Free Britain

True Islam broadcast on British TV

The communications watchdog, Ofcom, has made a series of rulings against channels which allowed “inflammatory” material to be broadcast in breach of rules which forbid extreme opinions gaining a platform on British television.

The cases, disclosed today, include examples of an imam telling viewers that those who disrespect the prophet Mohammed should be killed, and another broadcaster saying homosexuals should be beaten and tortured.

Please note, these statements of ‘hate’ as the establishment try to paint it, are part of Islamic teachings. It is not a ‘misunderstanding of Islam’. Another command in Islam is that anyone who leaves the knuckle dragging death cult must be murdered.

You can’t leave you see. Because Islam is so peaceful you see.

Tala Rajab, the researcher who wrote the report for Quilliam, the anti-extremist think-tank, said the fresh findings by Ofcom raised serious questions over the regulation of broadcast material.

“Some of these recent incidents have been quite shocking,” he said.

“If this had happened in a mosque the police would be right in pursuing a criminal investigation. But because they are being broadcast on television channels for some reason there seems to be little appetite for looking into these extreme messages.

“If these kind of comments were made against black people, for example, you can imagine a channel being shut down overnight, particularly if they had incited violence against a minority.”

So Ofcom, the State, the Police turn a blind eye because they’re Muslims. (Although I thought inciting the murder of people is the cardinal violation of free speech). Just like they turned a blind eye to the gang raping / drugging of white girls by Pakistani Muslims, which is okay under Islam by the way.

Islam is the most despicable  ideology I’ve ever studied, and I’ve probably studied them all. But to blame Islam itself is wrong. Islam is just a collection of books and pages. MUSLIMS are the issue because they identify themselves with this creed. They are telling you ‘yes I agree with the paedophilia, the rape, murder, conquest, violence, global jihad, Jizya’ etc.

Maybe you don’t believe me. That’s okay. Here are the references.

Remember, it isn’t people like me (or you) labelling them with the same brush. They are.

Just because they’ll say other things to your face, doesn’t mean they are being honest. There is an Islamic tactic of deceit called al-Takia, which is where you lie to the worthless infidels ‘you and I’ until they get close enough to dominate, similar to lying to get into someone’s home so you can rape them.

This is Islam. There is no moderate version, extremist version, happy version, ‘misunderstanders of Islam’ version or any other apologist invention that seeks to separate the openly violent Muslims with the inwardly violent ones.

This will keep happening. I wonder how many instances of Muslims committing crimes ‘in the name of Islam’ will have to occur before these establishment morons admit there is a problem that doesn’t involve ‘stupid English racists, swivel eyed loons and so on…

Draw Mohammed Day is TOMORROW!
May 19, 2010, 7:19 pm
Filed under: Islam, News

Don’t forget, if you have blogs, websites etc, or you just want to join in the fun, tomorrow is Draw Mohammed Day (links to Facebook group).

As you know, it is essentially based on a reaction to people who believe they are so superior and perfect to the rest of us, that their beliefs (not facts) should be protected from analysis and critisism, forever. Hence their eternal outrage at things ‘offending Islam’.

This is something of a boggle, seeing as Islam isn’t a person that can be offended, but merely an ideology. I guess it’s okay for Muslims to depict non-Muslim faiths and beliefs as pigs, demons and the like, so long as it’s one way. Like I said, they believe they are superior. You have no ‘right’ to draw a picture of their so called ‘prophet’, even if this person actually received his ‘revelations’ not from God, but from a Demon.

No matter. What is important is that you FOLLOW ISLAMIC RULES and do not do what millions in the West will be doing tomorrow. Depicting this warmongering, paedophile fuck face.

It is going to ‘offend’ Muslims. Well who gives a fuck. I’m more offended by Muslims actually going out and KILLING PEOPLE.

By the way, now is a good time to post this excellent video, a speech by Bat Ye’or, a scholor of Islam.

Remember. Whether you want it or not. This is war. ‘Islam’ believes that the world was always Islamic, and the 15,000 acts of violence since 9/11 in the name of Islam are merely good Muslims trying to bring the world back to where it belongs.

Well I say fuck that.

In the West, everyone and everything is open to criticism. It’s the basis for separating fact from fiction. If Muslims want to threaten lives on this issue, then they are merely seeking to impose islamic rule on non-muslims, as part of their holy war.

Tomorrow I’ll have a pic up. You can count on it.

Muslims assault swedish artist during Freedom of Speech lecture
May 16, 2010, 3:42 pm
Filed under: FreeBritain, Islam, Laws & Regulations, News, Politics, Video

More footage of the incident earlier this week.

This is longer footage than the earlier one posted,

Also in the 2nd video, you can see a swedish guy that says “show some respect” to a muslim women after she screams “show respect you fucking pig”, she replies with “you should shut up”, (same women that fanaticly screams “allah akbar” in the first long clip.) then the muslim crowd chases him away. Also you can hear the enraged muslims threaten other swedish people who tryes to tell them to calm down.

View the video on LiveLeak.

Posting on another blog

Hi all, I will be concentrating my posts on my main blog, End of Men for  the time being while working on another project. This includes posts I would otherwise make here.


Real Hiphop

Speaking the truth in the face of adversity…

FREE SPEECH IS DEAD (banned from youtube)

EU Dictatorship Vs Ireland: Round 2

Daily Mail

Europe’s leaders are poised today to endorse a series of ‘bribes’ designed to persuade Irish voters to reverse their rejection of the EU constitution.

They will be encouraged to back the document in a second vote next year.

EU chiefs last night agreed in principle key concessions to Dublin at a Brussels summit in return for a re-run of the referendum. They are expected to sign the deal today and hope the Irish will deliver the ‘right’ result when they vote again.

It means the re-jigged blueprint for a ‘United States of Europe’ – now renamed the Lisbon Treaty – could be in force by the beginning of 2010, despite being rejected by voters three times.

And Britain will be fully signed up to it without the referendum Labour promised.

According to draft conclusions for the two-day meeting leaked last night, Dublin ‘is committed to seeking ratification’ of the treaty by the end of October 2009.

The move was seized on by the Tories who upped the pressure on Gordon Brown for reneging on a 2005 General Election manifesto pledge when the constitution was re-drawn as a treaty.

Yeah, and what happened? He said one thing, sorry, he PROMISED one thing, and did the opposite and no one tears down Westminster.

One EU diplomat close to the talks added last night: ‘There’s a wide agreement on Lisbon, but we’ll need to come back on some details tomorrow.’

Ireland’s Prime Minister Brian Cowen is expected today to confirm that another referendum on the treaty will be held. He will claim that securing deals on retaining Ireland’s EU commissioner, its military neutrality, abortion, workers’ rights and taxation laws means a second vote is necessary.

Well, maybe. Until the unelected heads of the EU decide to change the Lisbon Treaty at will, without a vote by anyone anywhere. It is called Article 48. These so called ‘concessions’ are just cheap parlour tricks.

Irish foreign minister Micheal Martin said the concession on a commissioner was a fundamental reform. Under the original treaty terms, the number of commissioners was set to fall to 18 and appointed on a rotation basis, meaning some countries would be left unrepresented.

Why do you think they are moving to majority voting? Mob rules, my friends. The EU knows that the largest countries are all fabian socialist shitholes dedicated to the Communist Utopia. As Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, the architect of the European Union Constitution states:

“We are evolving towards majority voting because if we stay with unanimity, we will do nothing,” he said.

“It is impossible to function by unanimity with 27 members. This time it’s Ireland; the next time it will be somebody else.”

“Ireland is one per cent of the EU”.

Indeed. So your wonderful ‘EU Commissioner’ will be out-voted on anything the EU doesn’t agree with anyway. Democracy, EU style.

