999

The daily mail won’t publish my moderated comment in response to “asian” child abuse in rotherham, so I’ll say what I think here…. FILTHY DIRTY PAKI MUSLIM PEADO SCUM, FUCK OFF AWAY FROM OUR COUNTRY, YOU CHILD RAPIST PARASITES!!!!. (now, that feels better)

Comment by billy9999

Glad you got that off your chest! Britain is rotten. Appeasment of the Muslim will result in destruction. WE MUST EXTERMINATE THE INBRED FILTH, BEFORE THEY DESTROY US.

Comment by derek

Derek I am beginning to think you are right. Thanks to our indifferent politicians I find I am being forced to think this way. Me and many others who can see our country slipping away and we’re worried for our children. Muslims are NO respectors of their hosts and only want to run roughshod. Benefits, rapists, paedophilia, whiplash claimants, every scam in the book… and all knowing their “rights”. They are either at our throats or dead at our feet (and I prefer the latter).

Comment by billy9999

I had a phone call from my son’s school today.

They said, “Your son has just spray painted ‘All Muslims Are Cunts’ in giant letters across the playground.”

“You must be joking?” I said, “I don’t believe for a second that he’s actually done it.”

“Well, he did.” replied the headmaster, “I watched him.”

“Fair play then,” I said, “I owe him a tenner!”

Post anti-muslim jokes. The inbred retards hate it.

Comment by derek

An article in today’s Daily Telegraph claims there are 6,000 people in Britain in a permanent vegetative state…. I thought there were more muslims in Britain than that.

Comment by derek

Interbred cousin-fuckers milking our NHS and benefits. Non of them contributing, parasitic scumbags.

Comment by billy9999

What day call a good looking paki?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,as if,way I tell

Comment by david wyn-jones

The cowardly cnuts have murdered four US marines now

Comment by billy9999

The answer to so called lone wolf,more like muslim pig dog atacks?,do the same to them,only a lot more often,mind you with a govt including muslim filth and labour luvvys both here and in america what do they expect,internment,minimal food and make the muslim shit work,they did it with the japs in america in ww2,when the leeches cant make money,evil fakir money,the crap wil fuck off back to the shit holes they spread from,or lets continue to welcome em in,kis their arses,alow em to create ghettos,indoctrinate their ofspring to commit terror, ,al this while alowing them to live and breed more trouble for the next 50 yrs in this,your country?,im glad to be welsh,it appears the english are brainwashed beyond reacting,as for so caled ‘good muslims’?,does that mean dead uns?,thats the only type who arent a danger

Comment by david wyn-jones

Not my words but i read these and weep. “Hmmm…. perhaps time for the British to stop meddling in Libya and Egypt, wasting their money “helping” savages. Instead bring the military and drones to every Muslim no-go zone in England and begin the clean-up and mass deportation process. And if they don’t want to go – they know what to do.
Israel is apparently “theirs” and their whinging and crying for 60 years does not end after their illegal mass migration and occupation of the country. India is “theirs” for the taking. Burma is “theirs” as they please. Thailand is “theirs” by daily beheadings and terrorism. France is earmarked to be “theirs”. Belgium is soon “theirs”. Spain is earmarked to belongs to them too, because they had a dirty mosque there decades ago, which, thank God, the crusaders destroyed. Italy is also earmarked to be “theirs” once they get going. America is earmarked and their main target before anything else. And it goes on and on.
Thanks to Mark for forwarding the screenshots.
One of our readers – Just an ordinary guy…- give his input on life in England with Muslim immigration:
I chose to sell up and leave in 2003 – as far away as possible from the multicultural mess that the UK has become.

Why? After 7 years living in the East End of London and witnessing many racist incidents (all by Muslims I should add), combined with the suffocating PC atmosphere at work I had had enough.

We had to employ lots of immigrants in our offices and the white staff had to carry them. But just try to sack them for incompetence or lazyness and you get called racist when in fact we bent over backwards for them with training courses, mentoring etc etc.

I wasn’t racist to start with but I sure am now!

My wife had been stoned when on the way home from work, we had been surrounded by an armed gang in Millwall Park, I had been attacked when I took my dog to the vets one night, runners in the London Marathon near to my house in 2003 had been stoned and spectators who objected to these muslims were attacked with swords and knives.

I saw a white guy beaten with hammers by two muslims in Wapping High Street, a Muslim stabbed an 11 year old boy and ran into a “mosque” on Westferry Road, but the police wouldn’t drag him out due to “sensitivities” and his community then whisked him out of the country and away from justice (they did however arrest the child’s father for “causing a disturbance”) – the list goes on.

I had even stood on a train platform on the Isle of Dogs and heard a group of muslims discussing how they would like to kill a white man. Didn’t choose me though as there were only five of them and one of me.

Their favourite tricks are to sneak up behind people and stab them in the buttocks or mob white women on the way home from the office and sexually molest them. That’s when they’re not starting fires and then stoning the Firemen when they arrive. Oh, and not to mention the vandalised churches and graveyards.

The neighbourhood was in uproar but the police did nothing!

The Tower Hamlets Council has been taken over by Muslim politicians amid suggestions of widespread voter fraud and they will not cooperate in dealing with the racists as they are members of the same extended tribe.

This is London – and its coming to a town near you!

When I meet friends now, even those outside London, I’m always interested to see how long it is before they say how sick they are of the country and want something done.”

Comment by billy9999

The police are useless there is widespread corruption in the higher ranks,the time will come when the people will take no more,and remember,turds like Galloway,when the time comes I would personally enjoy cutting the scum sucking Muslim lover up with a scalpel,very,very slowly along with the bastards who tell us we’ve got to live with savages while they live it up well away from the shit,we should start a national socialist party of great Britain,I don’t condone Hitlers persecution of the Jews but I would applaud the annihilation of every Muslim piece of shit on this planet,country’s fucked,I’m 57,its the white youth that need to rise against the traitor scum that proffes to govern,we fought a war to keep the Germans out,now they ship nigga shit,east euro scum and Muslim parasites in here,I’d hang the bastards for treason,now that’s a job I’d really enjoy.

Comment by david wyn-jones

TOTALY agree .

Comment by White crusader

Quiet ain’t it,is everyone at the mosque carpet kissing,black assess raised to heaven,where 13 turtles hold up the earth? Lol

Comment by david wyn-jones

I’m just marveling at how much shit we stand for,mind u,the country’s become a Muslims shit hole ain’t it,perhaps we can wipe our tolerant arses with pages from the wog koran,.

Comment by david wyn-jones

OK,let’s lighten up a bit,,,why wasent Jesus born in Birmingham?,,,,they couldn’t find 3 wise men and a virgin.

Comment by david wyn-jones

There’s a history lesson,whenever a corrupt government ignores its people,,,they kill the bastards,,are you listening via gchq Mr Cameron?,the clock,I think,is ticking,as this is a new situation,its interesting to watch how it evolves.

Comment by david wyn-jones

The only similar phenomenon I can recall is,,,,locusts

Comment by david wyn-jones

Remember Sparta,the crusaders and defend your civilisation against the enemy within,the pope cretin,the devil incarnate and the evil filths imbeciles,Islam and catholism are symptoms of the same disease.

Comment by david wyn-jones

The worst enemy’s this country,and this cradle of modern civilisation has are the treacherous vermin that proffess to govern it,removing them is the first step to reason. The time is near.

Comment by david wyn-jones

While the catholics fuck your children,the Muslims invade your land

Comment by david wyn-jones

BBC filth again showing ‘ideal’ family: Nigger male, white woman, half-breed kids.

Comment by derek

Yep,its called brainwashing,labour catholic kiddy fiddling BBC a rats nest of disgusting catholic perverts like janner,to barmy to stand trial,but not to barmy to deny it,county’s fucking rotten,we should have a clean out like Hitler did and hang every priest pervert on the lamposts and kick every catholic out of any public job

Comment by david wyn-jones

Fuck you , i’m a Catholic, never kiddy fiddled and have done my fair share of Muslim bashing. We are also swingers, tokers and generally a very happy white couple. Perhaps Hitler was right with the pikies and arabs , but we are all on here to sort the Muslims out.

Comment by White crusader

Time for some enlightenment,I detest all religions,every war,every suffering caused because some imbeciles believe there’s a big man in the sky who gives a fuck about some insignificant upright apes fucking each other over generally for money,or religion,in the case of the catholic church,let’s not forget their contribution to human progress,,,the sun goes round the earth?,witches?,burning at the stake?,population explosion because the big man in the sky rekons u can’t use condoms?,and the biggest paedophile ring on the planet?,yes of course its natural for a priest of all that bullshit,to go thru life without a shag?,oh almost forgot white crusader,the fucking scum pope betraying the knights templars.that about covers the catholic religion,there’s plenty more examples if u want em,and they are dangerous as any Muslim,they permeate modern society in finance,charity,education(brainwashing),the BBC and government.ban religion and there ain’t no man in the sky,only aliens watching the walking apes,going to church and tescos lol,what a species we are

Comment by david wyn-jones

Space men, said it all with last post.

Comment by White crusader

There’s a saying,,,,,not all Muslims are terrorists,however,all terrorists are Muslims,there’s another,,,,not all catholics are paedophiles,however,all paedophiles are catholics,check the statistics.

Comment by david wyn-jones

So there arn’t any Muslim pedos, time to stop eating thoes welsh mushrooms fool.

Comment by White crusader

Let’s hear it for jimmy saville,he was a ‘good’ catholic,durrr,white Muslims,BBC is full of the filth,you’ve just seen the tip of the catholic iceberg,why do you think Cameron’s trying to fuk the popes kiddy fiddler outfit off?

Comment by david wyn-jones

Allah shagged 12 year old boys that’s where they get it from

Comment by billy9999

Who?,the BBC lol

Comment by david wyn-jones

Allah is wog for god,I think you mean muhhamad,an Arab catholic lol

Comment by david wyn-jones

Denial,the next hiding place after religion,very sad

Comment by david wyn-jones

And next?,the baboon hoards of shit,mostly more Muslims,pouring into Britain in search of what every negro craves,,,an easy life paid for by you and me,what a utopia,Africa,what a successful monkey garden,hence the niggas migration,the monkeys are moving north,got a spare room?,let’s hear it for Ebola,natures way of exterminating a useless species,and catholic do gooders saving the shit,for future trouble.

Comment by david wyn-jones

Fuck me,I am shocked,dirty Arab Muslim scum fucking white 12 year old children,now that’s what I call ‘integration’,and the iman dog vomit says,,,,,,this isn’t just a Muslim problem????,oh that’s OK then,what the fuck is going on in this country,,,hang the Arab wog shit

Comment by david wyn-jones

Gone quiet ain it?

Comment by david wyn-jones

The Muslim issue?,that’s just one of the issues,intelligence appears to be the most obvious,I don’t read shit,blah blah fucking blah,deal with the ‘white’ issue first,,,kiddy fiddling catholic filth,then deal with the Arab retard scum,clean UR own house 1st,then deal with the others

Comment by david wyn-jones

Back to the Mushrooms boyo.

Comment by White crusader

And back to Saxony,frog descendant lol

Comment by david wyn-jones

welsh retard cant even win a game of Rugby against us or France. you will be out in the first round come September. Should have changed your name, cant find you on facebook as every one in wales (with a small w) is davies, davis or jones, i

Comment by White crusader

I would far rather be French than welsh, nice people , nice country and no welsh there.

Comment by

You won’t find me on wankbook,Twatter or any govt fact finding crap,as for rugby,load of sweaty gimps with a ball,boring

Comment by david wyn-jones

Facebook is for paedos anyone over 30

Comment by billy9999

Good job I’m 57,and rememba what jimmy saville said,,,if you can’t get a 16 yr old,,,,get 2 eights lol

Comment by david wyn-jones

So your even racist against the original people of Britain,the welsh?,blown your Anglo Saxon brain have I,never mind,to understand something,you need two prerequisites,a brain,and the ability to use it,see how easy fools,with or without fungi quickly assume that they’re superior,and for you?,try denouncing that kiddy fiddling fantasy crap catholism,yes there are aliens,the earth goes round the sun,,,,and no,its not right for cunts dressed like cunts waving smoke,whilst fucking children,wouldn’t you agree?

Comment by david wyn-jones

Your right I dont have any time for the welsh, no more than the welsh like us. And your also right that some of the priests are as bad as the muslims but you need to agree that there not trying to take over the world,rape your wife and kill you

Comment by White crusader

Your right there’s all sorts of paedos,however,if it was a football league the catholics are top of the premier,aren’t they?

Comment by david wyn-jones

Most your comments on here are great but some really are stupid as they come. Sort out the Muslims is the main job in hand.

Comment by White crusader

There’s a good job going,£85,000 a year,prostitutes and cocaine thrown in,this is an example of why this country is fucked,that piece of shit should go to nick for 5 years but of course he’s not a peasant like us so the old boy network,Eton,Oxbridge will cover the bastards arse,and we wander why the country’s a fucking shit hole,mind you,at least there’s no kids involved,as far as we know,the hilarious element is that this turd was responsible for “standards”, mindblowing

Comment by david wyn-jones

Sky News article about a shitskin school in Dewsbury, the Institute of Islamic Studies, run by extreme porkhead cult. They are brainwashing kids to hate the kuffar (non-believer).

Here’s the address and phone number: South St, Dewsbury WF12 9NG. Phone:+44 1924 485712

Come on, Patriots, who is going to do Britain a favour and burn the inbred filth out? It’s obvious that Scameron, despite promises, is doing nothing to prevent the inbred filth from spreading like the disease they are.

Best wishes., Derek

Comment by derek

Yep they’ve got their own schools all over,I’m in bham,twinned with Islamabad,shops,they don’t mind taking our infidel money,no religious problem there,alum rock area is all Muslims,no go area,in OUR country?,Muslim council of Britain?,is there a christian council of Pakistan?,no,they wouldn’t stand for it,they’re murdering Christians in pakiland while us idiots let the scum do as they like,Cameron’s at least trying to control the bile,let’s not forget it was shit left wing labour traitor shit that let em in to get votes,fucking labour scum are fully to blame and it will reach the stage of civil war,integration? They don’t want to integrate they want to take over,blame Blair,who suddenly became a catholic like his ugly frog faced bitch,its a wander the grinning prick didn’t convert to Islam shit,what a fucking country.

Comment by david wyn-jones

And what exactly, is Cameron doing about it (besides spouting a load of hot air)??

Comment by billy9999

Cameron can’t undo 20 years of shit Blair and the lefty wog lovers created,thank fuk we didn’t get milliband and his posse of shit in ,the only ‘nice’ way is to stop all migrants,we don’t need em,if there are shortages in nurses or whatever train our people,that would cure unemployment,we need a credible political party,not like nik griffin and his oh so obvious thugs,those twats will never be taken seriously,what exactly is so bad about a modern national socialist movement?I’m not suggesting we gas em,as much as I’d like to,repatriate all Muslims to their country of origin,I.e any shit hole country ending in ‘Stan’.if you don’t want to be British,,,,,,,fuck off out,simple.An even better solution is to let the scum have a califate,send em all there,then when they’re all in one place,nuke the rats out of existence,they aren’t just a disease here,they are a threat to civilisation the filthy retarded crap,like any disease the only answer is to eradicate it.

Comment by david wyn-jones

Far, far too late for Cameron’s incremental ineffective changes. He’s appeasing them whilst trying to look tough. Time is running out.

Comment by billy9999

Well,let’s look on the bright side,at least the queens a national socialist,and we know what Hitler would have done,all the Muslim crap would be ashes by now.

Comment by david wyn-jones

Sky News today report Rotherham to receive public monies for ‘child protection.’ I NEVER HEARD THE WORDS ‘ISLAMIC’, ‘MUSLIM’, OR ‘ASIAN’ ONCE MENTIONED.

Again, we see the filthy, inbred, shitskin muslim appeased in the name of diversity and political correctness.


Comment by Derek

Its been given to javed khan to sort out. In other words a complete stitch up and the rapists will get off scot free.

You should never forget a face and here’s why.

Comment by billy9999

I am a Canadian citizen. The number of Muslims here are rising dramatically. I see the same problems happening and everyone wants to accept these people. I don’t know why. They clearly hate us, why is my government so bent on letting them stay. Now there are generations of shit stains who will be left alone because the government calls them “Canadian citizens”. They are not my country men! They are buying our land. Exploiting our systems and creating a variety of problems. It is time for them to go. Before people start dying. DEPORT MUSLIMS EVERYWHERE. They will tell you themselves they want YOU dead!

Comment by josh

Unfortunately you are correct. There seems to be no way out of this. Read “the Islamic state of Dewsbury” its already way too far

Comment by billy9999

Just shut up you racists who don’t know anything.You don’t even know what Islam is. Ever try reading the Quran? You all a bunch of stupid nincompoop racist who don’t know about their own religion and corrupted their own book. All you and your countries especially USA are controlled by NWO , Freemasons, Jews , Israel. Just take a look at your dollar note. You all are stupid bloody ignorant racist and shitty people.

Comment by Anonymous

Fuck you and your pedo mohamadfuckerpigcunt. Not rasist loads of black,Jewish and Asian friends just not the stinking muslim cunts. Your a moon worshiper,lead by a pretend profit and believe in the fairy tale book of the devil.
Any other comments please leave name and address. Let me guess Mohamad (PBUH) (piss be upon him) from London Luton Dewsburt or Bradfordy.
The crusades are back and your pussy race will be wiped out as it very nearly was last time round. Retard, brainwashed goat fucker.

Comment by White crusader

Shut up you fucking racist white Israeli or nwo or what ever pig. you racist asshole will have to pay for it with our big black cocks high up in your tiny white ass and it will be really painful and you would be crying. Don’t make bad comments about religion or I will come to ur home and fuck everybody hard you racist Zion .

Comment by Father of white crusader


Comment by White crusader

I would not have a heathen, pig who lives in our country as a dog let alone a parent.

Comment by White crusader

Than why do all ur white women want big black cocks high up in their asses? If you don’t know about something than shut the fuck up you white pig eating ass.

Comment by Father of White crusader

Perhaps beacause there husbands ask them too, but believe me not up the ass and definatly not with a muslim (smallm as always as not a name of a real race) , there is tabo fun sex and no fucking way will I go near that stinking Muslim.
We know one Muslim and we take great pleasure in putting vodka in his coke when hes not looking , he was at a BBQ and we dripped bacon fat on his burger. Funny as fuck. Now off you go like a good boy and practice your bomb making, even better go fight in Syria you miserable Immigrant piece of Pig shit.
Still not given your name and address out, can only presume you come on this site because it makes your little cock go hard.
Now piss of and go fuck your goat.

Comment by White crusader

White Muslim eating more like,could make sausages out of em,save using good pigs,now then you can see what’s appnin in Sweden,lovely lefties av let the scum in,no one will employ the useless dumb fuck shit,so wat do they do to live??,yep u got it,drugs,guns,gangs etc,exactly wat u would expect from parasites,live off the host,be coming to a nice,civilised town near you very soon,that was a public advice message from the channel tunnel tourism board,a huge vagina at Calais,straight up the uterus tunnel to benefit wonderland.

Comment by david wyn-jones

Well thats more like it, well said, we are now on the same wave length, lets hammer this cunt view the ones I have had the pleasure in getting from this pig shit wanker.

Comment by White crusader

Like economic locusts swarming in to consume civilisation like a biblical plague,you can imagine Europe in ten years,collapsing into chaos,civil anarchy,no go cities,sumat got to give,as for the lefty scum news statement,”in Sweden theres a rise in racially motivated attacks”,,,,,,,,,,no,try this real interpretation,,,,there is a rise of incidents involving mainly immigrant filth due to a rise in the amount the farty swedish govt have welcomed in,there now,that’s the TRUTH.

Comment by david wyn-jones

Paki Pork munching heathen goat fucker.That’s why your ugly bitch women have to keep their ugly boats covered up with a sack.Bastard 4th world cockroaches.Your day is near and it’s nearer than you think.

Comment by Greg

I see a copy of the satanic verses was found in Birmingham which pre dates the current carpet kissers book of shit where turtles hold the earth up,dear me

Comment by david wyn-jones

What’s the matter, muslim porkfucker? Didn’t get your butt ridden by your imam at ramadam? By the way, we bought a lovely copy of the koran. Really large pages, beautiful soft paper. Great for wiping our backsides.

Comment by derek

I have tried wiping my ass on it but found it a bit hard.

Comment by Greg

Why would any civilised human want to read the Koran,Quran ?,you read it retard sand nigga,we wipe our lilly white arses with it

Comment by david wyn-jones

Do you recon hes gay and got a hang up about it?

Comment by White crusader

More like a hang up about his tiny needledick that he’d be hard up to please anything with

Comment by billy9999

These fuckers don’t want to “integrate”, they want to occupy,its a slow pervasive cancer of humanity that will consume us if no action is taken,dark ages 2 ,the movie

Comment by david wyn-jones

Stop Press! Knocked the crap out of a shitskin after he made a nasty and gratuitous remark to the wife. Left him spitting his yellow teeth onto the road. Violence, I’m afraid, is all those retarded and inbred vermin understand.

Comment by derek

love it, next time force feed them RAW bacon.

Comment by White crusader

Corbyn if elected to Liebour leadership promises to open Britain to ‘unrestricted immigration,’ as well as imposing herd-left policies on Britain.

Prepare yourselves for all-out civil war. Kill reds everywhere.

Comment by Derek

Corbyn looks the typical lefty wanker,hush puppy shoes,beard etc,if labour twats are things of the past,the shit who got this country in the shit,they’re a fucking joke,silly bitches and weirdos,national socialism,updated for modern times,that’s the answer,every immigrant who comes here costs us money to keep,then they live in ghettos,costing us our way of life

Comment by david wyn-jones

Actually,it was that fat paedo Ted Heath that started the current shit in 1973 by joining the so called Common Market as it was then.He ignored all the wishes of the population and put this country into that shithole for his own gain and what we are seeing now is all down to him.

Comment by Greg

Everything we’ve fought for,our rights and standards of living are seriously under threat,these so called “refugees” have fucked up their countries and now are coming to fuck this one up while we pay them to do it.

Comment by david wyn-jones

I so very sick of these people who are sucking this country dry , I was attacked by two Muslims with hammers and they walked out of court , it was a raissit attack and now I’ve lost everything and a Muslim doctor who will not pay his bill , these Peaple would sell there asshole and shit through there ribs and they hate us White Peaple , FUCK OFF AND DIE ALL OF YOU STINCKY SCUM BASTERDS !!!!!!!!!!

Comment by Peter

I am still amazed at how stupid the muslimes are, non of them have yet seen the seed that islam carries within itself will be the cause of the destruction of all muslimes.

I had a holiday in my heart when the CEO talibane snuffed it.

Comment by Mike Shaw

Hundreds of illegal immigrants every month still managing to enter Britain. They’re being advised by white ‘activist’ filth that once on British soil they can’t be deported because of EU law.

If that wasn’t bad enough, many are suffering with diseases such as smallpox, AIDS, tuberculosis, which will infect (as one shitskin website is telling them to deliberately do) the native population.

What’s wrong with ‘Nationalists’ these days? Are they so demoralised that they won’t fight? Start killing a few of the muslim nigger filth and word will soon reach Calais. They’re vermin.

Comment by Derek

As thousands of immigrant vermin swamp the shores of southern europe hoping to head for Calais and Britain, the Green Party are demanding they be allowed to enter the country. The Greens are traitors; they’re like melons – Green on the outside, Red on the inside.

Anyone ready to kick the shit out of a few Green councillors?

Comment by Derek

Great Britain is a wonderfull land and we want to keep our traditions and way of life safe and free and if these ignorant and dangerous muslim clerics do not like our customs then they have to get out of our country we don’t want to listen to their ridiculous ranting and watch their ugly faces on t.v. they are centuries out of date with european ideas and lifestyle and why don’t they emmigrate with their families to one of the middle eastern countries WE DO NOT WANT ISLAM IN BRITAIN

Comment by english woman(angela)

Corbym is already wooing the Muslim vote in his bid to become labour leader

Comment by billy9999

Angela, the problem is that muslims anywhere cannot be shifted without violence. In Britain they are protected by lefty-liberals who want to destroy our culture and religion.

But, why won’t people fight? Are we now so complacent, so resigned to becoming slaves in our own country, that we no longer have the will to protest, to exterminate these subhuman and inbred parasites. RISE UP AND FIGHT!

Comment by Derek


Comment by Greg

Read today that niggers in Sweden are demanding black ‘band-aid’ plasters. Prompted by complaints from a white lesbian ‘anti-fascist’, the government is to issue black and brown plasters to avoid charges of racism. Couldn’t make it up.


Comment by steven

Best they go and have a word with that leftie assole,Bob Geldof then.

Comment by Greg

Muslims are like Nazis,
sadly we have to use the methods of
the Nazis to get rid of them…
Irony of history…

Comment by Mike Hilbert

Rotherham pigs protecting inbred shitskin pedophiles from prosecution. Rotherham Social Services (Labour shitskins, niggers, and their white admirers) in massive cover-up.

Comment by Derek

Got a link?

Comment by billy9999

muslim cunts

Comment by paul

allah sucks cock!!!!!@

Comment by paul

Twice this year I have been racially abused by Asian Muslim men in their mid 20s. On the 1st occasion I was threatened to be raped by one hundred Muslims (his words not mine) for calling him a twit for nearly causing a terrible accident while driving on the phone. I’ve got to be honest, white, black, asian…. i’d still have called him a twit! Not a single racist word left my mouth yet he starts screaming that i’m a white racist whore, a stupid white racist bitch! And then starts to film me after screaming abuse for at least 10 minutes. Why did he film me? Yesterday I was at a train station, talking to no one – completely minding my own business waiting for a train when an asian boy started racially abusing me, went on to call me a racist and again started to film it. WTF? Something very wrong is going on in this country at the minute. The hate these young asian Muslims have against white females is very scary. Something needs to be done about it and fast! These men are getting angrier and angrier, their own community are encouraging this behaviour. White females are not safe! Oh and surprise, surprise… when I contacted our housing association after finding out the 1st guy actually visits the Asian family who live next door to me, what happened? Nothing! Why? Because apparently it’s not racist when it’s against a white person! We need to take a leaf out of France’s book and start enforcing the fact it’s our way or no way! These are dangerous bloody people

Comment by abusedwhitefemale

Sounds like they’re intimidating you to drive you away… so they can move another load in next door.

Comment by billy9999

Where do you live? NW England?

Comment by Pete

SE Greater London!

Comment by abusedwhitefemale

I’m in NW London suburbs, full of pakis round here but they don’t give me any bother. Sorry to hear that you are having a bad time, be strong!

Comment by Pete

You need to live in a Polish area. They will not tolerate Muslims. Leek in Staffordshire has a lot of Poles (refugees from WW2 who settled plus other more recent settlers). There’s hardly a Pakistani face in town (unlike Stoke-on-Trent, just down the road from Leek, which is a hell hole).

Comment by billy9999

I shouldn’t complain to much – where I live there are minimal of them it’s just my bad luck I have the one of few right bloody next door. Before moving here I lived near Brick Lane in East London. Now that was running alive but I never had one cause me problems, Maybe because their the minority round here it makes them more angry and aggressive. The one who visits my neighbour is definitely radicalised, i’ve seen such hate and I lost count of the times he said, “me and Allah run this”. Disgusting individual.

Comment by abusedwhitefemale

What more do you expect from sub human vermin.The old bill are terrified of them,the cockroaches in government are licking their asses and a fair amount of white traitors are prepared to turn against their own kind because they think they will be victimized if they complain.That,unfortunately,is life in the UK,today.We have allowed all manner of foreigners to crap on us over the last 100 years such as,Greeks,Turks,Pakistanis,Indians,Africans,West Indians,etc and now we are paying the price for our folly.

Comment by Greg

Boot these Devils from the dark ages back to where they slithered from.They do not belong with the white race and are only here for what they can rape and pillage from us.They all hate the white race and will never be accepted in this country by true whites.They are plotting to destroy everything we stand for and use our country as a shit bin.

Comment by Greg

Cameron to take ‘thousands’ of immigrant muslim vermin, and to provide additional £100 million for Syria. Meanwhile, our armed forces are being dismantled to pay for it.


Comment by david

A billion quid to import Muslims here so we can have some more integration,just like in bham,Bradford etc,coming to a town near you,enjoy

Comment by david wyn-jones

The problem Muslims pose is that they will come here and continue to let religion rather than modernism dictate their lives,or to put it bluntly,this govt is,with full knowledge of the lack of integration from Paki’s etc already here,now allowing more of the same,this will be a country with several Muslim ‘mini’countries in it thus allowing more division,some politicians should be executed for treason,there will be very serious trouble in this country,,,,when in Rome,do as the romans do,or in this case,,,fuck off,they’ve fucked up the whole of the middle east,and now Islam is coming to fuck our civilisation up helped by lefty whores and cunts like corbyn,Cameron has shit it cos of the euro criticism,the Hungarian prime minister summed it up nicely,,,we will become the minority in our own continent,or as nik Griffen put it,welcome to a multicultural hell hole.I pity your children.

Comment by david wyn-jones

Our country was ruined a long time ago, might as well let all the 3rd world parasites in now, thank God I’m in my 50’s, can you imagine the UK in 100 years time? Mind boggling.

Comment by Pete

My thoughts exactly Pete,im 58,they can’t see how the country’s being slowly fucked up,never mind 100 years,just let the Muslim imbeciles breed,15 years is realistic,lose our national identity and watch it turn into a third rate shit hole off the coast of France,what a proud end to the country that gave western civilisation the industrial revolution,now we are importing savages,mindblowing,my advice?,get you and your families out to australia

Comment by david wyn-jones

We lost our freedom due to our own white Marxist traitors. Basically as soon as a black calls a white “racist” he’s won, end of story. They play this card endlessly. All that lot coming across Europe to the west, they already have a massive chip on their shoulders (already the victims, already the oppressed minority) then you get the bleeding hearts lefties like Geldhoff, Thompson, Corbyn saying let even more in! Its ok for them, their children won’t have to live here. The UK has been screwed, surrendered by our own.

Comment by billy9999

Absolutely,watch as the ‘right’ ascend,and when the time comes,round up all the white trash that caused the situation and execute the scum for treason against the people,I would love the job,time for national socialism,the most successful political system in extreme times of tratorism,I’d skin the bastards alive over several hours.

Comment by david wyn-jones

What we are seeing is evolution,frustrated by the perversion of politics,the white race is blatantly superior,next time you see a nigga or a Muslim turd with a mobile phone ask it if it likes the white mans magic,what the fuk have you contributed to mankind?,answer?,fuk all,by natures laws we should have eradicated the backward shit off the planet by now,they’re weak and dumb so exterminate the crap while we can,or back to the dark ages.

Comment by david wyn-jones

Agree with you David, I have already advised my 20 year old nephew and niece to go to Australia or Canada for a better life.

Comment by Pete

It’s pointless talking about the problem. The muslim understands nothing but violence. Start by burning down their cesspit mosques. Kill a few (preferably by burning). Th inbred vermin will soon learn.

By the way, recall the way both Sky and the nigger-faggot-loving BBC ceaselessly screened the young drowned kid being fished out of the sea. That was pure sympathy propaganda. I don’t ever recall either channel showing a similar image of someone being pulled out of the seas around Britain.

Comment by David

Islam is the curse to earth, if Europe does not have a strong policy on religion the islamization of Europe is sure in fity years. So ye Christians save your religion save your country.

Comment by Islamhater

This is ENGLAND – take Islam and Muslims out. Before it is too late.

Comment by English Rose

Islam is just simply a religion like Christianity, Hinduism etc. What makes Islam is the belief and faith of Muslims. I as a Muslim would never disrespect another religion. But see your comments it is clearly evident that Islam does not want war. It’s you people (non-muslims) asking for war. And making your religion look like violence and evil. I suggest that you all make sure you have evidence before making a point. Thank you.

Comment by Alishaa

Stupip muslim whore. Put one muslim on the moon and he’d cause trouble. TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY: WE WILL KILL YOU.

Comment by david

Never disrespect anotha what?,oh I see,does that include donkey sex and child molesting,dumb stupid deluded spunk bucket bitch,thick as pig shit indoctrinated imbecile,give the ninja whore a bacon sandwich

Comment by david wyn-jones


Comment by SURVIVE EngLAND

The nigger- and shitskin-loving Liebour Party have at long last shown their true (red) colour by electing a piece of baboon shit calleD Jeremy Corbyn.

Corbyn’s agenda is simple: Destroy Britain. He has already stated he will open the door to UNLIMITED Muslim and nigger immigration. He will dismantle and abolish Britain’s Armed Forces. He will give away Britain’s nuclear deterrent to ISIL for world peace. He will legalize pedophilia, and lower the age of homosexual sex to 7.


Comment by David

Please sign this petition if you feel that we need to control our immigration Please spread the word and post the link via social media.

Comment by S

Muslim filth now desecrating British soldiers’ graves in UK. Just heard thatthe shitskin niggers are seeking out soldiers’ graves in Britain and desecrating them.

Isn’t it time we started burning the vermin out? Seriously?

Comment by David

Please sign this petition if you feel we should control immigration more.
Please post this petition via social media and get as many people as we can to sign too. The louder our voice the more the British Government will listen. Thank you for your support.

Comment by South1


Time to kick Islam out of Britain | Free Britain

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No fucking chance be nicer to Muslim bastards indeed,the liberal cunt who wrote that shit blow his fucking head off .muslims are a cancer as on tv the cunts trying to get to Europe are Muslim scrounging bastards and migrants who nothing but human shit in my eyes ,God forgive me but it is true I do not want rubbish that is alien in my eyes ,their religion is a cancer to this world when 500 plus cunts got crushed in Mecca and I hope it rises further if it was any other faith I would pray for them but Muslims no fucking chance as hell is where they have went

Comment by Mad Scotsman

Better act now…or you and children will pay for it.

Comment by thomas chandy

Thomas, I think Britain has give up caring. Anyone who can is leaving the country for places like Australia, where the government takes no crap from the retarded porkheads. We’re being flooded with inbred, parasitic Muslim vermin, who breed like rabbits and do nothing all day but shriek and wail for their filthy allah and their pedophile prophet madhamhead, draw benefits, and plot to exterminate us.

They have plenty of white useful idiots to help and protect them: BBC, the Police, Labour Party, Amnesty International, and lots more nigger- and shitskin-loving white liberals.

We desperately need a civil war. We need to exterminate muslims without mercy, their mosques destroyed, and the white scum who help them imprisoned for life.

Comment by David

Agree 100% David, you put it across very well indeed, I could cry when I look at what has happened to my country in the last 40 odd years, we cannot reverse it.

Comment by Pete

Wake up time,wateva religeon crap they adhere to,burn their shops and businesses afta closing hours,and c if alaha provides,they understand money,dont they?,are you youngsters geting it?,fuck god,fuck their income

Comment by david wyn-jones

Unfortunately all these problems have come about through past politicians who thought it a good thing to allow as many immigrants into this country so as to do the jobs the
that we were not prepared to do, because the wages were too low for our high cost of living . It is still happening . The original person responsible was PM Macmillan in the 50,s .
and every PM has done the same .It s a punishment of the
indigenous British working classes who wouldn’t work for
such low wages and would go on strike . In 1956 White London Bus drivers went on strike for better pay and conditions. So how did the Government respond. They brought over foreign migrants from the Caribbean Islands to drive the buses . Let me make it clear ,I’ve got nothing
against these guys . They wanted better working conditions
like the white guys . Its just the fact that the then government used these guys to show the British W/classes
that we could be replaced by people who were prepared to work for lower pay, because in their country , what we considered to be a low wage was very good. Because they had a lower standard of living than the population of this country at that time. Its still the same now .Things haven’t
changed . Except we have a lot more consumer goods and
huge bills . Vote UK IP. and get the Hell out of the EU. The only ones getting rich are the crooks ,not your working classes. Why stay on a sinking ship . Its staring us in the face ,Greece, Ireland , Spain . All these countries are in a financial meltdown .and if we stay in . I just hope I’m not here when it all goes Tits up. Because it will happen .No doubt about it.

Comment by L Beaumont

Comment,comment and more comment,when was the last time the world,truth and logic changed anything?,action,so they say,speaks louder than sound,they al undastand money,so cut their access off to money,christian money,and that will fuk the parasitic scum off,no money to fund terrorism via the money transfer shops,getting it ?

Comment by david wyn-jones

With you 200%+ ,Have not been on site for a while,but I`m with you,and I will stand in line with you and face this scourge of pig shit……..Long live the Queen, England and St, George !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by Den

Reply to L Beaumont: I’m convinced, rightly or wrongly, that mass immigration into Britain is a plot, started by the grinning baboon Bliar, continued by his successor, the pedophile Brown, and endorsed by the Marxist whore Merkel, to destroy our culture and identity.

Cameron calls himself a Conservative, LOL! He’s afraid of an in-out referendum. He’s actually more of a Liberal. I was no fan of Mrs Thatcher, but I’ll tell you this: She’d never have put up with any EU shite, and she’d have closed the door to shitskin immigration.

When the porkheads risk life and limb walking through the channel tunnel to get to Benefits Britain, knowing full well once they arrive they can’t be deported because of ‘human rights’, you know the country is ready for civil war.

Comment by David

Report into BBC organized pedophilia to appear soon. Apparently, even the cleaners knew about Jimmy Saville’s rape of kids. Yet, because the BBC is a ‘liberal’ broadcaster, not only did it do nothing to stop Saville, it actually encouraged him.

The BBC is stuffed with pedophiles, faggots, lesbians, niggers, muslim shitskins, Greenpeace and Amnesty activists, and, of course, Labour Marxists.

We should find a few of the cunts and burn them to death.

Comment by David

Britain is officially ruled by her majesty queen Elizabeth ll, is officially Church of England, and we Britons never never will accept Muslim law or Muslim customs, we are tired of listening to foreigners telling us how they don’t like our way of life,easy solution for them is get out ,leave Britain,why are they here? If this country and our laws are at odds with Islam, WE DON’T CARE, we British have lived for millenia this way and we will NOT change, so put up or get out. Roman Catholics or Pagans or Jews don’t have a problem with our customs, so be thankful to be living in our beautiful country, and do not show disrespect towards our sovereign and her government,accept the British way of life or leave Britain.

Comment by angela

It seems that the governmen’s knifing British people in the back continues unabated…

Comment by billy9999

I think its too late to kick Islam out. Previous government’s
introduced them into this country with no thoughts or concern as to the effects a foreign culture such as this would have on Britain . Unless you want someone like Hitler to
come to power ,then I’m afraid you’re lumbered. Enoch Powel dare I mention his name more or less said this would happen several decades ago. I believe consecutive British and US governments are responsible for all these problems.
Don’t forget President Obama is a Muslim. He is also a member of the Illuminate and a Free Mason who want a
New World Order

Comment by L Beaumont

You are right about Obama. This was proven when he visited a Muslim-only school in summer . He didnt want to know about British kids.

Meanwhile there are now FIVE warships now out in the Mediterranean picking-up the baying hordes all trying to get over here. You couldn’t make it up.

Comment by billy9999

Can someone please tell me why ‘all’ Muslim woman are ugly.

Comment by Thunder

Muslims interbreed with family members such as brothers, sisters, first cousins. Their pedophile and terrorist manual, the koran, allows it.

Mind, you, at least the ugly whores cover up. More than you can say for for muslim men. My God, they are brutal to look at!

Comment by David

Germany just imported 1.5m of them this year; 90% young angry males. The German army numbers 175,000. Let’s see how they get on….

Comment by billy9999

Yes, Billy, and 1.5m is only the start. Merkel said she’s happly to accept ‘unlimited’ numbers into Germany. The positive aspect (and the only one) is that Germans are starting to see through the ‘multiculti’ charade. Huge anti-islamification demos are taking place (not reported by the UK media – of course) in German cities.

Meanwhile, the predicted violence has started, expecially between Syrian and Afghan shitskins. Yesterday, a shitskin was killed by a stray round from a Hungarian border guard’s weapon. The child-raping left-liberals pedophiles in the BBC are gloating over it. All you will hear for the next couple of weeks are cries of ‘racist’ and ‘fascist’ against Hungary. We should exterminate more. Then the shitskins might get the message.

Hopefully, its the start of a civil war in Germany. My God, we badly need one in the UK to exterminate the Labour-liberal filth like Corbyn and Brown, who want more shitskin immigration.


Comment by David

My mistake: Should read ‘Bulgarian border guards’. Still, what’s the differnce as long as the vermin are being shot.

Comment by David

White Brits have been rendered ineffective by the PC leftie brigade who hold the racist bigot card up to constantly. Its the non-muslim blacks and non-muslim that will sort the mussies out (after all, they can’t be racists can they).

Comment by billy9999

Well now my frends,this is the turning point,up to u,im to old,u arent,fuking kilk them nnw,or face the consequences,talk to me

Comment by david wyn-jones

David – I agree. Yet, most people in the UK don’t seem to care what’s happening to their country – as long as they get their football and soaps – and the media knows it.

The latest immigration acceptance scam appeared on Sky today in the form of the ‘Wellington Trust,’ another pro-multiculti charity demanding aid for Syrian immigrants. This time, it’s sending (I kid you not) teddy bears!

The loony Labour liberal-left are determined to destroy Britain (and themselves in the process) by letting in immigrant vermin. The pedophile-loving Corbyn has already said that he will open the immigration floodgates if Labour gets elected.

Another sign of the times is the nigger male with a white woman (never the other way around – that’s racist) and half-breed kids appearing in adverts, and in BBC productions. BBC childrens’ programmes apparently can’t be aired without at least one little coon making an appearance.

The Conservatives, BNP and EDL are as good as useless. It only leaves UKIP.


Comment by david

You only have to see how far it has to go ie beyond the point of no return just look at the damage Merkel has inflicted on germany , basically ruined her country in the space of one summer.

And Cameron is letting in 650,000 per year.

The plot is nearly implemented and our people are too thick to realise.

Comment by billy9999

Agree with you David. I am amazed how many people don’t share my views, they just want to watch Eastenders have a holiday in the summer once a year and bollox to England.  You mention the coon man with white woman thing, that is so true and it IS racist towards white men and arguably coon women! The other thing is TV adverts showing the ‘perfect coon family’ with a new car, manicured lawn and beautiful house. We are force fed this shit as if it is perfectly normal. The brainwashing in this country is simply staggering.

Comment by Peter Haines

Heard on Sky News today: MI5 to investigate shitskin terrorist infiltration of schools, hospitals, and local authorities.

IDEA! Find your local mosque and burn it down with the shitskins inside.

Comment by david

Please sign this petition if you feel strongly against the rise of Sharia Law our country Great Britain. The petition needs a lot more signatures so please share it via social media and tell as many people who also agree. Thank you.

Comment by L getting

Signed (for what’s its worth, the only thing Cameron seems to listen to is people taking to the streets, perhaps we can learn a thing or two there from the Muslims)

Comment by billy9999

“Stop allowing immigrants into the UK” petition was debated after 198,000+ signatures its no wonder people are losing faith in politicians & democracy…. here is the transcript….

Comment by billy9999

Read it. I see that Peter Grant of the SNP is shouting ‘racism and xenophobia’ whenever serious concerns about immigration are raised. Perhaps his consituency should me made to accept every illegal shitskin immigrant. Methinks the SNP coon-lover will soon change his mind.

Comment by david

Signed. Also telling friends to sign. No doubt our shitskin-lover pedophile friends in the Labour Party will do everything possible to stop it.

Comment by david

Moslem preachers should be arrested for treason because our country and our people have respect and obedience to our queen Elizabeth,and anybody who is not accepting our way of life should be deported to their country of origin. We do not want a load of religious weirdos living amongst us. We’re not interested in their stupid medieval beliefs, listening to their endless banging on about Allah and bloody praying, England is Anglo-Saxon!!! Not bloody Asian or African! We love pork,we love alcohol,we love sexy clothes,we will never,never change back to Victorian values,because we Britons are 100% 21st century,so Moslems, put up with it or GET OUT, your choice, but beware, you might soon find Britain not a good place to live,government policy is tightening up concerning anti-British ideology banded around by bloody Islamic preachers, they like our nhs,our dss and our free education,oh yes,but not our culture, shame on you,you hypocritical idiots. WE DON’T WANT iSLAM IN BRITAIN!!!

Comment by angela

Theres some good footage ofof the Britain first march at the weekend… An 18 minute clip on YouTube. What comes across strongly is how well behaved the Britain first procession is, in stark contrast to the Muslims who were behaving like animals. They are trying to stifle free speech, open debate and democracy… All they can counter with is the word “racist” (which is an off used card and we’re all getting tired of). Well worth watching!

Comment by billy9999

I bet the shitskins were supported by their white friends in the Labour party and the BBC. One set of inbred pedophiles supporting another set.

Comment by david

Any chance they can fuck off another bunch of weirdos, , , the catholic church,peadophiles,sun goes round the earth,no condoms,responsible for organised crime and hundreds of starving dumb humans

Comment by david wyn-jones

Kick them all out.They want to take over our country and install sharia law here. Don’t fucking think so jingly mothers.when our troops come home and parade through cities these chogie cunts try to stop them and protes and shout hatred. If you don’t like our British forces or our precious safe country then fuck off and go make some sand castles and bury your heads

Comment by Tony Pennington

Kick them all out.They want to take over our country and install sharia law here. Don’t fucking think so jingly mothers.when our troops come home and parade through cities these chogie cunts try to stop them and protes and shout hatred. If you don’t like our British forces or our precious safe country then fuck off and go make some sand castles and bury your heads

Comment by Tony Pennington

Islam is a plague on the earth, it need destroying be what ever means. Islam people are far from normal they are completely insane, the kill in the name of a made up person they rape anything and everything the marry children normal people don’t see children of sexual but Muslim men do. There rat that need burning off the face of the earth. Muslims when you read this believe me you end is coming the wheels are turning you race will soon be a distant memory. Believe me white and blacks non Muslim will destroy everything that is Allah..

Comment by End to islam

Islam is a plague on the earth, it need destroying be what ever means. Islam people are far from normal they are completely insane, the kill in the name of a made up person they rape anything and everything the marry children normal people don’t see children of sexual but Muslim men do. There rat that need burning off the face of the earth. Muslims when you read this believe me you end is coming the wheels are turning you race will soon be a distant memory. Believe me white and blacks non Muslim will destroy everything that is Allah..

Comment by Mike

Americans make the mistake of sending the shitskin child rapist and terrorist Shaker Aamer back to Britain. Of course, our porkhead-loving government laid on a private jet to fly him home, where he’ll be accorded VIP treatment, and live on benefits for the rest of his life.

Elderly white people in the UK can’t afford to heat their homes or feed themselves adequately, yet the homosexual Cameron spends vast amounts of taxpayers’ money on this muslim filth.


civil war now.

Comment by David

More multiculti brainwashing. this time, a tv ad featuring a big buck nigger and his pregnant white woman ho – no doubt with his half-breed kids – this time Halifax Building Society.