Declan Ganley, the chairman of Libertas, which led the triumphant ‘No’ campaign in the first Irish referendum, said the summit deal was an example of the Irish being dictated to by Brussels.

‘The powerful elite in Brussels is utter contempt for the democratic decision of the Irish people in rejecting the Lisbon Treaty, he said.

‘It’s time to put a stop to this bullying.’

In Britain, Shadow Foreign Secretary William Hague attacked Mr Brown for his part in pressuring Dublin to vote again.

He said: ‘Trying to force the Lisbon Treaty down the Irish people’s throats again is not only a dangerous distraction from that agenda, it is profoundly undemocratic.’

He added: ‘If our unelected Prime Minister insists on forcing the Irish people to vote twice, the case for letting the British people vote once will be morally unanswerable.’

The ‘new’ treaty, signed in Lisbon in December 2007, was drawn up to replace the EU constitution, thrown out by voters in France and the Netherlands in 2005.

Critics say that the two documents are virtually identical with crucial powers handed over from member states to Brussels.

Not just critics, most of the EU elitists as well, including the man who crafted the original EU Constitution. Here are two quotes:

The European Commission
“It’s essentially the same proposal as the old Constitution.”
(Margot Wallstrom, EU Commissioner, Svenska Dagbladet, 26 June 2007)

“The substance of the Constitution is preserved. That is a fact.”
(Angela Merkel, German Chancellor, Telegraph, 29 June 2007)

The EU insists that it is needed to help ease decision-making within the expanding bloc.

Ease decision making for the dictators in the EU that is. What else could it possibly mean? The Treaty is about the centralisation of power, away from you and your country. Away from everyone and their countries. Don’t believe me? Read the damn thing.

Open Europe director Lorraine Mullally said: ‘This whole process is nothing but a charade to make it look as though people’s concerns about the treaty have been addressed. The Irish ‘No’ vote is being ignored in a most dishonest way.’


People have to realise that their respective governments do not act in their best interests or in the interests of their Laws. This has been decades in the planning and implementing and we are now in the final stages of their endgame for the European Superstate;

Former Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovksy, who personally saw secret documents in 1992 which outlined a conspiracy to turn the European Union into a Socialist dictatorship;

The Soviet files outlined a plan from the mid-1980’s onwards to hijack the European Union and turn it into what Bukovksy calls the EUSSR, a totalitarian federal superstate with no accountability or direct representation.

Some more information regarding the EU, and the Lisbon Treaty:

Why Ireland should vote No to the Lisbon Treaty

EU Constitution author says referendums can be ignored

The European Union Story

EU Map deletes England, replaces it with Regions

Ever-closer European Union underway


Anger at plans for EU wide police force with powers to snoop on Britons

FreeBritain: Lisbon Treaty

FreeBritain: European Union

Get informed! Spread the information. You can’t make an educated vote if you do not know the facts. That’s what the EU is counting on.

UN Blowback: More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims

Anthropogenic global warming isn’t about protecting the Earth, it never was. It is about wealth transfer and the centralisation of power away from individual people into the hands of private international organisations. Part of the plan for the global socialist dictatorship.

U.S. Senate Committee

Study: Half of warming due to Sun! –Sea Levels Fail to Rise? – Warming Fears in ‘Dustbin of History’

POZNAN, Poland – The UN global warming conference currently underway in Poland is about to face a serious challenge from over 650 dissenting scientists from around the globe who are criticizing the climate claims made by the UN IPCC and former Vice President Al Gore.  Set for release this week, a newly updated U.S. Senate Minority Report features the dissenting voices of over 650 international scientists, many current and former UN IPCC scientists, who have now turned against the UN. The report has added about 250 scientists (and growing) in 2008 to the over 400 scientists who spoke out in 2007. The over 650 dissenting scientists are more than 12 times the number of UN scientists (52) who authored the media hyped IPCC 2007 Summary for Policymakers.

The U.S. Senate report is the latest evidence of the growing groundswell of scientific opposition rising to challenge the UN and Gore. Scientific meetings are now being dominated by a growing number of skeptical scientists. The prestigious International Geological Congress, dubbed the geologists’ equivalent of the Olympic Games, was held in Norway in August 2008 and prominently featured the voices and views of scientists skeptical of man-made global warming fears. [See Full report Here: & See: Skeptical scientists overwhelm conference: ‘2/3 of presenters and question-askers were hostile to, even dismissive of, the UN IPCC’ ]

Full Senate Report Set To Be Released in the Next 24 Hours – Stay Tuned…

A hint of what the upcoming report contains:

“I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.” – Nobel Prize Winner for Physics, Ivar Giaever.

“Since I am no longer affiliated with any organization nor receiving any funding, I can speak quite frankly….As a scientist I remain skeptical.” – Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Joanne Simpson, the first woman in the world to receive a PhD in meteorology  and formerly of NASA who has authored more than 190 studies and has been called “among the most preeminent scientists of the last 100 years.”

Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning PhD environmental physical chemist.

“The IPCC has actually become a closed circuit; it doesn’t listen to others. It doesn’t have open minds… I am really amazed that the Nobel Peace Prize has been given on scientifically incorrect conclusions by people who are not geologists,” – Indian geologist Dr. Arun D. Ahluwalia at Punjab University and a board member of the UN-supported International Year of the Planet.

“The models and forecasts of the UN IPCC “are incorrect because they only are based on mathematical models and presented results at scenarios that do not include, for example, solar activity.” – Victor Manuel Velasco Herrera, a researcher at the Institute of Geophysics of the National Autonomous University of Mexico

“It is a blatant lie put forth in the media that makes it seem there is only a fringe of scientists who don’t buy into anthropogenic global warming.” – U.S Government Atmospheric Scientist Stanley B. Goldenberg of the Hurricane Research Division of NOAA.

“Even doubling or tripling the amount of carbon dioxide will virtually have little impact, as water vapour and water condensed on particles as clouds dominate the worldwide scene and always will.” – . Geoffrey G. Duffy, a professor in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering of the University of Auckland, NZ.

“After reading [UN IPCC chairman] Pachauri’s asinine comment [comparing skeptics to] Flat Earthers, it’s hard to remain quiet.” – Climate statistician Dr. William M. Briggs, who specializes in the statistics of forecast evaluation, serves on the American Meteorological Society’s Probability and Statistics Committee and is an Associate Editor of Monthly Weather Review.

“For how many years must the planet cool before we begin to understand that the planet is not warming? For how many years must cooling go on?” – Geologist Dr. David Gee the chairman of the science committee of the 2008 International Geological Congress who has authored 130 plus peer reviewed papers, and is currently at Uppsala University in Sweden. 

“Gore prompted me to start delving into the science again and I quickly found myself solidly in the skeptic camp…Climate models can at best be useful for explaining climate changes after the fact.” – Meteorologist Hajo Smit of Holland, who reversed his belief in man-made warming to become a skeptic, is a former member of the Dutch UN IPCC committee.

“Many [scientists] are now searching for a way to back out quietly (from promoting warming fears), without having their professional careers ruined.” – Atmospheric physicist James A. Peden, formerly of the Space Research and Coordination Center in Pittsburgh.

“Creating an ideology pegged to carbon dioxide is a dangerous nonsense…The present alarm on climate change is an instrument of social control, a pretext for major businesses and political battle. It became an ideology, which is concerning.” – Environmental Scientist Professor Delgado Domingos of Portugal, the founder of the Numerical Weather Forecast group, has more than 150 published articles.

“CO2 emissions make absolutely no difference one way or another….Every scientist knows this, but it doesn’t pay to say so…Global warming, as a political vehicle, keeps Europeans in the driver’s seat and developing nations walking barefoot.” – Dr. Takeda Kunihiko, vice-chancellor of the Institute of Science and Technology Research at Chubu University in Japan.