Comment by david

The 3 horsemen of the apocalpse are here, , muslims,catholics and dumb fuk blaks,the liberal white trash love them in their lovvy lovvy world,i.e the white trash slags that cant get a white cock,and fanny farts like corbyn,retrograde whores fukin what is blatantly obviously,apes,if nature took its course,and the problem is it wasent alowed to due to the white filth liberals,the blaks,the wog muslim scum and all otha thick sub human shit would b extinct by now,but the crap of past human evolution is stil here,breedin like animals,which they are,and the eventual result is chaos,u are witnesing the begining of it,hitler was absolutely right,he just got the wrong people,fuking palestinian crap and baboons stealing like fuck,this is wat hapens when ‘humans’ are required to coexist with the past dregs of advanced humanity,wipe em out now or further mayhem and chaos wil b your future.just my opinion of course,in case im arested by the plod servants of the liberal shit government,gutless white traitor scum who are selling ur white rights,usa?,keep shooting the baboon shit,unbelievable

Comment by david wyn-jones

Imagine wat a wonderful,ordered society u wud b living in,but no,lets tolerate the shit and alow em to parasitise the white civilisation,al the sand nigas ar headin to europe,to blow u al up,as per that fantasy cunt, ,mohhamad,the sand wog god,wat the fuk is this?,why did we fight to keep germans out,then let al the detritus of backward humanity in here?,cameron et al is fine,no pakis or nigas in number 11,next door,but the rest of us ar required to have the shit of the planet next door to you?,the muslim scum have taken ova areas in your country.but dont worry,its called,’integration’,burn ther shops and businesses,why?,cos wateva the wog shit believe,they believe in money 1st

Comment by david wyn-jones

Of course, it’s only an advert. In real life the buck nigger would be a crack dealer and serial rapist with a string of half-breed kids and their mothers on benefits.

By the way, Shitskin Muslim gang rape of young girls is still going on. Only, it’s more secretive. The shitskins are waging jihad by rape.

Comment by David

How much does it take till we wake up to wats goin on in this country,in the usa every 1 niga in 5 unda 30 is in prison,and now the half niga,got d job cos ees blak,rekons its the police?,cut the crap niga,times a comin,or let the shit of humanity take ova and back to caveman time,the white trash love wogs,why?,cos theyre fukin dumb as shit,and as a consequence,easy to control,us?,white and inteligent,not easy to control,get it?

Comment by david wyn-jones

I live in birmingham,do nigas unda 40 undastand these simple words, , , bus fare ?,6 fakin niga shit yute got on bus in 1 day,tryin d old man riva ticket,then,wen told to get off an walk like ther relatives in aperica, , , is it cos eyes blak?, ,no,niga,its cos yous a fakin niga who dont pay bus fare,mind u we shud suck ther monkee cocks cos of slavery,i.e wen niga shit sub humans wer found sumat useful to do,and now look wat apens wen u give the shit ‘human rights’,they are wat humans used to b,not anymore,or is it cos eyes welsh?,fuckin bullshit,are the nigas the only people who have been enslaved in history?,no,of course not,so wats so special about nigas?, , any excuse for being dumb fuk monkey shit throw backs,dats why we tick,cos o d white man,utter niga crap,no,its because ur thick and tryin to blame a very worn out excuse,try d trute,ur wat the human race was,not anymore,so thats why the sub human ape shit tinks we owe them sumat,yep,extermination

Comment by david wyn-jones

Female genetalia mutilation?,and now,in ur country,muslim monkey shit?,no,wat ar they then?,and now,coming to a place near you?,wat the fuck?,come on cameron,wat ya guna do?,and corbyn?,oh,thats theyre ape monkey shit,’culture’,that makes this cunt ry,so rich in its,’diversity’,sounds like niga shit,not ‘diversity’,to me?.am i wrong?

Comment by david wyn-jones

A simple,truthful law of nature,if u put dirty, ,i.e blak water in clean,clear water,it dont get clearer or cleaner, , is it cos eyes blak?, , , yea

Comment by david wyn-jones

Evolution,as far as the human race is concerned,has run its course,anything not white is,by natures choice,inferior,therfore,anything not white shud b removed,as would nature,without the manipulation of the catholics,well documented in history as dumb fuk white shit,then the wogs,and finaly,the nigas who,starangly enough,despite the lies,resemble the gorilla more than whites,am i wrong?,try a photofit,dont look like us ‘humans’,do they?,make up ur own minds

Comment by david wyn-jones

The worst shit on the planet?,fukin catholic shit who tel d niga they are equal to the white humans,the white filth who caused al this,day by day getin worse bulshit,dumb niga,easy prey to the peadophile catholic shit

Comment by david wyn-jones

82 % of al crime commited in the usa is commited by nigas,the overwhelming remainder is commited by mexican shit,whites account for 6% of crime, , is it cos eyes blak, , it would seem so,nigas and spics,catholic spics

Comment by david wyn-jones

Aspiring to be white,in about anotha 50,000 years,in the meantime,pay ur bus fare niga,and stop straighnin ur monkey fur,b a monkey,b proud an thank d white man for stopin u dyin out,wats africas contribution to mankind?, , aids,ebola and poverty,al hail the negro,mindblowing

Comment by david wyn-jones

Mueslims are nothing but sub human animals stroy thand should wiped from the face of the planet.
If we don’t destroy them they surley destroy us.

Comment by wes

I’m an american and this is a british website. But these fucking pigs are a threat to both our counties and we must stand together or die apart.
long live Britain, long live the U.S.
Death to the muslim pigs.

Comment by wes

Both our countries are sleepwalking into slavery. Your muslim nigger President O’Bastard is as much to blame as out David Camoron.


Comment by David

I’m sorry for my first post. I is full of misspellings. I neglected to proof read it before i posted it. I will try to do better going forward.
Great website. The world needs more sites like this one.
The truth will set you free.

Comment by wes

Islam is shit fam

Comment by Tom

You are 100% correct but the parasitic niggers and white trash love him and why not those filth have sold their souls for a few pennies.
thank god we’ll be ridd of that shit skin in a year.then all we have to do iss keep that soppy cunt Hilary out of the white house and my country just may survive.
So prepare brothers and sisters for the great war that is surly coming and in the words of the greatest band of all time (Pink Floyd). It’s better to have a walk on part in the war than a lead roll in a cage.

Comment by wes

If there were no spooks ( another name for niggers) crime would drop by 80% in the U.S. and the most crime ridden cities are those ran by fucking liberals or coons ( another name for niggers).
Those are facts. I you doubt it do the research.

Comment by wes

Sky News this morning. Two teenage nigger crackhead whores beat 79-year old white woman on Croydon Bus. Might be posted on Youtube.

Comment by David

Most humans would find somthing like that to be viel and sick.
But for a filthy nigger it’s a rite of passage.
Niggers and muslims are a blite on man kind and need t be delt with once and for all. After all i know my coutry has a few tactical nukes that need to be used by their best by date and i can’ t think of a use for them.

Comment by wes

Update: Croydon cops have arrested a 14 year old nigger crackhead whore for beating A 79-year old white lady on a bus. The filthy coon baboon bitch should be taken out and raped to death. Croydon used to be a great place to live. Now it’s packed with the world’s filth – retarded niggers and inbred shitskins – all with a deep hatred for ‘whitey’. Isn’t it time we took the battle to them?


Comment by David

I seem to remember seeing a news artical on fox news about aa year ago about one of your brave solders who was atack by a nigger with a knife and killed rigt on the street while other niggers looked on and offered no help. I that filthy ape still breathing? But thats where we are today, good and the brave suffer and die while the filthy parasites not onlywalk amung us but thrive

Comment by wes

Q: What does a nigger give his kid for christmas?
A: Your kid’s bike.

Comment by wes

LOL Wes!

Comment by David

The muslim terrorist have world wide network of filth to promote, recruit and aid theif cause. We the freedom loving people of the world need our own world wide network to actively fight these filthy perverts. Because if we wait for our governments to take action, we will all die waiting.
i’m not all that tech savvy but i have a brain , ideas and am willing to do what ever it takes to strike a blow for the western world.
So if there are those out there of like mind, lets talk.

Comment by wes

Wes, find a mosque and set fire to it. Pour gasoline through muslims mailboxes. Burn the vermin to death.

Comment by David

The muslim terrorist have world wide network of filth to promote, recruit and aid their cause. We the freedom loving people of the world need our own world wide network to actively fight these filthy perverts. Because if we wait for our governments to take action, we will all die waiting.
i’m not all that tech savvy but i have a brain , ideas and am willing to do what ever it takes to strike a blow for the western world.
So if there are those out there of like mind, lets talk.

Comment by wes

The piece of muslim dogshit ‘Jihadi John’ is dead. Inbred muslim vermin kill 153 Parisians. Further 99 critical. Muslims rejoicing in Britain.


Comment by David

So it begins,u let the muslim cancer into ur country,welcome them,then they plot to kill u and destroy ur civilisation,and imbeciles in europe and this country are alowing more of the islamic hordes in,the time is coming,by the way,have u noticed the scum muslim asociation of great britain rushing to condemn the latest muslim backed murders in france?,no me neither,every muslim is ur deadly enemy

Comment by david wyn-jones

Right on brother.
but do you think the soppy cunts in our governments will take any real action? The answer is no. They are affraid of offending the peace loving religeon of islam.
But they sure talk tough don’t they?

Comment by wes

dirty fuckin islam cunts think they own the place. killing cunts everywhere for their own stupid religious CUNTS!

Comment by nah nah

That’s why we need to take the war to them here, in the UK. Loads of mosques were attacked in France after the muslim vermin attacked Charie Hebdo. Petrol bombs are best. Just watch out for security cameras. Cover up and get rid of clothing after.

Comment by David

Classic 5th columnist,send ur muslim turds into a civilisation u cant beat wiv normal warfare methods,then use em as sleeper cells to commit atrocoties against inocent people,coming to a town near u,soon,in the meantime ur politicians talk shit and appeasement,left wing cunt filth like corbyn and co,cameron hasent got a clue wat to do,er er er,wanker,thats it,let em in,let em breed and watch the fucking mayhem and mess caused by a bunch of sand nigga shit,feudal,dumb ignorant scum accomodated by traitor shit crap like the blair catholic and drop ur wages bastards who profess to b government?, , fucking white trash traitor filth,execute them,start again

Comment by david wyn-jones

Now 4 sumat,contravesial,we,the ultimate branch of the ‘human race’,should have enslaved,or exterminated the lesser branches,unfortunately traitor lefty faggot shit white trash harmony peace cunts who dont undastand nature and evolution have alowed the various wog shit a voice,and now look it?

Comment by david wyn-jones

The ‘uncomfatable truth’,whites are the ultimate human species,why are we tolerating the existance of the rest of the dregs of mankind?,because their easy to control,being dumb as fuk,goverments,who are composed of white scum want dumb wogs cos they are easy to control,simple,time 4 change

Comment by david wyn-jones

The answer?,al muslim shit cancer are a threat to u and me and civilisation,dont know which sand niga arab crap is a terrorist?, , me neither, so kill all of em

Comment by david wyn-jones

We al know wher the filth are on fridays,petrol bomb the dirty filth wog shit,kick the scum back in their mosque shit holes when they try and escape,wake up,or die by the lies of ur traitor governments,kill the retarded filth before they kill you and yours,beat the shit in the streets and burn their parasitic muslim shit shops

Comment by david wyn-jones

Al these allah vomit wog shit have families,find em,burn em

Comment by david wyn-jones

Next time u c a muslim spunk bucket dumb whore,burn the whore,feel free

Comment by david wyn-jones

Time for a ‘muslim nacht’,burn the fucking disgusting retarded scum,before white trash like cameron and merkel watch as wogs take over ur society,kill the fucking vermin,mindblowing

Comment by david wyn-jones

I cant put into words how much i detest the muslim pewk of humanity,time to finish off the crusade,wipe the arab dog shit off the planet,every whore,every brat,every stinking muslim virus,do a good thing,kill the shit

Comment by david wyn-jones

Intergration?,yea,that worked didnt it?,ban all fucking muslims from europe,thats an answer,in bham uk,weve got alum rock,al wogs,sparkhill,al wogs,bradford,al wogs etc,fuck em out of our society

Comment by david wyn-jones

Target muslim shops and businesses,burn em out,in the street,kick em to death,make em shit scared to walk OUR streets

Comment by david wyn-jones

So that filthy piece of slime thst slid down his mothers leg is finally been taken out from this world.3 FUCKING BIG CHEERS…….HIP HIP HURRAY,HIP HIP HURRAY,HIP HIP HURRAY.JIHADI FUCKING JOHN BURN IN HELL….now france gets hit and hundreds of innocent souls are slaughtered…..These fucking savages need to be vapourised like jihadi john and quickly.Then deal with the ones in the UK that preach hatred towards the west.i say Kick all the fuckers out now,just round them up and ship them off…….what is britain becoming ?????? FUCKING WHITE NONE MUSLIMCOUNTRY THATS WHAT……uk is being swallowed up by these fucking muslim savages…………

Comment by Tony Pennington

At the begining of the 20th century Gen. Black jack Pershing put down a muslim revolt by threatening to exacutethem and wrap them in pig skins and bury them. The revolt was over in less than 48 hrs.
what we need is some one with the spine who is willing to carry out that threat and you would see how fast those shit stains would get with the program.
Fuck Alah, Obama and his dead ass commie moma.

Comment by wes

Q: How do you keep a nigger from drowninig?
A: You take your foot off his head.

Comment by wes

Q: Why do sheboons wear high heels?
A: To keep their knuckels from dragging on the ground.

Comment by wes

Lets kill some ‘innocent’ muslims like they kill our innocents

Comment by david wyn-jones

And lets hear it for the white traitor trash who,instead of keeping the islamic tumour in the middle east shit holes,alowed it to infect europe with refugee shit terrorists,the cancer has spread,aided by white filth faggot lefty labour pig shit,id love to hang em,very slowly

Comment by david wyn-jones

The way i see it, is the white traitors that make excuses for the fiilthy sub human muslims are just as guilty as they are and should be delt with in the same manner.
For every life of a Christian they take, they should be made to pay with 100 of theirs.
Those filthy fucking animals only respect death and destrutio so i say lets teach them some respect.

Comment by wes

Some good news, at least. Three of us after a quiet drink were walking home when we came across two shitskins pasting posters on walls. You’ll all be pleased to read that we left the two of them with their teeth scattered on the road after a good kicking.

Please, if you are a patriot and love Britain, get out and beat the shit out of the inbred filth.


Comment by David

What kind of country imports terrorists?,YOURS

Comment by david wyn-jones

I completely agree…Fucking smash the Saudi and Qatari royal financers of this evil religion and let the world live freely! Too much politics of appeasement to the Arab wankers! Camel fuckers…
Bear in mind there is no moderate islam and hard lined. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW! These fucking muslims are biggest cancer in the world which needs sorting urgently
Learn a lesson or two from Israel and Australia and keeps strict controls on the spread of this cancer caller Islam

Comment by David

Can someone,like cameron enlighten me,1st u alow the muslin pig shit to brainwash their brats in our schools,set up muslim ghettos wher the filth plan to kill us,then if that isnt enough,u import millions of the human fleas into our civilisation?, , are we missing something?,the cameron muslim lova dosent know his eton arse from his elbow,and labour?,these are the turd cretin nigga an paki lovers,i would skin the fucking traitor filth alive,what the fuck is going on?,kill them all,do mankind a favour,this is what u get when u try and regard sub human parasitic shit as human,fuck em off the planet now or face the consequences in ur civilisation

Comment by david wyn-jones

Guess wat?,ur so caled ‘government’ cant protect u and urs,just like the french cant protect their own citizens,the answer ?,simplicity itself,regard every muslim turd as ur lethal enemy,then kill the shit.the vast majority of muslims are peaceful,yea,fucking looks like it,dont it?,do the same to them b4 the filth does it to u and urs,have u noticed the islamic shit condeming the latest atrocoties?, , no me neither,the enemy within,just a mata of time til the scum start in the uk as cameron and his dithering half wits appease and suck up to the retarded sub human parasites,burn their shops and businesses,thats how to fuck the leeches

Comment by david wyn-jones

Make the muslim vomit unwelcome,take em out on the streets make the filth scared to leave their terrorist breeding rats nest houses,then burn the fucking sub human shite

Comment by david wyn-jones

We know where their shops and businesses are, , burn the bastard parasite filth out of our society and keep the arab scum in their sand shit holes,the crusaders should have exterminated the backward disgusting shit,we wouldnt have this crap now,so lets finish the work now

Comment by david wyn-jones

Typical dirty,filthy muslim pewk,coward wog shit attack defenceless civilised people,give the burkhard whore some petrol in the streets,even their bitches are as thick as shit,they are a disease on humanity,cure the disease

Comment by david wyn-jones

A chain of events has led to this muslim stinking shit doing this,labour lefty wog shaging fat ugly white trash whores sucking up to wogs,breeding with the sub human crap,polluting natural selection and faggot fart wankas like blair and now,super twat corbyn,wake up,ur white and superior,as nature dictates,wipe these parasitic half ape shit off the planet,as nature intended,believe in a god?,believe in nature,wipe the retarded shit out

Comment by david wyn-jones

Where else in nature do u c an inferior species holding a superior species to ransom?,nowhere,so eradicate the sub human vermin of mankind,every one of the scum,all cancer cells must b exterminated,or the disease continues to grow

Comment by david wyn-jones

This is what awaits if something isn’t done. No good waiting for Cameron, he’s part of the problem.

Comment by Billy9999

Its time for a leader to emerge,not a pussy like cameron,or a lefty faggot twat like corbyn,we need a national socialist government,yea,nazis,what was so wrong with nazis?,the only mistake hitler made was trying to kill the jews,he should have wiped the wogs and niggas out,now weve got to do it,cameron and the soft e.u wank shit arent up to the job,mindblowing

Comment by david wyn-jones

Now uve got the muslim shit in paris coming out the shadows,denouncing the shit they produced in their mosque terrorist training camps,they should shoot the bastard and its enterouge then round up the rest of the nest and burn the shit alive,slowly,halal style,god i fucking detest the vermin,its up to the young in this civilisation,hunt em down and kill the filthy scum

Comment by david wyn-jones

C a wog whore in a bhurka?,burn the spunk bucket dumb fucking whores stop em breedin,theyre the dumb shit bitches walking behind the arab dog vomit,wipe em out,bring terror back to the muslim

Comment by david wyn-jones

Theyre easy to find,every friday,petrol bomb their mosque terrorist training camps,when the shit try and escape,kill em

Comment by david wyn-jones

Uve seen the results of allowing the filth of humanity to come here.the shit of eastern europe,dropping ur wages,stealing parasite scum,taking our housing,using our nhs for free,and now?,even worse shit dregs of humanity welcomed into YOUR country to fuck ur way of life,while white,indiginous people are forced to use fucking food fucking banks while cameron uses millions of pounds,to watch terrorist muslin arah pig filth who want to kill us?, , what the fuck?

Comment by david wyn-jones

Vengence is so much more productive than sympathy

Comment by david wyn-jones

Ok,lets examin this using our old friend logic,u let wogs into ur toy shop of society and they cause chaos?,u alow the parasites to set up ghettos like bradford and in bham,then u get surprised when the arab shit of humanity,kill you?, , er er er,what the fuck?

Comment by david wyn-jones

The answer is so easy,burn their way of parasite income,their shops and businesses,simple,then watch the muslim pox starve

Comment by david wyn-jones

And if u kill a muslim parasite wog,u get arrested?,for removing vermin?,howeva,if the vermin kills u,thats ok?,cameron,you CUNT,u cant protect our way of life,forged ova centuries,guess what cunt,we will,and when weve finished,u beta answer our questions,or b slowly put to death,halal style,fucking apeasing chamberlain 2,cock suckin muslin facilitating traitor crap bastards

Comment by david wyn-jones

Im waiting for mi5 to arrest me for having the audacity to have an opinion,two world wars for this?,fucking gas the crap,every stinking one of the shit,i’ll do it for free

Comment by david wyn-jones

AT the drop of a hat, there’s gonna be muslim bodies littering the streets. Just ONE more incident on British soil and I’ll be the FIRST to go on a rampage till not ONE exists, (alive), on our soil. They want Jihad, lets fucking give it to them.
Oh aye, btw, David, your comments are echoing all the way to GCHQ, (no doubt like this one will), but the useless fuckers are so incompetent and inept I doubt there is much to consider.
Lets face it, it is as a result of THEIR inadequacies Brazilian electricians get their heads blown off and meanwhile, the scourge of Islam is allowed to wreak havok in our land and with our people/culture.
They couldn’t run a piss up in a brewery.

Comment by Rentokill

The time is soon,enough of the social control bollocks from cameron and co,WE run our world,not fucking savages,time soon to rise and b white,that cunt and his cunt likes are trying to control us so the scum niga lickers maintain their bank accounts made with oil investments in wog land,these are the white filth we need to castrate,then burn,fucking traitors against nature,these wog shit should have been exterminated a thousand years ago,the time is now,the time is you

Comment by david wyn-jones

I don’t know who is the greater threat, the sub human shit skin muslim perverts, or the brown nose boot licking treasonus politicians.
If i had my way there would be a politician hangging from every lamp post in Washington D.C. and i would leave them there. After all the buzzardds and the crows have to eat too the same as the worms.

Comment by wes 59

Heres somthing that has chapped my ass for the last 7 years. That shit skin Barack Ocoona was given the Nobel peace prize for what? Breathing? That is a textbook example of a great achievement that has become nothing but political dog shit.
Whats next? Will some bed wetting libturd wipe his, her, or it’s ass with the Union Jack or the Stars and Stripes and call it performance art?

Comment by wes 59

U want a leader?,im 58,a devoted national socialist,thats a system that works for the superior whites,the rest?,i dont absorb niggas muslims or any other inferior wog crap,what do you want?,your choice,you,the youth,the future,what do you want ?

Comment by david wyn-jones

I’ m looking for a leader, not a master.
I am a freedom loving conservative republican. I beliave in the freedom to bare arms ( as a means to defend my country against the joke of tyranny. ) I believe in capitalism, free speach, so on and so forth.
It is my understanding that under nationalist socialism i would be required to give up those freedoms and mutch more and i will gladly kill or be killed before i let that happen . But if i am wrong in my understanding, then please educate me. I am always ready to learn new things.

Comment by wes 59

Barack O’Bastard is a typical coon. All coons want is tight white pussy, loose shoes, and a warm place to shit.

Comment by David

I agree with everything posted on here but all you are doing is talking! There is no action at all! Great place to let of steam but let’s face it you will all do nothing but moan on here every bloody day!

Comment by Peter Haines

Let’s flatten Syria kill every last cunt Paki scum. Letting them dirty people into our country to fucking blow us up living off our hard earned money!!! Kill them fucking all dirty cunts

Comment by Luke

Gud aint it,importing terrorists into the country,w.t.f?

Comment by david wyn-jones

Hey everyone.
I’m not exactly sure how the UK feels about Americans at the moment; but as one I’d like to extend my hope to see that every single Muslim is either removed from your country, or eradicated. It makes me sick to see the world the way it is, and we have a lot of problems over here with the Camel Fuckers, too. I pray for the day that we, as peace loving people, all together as one realize that this prison religion is nothing but a cancer, and we need to get barbaric with it. Cut off someone’s head? We’ll fucking rip off yours with our bare hands. Invade and corrupt our country? We’ll make yours a smoldering fucking crater. We will destroy you, your descendants, your lineage, everything. You will not be martyrs, you will not be rewarded in heaven, you will not die a dignified death. We will take off the white gloves and stomp you out like the vermin you are. I am tired of seeing our youth cower in fear of these JOKES. I am tired of seeing these COWARDS gun down people and then blow themselves up. Really? Stand and fight like a man you fucking queer.
Alright, rant is over. Kick ass over there, Gents. Hopefully our shitbag president pulls his head out of his ass…

Comment by Alex

Unlikely whilst Obama is in office as he’s one of “them” himself. Things won’t start to get better until he goes.

Comment by Billy9999

Hey alex.
I’m an amerian too. I live on the coast of NC. While i am grateful for the opportunity to comuhnicate with my like minded brothers and sisters in the UK, the chances of a face to face meet up are slim so it is nice to fine another yank on the site andd lets face it, in order to take real action you need a local support system or least one thats on th same continent.
So if you’re sick and tired of being lied to qand betrayed on a daily basis then let’s talk.
They are not untouchable.

Comment by wes 59

I’ve been trying to stay out of all of this shit but I cant anymore so I feel I can now have my say ..
I’m so saddend by all the hate but as a nation the britsh empire we need to shut all borders to any of these fucking muslim scumbags its no good saying that there’s good in all religion its bullshit islam is fucking evil religion.
We need to stand together and be ready for war.
Don’t talk to them and have any desling with them and just mayby they will get the message.
Fuck u Islam and fuck u muslims.
Your not going to take my freedom.

Comment by bob bobington

Yep and, don’t eat their curries, don’t buy their kebabs, don’t use their taxies, don’t use their car washes. Tell your kids to stay together when out at night and report suspicious activity. Stay away from their drugs dealers (report them). Lobby your MP against the building of new mosques.

All of these measures are very easy to do.

Comment by Billy9999

Billy, we can do more. BURN THEM OUT! All it takes is a small quantity of gasoline through a letterbox and a lit match and you’re on your way to exterminating at least 10 of the inbred filth.

By the way, there’s a shitskin cunt on Youtube, who is threatening the white population in the UK. As usual, the coon and shitskin lovers who run Youtube (O’Bama lovers, no doubt) refuse to close him down – instead they’re banning anyone who challenges him.

The retarded shitskin’s name is Majid Hussain, and the youtube address is

He may live in London. Anyone know the vermin?

Comment by David

Give it ten years when theyve bred,b blowing the whole country up

Comment by david wyn-jones

I’m not opposed to putting hollow point bullets in the back of the heads of human cockroaches and various other vermin scumbag filth who wish to poison me with their braindead, toxic values. I want to eliminate them from the planet and erase them from the history books of the human race.
I want rapists dead. I want child molesters dead. I want terrorists dead. Let victims and their families defend themselves in a timely, efficient manner. Instant retribution. No court case. No plea bargaining, no parole. No time off for good behavior, no early release. Blow the bastards away and let the dingos pick their carcasses clean. I want the cunts dead now.

Comment by mr bulldog

Kick the lot out

Comment by P edwards

We’ve got no chance with all the western governments taking the Saudi bribes in return for hastening the decline of civilisation.

And Obama bullying Europe’s leaders… “USA is fcuked due to letting scumbags in so now it’s Europe’s turn”

Time to hold our traitorous “leaders” to account. 30-years of selling us down the river is taking its toll.

Comment by Billy9999

Words of wisdom fellow patriot.
The treasonous nigger loving politicians are just as guilty
as the sub human skunk apes who invade our great nations but when the great war that i belive we all realize MUSThappen to rid the world of the nigger vermon. On that day we will have the opportunity to hold these treasonous politicians acountable for their crimes as well, and whata glorious day that will be.

Comment by wes 59

With the government likely to win the vote on bombing daesh filth, the scurity services warn of retaliatory attack in Britain. If that happens, this is what we must do.

1. Burn down the shitskins’ mosques.
2. Burn down shitskin-owned shops.
3. Attack and kill shitskins on the streets.

Believe me, it’s easy.

Comment by David

Not while Camoron is leaving our house with its doors wide open for 600,000+ of them to come in EVERY year!

Comment by Billy9999

On Wednesday filthy muslim shit eaters murdered 14 people in San Bernadino Ca. The treasonous libturd media is falling all over themselves to make excuses or these pigs. In my eyes that makes them just as guilty as those savages that committed the act and when the shit hits the fan those fucks are going to be held accountable. I’m going to do my part to make sure of it.

Comment by wes 59

There’s only one way to deal with the muslim vermin..BURN THEM OUT.

Comment by David

Fire is great disinfectant.


Comment by wes 59

Now then,wats going on in the world,weve absorbed the dumb fuk half evolved theiving nigger shit,and now,we are xpected to tolerate arab pig vomit sand niggers,why?,so that cameron et al can control the dumb scum an use them to fuck ur white rights like the wog vomit have reduced ur standard of living working to line the pockets of shit tory scum wiv cheap labour,getting it?,every retarded wog they import,ur standard of living,fought for ova centuries,goes down and down,when the time comes i wil personaly slowly hang the likes of labour shit traitors and parasites and trully enjoy it,unbelievable,heres a simple prophecy, , within a month the wog muslim pewk wil commit an atrocity here,wana bet?,i giv u 100/1,c if im wrong,they all hate us,lets hate them,u know where their shops and schools of hate are, , burn the sub human dirt

Comment by david wyn-jones

Death is not really good enough for all the mother fucking muslims. Since they treat women as scum ,all their males should be handed over as foot slaves to mistresses worldwide to abuse them,use them as shit,torture them,and then kill them with a heel in the eye. Fucking desert niggers.Stop serving them in good restaurants too ,they can eat their own shit!

Comment by jack bourda

Moreover ask your MP to bring in a motion that will render ISLAM an illegal religion ,punishable by death.
Then throw the mother fuckers in a pig sty full of hungry pigs..
pity for the pigs ,they will be eating shit…

Comment by jack bourda

Moreover,let us begin an apartheid – do not talk to them,do not serve them in shops, do not get in their taxis ,refuse to talk to people with a Muslim name over the phone , do not accept to be served by them ,as far as we are concerned they do not exist.
That should apply to niggers as well as to desert niggers.
Curry niggers – well ok if they are Hindu – but Pakis back to Pakistan asap.

Comment by jack bourda

Hello Jack,

You Racist Mother Fucker!!!!

Professional Ballistic tip????????????????

Big Smile From “The Slayer”!!!!!!!

Comment by Slayer

What the Fuck happened to all you bitter assholes!!!! I am so ashamed after hearing all that you have to say!!!! To think that you regards yourselves to be a human beings with so much hate, destruction, and shame that you all profess!!!!! You destroy any hope that any living being will ever have! You fucking assholes, Fuck You!!!!!!!! Bring a piece and compromise, there is no other way forward!!!!!!!!!! The Slayer!!!

Comment by Slayer


Comment by david

Hate.destruction and crime, ,that’ll be syria then

Comment by david wyn-jones

I go back and read more!!!!! You are a bunch of racial assholes!!!! You disgust me!!! The idiocy of your argument is pure ludicricy and again you put me into pure shamefulness!!!!!! On another note I am ready to take anyone of you near to far!!! You will always feel the sting of the SLAYER!!!! and you will only be Stung Once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by Slayer

Fuck you shit skin. You fucking sub human savages are a blite on humanity, like cockroaches, contaminate everything you come in contact with. but the time is coming when we’re going eradicate you filth from the planet. All the civilized nations on the planet have had it wit you niggers and pig fucking muslim, so enjoy your government hand outs you parasites because the end is fucking nigh.

Comment by wes 59


Comment by David

Faggot lefty twat

Comment by david wyn-jones

Hey, Slayer, you limp-wristed faggot, I saw you sucking a Muslim’s cock last week in Birmingham…..? C’mon, you told me you prefer niggers.

Comment by David

Hitler fucked ur white british right down to the ground,, ur needed the pakis to come over and fuck/ build the economy and the shitty country back basically the muslims have made this country up and running…
Just cos the france terror attacks u cont blame random ppl just cos their muslims and yeah islam does mean Peace and it is fastest growing religion,, ur Kafirs cont take it,,, 😃😃😃😃Truth always Hurtssssss

Comment by Scorpio

Bollocks. We’ve been sunk by our own dirty self-serving political classes. Muslims are OK in their own countries. They don’t belong here. The next civil war (not far away now) will sort it.

Comment by Billy9999

Muslims are idle, inbred, retarded subhuman vermin who infect the surface of the earth. They worship a lump of stone in a tent, in a country full of brown niggers.


Comment by David

There a waste of air, filthy lazy pedo profit bunch of pigs cunts, ready for the fight, i more Boston, Paris or Lee Rigby attack and the fun will start, burning mosques will light up the night sky and the rivers of moslem blood will flow with vigor.

Comment by White crusader

And what a glorious day that will be. I get all giddy just thinking about it.


Comment by wes 59

To all my patriotic white brothers and sisters, happy holidays and a happy new year.
As for the rest of you. Fuck off and die you shit skin niggers and dune coon muslims.

P.S. Heres hoping father Christmas brings all my white brothers and sisters a fully automatic asalt weapon and 10,000 rounds of ammo and remember, gun control is a tight shot group.

Comment by wes 59

For God’s sake – can’t any of you people even SPELL? This site is just one group of illiterate morons hurling abuse at another. Why don’t you all have a stab at growing up? You won ‘t change the world by hating ANYONE. Have a bit of self-respect, and then you might find it in you to respect others. Right now you all sound like a bunch of five-year-olds in the playground. Seems to me the people you hate most are yourselves. Take chill pill!

Comment by angie watts

Fuck off back to your nigger pimp, innit.

Comment by David

If Muhammad had never existed but this so called religion of Islam was invented today what would we make of it? It wouldn’t last 10 minutes. So why do we get told to treat it and its brainless followers with respect? Why?

Comment by Peaceonearth

Don’t blame the Muslims, blame our weak pathetic scheming apologist self-serving corrupt political classes for opening the gates to non-compatible peoples knowing the strife it was going to cause across the whole of Europe.

Comment by Billy9999

The weakest and most cowardly of the bunch, are the soppy cunts we have in Washington D.C. Those who responded are selling themselves for cheap labor or votes. If I had my way there wouldn’t be a lamp post on Pennsylvania av. that wouldn’t have a politician hanging from it.


Comment by wes59

I’ve shut a few up by mentioning a few facts which has left them in a state of disarray, questioning their own beliefs !
Here’s what I said:
If they practice their ‘religion’* here, it will be in direct conflict WITH their ‘religion’* on the basis of the following….
1). In this country we farm and eat pigs, this makes the ground they stand on incompatible with them….. and….
2). In this country we brew, distill and consume Alcohol, thus, the ENTIRE COUNTRY, (including the GROUND they stand on), is in direct conflict with their ‘beliefs’.
JUST THESE TWO FACTS render their ‘book’ useless in this land or on this terrain.
If they are so devout and committed to their beliefs THEY SHOULD NOT BE HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE as the laws of the land and our culture are in direct conflict with their ideology.
(I was being a bit tooooo nice there calling it an ideology as it is just a front for organised crime).
I believe humans MUST evolve beyond worshiping ficticious entities.
I find it disgusting that humans, worldwide, are so lacking, (especially in today’s day and age), that they still look up to the sky as if there is some entity with which they can support their inbred, discombobulated ‘religions’ with.
Seriously, the insanity of religion, (in all its forms), disgusts me to the core.
However, (specifically in relation to Islam), by the way they flout their own beliefs by even being here signifies an intent not in accordance with the contents of ANY mad book written in times of Toga’s and candles.
If there happens to be any loonies mad enough to be so devout and really live their life in accordance with their books contents, THEY SHOULD NOT BE HERE AT ALL !
Therefor, logic dictates there is only ONE REASON for them to be here.
It is nefarious.
They are infiltrating our society and it must be quenched, stamped out, eradicated, destroyed, driven from these shores.
My confidence in any sort of government interaction is less than ZERO as they have corrupted and infiltrated that.
The BBC, (Black Broadcasting Corporation), spearhead this by contaminating the, (apparently), easy led minds out there.
I fail to understand how they are still arriving here, how they got here in the first place and the purpose of the words NATIONAL SECURITY.
As a technologist I can say with a degree of certainty that technology is on our side and is gradually being implemented throughout society as an AFTER-THOUGHT at combating this scourge but lets face it, THEY SHOULD NOT BE HERE.
(Take a peek at NICE surveillance).
SAIN: Scotland Against Islam Now.
(And before any grammar police think they can get away with picking holes in that statement, it is a very deliberate variation of spelling ‘SANE’)…..
Round ’em up, deport them, tighten the borders, and get some real people from the real world to run the show.
The Westminster clowns are so far up their own arses with their dodgy deals they are no doubt feeling cornered to some degree and are therefor committed to this perilous route they have chosen of multiculturalism, which in reality, is some piece of politically correct utter crap.
Nations have IDENTITIES for a reason.
Without an IDENTITY we are not a NATION.
Dilute the nation and lose the IDENTITY.
Our fore-fathers must be spinning in their graves.

Comment by Rentokill

All going to cameron-blairs NWO plan to indebt us, flood us with scumbags and rule through the resulting chaos

Comment by Billy9999

Happy, Christian, New Year to all inbred muslim filth.

Comment by David

Religion is the issue, all religions are fucking mental, the accepted insanity!! In any civil society you would be sectioned for believing imaginary friends in the sky!! Islam just happens to be the latest fuckwits who think their imaginary friend is better than everyone else’s……. you dont need religion to tell you how to treat people……. but its a frightening reminder how sick people treat others through their twisted beliefs. The sooner society abandons all religion, is the day our beliefs are equal!!!

Comment by Tony

Here we go,african ape sub human scum at it already in cologne,keep the filth where they belong,in africa,these uncivilised monkey muslim scum are being encouraged by lefty bastards to infest europe,u can see what happens when u allow the shit of the human race in ur country,this is what niggers do when u show the shit kindness,the white trash that is facilitating this,as it gets worse should b executed

Comment by david wyn-jones

You’re not wrong

Comment by Billy9999

I cant b wrong,its the truth,so why cant this govt an those in europe see it?,u decide

Comment by david wyn-jones

We all know that flooding the indigenous nations of western Europe with 3rd worlders is no accident, no coincidence. It has all been deliberately planned for the express purpose of undermining our sovereignty, nationality and self determination. Do you really think Cameron cares ONE JOT about our children’s safety out in that concrete jungle out there?

His interests lie in globalisation and a promise at the seat of a UN led NWO. He has no loyalty to his country.

Comment by Billy9999

Just like that reptile piece of shit blair,who waits till hes no longer prime minister,then becomes a catholic,i.e a white muslim,theyre al self serving vermin who have,and continue to fuck this country down the drain,tories love wogs,cheap labour taking the jobs and pissing on 100 yrs of hard gained employment rights,id love to hang the scum,god help the next white generation in this infested shit hole

Comment by david wyn-jones

The industrial revolution,2 world wars,and now look at britain,the white trash faggot lefty penis heads like corbyn made it this way,wooly headed wankers ful of love and tolerance,yea,just like islamic dog shit state,nuc the 3rd world cretins off the planet,fantasising religeous imbeciles,and now,coming to a town near you,there wil b big trouble in this country,mark my words

Comment by david wyn-jones

Wtf?,women in germany warned,in their own country to keep wog filth at arms length?,by a lefty whore bitch mayor?,stab the whore again an do the job properly,they should keep the shit at arms length in africa,dumb bastards,as i said,there big trouble coming this way,and dont forget the white trash when the time comes,mindblowing

Comment by david wyn-jones

No mention of the angry 1000 Muslim rape of 118 German women (out celebrating New Year) in Cologne on the ITV news tonight. The biggest atrocity since the Ruskies during the invasion of Berlin in 1945 didn’t even warrant a mention.

Comment by Billy9999

Why was it kept unda wraps?,because the merkel fat whore is the slut that allowed the wog shit into germany,there is going to be big,big trouble in our continent,caused by whores like her,mark my words

Comment by david wyn-jones

Send the cancerous filth up to Scotland and build a big wall!

Comment by Billy9999

Good aint it,the muslim pig vomit can call us infidels and fakirs,but we cant voice our opinion on social media,so much 4 so called ‘democracy”,fuck the white trash out and put in a national socialist govt

Comment by david wyn-jones

When we occupied the sand niggers in the middle east there was peace and prosperity,then we allowed them to govern themselves,you can see the result,chaos

Comment by david wyn-jones

Ur witnessing history in the making,the arabs and africans have had their attempts at civilisation and failed,now the left overs of those failed civilisations are flooding into western civilisation to be useless,ignorant,deluded,uncivilised parasites resulting in civil war when,as u have seen,these savages attempt to impose their imbecilic fairy tale medieval allah crap in europe,and again,remember those who let the locusts on to crops like that dumb fat cow merkel,theres a storm cloud on the horizon

Comment by david wyn-jones

Islam – “peace”, “tolerance”? – my fucking arse! Ask Salman Rushdie or charlie hebdo about that one. Islam is a wicked third world cult of brainwashing, mysogeny, psychotic hatred of non muslims, paedophilia and cowardly cruelty. UK muslims will do anything to avoid paying taxes, scrounge every benefit going and whine about racism whenever they do not get their own way. They spend their immoral money on mercedes cars and spend their time grooming and raping white children. Islam is a thousand years behind civilised society but its followers will eventually die out because of the chronic diseases and deformities caused by generations of inbreeding. Great Britain has resisted invasion throughout its history but is being invaded from within by ghettos of evil uneducated backward hate filled scum. Perhaps fucking off to their traditional homelands with no education,law, democracy, sanitation, healthcare or money would make these evil little little cunts realise what an incredible privelege living in my country is AND BE FUCKING GRATEFUL!

Comment by Robert Fox

Re the rape of women in Germany by muslim shitskin vermin, it is revealed that the police did nothing as they “didn’t want to cause offence to the muslim community.” Only after the scale of the attacks became public did the police manage to arrest three of the muslim filth.

Britain is no better; anyone who speaks out over shitskin atrocities is immediately attacked by white liberal-leftie beta male faggots and lesbian slapper ‘activists.’


Comment by DAVID

If you really want to know who controls a country, find out who you aren’t allowed to offend. I don’t know how its come to this but we are where we are now.

Comment by Billy9999

Seemingly, Billy, one can’t offend anyone – especially if they’re niggers or shitskins – the police see to that!

Comment by David

Careful now boys,or they will team up wiv wankbook and twatter to censor our opinions like that fat ass sack of shit merkel,i hope the germans hang the traitor whore,german women frightened to walk the streets of germany?,WTF?

Comment by david wyn-jones

What the fuck is going on in europe?,we fought a war to keep the germans out,then after millions died they open the door to let muslim wog shit in?,am i missing something?

Comment by david wyn-jones

Yep uve got it,turd whores like merkel and the whore mayor of cologne sucking up to the vermin crap of humanity,rememberwho these traitors are so when the muslim vomit start their shit here we can execute the lefty scum appeasing shit,i volunteer to slowly stretch their necks,again,there is big trouble coming due to these white trash,just a matter of time,ur standard of living is about to take a nose dive,while muslim parasite shit drive about in mercedes paid 4 with uk child benefit 4 their dozens of offsprings,oh and dont dare to voice ur opinion in germany on social media as the white dog whore merkel has censored another of our fought 4 rights,to tell the truth,fat bastard bitch,cameron,sucking the saudis cocks will be next,revolution,it appears,will be the only way to fuck the muslim disease off,along with the white trash

Comment by david wyn-jones

National socialism is the answer,or do we want,or need assholes like the tories or faggot jokes like corbyn who wants to bomb the wog shit with flowers,hitler was right,he just picked on the wrong people,the removal of sub human shit would facilite the progress of the human race,take the trash out,theyre good for fuck all,retarded parasites on western civilisation,and now look what happens when you tolerate un evolved wogs who fantasise about religeon,fuck em off the planet

Comment by david wyn-jones

The sub human arab crap are responsible for fucking up their own countries,why should we be required to allow the muslim retarded shit to infest our civilisation and fuck our countries up?,you tell me.

Comment by david wyn-jones

If you give retards rights,your on the road to ruin,keep the shit in their own countries and keep the disease where it originated from instead of importing terrorists,mindblowing,as long as the retarded carpet kissing crap subscribe to their mickey mouse allah shit,keep em in their own shit holes

Comment by david wyn-jones

The rape and assault of German women by over a thousand nort African shitskin niggers has taken a more sinister turn. Accordint to RT (Russian) Television, the attacks were organised, and also occured in other German cities.

The whore Merkel, meanwhile, is questioning whether the attacks are linked to asylum seekers, as the German Press is now revealing.

Both Swedish and Norwegian governments have banned the reporting of immigrant crimes, and Twitter and Facebook – used by Muslim shitskin terrorists – have agreed to remove posts critical of islam, muslims, and immigration. People are starting to accuse Merkel of trying to turn Germany into North Korea… Well, she is a Commie Cunt, after all.

Comment by David

No, Putin is a commie and I have respect for him. Merkel-Cameron are NWO Marxists masquerading as Christians. Vile traitors

Comment by Billy9999

And the fat ass merkel lefty cow made the german police hush it up?,id hang the fat slut,what the fuck?,and these cunts are our govts?,it will soon be the time to take things into our own hands,if we dont the wogs will take over and fuck up europe like theyve fucked up their muslim sand shit holes.the merkel cow needs to remember that germany will not stand the crap,ask a bloke called adolf hitler

Comment by david wyn-jones

Have you ever been to Germany? Lovely place and everyone seems to gets on (amazing red light district every city)

Comment by Daniel

Germany, ,was a nice place

Comment by david wyn-jones

Act before its to late or shira law will dominate

Comment by Robert

The true scale of the muslim arab filths activities have been exposed after the whore merkel sucked the wog shits monkey cocks,deluded fat slut lefty cunt and her lying pig force,oh everythings fine,lying scum,these wog sub human filth are like kids in a candy shop,and these cunt traitor white vermin have let the cancer of mankind spread from the shit holes of the planet,we should be exterminating this wog disease not sucking up to the vomit,what the fuck is going on?

Comment by david wyn-jones


It’s easy to pour some petrol through a shitskin’s letter box. With luck, you’ll send at least twenty to allah.

Comment by David

Pity Hitler didn’t beat us in ww2. What we’ve got now is far worse

Comment by Billy9999

Heard that rape of young women by muslim vermin in UK is still endemic, and that police and social(ist) services refuse to get involved.

Comment by David

Gets better dont it,the german pigs and now the swedish pigs covering up the animal arab craps crimes,lefty useless appeasing white shit traitors pissing our way of life down the drain to kiss the arses of savages,lets see whats next.

Comment by david wyn-jones

There is good coverage of germany rapes and they are allowing comment on the daily mail right now.

As usual it’s being ignored by the BBC

Comment by Billy9999

The pigs in germany and that tramp merkel need to explain why they are covering up the truth,and now sweden,where next?,why are they importing terrorists,criminals,fanatics and economic parasties ???

Comment by david wyn-jones

Makes you wonder what else the treacherous white scum are covering up,dont it,radicalisin their offspring in schools we finance,undermining uk laws,holidaying in syria as so called uk citizens,and now abusing women like animals on our nice civilised streets,sounds absurd dont it,so why is been allowed to happen,and being purposly covered up?,the fat bag merkel has gone rather quiet aint she,must be doin the washing up.

Comment by david wyn-jones

Merkel has tried to block anti immigrant posts appearing on Facebook and Google.

Good luck with that one you fatcow Germany isn’t north Korea and its people aren’t stupid.

We didn’t go through all that hardship in Europe, WW1&2 just for traitor leaders to import filth and abuse our children.