“The [global warming] scaremongering has its justification in the fact that it is something that generates funds.” – Award-winning Paleontologist Dr. Eduardo Tonni, of the Committee for Scientific Research in Buenos Aires and head of the Paleontology Department at the University of La Plata

Read the rest of the article.

First pictures of schoolboys jailed for gang-raping girl, 14

Daily Mail

Nine members of a braying schoolboy rape gang who carried out a horrifying punishment attack on a 14-year-old girl are behind bars today.

The boys were as young as 13 when they took it in turns to assault their defenceless victim while recording it on a mobile phone.

The rapists were a junior branch of a notorious east London gang known as the Kingzhold Boys.

The nine teenage boys, including two aged 14 and 16 convicted of rape on the basis they ‘aided and abetted’ the attack, were given terms ranging from two years and five months in secure accommodation to indeterminate terms for public protection.

Judge Wendy Joseph QC sentenced Denton to an indeterminate term of detention for public protection and told him: ‘You had power over the others.

‘The pre-sentence report points to motives of revenge, sexual gratification and exercising a power over both your victim and your gang.

‘Accordingly I sentence you to detention for public protection.’

Judge Joseph ordered him to serve at least three years and eight months before he can be considered for release.

Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime.

More evidence of the breakdown of the next generation of society, and the good old Human Wrongs Rights act there to protect the scumbags. Just how the Fabian socialists like it.

‘We the police and the community will not accept gang rule in the community.

‘I hope this result provides some comfort to the victim, who went through a hugely distressing and traumatic ordeal at the age of just 14. I commend her and the sheer bravery of the other young witnesses in standing up in court and giving evidence.

Well the ‘Justice’ system isn’t exactly helping the police is it? The police may not want gang rule but the courts don’t seem to want to punish them that much. Not that prison is punishment these days.

Still, I’m sure Harriet Harscum and her band of cultural Marxists are pleased about the multi-cultural composition of this bunch of uncivilised sociopathic arseholes. Fucking shoot them all.

Global one world dictatorship – Financial Times

Global one world dictatorship – Financial Times posted on EndofMen

Queen’s Speech: Firms free to favour female and black job applicants

The Fabian Socialist EU onslaught continues. And for those who think ‘the Queen’ is here to protect the Bill of Rights etc, think again. The European Union reigns supreme in Britain, as Declaration 17 of the Lisbon Treaty will verify.

You could also read the title of this post as Firms free to discriminate against white British men.

Make no mistake, the international Fabian cartel is waging war on freedom and individual liberty.

Daily Mail

Companies will be free to discriminate in favour of women and black job candidates under proposed ‘equality’ laws.

The move allows employers to give preferential treatment as long as applicants are equally qualified.

It is designed to boost the proportion of female and ethnic staff, as well as thrusting more of them into senior posts.

Ministers insist that businesses will not be compelled to favour the woman or the black candidate, but the law will be changed to ensure they cannot be sued for turning down a white man.

Equalities minister Harriet Harman says ‘positive action’ is vital so that the workforce more accurately represents the proportion of the population as a whole.

That slimey Marxist makes my skin crawl. What she means is discimination against the largest indigenous demographic of Britain, which just so happens to be the group mostly likely to be patriotic to what Britain is supposed be. You know, a small state, individual libertarianism, community, family, sovereignty, everything the Fabians want to destroy.This is nothing less than state sanctioned racism and sexism.

Positive discrimination, where a lesser qualified candidate is given the job just because he or she is from a minority, will remain illegal.

And public bodies will for the first time have to ensure that they do not discriminate on grounds of ‘sexual orientation, gender reassignment, age and religion or belief’.

How? By deliberately employing said people, possibly over more qualified candidates?

Public bodies will have to report on any pay inequalities and the Equality and Human Rights Commission will conduct a series of inquiries into pay.

Ministers will also press ahead with a consultation on whether firms should be forced to reveal the salary gap between their male and female staff to highlight how women have slipped behind.

I don’t believe this. Another huge increase in state beaucracy at the taxpayers expense, to push cultural Marxism on a formally free nation. And now a summary of the raft of social-engineering measures, designed to control you ignorant slaves of the state.

Ban on buy one get one free drink deals

Supermarket drink promotions enjoyed by millions of responsible customers are to be banned.

Wine and beer will be hardest hit by the end of bulk discount offers such as ‘buy one get one free’.

Lie detectors to root out benefit cheats

Lie detectors will be used to root out benefit cheats.

Council staff will use the machines to identify anyone lying about their circumstances to pocket taxpayers’ cash.

Guess MP’s won’t have to submit to this…

Battered women who kill could escape murder charges

Battered women who kill abusive partners in cold blood because they fear more violence will escape a murder conviction.

Instead their crime – even if premeditated – will be reduced to manslaughter, sparing them a mandatory life sentence.

Under the Coroners and Justice Bill, victims of domestic violence will be able to claim they were provoked into killing by their tormentors after enduring months or years of abuse.

And the ‘evidence’ for domestic violence will be what exactly? Now comes the women are more equal than men adjustment…

But the shake-up of the homicide laws would scrap the ‘partial defence’ of provocation where a husband claims he killed in a fit of sexual jealousy after discovering his wife was having an affair.

Suicide websites to be outlawed

Justice Minister Jack Straw is determined to outlaw websites which encourage suicide following their links to a string of young deaths.

But there are fears that the Coroners and Justice Bill could be used as a vehicle to scrap laws which prevent helping a terminally-ill person to die.

Lapdancing club curb

The clubs – currently in the same licensing category as pubs and cafes –are expected to be licensed in the same way as sex shops.

Under Labour’s Licensing Act 2003, lapdancing clubs outside London need only an alcohol licence.

The new Bill will make it illegal to use prostitutes who have been trafficked into the country or who work for pimps.

It will become an offence to buy sex from anyone ‘controlled for another person’s gain’.

With the proof of innocence on the part of the ‘buyer’ and not the ‘seller’. More feminist anti-male discrimination. Dealing with trafficking would involve sorting out border controls, but the state doesn’t want to do that, too many cheap immigrant votes and fuel for cultural marxism.

Flexible working law goes ahead

Ministers are to press ahead with controversial plans to allow millions of parents with older children the right to request flexible working.

Under the law, employers must seriously consider any application for flexible working and they can reject it only if there are good business reason.

Reasons determined by the state I’m sure, cue more lawsuits, quangos and other taxpayer funded shite.

The measure was not mentioned in the Queen’s Speech as it does not require a new Bill and can be implemented under existing flexible working regulations. It has dismayed business leaders, who have warned that the decision will damage firms during the recession.

John Wright, chairman of the Federation of Small Businesses, said: ‘Small businesses do not object to flexible working. But now is not the time to burden employers with the need to spend time on meetings and formally agreeing new contracts and conditions, when much of this takes place informally anyway.’

Yes but the state statists want facts and figures and more red tape to strangle the already suffocating British businesses. Businesses should be allowed to employ who they like, when they like, how they like. It should have nothing to do with the state.

New business tax

Millions of businesses will be hit with a new tax in the next 18 months.

Firms with a rateable value of more than £50,000 will be forced to pay business rate supplements.

The tax will be levied by all local authorities, excluding district councils, which will use the money to promote ‘economic development in the area’.

This is wealth redistribution. Wealth that the state has no right to confiscate from businesses, (or individuals for that matter), but this government believes it should control everyone and everything. Another symptom of tyranny.

Immigrants must ‘earn’ passports

Immigrants must ‘earn’ British passports by carrying out voluntary work, paying taxes and learning to speak English.

Those who make a greater effort to integrate by, for instance, helping out at youth clubs or taking OAPs shopping could be ‘fast-tracked’. But economic migrants who commit crimes or do not find work will be sent home.