Comment by Billy9999

I think we need to do something,dont we cameron u wank stain,oh,and hello to gchq cunts

Comment by david wyn-jones

Enough,are u all going to stand there like a bunch of white faking sheep being prayed upon by fucking wog shit savages ??,u fucking disgusting white trash cunt cameron,gutless fucking mannequin traitor,lets remember these fucking trash,i volunteer to very slowly hang the shit with cheese wire,the cunts cant protect u,ur kids or fuck all else, , cameron,u vagina,watch the rise of the superior whites,u the ones u try and stiffle,i will glady castrate the cunt and that disgusting bag of shite ‘the whore of deautchland,.cut her cun t off and make the cow eat it.dumb fuk whore

Comment by david wyn-jones

I get the feeling the time to take the action that these cretins should be taking will have to be taken by the people as its blantantly obvious that these fart heads who profess to be a ‘democracy’ are utterly ignoring the will of the majority using the pigs as their enforcers and i’d like to know why?,whats the agenda?,are they stupid?

Comment by david wyn-jones

Latest on RT (Russian Televeision) this morning: Some leftie-faggot ‘academic’ has written a book alleging that negroes occupied Britain before Anglo-Saxons. (No,it’s not April Fools Day, either!).

Historians have condemned the author, saying it’s another attempt to introduce political correctness into history. Mind, you, we’ve seen this before under New Liebour with leftie-faggot teachers telling white children ‘black and brown is good, white is bad.’

Comment by David

In the express today. The paedos groped and attempted to rape German girls at the refugee welcome party on the platforms as the trains arrived at German stations.

Even more shocking, the police covered it all up!

Comment by Billy9999

That’s the problem with these leftist governments. They’re so pc and emputent, that when they make a mistake they won’t admit it, so they cover it up or spin it. In my eyes that makes them as guilty as the filthy shit skin perpetrators, and should suffer the same fate.

Comment by wes59

I reckon the penis head useless,none productive faggot lefty means the wogs are occupying the uk now.not then

Comment by david wyn-jones

I believe the civilized world is starting to wake up. We need to fan the flames of justice until they are white hot. We are in a war for our very way of life, for the lives of your children and their children. A war that is just as real as WHICH or WWII but will be fought in our streets. I don’t have to tell you Brits about that, you know first hand what that’s all about. We here in the U.S. have not had to deal with that since the 1860’s. Just know that you have friends, allies, brothers and sisters ready, willing and able to stand with you when the time comes. So keep up the good fight and remember.

Comment by wes59

On Russian TV news (Gof Bless them) just now: It is now illegal to report on immigrant crime in Sweden, as one journalist found out when he/she wrote a story about the rape of German women in Cologne by Muslim immigrant vermin.

I believe Sweden’s government are pro-shitskin invasion hard-lefties (correct me if I’m wrong).

That’s all I have at the moment. I’ll post more as soon asit appears.


Comment by David.

Sweden is finished man. The only way we’ll get it back to its people is after the European civil war

Comment by Billy9999

Theres gona be big trouble,and everyone remember the white scum lefty filth when the time comes,just imagine what would have been done to these sand niggers in germany in 1940,theyre fucking with the home of national socialism,just a matter of time,i want to know why the german police were instructed to cover the wogs criminality up?,and now the swedish assholes,disgusting traitors to white civilisation,i want to hang the scum with cheese wire,2 world wars to get this shit?,why did we bother?

Comment by david wyn-jones


Comment by David.

Here in the U.S. my fellow Americans are starting to wake and see what that fucking Sambo in the white house is doing. I believe in my heart of hearts, that we keep up the fight, that we will be victorious in the end. As for Sweden. Their citizens are getting sick and tired of a gutless government. Its only a matter of time before they are in open rebellion. I see it on Facebook and the net daily. So stay the course brothers and sisters. We will hold these shit beast accountable. And what a glorious day that will be.

Comment by wes59

Absolutely my friend,we need a world wide afiliation against the white trash bastards selling us down the drain,niggers and wog shit are easily manipulable,thats why the white,rich cunts want to flood our civilisation with dumb fuck wogs,bastard jews again,adofl had the answer,but the,manipulative jews and white liberal scum are perverting the course of nature,survival of the fittest, , white,not nigger shit,muslim vermin,niga shit or any other black crap,rise,because if u dont,the wogs will drag humanity back to the dark ages,who the fuck voted a half nigger into the white house?,fuckin jew shit parasites,get it ?,u beta,or ur kids wil b nigger slaves,wtf?

Comment by david wyn-jones

Enough of this white libeal wog loving shit, , vote 4 me now,enough votes and i will put a stop to this drivel,or watch ur civilisation pissed down the drain,im 58,watched this fucking shit happening over 50 years,wtf?

Comment by david wyn-jones

On voting,would you prefer the merkel whore,the cameron liar,the corbyn vagina man,or get the fucking disgusting,sub human wog shit off this planet so we can have a civilised future?,i, thank god,dont have any children,but im fed up feeding wogs and niggers so they can blow us up,getting it?,its not quantum physics,is it?

Comment by david wyn-jones

What we need is an international day of protest and rallies against the savage Muslim hoards that are invading the civilized world. We could promote it on Facebook and other media outlets. The more attention we can bring to the cause, the more support we would gain. We could turn it into a world wide blitz. It is time to get off our asses and take action, because if we don’t do it who will? Any thoughts or ideas?

Comment by wes59

20 million to teach muslim women english?,there already exists evening adult ed ucation classes?,whats next cameron,u gona marry merkel and convert to islam, , mindblowing!

Comment by david wyn-jones

Community cohesion?,as the muslims have been here for decades and not integrated,because they simply dont want to,what does cameron think wasting millions teaching them a language they dont want will achieve?,other than provide further evidence of appeasement,we living in a recession,about to get worse,so lets waste 20 million?

Comment by david wyn-jones

Jihadi john could speak english,almost all muslim terrorists are male,and speak english,so why should 20 million b spent so that their women can speak it?,is it me?,am i missing something?

Comment by david wyn-jones

Food banks in this country?,while a tory twat blows 20 million on english lessons?,why are they allowed in if they cant speak english?,now its gona cost us 20 million,WTF is going on,they will paying for bomb making classes next.

Comment by david wyn-jones

How many nurses training positions would 20 million quid pay for?,i know,lets spend it on teaching muslim tarts english??? Wtf?

Comment by david wyn-jones

Vile whores of Satan, spawning paedo rapist sons…. you mean.

Comment by Billy9999

Well,i dont think satan et al exist,thats the kind of medieval idealistic crap thats facilitating the muslims,jews,catholics etc,anyway,why are they banning donald trump 4 voicing his opinion,in a democracy,then importing terrorists into europe and britain?,answer=lefty lovvy wankas like jezza shitbin,d labour partys latest ‘freak’,whats the point having nuclear armed subs, , without the nuclear missiles?,,where do male vaginas like that prick come from?,a champion of the people?,him an that human equivelant of a turd,galloway are the 1st id remove their tongues,and sew em to their arse holes,that way they can talk appeasing shit as much as they like,and we wont have to listen,the truth is the islamoid half wits have,and will continue to infest our civilisation until we wake up,execute the white vomit who have allowed the cancer of mankind in and then spread national socialism throughout europe to prevent further drops in our std of living,and fuck out ALL religeous fantasists,not just the latest imbeciles,muslims,rememba the 1970’s when the catholic dumb irish yokel wife beating piss brains were doing xactly the same thing,short memories?,for the good of mankind,fuck them all off,if their so keen to meet ‘god’,id help to facilitate em by exterminating the stupid useless dumb fuck retarded crap of the human race,time to take the trash out.

Comment by david wyn-jones

Oh look,half a million pakis have done an online petition to xclude donald trump from britslam

Comment by david wyn-jones

The big joke is,half the dumb lefty dont smack brats squad have left us with english imbeciles who dont understand ‘english’, ,no wata mene,in it m8,dumb fucking shit,meanwile ‘turbo’ cameron educates wogs?,am i,again,missing sumat,in it

Comment by david wyn-jones

The czech president has got it !,its impossible to absord muslim wog crap into any civilised society,vote for him ,its fast coming to the point when we,the ‘whites’,will have to take matters into our own hands,after being betrayed by the lefty scum fat slags and wankers like jeremy wheelybin,and now cameron giving blow jobs to saudi wogs who sit on their arab pig shit asses abusing equally dumb sand niggas,coming to a town near you,soon.

Comment by david wyn-jones

Whos the muslims favorite actor ? , , kevin bacon, , way i tell em

Comment by david wyn-jones

Ooo now the faggots and lefty whore muslim lovers want to allow mr trump into our,rich,multicultural wog haven,because if they dont,he will be labelled a, , , , martyr, ,where have we heard that term before?, , thats it, , when a wog xplodes and kills good humans,fucking wank kingdom

Comment by david wyn-jones

Welcome to obama world,half caste bastards born neither one,or the other,what amuses me is they selectively breed animals, , exept the human animals,and u wander why the worlds in a mess?,nature dictates,not obama and co,survival of the fittest, ,i.e, , white,if im wrong,why do brats born of white sluts,who fuck apes,always get whiter?,all u wanka scientists,answer that question?,and why do paki shit and blacks always have, , brown eyes?,come on u evolutionists,pussys

Comment by david wyn-jones

Come on u white pussys,b embarassed for being superior and white,while ur so called,jewand catholic govts welcome the wogs in because they are cheap to employ,erode ur rights and plummet ur way of life, ,we whites ar to educated,to smart,hence the jews and caths importing dumb fuk niggas,arabs and retarded filth of the human species to fuk ur life up,and this after we built civilisation after the above baboons fucked up every chance to be fucking civilised,i will not live with fucking wog animals,how about you ?

Comment by david wyn-jones

Niggas have this distorted world view,they want to steal,rob,deal drugs,pimp whores etc,and when we object, ,we are racists?,the wogs either want to kill us cos we aint muslim dumb dog shit or wont tolerate half ape shit who are genetically retarded doing anything but work 4 a living,are we wrong?.i.e parasites

Comment by david wyn-jones

Ok,lets xplore contributions to humanity,arabs,invented all sortsa shit,abacus,early basic digital computer,on a stick,then they got islam,which sent them back to the dark ages,blacks,ebola,aids,hiv,sickle cell,all engineered by nature,i.e time for them to fuck off the planet,and lefty wank shit white retarded trash,usually fat,ugly white mis shaped slags who no white man is gona dump his sperm in,so get what they can,wogs, ,these slags are the new breeding ground for the dilution of ur race,the cunts like cameron want this,dumb half human crap,easily controllable to fill their pockets while selling our superior white pinnacle race down the pan,we are to smart for the cunts like cameron to control,so thats why they love the wogs,isnt science,is it?,enjoy

Comment by david wyn-jones

So,it begins,and in austria,due to the ignorance of soft lefty white trash so called governments the people are having to form action groups to deal with the imported muslim vermin running amok while the austrian plods,having been instructed not to deal with wog criminality,do fuck all,dirty white trash wog loving scum,god i would love to burn the filth alive,halah style,what the fuck is going on in europe,and soon,here.

Comment by david wyn-jones

The ‘english’ pussy mouths,oo we not gona that,or this,wanker anglo saxon shit,wait till the catholic shit down ur useless,gutless pussy throats,u wankas,gutless wankas,welcome to, , , ,britslam,fukin white sheep wankas,lots of mouth,no trousers,football imbeciles,u bunch of shameful ‘english’ shit,JEMERY KIAL HALF WIT CRAP,U DESERVE TO LOSE UR LIVES,AND UR COUNTRY’, , sheeeeep, ,baaaaa,cunts

Comment by david wyn-jones

Thurs,muslim pig vomit,on our streets pushing their retarded crap,walk past the sub human shit,throw petrol ova em,then ignite the vomit retarded fuking disgusting wog filth and their dumb fuk arab spunk bucket whore filth,the breeding ground womb 4 more of the sand nigga fucking stinking backward filth of the human race, fuk u cameron wog lover,kill the cancerous fucking foul wog in the streets

Comment by david wyn-jones

Just when you thought you knew how utterly degraded the retarded nigger is….Google ‘Jenkem’.

Comment by David

The levels of chain migration are frightening, 330,000 per year…. thick paki peasant girls… 2nd cousin retards from pak1stan coming here as jihaddi-breeders for Muslim rapist benefit claimers

Comment by Billy9999

Theres going to be big trouble,you know what happens when a foriegn species is introduced into an environment where it dosent belong,like the cane toad in australia,this species howeva is a lot more dangerous

Comment by david wyn-jones

Congratulations,all you white pinnacles of human evolution,you have now allowed,by your dumb fuck sheepness the jews to manipulate the filth retarded crap of manki.nd to flourish,and you can see the consequences,and more to come,if the germans had won the war,frustrated by the american jewry,i.e the goldman sachs types,this would be a wonderful,white world,just as nature intended, ,and now look what uve got,enjoy you dumb white fucking imbeciles,this vermin will outbreed us and throw humanity back to the caveman,dear me

Comment by david wyn-jones

Take a good look at whats happening in calais,thats whats going to happen in europe,and how many of them are disguised terrorists?,that will become clear when they begin their atrocities, , soon,and remember the white traitor crap thats letting this islamic diseare in,integration?,yea,just like bradford,birmingham,rotheram etc,islamic ghetto terrorist training camps,big trouble is on the way,facilitated by lefty white trash

Comment by david wyn-jones

Ask yourselves why these ignorant dumb shit are being let in,reason?,cheap labour for the white trash govt weve got,driving down ur standard of living,you and ur families,even after the second world war there were no ‘food banks’,this country needs a radical govt for radical times,these pussies will degrade ur living standards and sell ur hard earned rights down the pan

Comment by david wyn-jones

Everywhere where muslims are,there is trouble,and now these twats are importing them into europe and britain?

Comment by david wyn-jones

History lesson,Im 58,ive seen this develop ova that time ,58 year span,what should have happened is this, , anything human,off white is,as nature dictates,not me,inferior,so says nature, ,i.e god,why then if,in a moment of madness,i fucked anything ‘off white’,the offspring would be much lighter than the nigger or the arab,whys that then?, because thats what nature dictates, ,i.e striving to make the human animal, , white,the brats get whiter,not darker,i.e chimp,but the white traitor vermin,who want the dumb niggers and wogs know they are easily controllabe,i.e the jew parasites,thats why,hitler was right,look around you,the jews control the ‘money’,we the whites,arent so controlable,or are you?,theyve put a half ape in the ‘white house’,because the half nigger,is,easily, , controlable,am i wrong?, , look around you,thinj you superior species,fucking parasitic jews,again, , , wake up

Comment by david wyn-jones

Talking monkeys,arab sand niggas,u white boys best wake up,why are we ‘white’ dya think?,we are the pinnacle of human evolution,thats why,and if we tolerate the jew boy control via money,extinction will be our fate, ,WAKE UP!

Comment by david wyn-jones

Vote for me and i will ensure you,your family and the white superior race will flourish,just as nature intends,if its not white,its not right,that simple,dont take my word 4 it,find out 4 urselves,b4 its to late,the jews are interested in dumb fuk wogs and niggers because they are easily controlable,do your research

Comment by david wyn-jones

Nigger Diane Abbott’s shit-sniffer Jeremy Corbyn was in a Calais shitskin camp, demanding that Britain gives ‘asylum’ to the hundreds of muzzie kids living there. He claims they’re Britain’s responsibilty! Funny, I though they were the Frenchies problem.

Corbyn cares nothing for refugees; he only wants to cause trouble, to destroy British identity.

Corbyn lives in London. Surely, it should be possible to find out where, and to beat the Marxist cunt to death?

Comment by David

Steady on ,be proud white tiger,the corbyn vagina man,a failed social worker faggot bastard,lefty cunt stain,should be regarded as a distraction,afta the milliband jew monkey,thats what he is,useless,have u noticed the cunt has got a tailor?,whateva the cunt wears,hes still a cunt,its time 4 action,words are wank,the cameron jew sucker should have arrested me by now,but he wouldnt dare would he,cock arab sucking eton faggot,bring it on cunt sucka,national socialism,u wana a car,domestic appliance,or any otha item,buy it here,made by britain,or pay so much tax u fuk off,that makes full employment here,fuk the e.u lefty faggot jew feeders, , by the way,wheres the whore slut merkel gone?,what a quiet whore that fucking cunt is now,wog lova whore,id cut the whore to pieces,as the germans want to do to cunt slut, , enuf ranting,time for white proud action, , do u want to live with ape nigga shit and sand niggas?. , me neither, , national white socialism is the NEW way forward,im fed up being side lined by monkey loving jewish parasites,vote 4 me,up to u,or watch ur country,ur rights ur fore fathers struggle for pissed down the evolutionary pan by fucking jew scum,niggers,paki vermin and the rest of human vomit who manipulate money,rise

Comment by david wyn-jones

Stop feeling bad 4 being fucking WHITE,be proud,u are the best of the species,wipe out the crap that should have been wiped in 1940,but 4 the faking disgusting jewish parasites,and now wogs and niggers,come on gchq and cameron the cunt,arrest me u fuckin gutless wanka,i dont think so,mein kampfe,suck ur arab cocks pussy wanker traitor,anyone with me?

Comment by david wyn-jones

These fucking disgusting shit will result in your country becoming , britslam,fucking ur children,do u want that?,fucking animal arab shit,lets have a serious,not thug wanka party,but a serious national socialist party,like france,and soon austria and germany

Comment by david wyn-jones

The 3 horsmen of the apolypse, , muslims, , jews and not 4geting the catholic child fuckers,all fantasists claiming to gods what?, ,fucking vermin,wipe em out and i promise you a wonderful world

Comment by david wyn-jones

I have no problem watsoever wiv sikhs,buddists,or wateva, , they arent trying to kill us or send us back to the fucking dark ages,wipe them out,whereva u find a carpet kissing muslim bastard,kill the cunt and it brats,like any disease,eitha that,or its u and ur kids

Comment by david wyn-jones


Comment by david wyn-jones

Can we claim ‘islam’ as a cause for mental illness. They mke me sick. All of them including the asians and blacks. I really think we should be allowed to register it as a debilitating disease like cancer.

Comment by me

Thats exactly what they are,if nature had took its course we would have erdadicated the sub humans,they are a cancer on civilisation, ,tolerated and fed by us

Comment by david wyn-jones

Big,big trouble is coming our way,while the govts of europe import the islamic cancer into our societies,big,big trouble

Comment by david wyn-jones

While you are sat on your fat arses moaning on the internet, the dirty bastards are taking over. Its not the governments fault for letting them in. Its British publics fault for not fighting back

Comment by british till i die

It the fault of successive governments who have duped the public over 40+ years of mass immigration with the express intention of destroying European societies. Our women have been encouraged to follow careers, putting off having children and all the time paying taxes for migrants child benefits for them to come over and outbreed us. Make no mistake, this is the fastest population replacement in history as hasn’t happened by accident. Anyone who thinks the next 20 years will be like the last 40 years is sadly mistaken.

Read “rise of the new world order: the culling of man” gives a frightening insight into the extent of our betrayal and, how these really are “the end of days”

Comment by Billy9999

Yep,so called ‘democracy’,the majority of the public do not want the islamic cancer in this country, ,so ur elected polititions in govt ignore u?, , democracy??, , fuck em out,the ansa is national socialism

Comment by david wyn-jones

Fuck the Jews and the Muslims.

Comment by Bob

The first victim of the muslim hordes is a female who was daft enuf to try and help the shit in sweden,there will be many more,and remember the bastard traitors who let them in to infest our civilisation

Comment by david wyn-jones

Yes, David, that was the Swedish woman who posted details of the Muslim attack on Twitter, only to find herself attacked by white ‘activists’, who called her a racist and a fascist.

Despite the large number of white women attacked by the inbred sandniggers, there was not a word of condemnation by ‘womens groups’ who, apparently, are prepared to tolerate rape, as long as the rapist is a retarded muslim or nigger.

Comment by David.

U will find that all these so called ‘womens groups’ are populated by lesbos and ugly fat slags that cant get a white man,the niggers will fuk anything white,even these ugly whores

Comment by david wyn-jones

Bring it on! We need to have it out with them now rather than after another ten years of Cameron letting more and more of them in

Comment by Billy9999

Could be worse, Billy (LOL). We might get Corbyn and his fat, smelly, nigger whore Diane Abbott. Yeuch! And just to think he used to fuck the coon up the shitter.

Bring on a Nationalist Government with the guts to exterminate the Shitskins and their leftie supporters.

Comment by David.

This whole thing is a spin… with corbyn playing the bad guy and Cameron playing the good egg….. all to make the gullible British public think call-me-dave is doing his bit to keep the muslims out.

Don’t fall for liblabcon’s devious tricks, they all have the same agenda…..  THE ISLAMISATION OF UK/EUROPE

Comment by Billy9999

Every evening after a hard days work I switch on the TV and I’m subjected to adverts with token black people, every damn advert! They are often portrayed in a wonderful light, doing great things and they are usually with a white woman. It drives me insane, why should we be brainwashed in this way?

Comment by Pete

I’ve noticed in marks and Spencer’s they’ve ditched the pink mannequins and now have black ones for males and white for females. What’s all THAT about?

Comment by Billy9999

Pathetic isnt it,brainwashing is exactly what it is,and now look at the state were in,its a great pity that the germans didnt win the war,what a wonderful place it would be

Comment by david wyn-jones

The moment approaches,time to rise against the liars,the white scum and destroy the islam arab pig vomit,can u believe the crap thats going on?,white trash wog lovers kissing the sand niga craps arses?,wtf?,time is fast coming when we ,the proud to be the white pinnacle of evolution,will have to take matters unto ourselves,or watch civilisation evaporate,kill the wog shit,b4 they kill us

Comment by david wyn-jones

The scum lefty cunts in france,the galloway cunt,whores in parliament,all sucking up to bastard wogs,wipe the white filth out,burn them,shoot them,whatever,or watch ur civilisation put back a thousand years,if its muslim,kill it

Comment by david wyn-jones

National socialism,dont gas the shit,send em back to the sand shit holes the human rats emerged from,1st baboons,now wogs,fuck em all off the planet as nature intended,what a wonderful world this could be,why do we tolerate the obviously inferior?,ask the pope and the jews,one breeds the dumb shit,the other robs them

Comment by david wyn-jones

Black lives matter, , , , , , , . . . .to blacks

Comment by david wyn-jones

Ah,i see the seed has sprouted,a nigger,in the ‘white house’,thats gud going,200 years of niggers suckin d white mans cock,and the liberal white trash put a monkey in a cage an tels d ape wata do,meanwhile back in europe,hordes of ‘sand nigas’,descend,why ar they lettin em in?, ,easy, .us whiteys is to heducated so day importin the dumbest shit on d planet cos day work for jack shit,lining the pockets of rich tory filth faggot bastard parasites like camerons eton buddies,the bastard catholics and jews ar running UR planet,time 4 change,time to eradicate the parasites, , time 4 national socialism,no gassing,no extermination,just repatriation to where nature put the vermin,god does try, ,ebola,aids,and now zika virus to fuk the filth of humanity off,by keeping these dumb crap,ur standard of living,and ur families are being systematically destroyed,while the sub human,religeon driven various wogs fuck up UR planet,there is going to be big trouble, , and when there is, , remember the white scum who caused it,and hang the cunts,slowly, , halal style,wake up!

Comment by david wyn-jones

Am I mistaken in thinking if we allow our country to continously be abused as it is now we will face civil war!! I fear for my children and what they are growing up into…….

Comment by Jon

Not if, but when. Blame Cameron for accelerating Blair’s legacy

Comment by Billy9999

There will be big trouble,just a matter of time,this country will become great britslam,the trouble these muslim cancer cause will become civil war,and when it comes,rememba the traitorous lefty scum who let this disease of savages in,i see the filth are raping boys in sweden,whos next,unbelievable,vote 4 donald trump

Comment by david wyn-jones

They are saying the battle with the muslim sand niggers will kick off nationwide the weekend starting August 13th

Comment by White crusader

As thousands of immigrants flood into Britain (more than during Bliar and Brown) every month, Cameron has his tongue up the whore Merkel’s arse. That Tory traitor will do anything to keep Britain in the E.U. He should join Labour.

Will someone PLEASE start a civil war? I want to see Muslim Shitskin and Leftie blood running in the gutters.

Comment by David

needs to happen soon, it’ll be too late in 10 years time

Comment by Billy9999

Yes,i know your frustrated,how do you thinki feel,at 58? how frustrated i am?,my parents went thru ww2,for what?and afta al that wat the fuck av we got?,fuck al,a country being invaded by the imbeciels of the human race that should have been removed in the process of mankinds wars,do you want,yes your allowed to want,a wake up call?,im not a poliitian,im not a liar,nature OBLIVIOUSLY dictates whites are the pinnacle of human supremacy on this planet,frustrated by the jews and other parasites,who like MONEY,im proud as hell to be WHITE,why are white?,because the nordid races invented ciivilasation,the wop arab shit fucked up their chance with a pseudo wog called mohammad,mad being the word,time for change

Comment by david wyn-jones

Your way of life,civilised,is being used to fuck u up by parasite control, jews and fucking traitors who,because they want to control u and leech on u 4 money,the true jew god,will contiue to leech off you,do you really want change?,im free

Comment by david wyn-jones

Why do u think we tolerate niggers,wogs of retarded various types?,because they are easily controlled,erode ur rights,dumb as fuck,take ur jobs away etc,and feed the jews and otha parasites,it isnt physics is it?, , WAKE UP!

Comment by david wyn-jones

National socialsm,im not going to gas anyone,but i wud make sure they fuck off back to where they originated from,all of them,the pakis have been sucking the life out of this once proud,birtth of the industral revolution,and civilisation,there are some,i have lots of time for, ,the sikhs.the buddhists et al,ive no problem with them,mostly good people going in the same direction as nature intended,the fucking parasite jews and their anti particles,the fucking unbelievably dumb fuck muslim vermin are the enemy of the progress of mankind,fuck em off and,along with the,previous imbecilc child molesting catholic vermim disgusting pervert filth,who said the sun goes round the earth?,fuck em all off or watch ur world descend into utter chaos,as ever,am i wrong.?

Comment by david wyn-jones

We gave the yids isreal,in the hope theyd be content,parasitising each otha ?,no,they just help therselves,still parasites here,the bbc et al is riddled with em,paxman?,u geting it?,and then theres fuckin catholics,saville,harriss etc,WAKE UP !

Comment by david wyn-jones

Test the theory,if i mate with a black,the result gets, , WHITER,why?,easy,my white genes are superior,dont trust me,check it out yourself,yes i know its polically unaceptable,but its the TRUTH!,dont take my word 4 it,do ur own research

Comment by david wyn-jones

The ‘eton’. monkey cameron,and his monarchist and his gimps,hunt the cunt,boris the baboon et al,are evidence of what a fucking mess these bastards have made of our country,best b careful,the gchq are watching us, why dya think that is?,in our wonderful ‘democracy’,an anagram of jew for ‘control’,again,time 4 change

Comment by david wyn-jones

Why the fuck do u think ur white?,we will erdicate the ‘jeremy kyle’ types,take our trash out,oh by the way,the kyle monkey who crawls,is,guess what, , is a jew making money out of the white trash we would give more useful things to do,they breed animals to achieve the best of the species,what the fuck are those freaks?

Comment by david wyn-jones

british people love indian currys how can you kick out what you love

Comment by proud muslim

Its dumb shit like u thats the problem,the ‘english’ invented ‘curry’,dear me,fuck off u idiiot,duuuur,u ar an example of whats wrong,curry?,fukin cabbage,go an av a wank

Comment by david wyn-jones

Id glady represent u all,but please,we are much to sophisticated to form a serious political party which includes thugs,half wits an tatood twats,give me ur thoughts

Comment by david wyn-jones

Don’t worry, you inbred shitskin cunt, we’ll be making you eat pigshit before long.

Comment by david

This country is full up,instead of syrians et al running away instead of fighting for their country they should stay there and fight,did we all run away to the usa in 1940?,no we didnt,so the muslims,who by the way are killing each other in the name of allah,should stand and fight,islam is an idealogical disease infecting the ignorant,rather like catholism,what is that silly fart the pope doing walking about waving a stick??,yea that,ll feed the millions in south america,its plain to see that religeon is the bane of mankind,fuck it off and the human race can progress

Comment by david wyn-jones

5000 muslim time bombs in europe,coming to a town near you soon,and who let them in.

Comment by david wyn-jones

Have u seen the white scum lefty turd leader of rotherham council giving its excuses for ALLOWING by ignorance of muslim pig vomit to rape and abuse vulnerable white girls because of the muslim vote?,id cut the cunts balls off and hang the faggot,along with the rest of the social worker shit and the pigs who did fuck all,and these cunts are still in their jobs? WTF?,if i lived there id organise and do what ive just said,fucking mindblowing,

Comment by david wyn-jones

Oh what a shock ! The blair smiling lizard closet catholic let in 2 million cockroaches who have reduced our country to a third world food bank minimum wage shit hole after the vomit bastard and his frog mouthed catholic whore robbed aod made emself millionaires?,WAKE UP,CANT U C WAT THE FUCK WAKE UP ! !

Comment by david wyn-jones

wow it saddens me as a Muslim some one would spend their time creating a website filled with so much hate. You must have lots of time on your hands! LOL But I cant hate I hope you get the help you need.

Comment by LOLfunnyPeople


Comment by david

Get out

Comment by White crusader

Hey Europeans. Stick to humping cows and dogs and opening animal brothels like you were doing in Greece and Rome and recently in Germany and Denmark you sick perverted mutants.

Comment by El Che

Better than fucking boys inthat sand,drug ridden shit hole afghanistan,which,along with every other scum breeding shit hole ending in stan should be wiped of our nice white planet,the times a coming allah shager,just a matter of time

Comment by david wyn-jones

The gathering storm,i have advised you this will happen,notice its blacks and muslims who dont like the truth,why shoukd we absorb the filtih of the human race into our civilsed society?,put the africans and the allah halfwit un evolved crap back to where they come from,the likes of the cameron cunts dont have to live with this sub human crap,do they?,thats right more imbeciles,easily controlled,time 4 action,and yes you pathetic cunt scum white trash at gchq,monitor this fucking white trash,you and yours will face the treason you’ve perpetrated, , wait 4 the muslim atrocoties to commence,filling europe with fucking savages,head in sand and ignorance will b knocking at ur door soon,arabs belong in the desert,fucking their children,blacks belong in africa,so says nature,a cancer on mankind,keep the cancer where it originates from or u get what u ar seeing now,the spread of the tumour

Comment by david wyn-jones

Europeans are liars and hypocrites. They colonize the world and then act like the victims. LOL Its time to exterminate you filthy cracKKKers. People of colour are increasing meaning less white people. lol

Comment by El Che

Fuck off you pedo profit worshiping savage, there is no Heaven, Hell , Virgins so stick a dildo up your pretend moon god or godesses ass.

Comment by White crusader

Uve got to agree with the muslim turd tho,thats right camel shagger,the europeans,the white european superior race colonised the world,unfortunately they didnt exterminte wog shit,who are now pouring out of their shit holes like rats trying to get off a sinking ship,hopefully we will get the opportunity to eradicate the sub human scum soon,get the job done that nature would have done with ebola,aids and other viruses sent to wipe the backward crap off what should be a nice,civilised WHITE planet,with a bit of luck the aliens will visit and do it for us,oh,and vote TRUMP

Comment by david wyn-jones

Coons like you don’t ask for much: White pussy, loose shoes, and a warm place to shit.

Comment by David

Bham council put a load of immigrant shit in the paragon hotel,the dhrty filth were shitin on the floor an trashed the place,bham council,the wog lovers,thatll cost us to sort out,fukin white trash labour cunts

Comment by david wyn-jones

Its good that we are destroying the middle east then, and the rewards will be rich, oil, minerals etc. Having lived in Kuwait I know that it is a sin filled hell hole of homosexuality, cruelty, rape and double standards. THe middle east needs to be destroyed. Give Syria to Israel – let the zionists sort them out.

As a christian I believe that all lost souls and non believers will burn in fire and brimstone on the day of judgement. We are nearing the end times so turn away from the beast, the devil of islam. Or you will burn for eternity! Only the believer in Christ will be saved from the fires of hell!

Comment by Gavin Sovereign

They should have made em stay in syria etc and keep the sub human crap there,and now?,coming to a town near you, , yours

Comment by david wyn-jones

Dirty,retarded indoctrinated muslims fuck off out of our country we have worked hard to make,you are ruining it and trying to take it.You are liars and worship a paedophile pig god that doesnt exist.I hope you catch a nasty disease and the world is rid of your filthy kind.

Comment by yusuf salloo

Now we see the true face of ‘peaceful’ Islam. God knows what the final death toll in Belgium will be.

It’s time we stopped talking and started exterminating the racially-inferior, inbred, retarded filth. I’m urging evryone to get out there and burn the shitskin filth out.


Comment by David

It was obvious this would happen,the only solution is to round up EVERY muslim carpet kissing shit for brains and throw back to the sand shit holes the crap eminate from,they are slowly taking over every country in europe starting with ghettos,this country will be next,and do not forget the white trash like merkel and cameron who let this cancer into civilisation,hit the parasite shit wheres its most effective,their shops and mosques,wtf are these wankers who profess to govern doing?,hang the bastards for treason

Comment by david wyn-jones

Like donald trump,a man of truth says,these turds hate us,all of them,so kill the filth before they kill us,you can thank the lovvy left scum for this shit

Comment by david wyn-jones

all this because of week governments, isis need to blow up the European parliament and 10 downing street with a petrol tanker bomb, or target the leaders families and children in sted of targeting the innocent Jo public who have fuck all to do with western polices, then may be the fucking gutless eu and uk governments will do some thing about the flood of Muslims coming to Europe. as long as innocent civilians get killed nothing will happen because the establishment don’t care about me and you we are just carterial damage for there political gain to create a situation where they gain control
this is why all this terror is been allowed to manifest

Comment by black non muslim brit

Cameron and the rest of the white trash traitors who have caused this shit dont have to,or want to live with muslim shit but expect you to,this is just the start of wats to come,there are rats nests of these muslim shit al over this country and europe where they are plotting more of what uve seen in dumb ass belgium,give this shit of humanity a home in ur country and that is wat the scum do to repay ur misplaced sympathy,theres more to come,fuk every disgusting muslim out thats the only way to make sure,they come in amongst muslims,fuk em out amongst muslims

Comment by david wyn-jones

Have u noticed all the ‘peaceful’ muslims marching through the streets condeming the atrocities of their muslim filth brothers?, , , no,me neither,the vermin demonstrate their sympathy by their silence, ,the muslim, the cancer of mankind,wipe the crap out,burn the rats nest mosques,boycott their parasite shops, , make them totally unwelcome

Comment by david wyn-jones

Theresa may says ‘there is a high probability of a muslim scum atrocity in the uk’, , of course there is you stupid bitch, ,you let them in, , meanwhile lorry loads of scum pour into the country across the english channel to increase the muslim is wrong with this govt?

Comment by david wyn-jones

Every Muslim death must be applauded, it is just vile pest eradication.
These pox ridden Muslim scum will never be anything other than evil, for as sure as Allah is Satan, Mohammed was a filthy pig and murdering child molester and the disgusting Quran is the anti-bible, a book for vampires,the disgusting Koran pages are not even useful as toilet wipes.
The only solution is the total destruction of Islam.
It will come to pass, these retarded backward filthy cockroaches will scream in agony for an eternity in Allahs shit filled house of hell.  

Comment by

Stop for a moment and think of the sacrifice made by the Scots Patriot who recently executed a piece of muslim vermin.

Meanwhile, the communist whore Sturgeon goes to Glasgow’s central shithouse – sorry, mosque, to reassure the shitskins that she is doing everything possible to eradicate white racism and islamophobia.

Comment by David

Sturgeon,thats a good old scottish name??,the dumb midget whore was bred off a fish,get the tramp bak in the kitchen where it belongs,its dumb piss flap cunts like her that filled the country with the muslim pig shit,they should house the ho in the muslim ghetto and they can fuck the slut and chop her dumb fuk head off,remember all of these traitor white filth,because the time is coming when this country will be under attack from the dirty filthy disgusting muslim shit that was born here,allowed by cunt whores like her

Comment by david wyn-jones

Could there ever be a moment in the history of HUMANS where one faction is not ‘having a go’ at another faction ?
I would like to think that day will exist as a result of the errors created previously, (i.e, Today), but as a species, we are not even out the kindergarten yet !
It’s unbelievable that humans are still attempting to justify their surroundings by resorting to the worship of FICTICIOUS ENTITIES !
It appears though, that at no point is this process going to magically reverse itself until science unlocks a few key principles, or, either a global domination / total annihilation situation occurs !
Humans have only ONE choice. Channel funds today into getting off this planet.
DISTANCE YOURSELF FROM ITS IDEALOGIES and it will fade into oblivion .

Comment by N Sane

Ur wasting ur intelectuality here,simple,nigas,pakis,arabs et al,all fucking useless wog shit,id happily exterminate the sub human crag as nature intended,o by the way,ur council tax has just gone up, , to pay for the wog shits jsa, , wtf?,wake up time

Comment by david wyn-jones

First catholics,and now muslims,how long does it take mankind to realise whats going on under their dumb programmed tiny minds?,fuck these two diseases on mankind off the planet,and what a wonderful,non kiddy fiddling an wog shit mess world this would be

Comment by david wyn-jones

Nature takes its course,despite white trash cunts like cameron,corbyn and not forgeting the whore of europe,merkel,the whites are begining to wake up,about time,these bastards love em,dumb as fuck,work for peanuts,and erode the rights ur fathers gave their lives for,fuck these so called ‘governments’,gutless appeasing scum,there is BIG trouble on the way,and remember the white trash who caused it

Comment by david wyn-jones

And meanwile,in belgium,the white trash are out telling us its our,white fault these sand niga shit are attaking us cos the poor dumb wog shit sub human crap are living in ghettos?,the fuking wog crap congregate like turds in a sewer,oo lets give them a job,wtf?,send the shit back to where shit lives,syria,libya and the rest of the shit holes this human vermin belong,and keep the islamic disease where the filth belong.and if they threten us,nuke the vermin.

Comment by david wyn-jones

Already a few Patriots are making a major sacrifice and killing a few muslim vermin. I salute them, but it’s not enough. It would better to burn the retarded filth to death when in their sewer-mosques; that way, a lot could be exterminated for comparatively little more effort.

It seems now that white feminist ‘wimmins groups’ are refusing to condemn the muslim dog turds for ill-treating women, yet calling anyone who does complain the usual ‘fascist’ and racist.

Those liberal-leftie white whores should be rounded up and sent to pakistani brothels for remedial rape treatment.

Comment by David Jay

I hate Muslims and Indians they are vile scum bag,I stopped doing to the doctor in the UK because we don’t see any white doctors anymore ,the White British doctors are long gone to American,Australia etc…so the UK now has only the shit leftover brought from abroad in cheap labour to fulfill this shit UK system with paks and Indians that doesn’t know how to be a doctor because most of them have fake certificates from Indian,they are assassins who damages people’s health with their filthy hands .I never will go to an Indian or Muslim or pak doctor.

Comment by Jwhite

Fuck you Muslim bastards I will die to save my country from you bunch of cowards.

Comment by Brave Heart

I don’t suspect you believe in free speech per se so this won’t get published anyway but what a load of bollocks! My cousin is an Islamic convert who married a Muslim diplomat and she is a peace loving non violent woman who is British by birth and lives her children above all else and is not subject to any inferiority bullshirt you poor British born Uk born speak and preach. She is free to do as she pleases and practice what she believes. This is rhetorical hate you preach in line with Trump et al. You fear yourself and preach that to others. Ignorant and dangerous.

Comment by Helen

Hello “Helen” (why are you afraid to use your real islamic name?) – wait while your cousin wants a divorce, I foresee an “honour killing” and a headless gang raped corpse whilst the perpetrators (aka family members) sit in Pakistan with a smirk on their face and their new ten year old bride on their knee. You are muslim and part of islam – spreading cancerous lies and fantasies of peace and tolerance is your thing. Islam – a perfectly reasonable religion, and if you disagree they will cut your f*cking head off!

Comment by Vernon Fox

Muslims should be forced out of Britain before it is too late to stop this vile cult. The conservatives and all the main parties are deathly afraid to say Muslim terrorists and instead say islamic extremists.
Saying Muslim terrorists is not saying all Muslims are terrorists it is saying the people committing acts of terror are Muslim.
Who apart from Muslims follow Islam.
Who apart from Muslims explode themselves.
Who apart from Muslims shout allah Akbar before committing terrorist acts.
Please tell me I’d be interested to know

Comment by j

This once proud country is utterly fucked,they will outbreed us.makes u wonder why we fought a war in ww2,now look at it,mindblowing,theyve fucked up their own countries now they will fuck up europe,enoch powell was right,the streets will run with blood,just a matter of time

Comment by david wyn-jones

It would be a great idea for you to apply some logic to this page. I am not talking about the comments…..I’m talking about the contents !
Can you not edit it to only hold around 20 comments per page?
The loading time is irritating. To cache every comment at loadup is just daft.
Sorry, interesting page with some interesting comments but surely you can either delete the old crap or modify the page to only pre-cache the most recent 20 comments or so enabling the page to actually function as intended !?
Anyway, David, I have a question for you….!
Please do not go on the offensive or think I am being derogatory…..o_O
Your ‘tone’, or rather, the vocabulary you use leads me to believe you are not of an origin within the UK.
I hope you don’t mind me asking, as in the greater scheme of things, it is hardly relevant but my ‘radar’ was bouncing off-scale a while back and I just got round to asking you !
I’ll include a few things before I evaporate……
Religion, in any and ALL its forms is a disease of the mind.
A method of control from an outdated era living on today in the minds of those who are incapable of discerning reality from fiction.
The biggest danger to the HUMAN RACE is RELIGION.
I would personally lock up EVERY loonatic that believes in ‘spiritual beings’, ‘Gods’ or anything such-like.
This is what the victorians created Sanitariums for !!!!!
IF enough barnacles grow on the hull, the ship will sink.
Humans need to start deploying resources to secure a future faaaaaar away from any religious loonatic that believes in any ‘God’, yeeaaargh, there’s that word again.
I cannot be expletive enough when it comes to the ‘G’ word.
Thankfully, whoever dreamed that one up was having a good laugh…….DOG is obviously what they wrote and the next set of eyes just reversed it !
Anyway, Islam is from the same outdated era of non-understanding. Those who believe crap like that still think the earth is either flat or hollow !
The only ‘flat’ is their personalities and the vaccuuous area between their ears…..hollow……
Peace, love and sausage rolls….:)

Comment by PPL shoot PPL not guns

Hi brothers and sisters in the struggle for freedum from the filthy subhuman muslim savages. It’s your comrad in arms Wes. Sorry i’very been over at facebook trying to recruit like minded folks, like the good people on this site. I believe my effort have born fruit, meager perhaps but fruit non the less. I was just temporarily blocked from the site for posting hateful content and I thought what better time to catch up with my freinds across the pond.

Comment by Wes

Can you send donald trump ova

Comment by david wyn-jones

I met a good Irishman on Facebook who had emigrated to the U.S. and served in the Marines as a sniper. He’s a good man and has the skill set required to be valuable for the task that I think we all know is coming.

Comment by Wes

Sorry. We need him here at the moment. I’m sure you have a British patriot every bit as devoted to the revitalization of Britton as Donald is to the U.S. all you have to do is find him or her, get them nominated, work for 5 heir campain and get them elected. The they can mobilize the military and drive the filthy subhuman sons and daughters of the pig god into the sea. If we work together, we can make the west a true paradise. No niggers, no muslims. Can you imagine it?

Comment by wes59

Im afraid we dont have a man of truth,what we have is a sad choice of pussies,pussy 1,an eaton public school boy political faggot making more money 4 him and his rich buddys,i.e the tory party, , and then we have option 2, , jeremy corbyn,or should that be, ,cretin, ,u see the problem dont you?, ,national socialism, , the answer to civilised white existance,or attent to ‘absord’ the black negros,and the arabic dumb hords,and watch your civilisation disintigrate while the ‘few’ whites live in luxury and you live in fear.

Comment by david wyn-jones

Put it simply,the more of these utterly uncivilised ‘wogs’u import into ur countries,the more ur standard of living goes down, , down, , and down,to pay 4 the wogs scum who dont even have the brains to learn ur language,why ar these cunt politicians importing terrorists into ur society?

Comment by david wyn-jones

They selectively breed animals, ,but let the dregs of mankind breed like rats,the dumb,making more dumb,making more dumb,making,,,well,u get it,what the fuck can u expect?

Comment by david wyn-jones

Nature, ,i.e ‘god’,dictates survival of the fittest,this simple fact has,and continues to be,frustrated so that those with the wealth,yes,including the jews,can sell phones,ipads etc to the dumb majority. , and get ever richer,dur!

Comment by david wyn-jones

Mark these words, , there will be big,big trouble in the uk and europe due to the tolerance of the locust sub human islamic shit they are importing

Comment by david wyn-jones

The inbred muslim filth are using every trick in the book, including regular accusations of racism and the European Court of ‘Human Rights’ (another reason we need to get out of the EU), to stop any criticism of islam. They are supported by Labour vermin like Jeremy Corbyn, the pedophile Gordon Brown and, of course the British police, who need no prompting to prosecute any white person they feel has ‘offended’ a porkhead shitskin.

Talking is now a waste of time. BRITAIN NEEDS A RACE WAR to exterminate every Muslim and his white, leftie-liberal, supporter.

Already, a few Patriots have made the supreme sacrifice by exterminating a few Muslims. It’s not enough. More have to be killed. A simple way is to pour gasoline through their mail boxes. That way you can take out large numbers of them.

Comment by David

If the government is too cowardly or corrupt to protect it’s citizens, then it falls to the citizens to do so. Maybe it’s time to take to streets, burn down their neighborhoods. Force the government to pick a side. At least you will know where they stand. You are right though, they do breed like cockroaches and the only way to deal with a cockroach infestation is through total eradication. Never forget this. You have like minded supporters on this side of the pond and I am proud to count myself among them. I feel so strongly about my position that if I were visited by the secret servic, I would not deny 1 post it have made on this site. As a matter of fact I would reiterate my hatred for that fucking traitor Obama and his boot licking secret service. So to make a long story short, if there is anything I can do to help in the struggle, you only need to ask, because I’m sure that the time will come when we over here can use your help. Until then brothers and sisters, keep up the good fight.

Comment by wes59

Obama has practically destroyed America. He and his coon baboon wife should be kicked back to the plantation, where they belong.

Unlike you guys in the ‘States, we have no acceess to weapons (the faggot Tony Bliar saw to that). But, don’t worry. When the race war comes, we’ll improvise enough weapons to exterminate the Muslim AND is useful white idiot supporter.

Regards, Wes.

Dave. U.K.

Comment by David.

If it were up to me, i’d impeach that treasonus nigger, his cabinet and 90% of both the Democrats and Republicans, then I would try them for treason then execute them on national tv. I would leave them to rot, until the buzzards had their fill. After all the buzzards have to eat too, same as the worms. These fucking traitors have sold my country out for personal gain and it makes me want to do things to these vermin, that would make the devil shit himself and we will never be truly free until we turn these pigs into fertilizer. Can I get an Amen!