As opposed to all the criminal and economic immigrants that have been flooding into the country over the last decade. This is just another excuse to keep the borders open, when the government doesn’t even know how many immigrants (illegal or otherwise) are even in the country.

U-turn on plans to give MPs final say on going to war

Flagship plans to give MPs the final say on international treaties and going to war were effectively dumped.

The Constitutional Renewal Bill, which also includes moves to enshrine in law civil service impartiality, will be introduced only ‘when time allows’ in the next Parliamentary session.

This country will not survive this kind of government. No country can. Socialism/ communism destroys. It is diametrically opposed to freedom. Read the manifesto at the Libertarian Party UK website.

Britain is the world center of freedom and individual liberty, it’s Light of Eärendil. Britain literally wrote the books on it, from the year 1100 onwards. Hence the onslaught and our obligation to protect it.

The reality is, whether we like it or not, that we all must try to do something, big or small, to promote a party who advocates individual liberty and a small, efficient state. We must do this because those in power are actively attacking us and everything Britain is supposed to stand for. It must be resisted. IT MUST. You are either free or you are a slave. We are in a state of war. A war of economics, culture, and law, of ideologies and propaganda. This is being waged with a compliant mainstream media, with Frankfurt School double speak and political correctness.

We can all see it everywhere we look. Society is being turned upside down, and it is no accident. The nanny state is designed to disempower the individual by claiming to ‘care for’ society. This renders society infantile, weak, apathetic, dependent on those in power and thus, easily controlled.

The easiest thing you can do to resist this tyranny is to support a political party who seeks to change this. An opening statement of the party is as follows:

Libertarian thought begins with the individual. It’s individuals that make up our society, not our society that makes individuals, so this is the only sensible place to start.

To each and every person in our society, we say:


Owning something means that you have the absolute right to decide what to do with it—whether to use it up, keep it, sell it or give it away. Libertarians believe that everyone has the right to ownership of their own bodies, thoughts and beliefs, and honestly acquired property, be those goods, land, or money. Owning these aspects of yourself means that you should be free to do with them what you choose.

Libertarians believe that coercive actions by individuals, or groups of individuals—for example, the State—against others can never be justified. Such actions can rightly be seen as acts of aggression, and are simply an inappropriate way of behaving towards other people. This does not mean that Libertarians are pacifists, as everyone has the right to defend the property that they own—including themselves; rather, it is the act of initiating aggression that is morally unacceptable. What this means in practice, and looking at recent international events, is that Libertarians would have supported military action in the Falklands Conflict, where UK citizens and territory were first attacked by an aggressor, but not the recent war against Iraq, where the UK (along with the US) actually initiated the aggression.

On a more personal level, the right to do with your own body as you see fit means that Libertarians have no moral problems with people using drugs in a responsible fashion. The important thing here is how your own actions impact upon the rights of others. For example, it would be wrong to drive under the influence of drink or drugs, as that would be putting the lives and property of others in danger. Yes, you have rights, but you also have the responsibility to respect the equally held rights of others.

Visit the Libertarian Party UK website. Read the whole thing and decide if our generation will be the one who fights back, or the one gives up the ‘light of Eärendil’ without a fight, and consigning our young to slavery and oppression. I just cannot allow it.

Galadriel: I give you the light of Eärendil, our most beloved star. May it be a light for you in dark places, when all other lights go out. – Lord of the Rings.

Join LPUK link

Gordon ‘Stalin who?’ Brown’s latest verbal vomit

Run through the Field Marshall Watkins Translation Service ™

Source: Daily Mail

The Prime Minister said today that now is the time to speed up the pace of reform as the country faces the global economic crisis.

Use the chaos to push through a new regime. His Fabian friend T. Blair said something similar, which pushing for ‘global interdependency’. “The pieces are in flux. Soon they will settle again. Before they do, let us re-order this world around us.”

‘This is the biggest New Labour project of all: to give people confidence and hope that we can build through this downturn into a better economy and society.

The ‘project’ is a totalitarian socialist state, developed by the slowly slowly approach of Fabians, such as Gorgon McStalin. Again, echoes of the ‘mission’ of Tony Blair: “Out of the shadow of this evil, should emerge lasting good…This is a moment to seize.

‘We’ve got a global financial system but we don’t have global financial supervision of it.

We need one single, unelected, unaccountable organisation to control the economy (and therefore freedom) of the entire human race.

‘When you have global financial flaws and you only have national supervision of them, you inevitably run into the sort of problems that we have seen.’

The current economic situation, was manufactured by our bosses in global banking (JP Morgan, Rockefeller, Rothschilds et al) to burst the credit bubble and consolidate vast swathes of liquidity and real-world assets in their money printing, fractional reserve claws. We should help them by giving their financial front corporations power over all nations.

He also highlighted climate change, inequality and terrorism as major problems that must be addressed.

All perpetual Hegelian Dialectics that help to justify the reduction of freedom, rights and liberty around the planet, to make it easier to implement their global government.

Referring to the attacks in Mumbai, he said: ‘A great multi-faith democracy has been laid low by terrorists.’

He said it raised ‘huge questions’ about how the world addresses violent extremism.

Something Brown refuses to deal with. Instead, counter-terrorism forces are sent to raid the home of a dissenting MP, who highlighted Labour’s lies on immigration and State employment of illegal immigrants. Labour’s open door policy helps to feed the cultural Marxism of the Fabians in power.

‘Most of the problems that we face can’t be solved in isolation,’ he said. ‘We are the first generation that has the chance to build a truly global society.

‘We must be the generation that builds these global institutions and builds this global cooperation.’

We must finish the plan for the New World Order, the single global government, run by the political and financial elite.

Focussing on the economic crisis, Mr Brown said that the news that Woolworths, a household name, had gone into administration this week had made many people realise that ‘something quite big is happening’.

‘We’ve got people worried about whether jobs will be safe next year,’ he said. ‘At a human level, as well as a global level, we are facing extraordinary times.

Predictive programming. He keeps inserting ‘globalism’ into everything he says.

He went on: ‘What should we do? We’ve got to lead the way in global international cooperation. We are working very closely with Barack Obama’s economic team.’

He added that there were ‘huge similarities between what we are doing and what the Obama government is preparing to do in America.’

Of course there is. Obama is a Fabian Socialist too. Synchronised destabilisation of both economies (problem) with the collapse of thousands of businesses and savings (reaction), with the (solution) being the transferring of both countries governance to a private, international institution run by the same cartel that created the Federal Reserve, with the creation of a single, global fiat currency. Oh, and Marxist Zbigniew Brzezinski’s sons are both advisors to both McCain and Obama so it didn’t really matter which one the Americans voted for.

He also called for a ‘new wave of upward social mobility’ within Britain.

He added: ‘We have got to empower families and people so they have far more control over the public services that they use and that will be one of the big themes in the Queen’s Speech next week.’

Brown has to continue to expand the scope and power of the state, to regulate ever more and take complete control over every aspect of society. He could always reduce the size and power of the state, reducing the tax burden and giving the individual people and communities of Britain the libertarian freedom to work to their own merits, but socialism is totalitarian social-engineering.

Again stressing that the world’s problems cannot be solved in isolation, he made reference to those who would support the break up of the UK.

‘It would be very sad if, as we are recognising our global interdependence on each other, one part of the country walks away.’

Who else called for global interdependence?

Common Purpose & the Fabians – Michael Tsarion

Source: YouTube

Michael Tsarion, in his first intview in the UK, explains the history of Common Purpose, linking the organisation to the Fabians and how our lives are being dumbed down by the New World Order. Full 30 min interview coming soon!