As for your second statement about the availability of weapons in England, your right, I thank God each and every erythromycin day that we here in the U.s. access and the availability of firearms. I wish I could play father hoist master and air drop you good folks a couple hundred thousand automatic weapons and several million rounds of ammo, but at the time I dont see a viable way to make that happen. Maybe in the future, who knows. However necessity is the mother of envention. May I recamend a few publications that may serve you well as good reference material, the first is THE ANARCHIST COOK BOOK, another is called the POOR MAN’S JAMES BOND. I think you will find these valuable assets. Also you may fid other educational materials on the web. I you have any trouble finding or obtaining and of these materials, just let me know and maybe even i can make it happen. Always ready to help out a fellow patriot.
Warmest regards Dave to you and yours. And keep up the good fight.

Comment by wes59

Hey Dave.
Just thought of something. If you’re comfortable with the idea, send me an email at the adress below. Maybe I can send you a small care package from my side of the pond. Nothing major, maybe a t-shirt a publication or two maybe some other swag to show our support for the cause. Will need to research what can and can’t not be sent via British post. Take care.

Comment by wes59

I feel Islam is a medieval religion and also very oppressing especially to females . Also it has no tolerance or respect for other people of different religions . we are not shown any examples that Islam is a peaceful religion so don’t expect us to believe it

Comment by Ciara

And,now, , uve gota a paki muslim as mayor of london?,this is the final insult of pacifist white trash apeasing fukin vermin,wat the fuck?, , time 4 change?,theyve accomplished stage 1 of their invasion,voted in by guess what?,fakin muslim paki shit out voting u in ur own country?, , wel now cameron cunt,merkel whore,c wat happens next,find this white shit and execute them,halah of course,dont want to upset the fucking muslin,arab dog vomit do we?,mind fucking blowing?

Comment by david wyn-jones

Am i missing something here?,the chamberlains ar here again, , appeasing white,filthy fucking vermin

Comment by david wyn-jones

Lets face the truth. ,the world is changing,not 4 d gud,as has hapend b4 in history,but bad,and as usual our ‘leaders’,dont give a fuk,theyve got ‘money’,no wogs livin next door to them then, , these cunts,especialy the cameron cunt,and the corbyn cunt,think,in some weird way, , we will have to live with the turds of the human race?,these wog parasite sub human vomit,what was,the ,..’human race,50,000 years ago,are now ur fuking neigbhors?, , am i missing sumat?, ,are you?

Comment by david wyn-jones

Some people are just suicidal and stupid. If they just killed themselves by stepping in front of a train, it would be no big loss. However, some times they drag others down with them and that’s the shame. But this is what happens when not enough people give a shit or think it’s some kind of game or joke. They would rather go have a pint and watch a soccer match, than do their duty. I’m afraid we have the same type of ass holes here in the states and they’re usually the ones on the government tit. All we can do is keep up the good fight and hope the people wake up. Good luck and fuck the libturds. They are the real enemy. More dangerous than ISIS.

Comment by wes59

Austria the home of national socialism will be the first,then germany then the rest of europe all fed up with muslim appeasing traitor filth so called goverments,these parasites will fuck up western civilisation if we let them,vote out of the eu and fuck all the sand niggers back to the shit hole medieval parts of the planet they eminate from

Comment by david wyn-jones

Regarding the killing of this lady , Cox and the lefties trying to blame the leave camp for her murder
The remaining camp will stoop to any means they can sink to ,to remain in this undemocratic unelected bureaucratic . failing united states of Europe. Our country as been decimated. by being in this builderburg , globalist movement.
David Cameron The trater . The anti English Dick head .
He should try telling the people waiting for housing in this country how good it is being in the EU, whilst they see foreigners getting housing without waiting and our own people go to the back of the waiting list.

It sickens me to think that the remain camp will sink to this level. I prey that on June the 23 we exit this EU. and get back our self respect. Sovereignty and our self governing. not forgetting our jobs in this once proud

Nation .. This is a start to stop all these coming into our country and then round up all the illegal and send them packing.
Notice that this country only allows muslins into this country and not Christians. Satanistic Bastard

Comment by robert ashworth

The tory cunts didnt make such a fuss wen 2 nigger shit muslim monkeys kille lee rigsby did they?,but quick to capitalise on that poor womans death saying its sumat to do with the xtreme right,was was it when the muslim nigger shit killed the soldier?,what you,cameron u cunt let into this country,wanker,we could do with a revolution and skin the bastards alive,white trash

Comment by david wyn-jones

Great post Robert. Our hard-working freedoms are not this generation’s to give away. We’ve been sold down the river by cowards and traitors in just one generation.

Comment by Billy9999

Time 4 a new form of political party,its becoming the multi racial hell hole nik griffen said it would,dont rate the bnp or other silly outfits though,to play the game u need to use their rules,not tattood twats with 4 brain cells and bulldog tee shirts,theres going to be big,big trouble in europe and here,dont 4get the white trash that let the vermin of humanity in to our country then licked their arses while eroding our rights and pissing on everything our fore fathers fought to get,mindblowing

Comment by david wyn-jones

Want Corbyn, Galloway, Harman, Faggots, Lesbians, Niggers, Porhead Muslims, Hard-Left Labour, Pedophilia, Merkel?


Comment by David.

Av u seen the crap in america,nasty police shootin the poor negros,when the negro learns to abide by advanced white societys rules,i.e the law they wont get shot,most of the negros aged between 18 to 40 are in prison,the negro dosent get the principle of work to get money,and most of em are so dumb being closer to apes than us theyre unemployable so they steal,pimp or sell drugs,send the crap unevolved negro back to africa,and what a succesful negro infested shit hole that is,negro is an ape,not a human

Comment by david wyn-jones

I’m sorry for the family of the leftie-liberal MP executed earlier this week, but it was a matter of time before something like this would happen. People are pissed off with Liebour race traitors pandering to the inbred, retarded, murderous filth of the world, while the indigenous white population are accused of racism everytime they protest.

I’m no party to murder, but it’s time Britain had another civil war to kick out immigrant vermin and their leftie-liberal white supporters.

Comment by David

This country is fucked.god help you if u have kids,the only solution is a strong right wing govt,get the fuck outa europe,weve been at war with the foriegn fuckers for a thousand years,all we are paying 4 is to subside what used to be soviet shit holes like romania,albania etc,as for coming here to work,why is birmingham full of pissed up twats from, , , europe?,they comin here to get pissed?,while we pay for them to do so,we cud do with a trump

Comment by david wyn-jones

Will we fuck bow to no Muslim bastards and yer cunt profit.fuck u all ya pig fucking goats .the so called profit ripped other faiths off and the devil pops up and gives him a load of shite to write down,why would the arch Angel Gabriel peace be upon him,give such diatribe to a closet like moogammonid (may he eat the bacon) oops mongo man!!!!!beware of false prophets readers

Comment by The mad jock

Is it me,or am i a racist?,how come al american crime programs show niggers an spic shit al the time?,oh im sorry ive obviously misinterpreted wat my fukin eyes are witnesing?,oh god i must atend the doctor an get some,’al people are civilised’ glasses,oh,and by the way vote ‘leave’,weve been at war with europe for 500 years?,yea,dat meks sense,fuk em off,we invented the modern world,unfortunatly,we didnt wipe the crap out,just colonised their,still starving shit hole countries,time for a cull,wipe em off the nice white civilised planet,just the way nature intended,see wat happens when u fuk with nature,i.e god?

Comment by david wyn-jones

We’re out! Now is revenge time on the nigger-loving Corbyn and his Marxist traitors, and on muslim vermin. DO IT.

Comment by David.

Corbyn threatening to flood Britain with millions of immigrants. Corbyn must be killed.

Comment by David

ӀncrediƄle pointѕ. Soᥙnd arǥuments. Keep up the grеat spirit.

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Comment by sex

The leftly luvvies are falling to bits and the tories are fucked,they didnt expect us to vote leave,be entertaining to see what happens next,hopefully a national socialist govt!

Comment by david wyn-jones

Cameron is a lying slimeball. Corbyn is a nigger-fucking traitor, who will destroy Britain if ever he gets real power.

Already he has declared he will dismantle Britain’s defences, and spent the money on foreign-aid (Muslim and nigger vermin)

He has declared he wants open borders, and wants unlimited immigration into the country.

The fact that huge numbers of Labour-voting people living in traditional Labour areas turned their backs on him and his Party seems to have escaped him.

(Did anyone see on the TV Cobyn leaving his home? He was protected by shitskin and nigger police, as far as I could see).

Corbyn is such a threat to our democracy HE MUST BE KILLED, and that obese and ugly nigger whore Diane Abbott with him,

Comment by David

Corbyn typical hush puppy,cardigan wearer,ive got more chance of becomin prime minister,with me cat as deputy lol,labour luvvies fucked,now and forever,a joke,tories stunned and as usual utterly out of touch with us ‘peasants’,neither of the twats are any use to this country,time for change,just imagine if we stopped importing foriegn cars,domestic appliances etc etc,that would create millions of jobs,we dont need the frogs,d krauts et al,the modern world began here with the industrial revolution,almost everything was invented here,what do we need europe for?

Comment by david wyn-jones

There are around 1.3 to 1.5 billion Musilm around the world.They have won 5 Nobel prize in literature,Economics and science.Bengali Brahmins with less than 2 million population have won 3 Nobel prize in literature,economics and medicine.In USA Bengali Brahmins have 5000+ population and we have 1200+ patents which is best stat in the world.Muslim goat fuckers have lowest invention rate along with sub Saharan people.

Comment by Sampan

U got it,the whiter,the brighter,can anyone name a black scientist of note?,alberto rastein?

Comment by david wyn-jones

Albert Einstein was Jewish.Blacks have won Nobel in literature,Economics,but not in science.Even Neil de Grasse Tyson who is a very popular science communicator has not made any scientific discovery/invention.But still I think black or Latino Christians are better than barenaked Muslim goat fuckers.

Comment by Sampan

Just about every scientific achievement and the industrial revolution was in britain,we civilised the world,and now look at it

Comment by david wyn-jones

So far 2 Turkish(one of them Aziz sancar who worked in USA for his work on DNA repairing),2 Egyptian(one of them won in Chemistry working in USA in 1999) and 1 Ahmedi Muslim have won Nobel prize.Among famous inventors only 1(Salman Akram who is in USA with 721 patents) Muslim is known.Rest of the Muslims are paedophile mongrels,rapist,violent killers…we must start a mass killing of all Muslims in all non Muslim country starting with USA,UK,China,India etc.

Comment by Sampan


Comment by David.

Muslims just like all Asians like myself are a violent bigoted race. We do not deserve to be in your country or to share the world with the superior white man. My experiences as an Asian tell me my race is inferior to the white mans. White men have created computers and all the good things in this world while the Asians like Indians and Chinese and Sri lankans from which I hail are like rats poisining the world with our dirty bodies. We need someone like Trump in America who will eliminate the disgusting Asians Muslims and Africans. I am totally disgusted with my race. I feel we are up to no good most of the time.

Comment by Kosolyu

Dear me talk about self loathing,cant disagree,any chance you can tell the rest of em?,on another subject,is there a problen with usa police?,or could there be a problem with niggers in the usa?,probably the latter

Comment by david wyn-jones

Hey you 70 IQ monkey,you are a Muslim.Why are you bringing other Asians?China,Japan,Korea follow Buddhism.India’s 78% population is Hindu.Speaking about smartness,Ashkenazi Jewish and Brahmins(specially Bengali Brahmins) are world’s two smartest race with average IQ 113-120.If you take a look at inventions per population then Korea and Japan are world’s two most inventive country.Bengali Brahmins in USA have highest invention rate than any other race.So don’t even dare to compare Muslim pigs with intelligent Asians like Bengali Brahmins,Japanese.

Comment by Muslim pig fuckers

Hey Kosolyu – why do muslims insist on calling themselves “Asians”? – this is a massive insult to real Asians who do not want to be associated with dirty murdering child molesting Islam vermin. Anyway, hop in your taxpayer funded Mercedes and go on the grooming run…

Comment by Vernon Fox

all Pakis stink of shit !

Comment by LEE WATERS


The nigger-fucking leftie shit plans to flood Britain with millions of inbred muslim shitskins.

He plans to dispose of our Armed Forces, and give the money saved to ‘foreign aid’ (aka white-hating shitskin and nigger filth).

He plans to give retarded niggers rights over the indigenous white population.

He plans to nationalize everything.

Comment by David.

Oh.. and he supports Harriet Whoreperson’s plan to legalize child sex.

Comment by David.


Comment by David

Hes already dead,along with the lefty faggot labour party,those collection of imbeciles will never get into govt

Comment by david wyn-jones

So will you be willing to accept 10-12 million Christians who live in Middle East they be forced out all of them if Muslims forced out of uk and Europe and ps they not white Christians so act of few blame the lot and mis quote or take out of context if you want to known Quran says properly don’t go on line as its cut and paste get a copy allow yourself and your own brain to decide not what you hear or read online

Comment by Shahid Hussain.


Comment by David



That muslim-loving leftie-cunt liar Robert ‘Farty’ Fisk is up to his journalistic tricks again. He completely ignores the mass-slaughter of Syrian Christians by inbred and retarded muslim filth. Instead, he complains about right-wing racists and bigots.

Fisk is a socialist turd, along with the nigger-lover Corbyn, who should be target by Nationalists for extermination

Comment by Davis

The Metropolitain Police – better known for protecting Muslims and murdering innocent Brazilian electricians – have issued a warning that attacks by Muslim filth in Britain are ‘imminent’.

If that happens WE MUST react: I suggest beating and crippling as many of the shitskin vermin as possible; Firebomb their terrorist centres – the mosques. And burn out their smelly, unhealthy shops.

Additionally, identify their ‘anti-fascist’ white leftie supporters and beat them senseless, and any leftie MPs and councillors who support mass-immigration and enforced multiculturalism.


Comment by David

’50 young British muslim boys training for Jihad in Syria’, reports Sky News. Under EU ‘Human Rights’ law, they have to be allowed back into Britain.

It’s time the Prussian Prostitute Angela Merkel and her pimp Juncker are exterminated.

Comment by David

It Is without pride that I read these bigots and dealers of
war and profit between fellow human beings.. I want peace
for OUR children.. Not profit for arms dealers.. Or !? U Will C

Comment by Bigthanyour dadas

Fuck off and rape a goat, you filthy retarded nigger.

Comment by David

Or what?? Are you gonna strap a bomb to your kid in the name of Mohammed because your too toothless to blow yourself up?

Comment by Daniel

Attention German Nationalists. The Prussian Prostitute Angela Merkel is destroying your country and your culture. YOU MUST KILL HER.

Comment by David

All religion is superstition. Its all in ya head people. Get this- there is no god ….no god… god ya daft bastards

Comment by Baz collins

Got any Gleenogs?

Comment by Antonio Fartgas

Baz. You speak the the truth. It is beyond belief that human beings are so lacking in intelligence that they can be be hoodwinked into believe fairy stories to the extent that they would be so vile to each other simply because they do not share precisely the same fantasy.

Comment by Dennis

Mohammed is a bag of SHITE!

Comment by Jason hardware

If they are behaving like that in our country they should be sent back to their own country straight away britain isnt and never has been a muslim country my father fought in the war we dont want muslims in britain there were non when i was a child

Comment by Ann watt

if you want to live in our country then live by our laws people fought and died so you islam could have and live in peace. so get a grip grass the radical sick bastards then we might believe you so called inocents! but the koran does state all none believers shall be beheaded . peacefull religion my arse

Comment by mick ferris

Islam is manure

Comment by Jo bananas

No-one invited this and no-one actually wants this division.
Islam can’t be in the UK.

Comment by sushi

Guess what we will go back to our islamic countries as long as you dirty white piss drinking aid carrying mothetfuckers get the fuck out of our countries. Come back to your own country no jobs in dubai white boys and we are also turning off the fucking taps get your own oil you filthy fuck breds.

Comment by Don

And who taught u wog shit how to get the oil?,you are evolutionary retarded sand niga shit’ur so caled countries are shit holes so get bak to ur toilets u filthy sub human crap

Comment by david wyn-jones

Biggot you are just as bad as these a Muslim scum. I say scum Lightley because obviously your right wing scum. Don’t get me wrong I hate some fucking idiot blowing himself up on a bus/train in the name of religion, for fuck sake really who the fuck would do that! I don’t even believe these people even know what a kaffir is.

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Comment by หนัง

you have become what you have beheld. congratulations scum sucking little porky pig licker

Comment by Marco


Islam is promoted by Muslims, the deluded, the politically motivated and the uninformed as one of the great religions of the World – but scratch below the surface and a much darker side is revealed. Islam is NOT a religion, it is a heavily politicised cult founded in the medieval third World. It preys on and enslaves its victims using superstition, ignorance, intolerance, lack of education, greed, fear, jealousy and wealth envy. Islam is predominantly funded by theft, tax evasion and the wholesale distribution of heroin to the western World. The Modus Operandi of Islam has always been the same – infiltrate non Muslim areas and Countries, refuse to integrate or contribute, take everything possible from the naïve and unwitting host, produce as many children as possible and slowly and insidiously gain power and control. When control is absolute the non Muslims are given a simple choice – submit (convert) to Islam, give everything they have to Islam and any refusing to submit are raped, robbed, beaten, enslaved, sold like cattle at auction then when everything they have and are is gone they are murdered, humankind is a possession to Islam to exploit and abuse as Muslims see fit.

Islam does not tolerate, accept or understand democracy, human rights, civil rights, gender equality or the rule of law. In the UK seventy five per cent of Muslim Women are officially unemployed and over fifty per cent of Muslim Men are unemployed and all Muslims consider it their “god given” right to relentlessly claim every benefit they can and if they ever hear the word “no” they immediately claim racism and Islamophobia. Twenty five per cent of all UK Muslims are unable, and in many cases unwilling to read, write or speak English to an understandable standard but if an unemployed non Muslim is unable to read and write they are forced to learn or have their benefit payments sanctioned – why is this not applied to Muslims? Muslim Women produce twice as many children as non Muslim Women – do the maths and look one hundred Years into the future. Islam teaches, promotes, encourages and orders superstition, suspicion, intolerance, lack of education, enforced Sharia law, theft, misogyny, homophobia, violence towards Women, violence towards non Muslims, rape, paedophilia, kidnap, people trafficking, slavery and murder. There are Towns and now Cities in the UK where non Muslim Women are afraid to walk down the street in the middle of the day because of non stop abuse, threats of violence and threats of rape by Muslim “Men” – Luton being a classic example but it is pointless reporting these religiously motivated hate crimes as the Police have no remit to investigate and no will to investigate. The UK is being conquered by proxy and the spineless quisling cowards we have in charge seem to think appeasement is the answer – I do not recall this working against the Nazis and it will not work against the misanthropic and evil forces controlling Islam. Islam is the biggest threat to World peace humankind has ever endured or faced. A workable solution – require all UK Muslims to sign a legally binding declaration making Sharia “law” illegal in the UK and to agree to obey the law of the land. Further, to respect the cultures, traditions and way of life of the non Muslim British. Any non UK born Muslims refusing to sign will be deported to their Country of birth and barred from returning, any UK born Muslims refusing to sign will be treated as an enemy of the state and imprisoned until such a time as they agree to sign. Enough is enough – Islam regards kindness as weakness, we are being usurped and marginalised by stealth, there is quite simply no such thing as moderate Islam and we NEED to address this.

Comment by Vernon Fox

I am scottish and pround to be white i want to join and serve the cause my name is Ronnie Taylor let me join and i with do anything help me be part of your group white’s rule

Comment by Ronnie Taylor

National socialism is the new democracy

Comment by david wyn-jones

Our civilisation has been infested by the cancer of islam,a backward medieval imbecilic fantasy and the parasites of eastern europe and africa,the reason?,cheap labour to take our jobs and undermine our rights,fought for by our forefathers so that tory scum comprised of catholics like theresa may and money jews can get richer at our expense,am i wrong?,do some research,the blair scum converted to the pope club,the catholics were fukd off by henry the 8th,now theyre back,the bbc is a rats nest of peadophiles,and we are paying for the vermin on their gravy train,time for real change

Comment by david wyn-jones




Couldnt agree more,the time will soon be here,and in europe to take matters into our own hands,its the merkel whore and other white trash in this county who have allowed the vermin into our civilisation,this is the beggining,may and her useless shit govt want to maintain the status quo,she was out like a rat up a drain pipe when the muslim scum attacked in london,tramp

Comment by david wyn-jones

The “profit” Mohammed a paedophile? What we need is to sit down with a nice cup of tea and explain to the silly non Muslims that raping a six year old boy or girl is acceptable if you hide behind a Koran (AKA the thieves and perverts handbook), as is not eating a pig because it reminds you of your wife/sister/daughter – oops, I forget, one and the same in incestuous inbred Islam.
Seriously though, what we stupid westerners need is to finance a lecture tour for one of the persecuted and misunderstood preachers of kindness and tolerance so they can make the foolish non Islamic parts of the World understand that rape, paedophilia, homophobia, mysogeny, theft, slavery, people trafficking, and barbaric forms of murder are just fine provided you are a Muslim. Obviously we will have to wait for a convenient time when they are not cruising the streets in a Mercedes paid for by theft, fraud and tax evasion looking for fresh 11 year old meat or down at the DWP arranging the importation of 20 or 30 more family members. Islam – a marvellous “religion” – and if you disagree they will chop your f*cking head off! Know thine enemy…

Comment by Vernon Fox

We should have exterminated the arab filth a long time ago,the scum have utterly fucked up all their shit hole countries and now whores like merkel have allowed the cancer called islam to infest our civilisation,there will be big trouble,meanwile imbeciles who dont have to live with the paki vermin as they rape our kids,such as may and her faggot shit tory parasites,suck up to the vermin,this country is fucked

Comment by david wyn-jones

Put an end to this distruction these people are without feeling they are a discusting race.
Donald Trump has the right idea what is wrong with the these zombies because thats what these protesters are who want to ban the stop on migtration of this vermin because rhats all muslims are.
They showed what they stand for when they caused suffering on a catastrophic scale in Newyork 2001, london bomings,france, Germany and then again in london yesterday. The fault lies when they were ever allowed on Uk, American and European soil.

Comment by Muslim hater

And an interesting thought – how many “refugees” have Saudi Arabia, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Dubai and Kuwait – some of the richest Countries in the World – accepted in their Countries?
That’s right – NONE! So Europe is left to accept the burden of millions of pieces of human sewage because their OWN COUNTRIES WILL NOT!
Know thine enemy…

Comment by Vernon Fox

I agree the governent needs to make a stand not just in America but also in Uk and europe.
But the sad truth is its not going to happen because the vermin is everywhere and there is no way to rid the word of them unless Hitler has a hand in it, or drop a bomb on them,
This race is out to destroy us.
God bless all the victims of this discusting race, 9/11, london bomings, france, germany, yesterdays attack on. London, along with extremelly brave men and women who lost their lives in devending our countries to keep us safe in all the above catastrophic events that have happened in piece time, but then again there is no pease time for this race which can obly be descibed as scum

Comment by Muslim hater


Comment by FUCK YOU

Gimp freak

Comment by david wyn-jones

I just love internet bravery – back in my day 7.62 millimetres of jacketed round hitting a body at supersonic speed was all the macho a Man needed, and it worked. Never used children as human shields though, obviously not a big tough Muslim!
Know thine enemy…

Comment by Vernon Fox

Hey FUCK YOU – some anger issues there sonny, is it because your Muslim penis is even tinier than normal or did your Sister refuse your advances again?