Additional resources:

Stop Common Purpose

Common Purpose (CP) – a hidden virus in our government and schools

Just incase you wonder where this sort of language comes from in speeches like this:

Gordon Brown – A common purpose for the age of ambition – Youtube

Muslim prisoners get hand delivered curries

It’s their human rights you see.

Source: Daily Mail

Muslim prisoners at a maximum security jail were treated to £3,500 of takeaway curries to mark a religious festival.

Some 200 inmates at Whitemoor prison near March in Cambridgeshire had meals worth around £18 each after complaining about the quality of jail food.

Staff, who also tucked into the meals, drove 40 miles to pick them up from a takeaway in Peterborough.

Ah. Everyone get stuck in, it’s on the taxpayer, like everything else.

The meals were bought at the end of October this year to celebrate Eid, a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting.

Main dishes included lamb rogan josh and beef madras.

A former non-Muslim inmate said: ‘They tried to do the curries in-house but the prison chefs couldn’t meet the budget of £1.80 per prisoner – and the Muslim inmates complained that it tasted rubbish.

‘The smell of it wafting was torture for the rest of us.’

There I was thinking that criminals forfeit their rights and freedoms until their sentence is spent, as a consequence of breaking the law. You know, consequences, being punished for doing wrong.

A Prison Service investigation is to now look at the ‘unacceptably’ high costs of the meals.

It is also likely to look into reports that standard security checks to ensure weapons or contraband were not being smuggled in with the dishes were not carried out in case the meals got cold.

Inmates having to eat cold food! Politically protected people (Muslims) having to eat cold food! No way, this is Britain! Only taxpayers, pensioners and the like should have to do that, not criminals. Human rights, you see.

In recent years its Muslim population has swelled as security services have begun investigating terrorist plots. It now has the highest proportion of Muslim inmates of any jail in the country.

In August, documents revealed emergency plans had been drawn up amid fears a prison officer could be taken hostage and beheaded by Muslim fanatics following mounting racial tension.

But, but but, religion of peace, human rights (keep repeating it).

Whitemoor governor Steve Rodford was unavailable to comment.

Hard to talk when your mouth is full of gravy.

A Prison Service spokeswoman said: ‘Such high costs for food are not acceptable and an investigation is under way.

‘While the Prison Service respects and is required to facilitate religious and cultural festivals, and Whitemoor is making efforts in this regard, food costs must be reasonable.’

It shouldn’t respect and be required to facilitate jack shit for any prisoner. It is supposed to be a place of punishment, one that people do not want to return to. Except to play PS3 and XBox 360. Or to have cellphones and private showers. Least of all cater to people’s personal beliefs. Even political ideologies that call for worldwide fascism.

Taxpayers to pay for gypsy sites

Source: Daily Mail

Towns and villages across England are bracing themselves for ‘bombshell’ news on the location of hundreds of new and upgraded gipsy and traveller camps.

Work on some of the proposed 7,500 extra pitches will get the go-ahead within weeks under a controversial £97million scheme.

Targets imposed by the Government mean local authorities must provide a specified number of permanent sites with rubbish collection, running water, electricity and other services.

In return travellers will have to pay rent and council tax.

The pressure on councils has forced at least one to warn landowners of compulsory purchase. Others may follow suit.

Abolition of private property, where have we seen that before… Also, this has the EU’s fascist fingers all over it. I have yet to find the specific EU Directive (I haven’t the time right now) but I found this in the Daily Hansard 2004;

The CRE, Travellers’ organisations and the communities or partnerships which act on behalf of many Gypsies and Travellers have criticised the existing provisions in Section 183 of the principal Act. The CRE expressed concern that the exemption from stop notices of any building used as a dwelling house, but not of a caravan on a site used by Travellers as a dwelling, could be in conflict with the Race Relations Act. It is seeking counsel’s opinion, particularly in light of Article 14 of the EU race directive, which requires member states to,

    “take necessary measures to ensure that any laws, regulations and administrative provisions, contrary to the principle of equal treatment, are abolished”.

I welcome what the Minister said when introducing his amendment; namely, that the regulations would exempt caravans in the same way as dwelling houses. However, it is profoundly unsatisfactory for us to have to rely on some undertaking as to what is going to be in future regulations when what is in the Bill is so clearly discriminatory. That article of the EU directive is reflected in our own law in the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 1976 Amendment Regulations 2003. I would be grateful if the Minister could explain

So this is a consequence of the ‘Race Directive’, from the EU. So putting stop notices on caravan sites violates the ‘rights’ of gypsies. I also guess that EU considers people not wanting gypsy and traveller sites in their backyard is ‘rascist’, this is the suggestion I find on this page, Towards the World Conference on Racism (2000).

As well as making specific recommendations in relation to the themes of the conference, the NGO Forum report, in it’s general remarks and conclusions refer to a number of issues also highlighted by the Irish NGOs present. These include the experiences of Roma, Gypsies and Travellers, women, refugees and asylum seekers and the importance of promoting the participation of relevant NGOs in developing appropriate responses to dealing with racism xenophobia and anti-Semitism.

Further propaganda information can be seen here, Providing Gypsy and Traveller sites: contentious spaces.

Over 60 individuals were interviewed, including Gypsies and Travellers, local authority officers from housing, education, planning and communications departments, along with representatives from police and health agencies, as well as local councillors and Gypsy/Traveller representative groups.

So nobody from England who is a natural born citizen was consulted? And 60 people, what is that, one for every million in the country? It seems this is a case of the state spending taxpayers money to provide travellers with land to live on in Britain, as is their ‘human rights’, and of the State forcing private British landowners to sell in order to provide for these immigrant populations?

Well, I think that says it all.

EU is costing Britain £106K a MINUTE

Redistribution of wealth, anyone?

Source: Daily Mail

The European Union is costing Britain a staggering £106,000 a minute, a think-tank has revealed.

As the UK teeters on the brink of what experts predict will be the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression, the Government has surrendered £55.8billion to Brussels this year.

That is equivalent to paying a whopping £900 for every man, woman and child in the country.

Cutting back on payments to the EU could fund a 6p cut in income tax, according to a hard-hitting report by the Eurosceptic Bruges Group.

Income tax should be abolished altogether but that’s another story.

They branded it a ‘scandal’ that Britain was contributing so much money to the super-state when struggling families were being forced to tighten their belts as recession looms.

UK Independent Party MEP Gerard Batten, who wrote the report for the think-tank, said: ‘As we enter what looks like the most serious economic crisis since 1929 membership of the European Union is a luxury that the British people simply cannot afford.

‘It is clear that the EU is holding up economic recovery. To get Britain out of recession, we must get Britain out of the EU.’

Robert Oulds, director of the Bruges Group, said: ‘There is a desperate need to reinvigorate the British economy by reducing the burden of taxation.

‘Slowly, all three main political parties are beginning to realise this but none have come up with a convincing plan as to how this can be done.

The report, published today, calculated that the full financial cost to Britain of being part of the EU was £55.8billion – up £400million on the previous year.

This was made up of the Treasury’s £4.7billion net contribution to Brussels, plus a £3billion handout to other EU bodies, such as the European Space Agency and the European Investment Bank.

The controversial Common Agricultural Policy costs the UK an additional £16.8billion while the Common Fisheries Policy adds up to another £3.3billion. Some of this is paid direct to the EU, whilst being part of the policies means food on our tables is more expensive.

Finally, red tape imposed by the EU has cost British business about £28billion, according to statistics calculated by the European Commission’s vice-chairman Günter Verheugen.

Remember, the EU is a socialist construction, designed to reduce the power of the stronger nations and distribute the wealth amongst the poorer nations. This is more about weakening Britain than strengthening other nations. The never-ending number of quangos are paid for by YOU, but are controlled by the EU, and their remit is to re-engineer society towards the EU’s communist ideal. It is already a functioning dictatorship, with the signing of the Lisbon Treaty (without your permission, which is required but not given) Parliament essentially became an EU proxy, nothing more. This was done to hide the EU’s actions while it consolidates more power to Brussels.

By the way, being in the EU benefits Britain how exactly?

Five year old pupils to dictate to teachers how to be taught

Lefty Marxo-lunacy. One of the rules for destroying a society is to try and turn everything upside down.

Source: Daily Mail

Children as young as five will win the legal right to tell teachers how they should be taught and disciplined for bad behaviour, it emerged today.

Pupils will be handed an unprecedented say in the running of their schools – from the uniforms they wear to the meals they eat.

But the proposed new duty on school governors to ‘invite and consider’ children’s views drew an angry backlash from teachers’ leaders who claimed it would be ‘open to abuse’.

Ministers have also been warned that schools will be vulnerable to lawsuits brought by parents who claim their children have not been properly consulted.

I see an increasing lawsuit society as a symptom of social breakdown along with the prevalence of bad regulations and process. Something that there is no end to with this bunch of tyrannical socialist pondscum.

The row erupted after the Government this week accepted an amendment to an education Bill currently progressing through Parliament.

The Liberal Democrats tabled the amendment after a Ofsted survey suggested a third of pupils do not believe they are properly listened to by their schools.

Regulations detailing what schools must ask pupils about have yet to be drawn up but ministers hinted in Parliament they would be wide-ranging.

In the House of Lords, Children’s Minister Baroness Morgan said: ‘As a minimum, schools should seek and take account of pupils’ views on policies on the delivery of the curriculum, behaviour, the uniform, school food, health and safety, equalities and sustainability, not simply on what colour to paint the walls.’

Equality and sustainability? Why does the state run the schooling system anyway? Shouldn’t it be run at a local level? Oh wait, that’s right, being a bunch of fucking slimey Marxists, they must control the thinking of the young. Next generation of slaves for the elite you see.

Ministers have already issued guidance to schools saying pupils can have a role in recruiting staff and observe lessons to give feedback on how well they believe they are being taught.

But critics complained the advice was akin to ‘the lunatics taking over the asylum’.

Yesterday Chris Keates, general secretary of the NASUWT teaching union, criticised the planned legal duty as ‘unnecessary’ and warned it would undermine teachers’ authority, driving them out of the classroom.

She said some schools were already allowing groups of pupils to stand at the back of classes observing lessons without the teacher’s agreement and to sit on interview panels for new staff.

Get the fuck out of here!

And she was aware of a recent case where a teacher had gone for a job only to find she was subjected to a ‘speed dating’-style interview, which involved spending five minutes talking to a series of pupils sitting at individual desks.

The teacher concerned had considered turning down any job offer because of the school’s ‘disrespectful’ attitude to staff.

‘The proper use of student voice can aid learning,’ said Mrs Keates. ‘We have no problem with student councils, and good teachers will always engage pupils.

‘But it’s a complete nonsense to make it a duty on schools; it will be open to abuse and is likely to lead to more bureaucracy.

‘The balance of relationships between teachers and pupils is extremely important and this shifts the balance in the wrong direction.

It’s the right direction for these socialists. Same thing is happening between the law abiding and criminals. Shifting victimhood onto criminals and criminalising the innocent. This is the main problem with centralisation. It gives a tiny group of wankers the ability to dictate to a disproportionately large group. If, for example, the state is corrupt (no shit) then it would be exceedingly easy to control the country if it is all centralised under the state. Which is the primary reason these arseholes want control of everything in the first place. This is not going to change whether you vote for the scum in blue or the scum in red, both groups are a bunch of self-serving pro-one world government puppets. There is a reason I have a ‘Libertarian Party’ badge on this blog you know…

Libertarian Party UK.

Jihadists flout UK’s hate speech laws

Jihadists flout UK’s hate speech laws

Remember remember, the 5th of November

You want to free yourself and your country from the tyranny of the current state (and the mainstream alternatives are all equally treasonous?)

Then begin NOW! Your body is your own, your life is your own. The State has no place dictating your life to you. Many of us have many plans, which are going to be put into effect sooner rather than later. I’m up for it, are you?

Source: Libertarian Blog

This book cost less than a fiver; are you prepared to spend the price of a couple of pints for your freedom?

On November 5th 1605 Guido Fawkes, ‘the only man to enter Parliament with honest intent’, sought to end the repressive rule of a King from Scotland who brought repression to the Country. The rule of the Stuarts ended on the battlefield of Naseby, with Absolutism subordinate to the rule of Law and Parliament.

The United Kingdom has now become riven with Cameras, unaccountable Local Authorities losing millions in Iceland. Who are speaking up for the people of this Country, as we are plundered as taxpayers to prop up the Banks, not the MPs that’s for sure.

We want to send a message to Parliament, we want 646 copies of ‘1984’, one to be sent to each member of Parliament – make your pledge at to send a copy to arrive on November 5th.

The Libertarian Party with the support of other organisations will ensure that each member of the Cabinet will get a copy, with an appropriate message.

If you cannot be bothered to Act stop whining and continue to be ‘taxed unto your meat and drink’

I am one of those who do not believe that a national debt is a national blessing, but rather a curse to a republic; inasmuch as it is calculated to raise around the administration a moneyed aristocracy dangerous to the liberties of the country.

— Andrew Jackson

Mass Immigration to Britain. Stop it NOW!

Nice to see the growing tide against unbridled mass immigration, like any one nation can constantly absorb such numbers. It is mathematically impossible. Literally.

Source: BBC


The government is “floundering around” on UK immigration because it believes the issue is an “electoral liability”, the shadow home secretary has said.

Where have we heard that before

Mr Woolas, who became immigration minister earlier this month, told the Times: “It’s been too easy to get into this country in the past and it’s going to get harder.

“There has to be a balance between the number of people coming in and the number of people leaving.”

Why fucking DUH. Why has it taken so many years for the blindingly obvious to be said? Fucking wankers.

Figures from the Office for National Statistics show the population grew by nearly two million to 60,975,000 people between 2001 and 2007.

Various official projections predict this to rise to 77m in 2051 or 110m in 2081.

And that’s just immigrants who actually register.

The government recently introduced a new points-based system to attract migrants from outside the EU to certain jobs.

The Home Office said the UK’s new system provided “a powerful and flexible set of controls” which allowed it to “raise or lower the bar” according to needs.

Who’s needs? Attracting people from outside the EU? How about protecting the interests of British people. It’s supposed to be the fucking reason you get paid in taxes! It’s the reason for government! Corrupt self serving socialist CUNTS! Continue reading

Treat Islam with more respect than Christianity: BBC

Source: Daily Mail


BBC director general Mark Thompson has admitted that the broadcaster has to tackle Islam differently to Christianity and is reluctant to broadcast jokes about it.

He suggested that coverage needed to consider the feelings of Muslims because they are a religious minority, and had not fully integrated in to British society.

Mr Thompson was responding to comments made by comedian Ben Elton earlier this year who accused the BBC of being too scared to joke about Islam.

He said the corporation was too concerned with political correctness to poke fun at imams but were happy to satirise vicars.

Speaking at an annual theology lecture for religious think tank Theos, Mr Thompson said: ‘My view is that there is a difference between the position of Christianity, which I believe should be central to the BBC’s religion coverage and widely respected and followed.

‘What Christian identity feels like to the broad population is a little bit different to people for whom their religion is also associated with an ethnic identity which has not been fully integrated.

‘There’s no reason why any religion should be immune from discussion, but I don’t want to say that all religions are the same. To be a minority I think puts a slightly different outlook on it.’ Continue reading


Where have I heard this before… And they will be entitled to benefits of course… Paid for by you.