Comment by Vernon Fox

The little Muslim needledick probably has to wank using tweezers

Comment by Harold

Son of an arab whore,backward unevolved wog vermin,time to exterminate the filth of the human race,hitler was right,he just got the wrong humans

Comment by david wyn-jones

I love a curry and im the only white lad I know who’s had sex with a packistani lass so it would be hippocritical in mammoth proportions to agree with this nonsense. Half of you can’t spell anyway. Christians and muslims can and do live in harmony.\m/

Comment by Trich80

Yea,right,all the wars just happen to be in muslim countries,what a coincidence

Comment by david wyn-jones

We Christian nations are capable of destruction on a far greater scale and against each other, than a minority group like islam. They really aren’t a threat to Britain, only on a very small scale compared to our own potential.

Comment by Trich80

She probably enjoyed the novelty of consensual sex with someone who was not an immediate family member and will have been enthralled by that non – Muslim thing called “deodorant”…
Know thine enemy…

Comment by Vernon Fox

Send everyone of them home then drop a fucking huge nuke on the fucked up nation so that each and everyone of then die then wipe out the qoran and any of its followers and no longer will we have to deal with them again. Moslems come under this also. Bomb them all and be dome with it.

Comment by die and be happy about it


Islam is promoted by Muslims, the deluded, the politically motivated and the uninformed as one of the great religions of the World – but scratch below the surface and a much darker side is revealed. Islam is NOT a religion, it is a heavily politicised cult founded in the medieval third World. Islam preys on, brainwashes, grooms and enslaves its victims using superstition, ignorance, racism, intolerance, lack of education, greed, fear, violence, hatred, jealousy and wealth envy. Islam is predominantly funded by theft, fraud, tax evasion and the wholesale distribution of heroin to the western World.

The Modus Operandi of Islam has always been the same – infiltrate non Muslim areas and Countries, refuse to integrate or contribute, take everything possible from the naïve and unwitting host, use political pressure and unfounded allegations of racism and Islamophobia to gain influence, produce as many children as possible and slowly and insidiously achieve power and control. When control is absolute non Muslims are given a simple choice – submit (convert) to Islam, give everything they have to Islam and any refusing to submit are raped, robbed, beaten, enslaved, sold like cattle at auction then when everything they have and are is gone they are discarded and murdered, humankind is a possession to Islam to exploit and abuse as Muslims see fit. Islam does not tolerate, accept or understand democracy, human rights, civil rights, gender equality or the rule of law. In the UK seventy five per cent of Muslim Women are officially unemployed and over fifty per cent of Muslim Men are officially unemployed, all Muslims consider it their “god given” right to relentlessly claim every benefit they can and if they ever hear the word “no” they immediately claim racism and Islamophobia. Twenty five per cent of all UK Muslims are unable, and in many cases unwilling, to read, write or speak English to an understandable standard but if an unemployed non Muslim is unable to read and write they are forced to learn or have their benefit payments sanctioned – why is this not applied to Muslims?

Muslim Women produce twice as many children as non Muslim Women – do the maths and look one hundred Years into the future. Islam teaches, promotes, encourages and orders superstition, suspicion, intolerance, lack of education, enforced Sharia law, racial discrimination, theft, misogyny, homophobia, violence towards Women, violence towards non Muslims, rape, paedophilia, kidnap, people trafficking, slavery and murder. There are Towns and now Cities in the United Kingdom where non Muslim Women are afraid to walk down the street in the middle of the day because of non stop abuse, threats of violence and threats of rape by Muslim “Men” – Luton being a classic example but it is pointless reporting these religiously motivated hate crimes as the Police have no remit to investigate and no will to investigate. The UK is being conquered by proxy and the spineless quisling cowards we have in charge seem to think appeasement is the answer – I do not recall this working against the Nazis and it will not work against the misanthropic and evil forces controlling Islam. Islam is the biggest threat to World peace humankind has ever endured or faced.

A workable solution – require all UK Muslims to sign a legally binding declaration making Sharia “law” illegal in the UK and to agree to obey the law of the land. Further, to respect the cultures, traditions and way of life of the non Muslim British. Any non UK born Muslims refusing to sign will be deported to their Country of birth and barred from returning, any UK born Muslims refusing to sign will be treated as an enemy of the state, deported to a Muslim Country of their choice and barred from ever returning. Enough is enough – Islam regards kindness as weakness, we are being usurped, marginalised and conquered by stealth, there is quite simply no such thing as moderate Islam and as a society, as a Country and as a World we NEED to address this.

Comment by Vernon Fox

Like all religeons it is a last hiding place 4 the simple minded,islam is like catholosim,another plague of ignorance on the planet

Comment by david wyn-jones

Religion is like pass the parcel with a turd as a prize – you spend ages unravelling it to find out what is inside is unadulterated sh*t!

Comment by Vernon Fox

They must be really DESPERATE, having to leave their country & putting up with your shit food, shit weather, most of the people being thick as shit, especially in the north of England. Also, only northern fucking idiots would vote for Brexit.

Comment by Serge marchand

Hey “Serge” – “Having” to leave their country? Interesting – would any British Man abandon Women and children and run away like a coward? Refugees? Fit, strong “Men” of fighting age galloping away to the nearest boat in their tens of thousands? The entire Iraqi army running away from four thousand smelly badly dressed halfwits – couldn’t really see the British army doing that from my experience. And stupidity is clearly not just a Northern thing as you exude it from every pore. I would toy you more but as I am devoting a considerable amount of time to my second Masters Degree I will give you the response you deserve – GROW A BRAIN TWAT!

Comment by Vernon Fox

22nd May 2017 Manchester. 😔 yet another one

Comment by Jim

Round them up and deport every one of the brown skinned infiltrators.
British people are white.
The lilly-livered, politically correct wanker government brought this on themselves by allowing a piece of shit that trained in terrorist activities in known terrorist hotspots to RE-ENTER the country.
GCHQ even have the cheek to still purport to be an agency of ‘intelligence’.
Face it, IF they had ANY f’n intelligence……..Manchester would NEVER HAVE HAPPENED !!!!
TAKE HEED every one of you brown manky bastards.
By your OWN standads, the soil you stand on is HARAM so you are even breaking your own islamist brainwashing by even being here.
Filth scum bastards.

Comment by Leavewhileyoucanyoubrownscum

Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. Be blessed.

Comment by benaiah juma

I’m totally with all of this I know my ancestors will be turning in they’re graves at the state Britain is in right now, it’s not about lynch mobs going hurting innocent muslims though we need to rise above this mentality, I live in Manchester ive spoken to muslims and they agree with how I would deal with this once and for all
Ask yourself this ………….. who runs the Muslim community? …………I’ll tell you it’s the elders they say what goes on in they’re mosque and if the same people are going to the same place up to 5 times a day and they don’t get an inclination that these people need watching? I’m sorry but to be a citizen of my country you must be atleast switched on enough to watch for signs, one family did and I commend them for showing there bravery they are true citizens. Now as for the way to deal with it is easy anyone of these terrorists from London or Manchester I would go through the evidence we have on all of them there phone records, go through it and anyone on that list must go, all family, friends, cousins, brothers, sisters or anyone who has had any contact with any of them at all whether they were born here or not that is irrelevant they are not citizens, it would be harder to send the white converts but political correctness must stop somewhere, I’d send them on a plane too and then see how they like the world as run by Islam, only one family would ever have to go and after that the elders would fall over themselves to find these terrorists for us ( which is what they should be doing anyway)
Nothing is happening in Russia or America like in Europe and the difference between us and them is a backbone, ( not sure on spelling) Putin said publicly on a stage that any terrorists found in his country would be killed then wrapped in bacon and buried in Russia then he’ll kill 100 for every one of his people, that’s the way we need to do it here, I’m sorry if it sounds like I’m ranting but I’m actually at a point with all of this that I’m planning on getting permission to have my ancestors remains excavated so I can take them with me and I’ll leave this place to go to the dogs if nobody does something soon all that civilisation has achieved and all what our families have done throughout history will of been for nothing, we have let it get to this I honestly feel saddened by all of this, we need a person with passion and fight for what we are dealing with not Margaret Thatcher wannabes or some idiot who’s gonna get rid of trident when he gets chance, if labour or conservative get in at this election then the country is forced to revolt or watch it crumble while they take everything we have that is left after so called Islamic state destroys it!

Comment by Daniel Haslam

When in rome u do as the romans do,the answer is to deport every muslim back to where they originate from,their weird ways are alien to the west,send em all to syria theres plenty of room for them after their islamic brothers have destroyed it and the rest of the middle east,it was fine when we were in charge,now look at the sand shit holes,islam is a human cancer and we have some cells multiplying and infecting the west,fuck the scum of humanity out along with their perverse sick twisted wog religeon,hitler would have exterminated the filth and what a nice world this would be,he was right,we should remove the sub human crap from this planet

Comment by david wyn-jones

Natural birth control – bar muslims from claiming child benefit! Quick closing thought – I (am forced to) work with muslims, will somebody PLEASE introduce them to the benefit of showers and deodorant – the smell is sickening.

Comment by Vernon Fox

Hello Daniel, quick humanitarian question – how many “refugees” (aka IS with a shave & change of clothes) have Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain and Dubai accepted? Answer – absolutely f*cking NONE, because they do not want the sh*t there and are more than happy to dump these medieval brainwashed savages on Europe. When are we going to wake up and realise we are being p*ssed on? I end by quoting Winston Churchill – “Islam in a Man is as dangerous as hydrophobia in a dog”. Well said, need that Man back for the forthcoming war!

Comment by Vernon Fox

Enuths enuth send all the famillies of terrorist back to thier own country..if it affects their familly they might think twice about killing other peoples..and if not let them kill each other were they came from..p.s will trump saves on bricks if he gets a twofer with a wall gor us too?

Comment by James Thompson

Excellent idea James – put them in the third world desert where they belong & let the hateful inbred Shias and Sunnis kick f*ck out of each other until the end of time. Does anyone think things will change if some “radicalised Christians” start planting bombs in mosques? They don’t like it up ’em, as Corporal Jones says!

Comment by Vernon Fox

Enuths enuth send all the famillies of terrorist back to thier own country..if it affects their familly they might think twice about killing other peoples..and if not let them kill each other were they came from..p.s will trump saves on bricks if he gets a twofer with a wall for us too?

Comment by James Thompson

Yep think every year every country should be alllowed to purge against islam like they do on a daily basis they are a vile species bit like the british goverment

Comment by Strawman

Half the people these paks killed are kids..and most likly dont follow a religion there for if you support non religion how can you be in the wronge one..and punishable?? Dumb and stinky .good combination dirt skins

Comment by James Thompson

Yes! Finally someone wwrites about mass sex.

Comment by free sex

I have been reading similar comments about Islam for over at least three decades.
This article repeats the same nonsense which reflects the ignorance of the writer. This is when hatred overtakes the intellect. No proper research was done and in most cases, it is known that the majority of people have no interest in checking the text for authenticity. It was written therefore it’s so and the author knows exactly what he’s doing.
No point of going into details to prove that the whole article flaws. Do a search on most Moslem countries and see how many christians are living there. Countries like lebanon, Syria, iraq, Palestine and jordan, at least 25% of the population is Christian. when European christians were killing the jews in Europe 10th-17th cent., they had to flee to moslem north Africa for safety. Do I need to ho any further? No i don’t think so but I advise you to have a glimpse at the christian history if you dare and if you step on your arrogance for a moment, you would probably realise that you should apologise to the grand children of those massacred by the church and happen to be immigrants in your viuntries today, rather than pointing the finger at others when your past is nothing but blood and darkness.

Comment by Dahmane

Was a lot different these days until our nonse goverment invited some likeminded followers of a child molestering race into our land to fill the gaps incase russia desided to flatten our country because its ruled by horrible men who are all for there own paedofile fettishes a bit like islam england has had a very dark past and i agree british churches are rammed with child molesters like islam and like parliment its fucking disgusting and so are all the people involved but!!!! Dont mean we should add to a already exsisting problem does it pal to side with either of them makes YOU! just as bad the only people who should be beheaded is all the lot check britain out too scared to go to war they because it might end parliment taking the total piss out of the land which is rightfully belongs to the men and women who were raised here not persons of foreigners 😉 luve like a nonse die like a nonse.

Comment by Strawman

Hang all terrorists throw out the Muslim way of life .when in Rome do as romans do to think our past generations fought and died to keep Britain free years later governments have given it away without a ballot being fired there profit was a kiddy fiddler and that suit them most of them are the same go preach and sniff arses back where u originate from

Comment by Pete

Our goverment overthrew our king only to use roman marietime law to enslave us all the goverment are in with islam and just as bad as these third world curry munching nonses aka islam thats why they want them in the country other than that just for more slaves to make them more powerful and rich the british goverment have made this all happen if any1 needs to go first its the goverment then islam they are the same ipersonally hate them all and totally agree with you pete mate 😉 stay safe mate.

Comment by Strawman

Fuck islam real british men are gathering weapons to fuck these little child molesters right up fuck islam fuck the goverment there time will come soon enuff

Comment by Strawman

A good muslim is a dead muslim. FUCK ISLAM and FUCK your pedophile prophet and your god allah who is actually satan!

Comment by Y Excalibur

free scotland kill the english fags

Comment by knob jockey

give it a couple of years and you english fucks will be over run by these terrorists forcing you to scotland by that time hadrians wall will be rebuilt and we can feed you poofter cunts the scraps when you lot relise that you stupid cunts fly your union jack oh the queen oh britain look how far that got you lot your government even deliberately fucked your shithole country up and fucked up your british troops with gulf war syndrome that your government call ptsd as far as i am concearned serves all you english cunts all you deserve the real terrorists in this country is your country and i will by that for a dollar inbred thick fuck americans hope the russians gas every fucking one of you lot and that fucking little creep tory fucking little cow may thank fuck porton down is in the south of england slowly killing you cunts freedom ya pricks

Comment by knob jockey

You sound like a miserable jock, must be the crap weather that you get, 350 days of rain a year, mwhahaha!!

Comment by Peter

my sperm is in allah’s anus!

Comment by Shawn Joyce

im going to kill allah!!!

Comment by Shawn Joyce

allah sucks my penis 5 times per second. allah is my bitch for life!!!!

Comment by Shawn Joyce

allah’s favourite food is my faeces mixed with my urine.

Comment by Shawn Joyce


Comment by Shawn Joyce


Comment by Shawn Joyce

Please ease bipout

Comment by Maboza Ritchie

After the recent Huddersfield atrocity when will the government wake up & realise when these scandals appear it is 90% of the time these hideous Asian or Paki scum doing these hideous crimes. Kick them all out. Won’t be long before they are taking over. Disgusting horrible Islam scum

Comment by Ormi

After the recent Huddersfield atrocity when will the government wake up & realise when these scandals appear it is 90% of the time these hideous Asian or Paki scum doing these hideous crimes. Kick them all out. Won’t be long before they are taking over. Disgusting horrible Islam scum

Comment by Georgie

Muslim leaders and preachers proclaim the evil and fanatical ideology of Islam, which forms the core belief of muslim identity. They revile and preach hatred of Christians and non believers who are called Kuffar or Kafir. Islam is an extremely dangerous, extremely violent, misogynist, barbaric, bloodthirsty, medieval death cult conceptualised in the Koran which states: “Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them” and “Maim and crucify the infidels”, just two of the many violent verses in the Koran. Muslims reject and disdain western values of freedom and democracy, but cunningly use all the powers of democratic legitimacy to subvert western secular society to further their aim of establishing a Muslim Caliphate(State). They aggressively demand: The construction of more mosques, the oppression and subjugation of women and the absurdity of covering women by the hijab(head cover), niqab (veil) or total cover from head to foot of the burka. The burka symbolises fear, suspicion and social exclusion and is a barrier to communication. The face and body are completely covered with only a cotton mesh gap or small opening for the eyes, the wearer cannot be identified and poses a threat to security in public places. Most wearers of this ridiculous garb are functionally illiterate, unemployable, brainwashed by islam and mentally deranged; welcome to the reality of muslim Britain! Life for muslim women is a dystopian nightmare and they are systematically brainwashed into forced, arranged and polygamous marriages, sexual abuse is commonplace including marriages of children and minors, girls suffer cruel bestial and utterly barbaric fgm-female genital mutilation, punishable by up to 14 years in prison under English Law, but few cases are brought before the courts. Farm animals are cruelly butchered without pre stunning in the sickening carnage that is halal slaughter. Muslims advocate criminal justice sanctioning punishments of horrifying medieval savagery, including public beheading, crucifixion, stoning to death, hanging, amputation, muslims who convert to Christianity are sentenced to death. The consumption of alcohol is forbidden and punished by flogging and imprisonment or death , although currently unenforcable in Britain. The Archbishop of Canterbury has warned that Christians are being deliberately attacked because of their faith in parts of the muslim world and even martyred for their faith in large numbers. An affront to the civilized world, ‘Islamic State’ and its terrorist army are killing and torturing with merciless savagery across the world in the Middle East, North Africa, the Far East, the U.S.A. and Europe.
Millions of muslims live in Britain and many of them support ‘jihad’ i.e. mass murder and bloody atrocities committed by their activists who call themselves ‘soldiers of allah’. Let nobody be under any illusion spread by the preachers and propagandists that islam is ‘a religion of peace’, because anyone who dares to speak out against muslims risks being murdered and butchered by their killers. British soldiers are frequently subjected to death threats. On Wednesday 22 May 2013, a day of infamy, the full force of muslim savagery found its target and willing perpetrators , two ‘soldiers of allah’ committed the brutal bloody murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby.There are currently an estimated 14,000 muslims in UK prisons at an annual cost of over £750 million, most of them are extremely dangerous. Under the lax and lenient British Criminal Justice System many of them could be released early, free to carry out terrorist attacks to murder and maim potentially thousands of people. The British Government has failed its primary duty to maintain the security and protection of citizens and is complicit in the islamification of the country e.g.failing to stop exclusively muslim schools segregating and brainwashing children and illegal sharia law councils, persisting in the deluded belief, wasting public money in the process, that these savages and their rapacious, evil, barbaric ideology can be integrated into mainstream society. Instead, the Government instructs the courts to apply unjust and draconian laws on racism and hate crime to incarcerate and silence people with prison sentences for manifesting their anger and revulsion against muslim rapists and child grooming gangs. Freedom of speech has been abolished and people are too frightened to speak out.
Whole areas in a growing number of towns and cities are now mainly muslim in character and are becoming mini caliphates with sharia law councils, mosques, minarets and halal abbatoirs. Many people move away, alienated by the islamification of their neighbourhoods, they have to suppress their rage, barely recognizing the country they grew up in, turned into a lawless, violent, rotten, repressive, squalid, nasty, globalized, multicultural wasteland. Islamic ideology is fundamentally opposed to the collective conscience of the majority of British people and sets muslims in direct conflict with the values of Western Civilization. Higher muslim birth rates will produce a majority muslim population in numerous areas of the the North of England and the Midlands where they proliferate by the year 2038. Europe as a whole is facing a demographic time-bomb and is confronted by majority muslim populations outnumbering indigenous European Christians. Before the end of the century a huge increase in the muslim population could see England transformed into a muslim country subservient to a caliphate in league with The Antichrist to wreak havoc and the destruction of Christianity.
The supreme symbol of muslim dominance will be the conversion of Canterbury Cathedral into a mosque, destroying over one thousand four hundred years of Christian Civilization and History. Muslim leaders will be exultant to repeat the historic precedent of 1453, when the leader of the Ottoman Turks, Sultan Memhed ll ordered the Hagia Sophia, the main church of Orthodox Christianity to be converted into a mosque, symbolising the muslim conquest of Constantinople. Christian worshipers were slaughtered without mercy or sold into slavery and the building was desecrated and looted.By the year 2038, muslims will dominate Britain through sheer force of numbers, the direct result of muslim immigration and generous state welfare & child benefits. Ideal conditions for muslims to procreate and supplant the indigenous British population and take over the country,having already infiltrated the Great Offices of State,the Civil Service,the Armed Forces, the Police, the Judiciary,the B.B.C., regional and local authorities, public services, education,the press, media and broadcasting channels all of them suffused with malicious political correctness and the big lie of multiculturalism acceding to ever increasing muslim/ islamic demands. Anyone who opined to members gathered in the bar of a Surrey golf club at the end of the twentieth century that their way of life and culture could be replaced by islam within thirty to forty years would be rebuked for talking nonsense, not anymore. The inveterate moral cowardice of the British political class and the spineless left wing liberal governing élite for failing to STOP mass muslim immigration is a betrayal of the British People and will bring this country to breaking point. Britain will be faced with the most serious crisis in its entire history and the stark choice of either fighting to remain a predominantly Christian Social Democracy, with nothing less than national survival at stake, or surrender to a Theocratic Muslim Dictatorship/Caliphate and descent into a satanic dark age of barbarism, terror and chaos. The battle for the defence of Christian Civilization against this malignant, repugnant, barbaric, evil creed will continue a conflict which has lasted for centuries, except this time THE ENEMY IS WITHIN.”The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (and Women) to do nothing”, Edmund Burke 18th century statesman, author and philosopher.
footnote: Canterbury Cathedral is under armed guard while more mosques are planned for construction.

Comment by HfS communications

I don’t live there but if I did send them back to their own country

Comment by Jane

All religions are bullshit bullshit made up bullshit theres no proof theres God dont matter thrle religion god bullshit thts y theres so many people dying of starvation lol fkg idiots my opinion Britain should kick everyone out who ain’t British end off fkg wrong we got Pakistan Indians etc who treat their woman like a piece of shit of the bottom of their shoes fkg horrible bunch aliens because they ain’t fkg humans

Comment by Smile mother fka

Islam started as a perversion of a Bedouin cult in what is now (loosely) Saudi Arabia. This cult believed in the presence of a devil who existed in the moon and referred to said entity as “Shaitan” – since interpreted as “Satan”

A carpet salesman named Muhammed was in the area at the time, and being destitute and sensing an opportunity decided to indoctrinate the local Bedouin with a narrative that the Jews of Medina were evil and stealing from the (now) Bedouin followers of the “religion” he had invented, as he was illiterate he asked his new followers to think of a name, they were not interested, instead shouting “submission for the Jews” – submission being “Islam” in Arabic. Muhammed then declared that Shaitan was in fact a God, and named this God Allah.

Muhammed lied and deceived the Jews saying he had been robbed and beaten and left with nothing by the Bedouin, the Jews took him in, gave him shelter, money, work and friendship. Muhammed told the Bedouin the Jews were immodest and immoral and ordered one of the few literate people in the area to write a book instructing followers what rules to follow – it was called the Qu’aran.

A handbook of savagery, theft, lying, deceit, wealth envy, jealousy, paedophilia, rape, incest, slavery, land grab and murder. Muhammed and his followers then murdered the Jews of Medina, stole their land, made their Women sex slaves and stole the Jews homes, money and possessions.

The birth of Islam.

Christianity and Judaism were prevalent in the area and Muhammed instructed his followers to rob and murder said at will, not to do so was “Haram” (forbidden). Judaism and Christianity were unreconstructed harsh religions but over centuries reformed because their followers would no longer tolerate or accept the brutal aspects of their faith until a period of “enlightenment” prevailed and evolved into modern Judaism an Christianity.

Islam has never evolved and never will, it is the same evil barbaric cult it ever was, when Muhammed decided he would marry it was to a nine Year old girl called Aisha – foretaste of things to come.

Fundamental Islam has one purpose – invade, rob, undermine and destroy everything which is not Islamic and silence every dissenting voice by means of forced conversion or murder – it has no place in the modern World, no place in modern society and is in my opinion is a serious threat not only to democracy but to Humankind itself.

But, of course, not all Muslims are like this. Many are quite harmless – or so we are repeatedly told. Just the fundamentalists.

Comment by Brian Martin

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