Source: Daily Express

MORE than 50 million African workers are to be invited to Europe in a far-reaching secretive migration deal, the Daily Express can reveal today.

A controversial taxpayer-funded “job centre” opened in Mali this week is just the first step towards promoting “free movement of people in Africa and the EU”.

Brussels economists claim Britain and other EU states will “need” 56 million immigrant workers between them by 2050 to make up for the “demographic decline” due to falling birth rates and rising death rates across Europe.

Falling birthrates are a symptom of socialist anti-nuclear family and pro-single mother policies and extortionate levels of taxation. Note how you have NO SAY on this subject. One of the many benefits of living in a dictatorship.

The report, by the EU statistical agency Eurostat, warns that vast numbers of migrants could be needed to meet the shortfall in two years if Europe is to have a hope of funding the pension and health needs of its growing elderly population.

And the gravy train in the EU.

It states: “Countries with low fertility rates could require a significant number of immigrants over the coming dec­ades if they want to maintain the existing number of people of working age.

“Having sufficient people of working age is vital for the economy and for tax revenue.”

The report, by French MEP Francoise Castex, calls for immigrants to be given legal rights and access to social welfare provision such as benefits.

Well of fucking course they do. Everyone is encouraged to go on benefits. Good excuse to expand the nanny state, and raise taxes MORE. This of course puts more pressure on the hard working people of Britain, leaving less money in their pocket and less inclined to have children. You see the vicious circle yet? It is also known as the Dialectic. Encourage a problem, and then use the consequence of that problem to push their own agenda, which is cultural Marxism, and a war by proxy on the British taxpayer, which these socialist scum know are the strongest most patriotic demographic in the country. As is the case with any nation. Hence this following quote, from another one world dickface; Continue reading

Come to Britain and get YOUR benefits!!!

Is the name of a leaflet published by the Department for Work and Pensions. You can download it and read it here > Coming From Abroad and Claiming Your Benefits.

This is tailored specifically to immigrants. Page 4 states that the leaflet applies to ‘every country in the world’. The final page lets you know that it is available in languages like Arabic, Somali and Bengali.

Today I see an article on the Daily Mail site entitled: More than a million immigrants live in homes paid for by the taxpayer.

In the comments I’m reading about taxpayers that are denied affordable housing because the waiting lists are ‘at least 10 years’ while immigrants are pushed to the front of the queue. Another comment alludes to the fact that those figures don’t account for other types of accomodation paid through other benefits.

Which country is the Equality Commission operating in? No sign of bias in housing towards immigrants? That very issue was highlighted on Channel 4 on Monday evening.

In Bristol, which has a big social housing shortage, Channel 4 reported that 10,000 Somalis had been sent to be housed here by central government. In the last three years. Are they living on the streets? No! They were all found subsidised housing and were automatically housed by being placed at the top of a special A list of priority applicants.

Some residents in Bristol have been waiting 20 years, like my brother, but they are on the councils C list i.e. they are not prioritised. He has worked and paid taxes for 30 years in this country and had to watch as Somali families arrived in Bristol and immediately occupied pre-arranged council housing.

What say you Equality Commission?

Immigrants should not be entitled to anything from a host country without a long list of eligibility criteria, such as living here for at least 10 years, having a British grandparent, things like that.

Taxpayers are experiencing Redistribution of Wealth on a massive scale. Young British people are finding themselves with nowhere they can afford, as private rents are huge and affordable housing is taken up by immigrants and their ‘rights’ which seem to trump the rights of the taxpayer.

The criminal government recently stated that ‘immgrants are not given preferential treatment with housing’. I find that hard to believe considering millions of immigrants are, at this very second, living in such housing.

The immigration boom did not happen by accident. It was not, as my colleague Simon Heffer pointed out on Wednesday, the result of incompetence. There has been a deliberate and coldly calculated effort to transform Britain into a Labour-voting multi-cultural melting pot.

At the same time as our council housing has been handed over to immigrants over one million voters from abroad have been added to the electoral register in only two years following the introduction of the Electoral Administration Act.

New applicants do not have to provide documents proving their identity or even whether they are in the country legally. Instead, they simply fill in a two-page form and declare that the details are correct.

Britain’s sovereignty, its citizens and their rights are being systematically destroyed by a government whose allegience is their Marxist ideology and the globalist EU. How far does this have to go before people do something about it?

Sign the No to Sharia Law Petition

This is a response from the people of Britain against the barbaric religious laws of Islam. Sign the petition to let the Government know that We, The People do not want Sharia Law accepted or integrated into British law.

As John stated in a comment on the Time to kick Islam out of Britain article;

Spread this link around to EVERYONE in your contact list in your email account. Its been up 3 days and has already 1,900 signitures

Thanks for the link John.

Remember, society and everything in it, freedom lovers and tyrants, are all just different humans pursuing different ends, and it is only People that have shaped humanity. All of the tyrants and fascism scum and all of those who fought for their freedoms and the individual rights to be the masters of their own lives. All people.

Just like us.

This is Our Time in the history of the human race. There have been many Times before us and there shall be many Times for future people to shape. But this is ours.

I’m going to loosely paraphrase (and edit) the Rifleman’s Creed, mostly replacing ‘rifle’ with ‘time’ and such, mostly.

This is my Time. There are many like it but this one is mine. My Time is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I master my life. My Time, without me is useless. Without my Time, I am useless…

Lets make this Time of hours the kind of Time that future Fighters against Tyranny look back on and be inspired by!

WE must change this. Us, there are no others to do it. There can be no others because we are all that this Time has. It must be us…

Libertarian Party UK

Revealed: How immigration actually costs Britain money and could cause huge social problems

Source: Daily Mail


If there were to be a British Statue of Liberty, it should be erected at Victoria coach station in London.

For it is here that most of the tired, poor, huddled masses of Eastern Europeans have arrived seeking what Michael Howard once called the ‘British dream’.

The influx of the past ten years has been the largest in Britain’s history, changing the country for ever.

Immigrants now make up a ninth of our population, produce a fifth of our babies and fill (or create) most of our new jobs.

It’s a situation that causes concern across the board. Recently an all-party group of MPs and peers, including Frank Field, made a desperate plea for ‘balanced migration’ — meaning that immigration should be linked to the number of people leaving the country.

They also suggested an annual limit of up to 20,000 non-EU immigrants and published the results of a YouGov poll which suggests that limiting immigration would be a vote-winner for any party.

If all this immigration were the product of deliberate policy, one might indeed expect a British Statue of Liberty to be in the planning stages, as a way of commemorating how Britain, in just a few years, became almost as much of an immigrant country as the vast continent that is the United States (an eighth of its population is immigrant).

Yet the truth is that this social transformation pretty much happened by accident. Not so much a ‘British dream’, as what happened when ministers were asleep.

Nonsense. This was planned, from the Marxists in Parliament to those they illegally sold our soverignty to, the unelected EU. This was always about destroying Britain. Globalisation and pulling down everybody below the political and corporate elite. Continue reading

Far-right party claims Austria victory

Source: Telegraph


He has been linked to neo-Nazi groups, says that women in Islamic dress are “female ninjas” and wants to take Austria out of the EU. (Oh no!) But after his huge gains in yesterday’s general election, the far-right leader Heinz-Christian Strache was today bidding to become his country’s next Chancellor.

The extreme-right romped home with a record 29 per cent of the vote in Sunday’s Austrian poll, inflicting disaster on the country’s two main established parties, the Social Democrats and centre-right People’s Party, whose grand coalition government collapsed earlier this year due to infighting.

The xenophobic Freedom Party, presided over by 39-year-old Strache, won 18 percent of the far right vote with the remainder going to veteran right winger Jörg Haider’s Alliance for the Future of Austria. It was the Austrian far right’s best performance since the Second World War.

Note the aggressive language against this party from the Telegraph. Why are people voting for this party you may ask…

His bid for the equivalent of the Austrian prime minister’s job was not unrealistic. Should one of Austria’s two main parties find no other option than to form a government with the far right, Strache would be in a position to put his name forward for the post. Such an outcome would be reminiscent of 1999 when the Freedom Party, then led by Jorg Haider, joined the country’s ruling coalition. Fearing that democracy was under threat, the EU responded by invoking sanctions against Austria. Haider had praised Adolf Hitler and the Nazi SS.

Okay, not too keen on the last bit, but check out the double speak! Fearing democracy is under threat, the EU, a communist-inspired dictatorship, imposes sanctions on a sovereign country!

Strache’s record is equally controversial. He recently failed to win a court battle against a magazine which described him as having neo-Nazi contacts. There are also said to be photographs of Strache in his youth which allegedly show him attending a militant far right gathering at which uniform clad neo-Nazis brandished guns. Strache denies the allegations, but nevertheless wants to overturn laws which ban the display of the Nazi swastika.

Well, I guess Prince Harry can open up his ‘fancy dress‘ wardrobe then… Continue reading

It’s the creepy plotters who rule us we should really be scared of

The words, nail, hit and head spring to mind.

Source: Daily Mail

There is no such organisation as ‘Al Qaeda’. The spooks know this, Cabinet Ministers know this and so do the ‘security correspondents’ who so readily trot out the spooks’ point of view on our broadcasting networks.

Of course, there are terrorists, and there are also fantasists, fanatics, low-lifes and camp followers who plot and attempt horrible things. Some of them even call themselves ‘Al Qaeda’ these days because they have learned that this is a good way to scare us.

But, while they are a menace, they are not as big or as organised a menace as the Government likes to make out.

The State and the vainglorious bureaucrats of the ‘security’ services need to pretend that the terrorists are a tightly organised and terrifying threat, to make themselves look big as well – and to help them get hold of new powers to snoop on us and push us around.

Some of you may remember the rather squalid behaviour, back in the summer of 2006, by the then Home Secretary, the unrepentant ex-communist brute John Reid.

Lightly tossing aside the wise tradition that in free countries Ministers stay out of criminal justice matters, he reeled out a boastful, alarmist statement about some arrests of alleged terrorists, using words so preju-dicial that I will not reproduce them here.

When, two years later, a jury was unconvinced by many of the claims made by the authorities in this case, the same nastiness re-emerged in a different way. Continue reading

‘Have more babies and Muslims can take over the UK’ says Muslim, in the UK

Note, what this preacher says is perfectly in line with true Islam.

Source: Daily Mail

Muslim hate fanatics plan to take over Britain by having more babies and forcing a population explosion, it has been revealed.

The swollen Muslim population would be enough to conquer Britain from inside, they claim.

Fanatics told a meeting of young Muslims on the anniversary of the 9/11 atrocity, that it would then be easy to impose Sharia law on the population, the Sun newspaper reported.

Speaking at a meeting in London, Anjem Choudarry, right-hand man of exiled preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed, said: “It may be by pure conversion that Britain will become an Islamic state. We may never need to conquer it from the outside.”

He added: “We do not integrate into Christianity. We will ensure that one day you will integrate into the Sharia Islamic law.”

His comments were made as voice of hate Bakri warned that the next 9/11 would take place in the UK.

Speaking via video link the exiled cleric said Osama bin Laden had taught the Americans a ‘lesson’ seven years ago, but the ‘crusaders’ had not learned.

He said the next ‘9/11 will take place in Britain, the next 7/7 [London bombings] could take place locally’.

Bakri told a 100-strong audience of supporters in Walthamstow, east London this week that he believed the British government was trying to assassinate him and claimed to have foiled a bomb plot.

Technical difficulties meant much of his speech was inaudible, but his appearance was greeted by cheers of ‘faith’ and ‘god is great’ at the community centre. Continue reading

Top Saudi Judge: OK to kill broadcasters of ‘immoral’ TV

Religion of Peace strikes again. Two things to think about. First, who defines morality? In an Islamic state, that is the Koran, one of the most barbaric, backwards, violent ideologies I have ever studied. I mean seriously, what sort of sick bastards believe women should be stoned to death for the crime of being raped? (Under Sharia Law, that is still classed as adultery you see).

Secondly, it is Saudi Arabia funding all of these Islamic mosques in Britain, pushing their primitive fascist filth on this democracy. Where are the spineless liberals now eh…

Source: BBC

The most senior judge in Saudi Arabia has said it is permissible to kill the owners of satellite TV channels which broadcast immoral programmes.

Sheikh Salih Ibn al-Luhaydan said some “evil” entertainment programmes aired by the channels promoted debauchery.

Dozens of satellite television channels broadcast across the Middle East, where they are watched by millions of Arabs every day.

The judge made the comments on a state radio programme.

He was speaking in response to a listener who asked his opinion on the airing of programmes featuring scantily-dressed women during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

“There is no doubt that these programmes are a great evil, and the owners of these channels are as guilty as those who watch them,” said the sheikh.

“It is legitimate to kill those who call for corruption if their evil can not be stopped by other penalties.” Continue reading

MPs too scared to talk about forced marriage ‘in case they lose Muslim votes’

Who is your daddy. Pathetic behaviour of politicians, scrambling for votes. All that interests these traitors is being re-elected.

Source: Telegraph


Ann Cryer said politicians in areas with high Muslim populations, many of which are Labour heartlands, should be at the forefront of the campaign to stop young couples being made to wed against their will by their families.

But she claimed that some politicians are afraid to speak out on the issue in case they alienate Muslim voters. The forced marriage unit at the Foreign Office deals with an estimated 300 cases every year, most of them involving teenage girls from Pakistani or Bangladeshi families.

Mrs Cryer, who is stepping down as MP for Keighley in West Yorkshire at the next general election, added that local Muslim leaders are not doing enough to encourage integration and accused them of trying to keep immigrants who move to Britain “in the backwoods”.

It comes just days after Gordon Brown praised her “brave” campaign against forced marriage, and said her understanding of her constituency was “second to none”.

Mrs Cryer, 68, said: “There still is a nervousness to talk about this, especially those MPs in constituencies affected by these issues.

“They should be fighting on the front line, but they are the ones keeping quiet on the issue because they don’t want to lose votes.

Regents Park mosque found still preaching hate against Britain

I guess it is another one of those endless ‘isolated incidents’ all done by the followers of the same religion/ fascist ideology.

From the Daily Mail;

The Saudi Arabian preachers were secretly filmed ordering women to murder gays and ex-Muslims.

Undercover reporters from Channel 4’s Dispatches recorded the lectures in the women’s section of Regent’s Park Mosque in London.

An unnamed Saudi woman is seen mocking other religions – labelling Christianity ‘vile’ and an ‘abomination’. Another, known as ‘Angelique’, claims Britain is a ‘land of evil’.

Christians are disbelievers for believing in the divinity of Christ. 5:17
Have no unbelieving friends. Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them. 4:89
‘Only Muslims are Innocent’ says Muslim on BBC
– Video

The investigators attended lectures for two months at the mosque, which had promised a clean-up after another Dispatches probe just 18 months ago exposed it for spreading extreme Islamic views.

What does ‘extreme’ views mean anyway? Why would a religion of peace(tm) have ‘extreme’ views? These commands are all written in the Koran and last time I checked, they were not under a specific chapter or Sura called ‘Extreme Views’. If it has such views then it obviously is not a religion of peace. Which it isn’t.

During one sermon, a woman called Um Amira says: ‘He is Muslim, and he gets out of Islam…what are we going to do? We kill him, kill, kill.’ Continue reading